Hair after chemotherapy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Hair after chemotherapy - what are the consequences for them such serious medical intervention in the mechanisms of the functioning of the body as carrying out a course of therapy with the use of potent chemicals, and how can they preserve their healthy natural appearance? This issue is relevant for a large number of women who are shown chemotherapy treatment in connection with this or that cancer.
Hair loss is one of the inevitable consequences of such treatment, however, after the termination of the course, the functions of the hair follicle gradually return to normal and hair growth resumes.
As a rule, recovery processes begin to intensify already after a few weeks after the completion of chemotherapy. At the same time, hair can differ in its structure. So, if before they were straight, now they can curl or become wavy. Hair after chemotherapy is restored within half a year, during this time period there is a restoration of their natural texture.
Very important is also the positive psychological mood of a woman. Many to accept loss of hair as a reality do a short haircut or completely shave their head even before chemotherapy.
At what chemotherapy do hair fall out?
According to medical experts in the field of oncology, not all drugs used in chemotherapy have a harmful effect on the hair, which leads to their loss. To understand what leads to hair loss, we will consider, at what chemotherapy hair drop out?
Drugs designed to actively counteract the progress of tumor growth can cause either complete or partial hair loss.
The drug Cytoxane or cyclophosphamide, used during chemotherapy courses in the treatment of breast cancer leads to the fact that the hair is thinned, and there is alopecia.
The consequences of the use of the drug Adriamycin (doxorubicin), shown for the treatment of breast cancer and many internal organs, during the first 3 weeks of the course are manifested in the thinning of the hair, and subsequently - in their complete loss.
Due to chemotherapy with the use of pacletacceol, also known as Taxol, hair can fall out unexpectedly and all at once. That is, there is a chance to wake up one morning and find yourself completely bald.
At the same time, the current level of development of medicinal chemical agents presupposes the presence of drugs that have a strictly targeted effect on cells affected by pathological processes. Their use in chemotherapy almost completely eliminates the problem of hair loss from the list of side effects associated with such treatment.
In order to understand, with what chemotherapy hair falls, you should first of all understand the mechanisms of action of chemotherapy drugs. These are mainly active substances with cytostatic properties, which means their ability to slow or stop cell division processes.
Their action is directed to cells in a state of active division and multiplication. Since hair follicle cells possess such properties, they also undergo the effect of stopping the cell division produced by chemical preparations. As a consequence, there is an allopecia.
To assess the degree of probability of hair loss during chemotherapy, the following criteria are relevant: the age of the patient, the dosage and specific features of the drugs used, the number of prescribed therapeutic courses, and what the type of hair of the patient is.
Hair loss with chemotherapy
Hair loss in chemotherapy is due to the use for this treatment of chemical drugs, which in most cases belong to the group of cytostatics and their effect is that they cause a stopping of the processes of cell division. In the first stage, their action is directed to the most actively dividing cells. And since the hair follicles from which the growth of hair stalks occur are distinguished by the high activity of cell division, so one of the first is exposed to the harmful effects of chemotherapy, and as a result, a side effect such as hair loss occurs.
Hair begins to fall after 2-3 weeks after the start of the treatment course. Based on the individual characteristics of the organism, these terms may be earlier or, conversely, later.
As a rule, hair loss during chemotherapy does not carry a direct threat to health. The negative aspect of this phenomenon is mainly only in the appearance of the psychological factor of the woman's anxiety about the condition of her hair. After all, as is known, women's hair is an important component of women's beauty and attractiveness. In some cases, the degree of anxiety can be so high that such a risk of remaining without a hairstyle causes patients to refuse such chemotherapeutic treatment.
Hair loss after chemotherapy
Hair loss after chemotherapy is one of the most common and common effects of the use of chemicals. Often oncologists inform patients of the high likelihood of this side effect as a result of such treatment.
Hair falls out not immediately after the first course, intensive fallout mainly begins to occur during the second chemotherapy course. The structure of the hair is substantially thinner, and there is also an increase in their sensitivity. The processes of hair loss occur throughout the body, they involve the head and face, arms, legs, underarms and groin.
To hair loss leads to defeat along with the centers of malignant neoplasms as well as healthy tissues, including hair follicles. There is an inhibition of growth and hair supply worsens.
Hair loss after chemotherapy differs from the same side effect that arises from x-ray treatment in that in the latter case only the regions directly exposed to radiation are exposed to a negative effect. In therapeutic treatment with chemical drugs, the consequences are manifested throughout the body.
When do hair fall out after chemotherapy?
Many of those who are shown treatment with the use of medical chemicals, are wondering when hair falls out after chemotherapy?
It is impossible to unequivocally and with full confidence to assert for which the hair will begin to fall out from the beginning of the course of this course of treatment. The processes occurring in the body, including those that affect the functioning of the hair follicle, depend on the action of specific drugs used in chemotherapy. A significant factor is also the individual characteristics of the organism.
In some patients, alopecia appears already from the very beginning of the first chemotherapeutic procedures. And in others, hair loss can progress with a lesser degree of severity and be limited to partial loss of hair and only focal. There are cases when patients managed to partially preserve their hair.
And yet, to completely avoid such side effects when hair fall out after chemotherapy is not possible. According to statistical data, complete baldness, one way or another, occurs at the 3rd or 4th week of the treatment course.
Far from being the last one, the factor of the patient's psychological attitude in connection with the problem of hair loss is also significant. In order to maintain a healthy and optimistic disposition of the mind, it is necessary to make sure that this phenomenon is temporary and, after some time, the hair growth processes are normalized.
When will the hair grow after chemotherapy?
This issue is topical for women in particular, because spectacular curvy locks are an integral part of beauty and attractiveness of every fair sex.
The processes of normalizing hair growth mainly occur in the period from 3 months to 6 months after the end of the last course of treatment. During this time, the hair covering is restored to a sufficient extent, so that the consequences of such a side effect cease to be too obvious.
In order to accelerate the restoration of healthy growth of hair, you can use the appropriate drugs, or alternatives medicine. To a certain extent, reducing the amount of hair loss and stimulating active growth of new ones can help the use of specialized mineral-vitamin complexes. Here you should pay attention to such a nuance as the fact that they can be included in the list of contraindications in oncology. Therefore, about the appropriateness and effectiveness of the use of which it is necessary to consult the attending physician.
Accelerate the approach of that time when the hair grows after chemotherapy procedures are available to activate the flow of blood to the scalp. Such action is exerted by burning substances, for example, contained in red pepper and its tincture of capsicine.
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Hair restoration after chemotherapy
Hair restoration after chemotherapy is largely dependent on the quality of the blood supply to the scalp. The inflow of blood to the hair follicles, which in turn stimulates the processes of active hair growth, occurs due to the action of warming masks, which contain hot pepper in combination with the corresponding medicinal herbs.
To achieve a warming effect is also possible with the use of a mask of fresh onions. It is prepared according to the following recipe. Mix the juice of the 1st bulb, olive oil (alternatively - castor or burdock) in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons, with a bottle of vitamin D3 in the form of a solution in oil and a 1 tablespoon of shampoo. The resulting composition is applied to the hair and covered with a polyethylene film. After 3-4 hours, rinse and rinse with water and add the juice of the 1st lemon.
A good warming effect produces a massage, starting with the frontal and temporal lobes and transient to the occipital region. Here, however, it should be noted that the expediency of such a massage is justified only with complete hair loss. In the cases
Focal alopecia such a massage effect on the scalp can cause loss of those hair that survived after the end of chemotherapy treatment.
Hair restoration after chemotherapy is better due to the creation of a medium rich in vitamins and minerals. Intensive vitamin saturation of the scalp provides all sorts of vegetable oils, such as grape, nettle, olive, burdock. For greater efficiency, their use in combination with essential oils of jasmine, ylang ylang and rose is recommended. It should pay attention to the fact that essential oils can cause allergic reactions, so before using them, it is absolutely superfluous to conduct an allergy test.
Strengthening of hair after chemotherapy
Proper hair care is of great importance during chemotherapy and during the subsequent recovery period.
Do any procedures aimed at strengthening hair after chemotherapy is meaningful no sooner than after the completion of all treatment courses. Since the continuing harmful effects of chemotherapy on hair follicles will nullify all the recovery processes that begin in them. The most appropriate and acceptable measure before the end of chemotherapy treatment is careful treatment of the scalp, the use of moisturizing creams and protection of hair from direct sunlight and other unfavorable environmental factors by means of a cotton cloth scarf.
During the stay in the room it is recommended to wear a tightly tied tape or a swimming rubber cap.
In that time period, in which the hair restoration takes place, it is necessary to protect them as much as possible from any influences that can lead to weakening or cause their damage. Do not dry hair with a hairdryer, or make hot hair styling. To wash the head you need to use only warm water, and shampoo to pick up the maximum possible soft action.
Strengthening of hair after chemotherapy is due to the adoption of decoctions of flaxseed, oats, dogrose, barley, etc. Beneficial effect is the use of rinsers based on herbal components, and in addition - masks of nettles, chamomile, horsetail, celandine, and mask of tincture propolis.
Masks for hair after chemotherapy
Masks for hair after chemotherapy are used as a strengthening agent and as a way to stimulate and accelerate hair growth. There is a great variety of all kinds of recipes oriented to care, stimulation of growth and maintenance of hair health. Let's consider some of them.
So in the case of a significant loss of hair, it is advisable to use a mask with the following components.
One spoon (hereinafter - tea or table, respectively, depending on how thick the hair) onion juice in combination with the same amount of castor oil, tinctures of calendula and hot peppers are mixed with one egg yolk. In the received structure on one spoon of honey and cognac is added.
An important note to this recipe is that it is necessary to use exclusively onion juice, rather than its crushed pulp, in order to avoid the appearance of a characteristic odor in hair.
The mask is applied to the head and a hat is put on. The duration of the procedure is one hour.
The activation of the processes of healthy hair growth can be promoted by a mask with tea brewing. This recipe provides nutrition to the hair bulbs and stimulates blood flow to the scalp. In addition, there is optimization of skin fat and acid-base balance.
To use this mask for hair after chemotherapy, 250 g of tea leaves of black tea is poured with half a bottle of vodka and infused for 2 hours. After filtering, the used brewing is discarded, and the resulting composition is rubbed into the skin and the head is wrapped with a cellophane film for one hour. At the end of this time, everything should be washed off with water and shampoo.
How to grow hair after chemotherapy?
When the last course of chemotherapy treatment comes to an end, the question of how to grow hair after chemotherapy becomes more urgent.
During the recovery period, special moisturizers are recommended. Rubbed into the scalp, they help to reduce discomfort and eliminate the unpleasant sensations of itching.
One of these means for rubbing is a water solution with Minoxidil. As a result of its application, more active hair growth occurs, and the processes causing their loss, reduce their intensity.
To prevent hair loss, the practice of cooling the scalp with ice or using special cooling gels is known. Due to a decrease in temperature, the hair follicles contract in size, which during chemotherapy prevents the ingestion of substances that may have a negative effect.
A positive moment in connection with how to grow hair after chemotherapy is minimizing, up to their complete elimination, all kinds of adverse effects. It is advisable for some time to abandon the dyeing of hair and their chemical curling. It is also not recommended to use thermal devices for styling. Wash your hair only when it is dirty, with a shampoo that has a mild effect.
More information of the treatment
Hair coloring after chemotherapy
Very urgent for women undergoing treatment with the use of chemical drugs, accompanied by such a side effect as hair loss is the problem of their recovery. One of the factors of female beauty and attractiveness is the hair color and the possibility of their staining.
Hair coloring after chemotherapy can be started after half a year from the end of the last course of treatment. It is not recommended to subject the hair to this effect at an earlier time because the coloring as well as the curl can weaken the immunity and increase the vulnerability of the hair to unfavorable environmental factors. As a consequence, even an increase in the intensity of the fallout is possible, which can provoke the appearance of focal alopecia.
In the event that chemotherapy was preceded by staining or a chemical wave was applied, the structure of the hair becomes more delicate and brittle.
Hair coloring after chemotherapy requires close attention in choosing the appropriate paint for use. Optimal option is paint without the content of carcinogens, if possible - in the production of which only components of natural origin were used.