Exudative diathesis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Little children often suffer from inflammatory diseases on the skin. One of the most common is exudative diathesis. The second name is atopic dermatitis. This disease is chronic and is transmitted mainly by inheritance. However, there are certain allergens capable of causing an attack of the disease at any age, even in an adult.
ICD-10 code
The international classification of diseases refers to diathesis of this type to dermatitis and eczema. As mentioned above, the second name of the disease is atopic dermatitis. According to the code for microbial 10, this disease can be found under the number L20-L30. This category includes dermatological problems. In particular, dermatitis and eczema.
L20-L30 Dermatitis and eczema.
- L20 Atopic dermatitis.
- L21 Seborrheic dermatitis.
- L22 Diaper dermatitis.
- L23 Allergic contact dermatitis.
- L24 Simple irritant and contact dermatitis.
- L25 Contact dermatitis, unspecified.
- L26 Exfoliative dermatitis.
- L27 Dermatitis due to substances taken internally.
- L28 Simple chronic lichen and prurigo.
- L29 Itching.
- L30 Other dermatitis.
As can be seen from the above information, there are not so many types of dermatological diseases. The most common of these is directly exudative diathesis.
Causes of exudative diathesis
Pediatricians note that the disease develops due to the impossibility of the child's organism, will adapt to the conditions of the external environment. The causes of exudative diathesis lie in the negative effects of some allergens. They can irritate the mucous membranes and lead to rashes.
Children suffering from diathesis tend to be allergic. They are affected not only by diseases of this type, but also by infections, together with respiratory diseases. Resistance of the body is too low, in such conditions the stimulus unfolds its destructive activity.
The propensity to diathesis originates from genetics. Genetic factor is the most common cause of atopic dermatitis. The probability of inheriting such a "treasure" increases if diathesis is not only sick parents, but also close relatives.
Some products are capable of provoking an attack of rash. Among the main allergens include: chocolate and citrus fruits. Often this happens with the introduction of complementary foods. The first meeting with an allergen can occur in the womb. But this is possible if the woman used a certain product in increased quantities.
Often exudative diathesis is considered to be a number of psychosomatic disorders. Itching, irritability and anxious sleep are the main symptoms of psychosomatic pathology. When assessing a person's condition, special attention is paid to the severity of the symptoms. At the heart of the pathogenesis is the hereditary conditioned dysfunction of the immune system. The hypothensitivity of the first type plays the main role in this process.
In people with exudative diathesis, a certain imbalance of Th1 and Th2 cells predominates, with a predominance of the Th2 response. Obesity of cells is elevated, basophils are enough. All this provokes the development of inflammation and increased activity of Langerhans cells to the presentation of the allergen. A characteristic feature of the disease is the excessive serum IgE content.
The produced antibodies can lead to degranulation of mast cells and stimulate macrophages. Do not exclude the possibility of release of biologically active substances. An important role in pathogenesis is played by severe disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system. It is proved that its effect on the process is due to the symmetrical arrangement of skin lesions.
Symptoms of exudative diathesis
The first symptoms can manifest themselves after getting into the food protein milk. Similar properties are available: citrus fruits, strawberries, oatmeal and even eggs. The main symptom of exudative diathesis is the appearance of redness on the skin. In places of damage, the skin becomes dry and peeled. Relief of symptoms occurs in the cold. It is enough to go out on the street, as the main signs will disappear on their own. However, upon return to their home conditions, they will pester the child with the same strength.
In people with diathesis, unpleasant symptoms begin to manifest themselves from an early age. Kids constantly suffer from diaper rash, on the scalp is a milk crust or scales, inside which is the secret of the sebaceous glands. There may be a variety of rashes, accompanied by severe itching.
Babies susceptible to diathesis are more likely to get sick with rhinitis, ARVI and conjunctivitis. And everything passes in a protracted form. It is possible to develop a false croup, a manifestation of problems with a stool. When the baby turns 2 years old, the symptomatology will begin to manifest itself, not so pronounced. However, in some cases, a smooth flow of diathesis into allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma is recorded.
First signs
Symptomatic of exudative diathesis is characterized by its diversity. Defeat is able to cover the skin and mucous membranes. The first signs manifest themselves immediately after birth. The disease is wavy. At the same time there is sluggishness in children, the presence of excess weight, pallor of the skin. Sometimes, on the contrary, the toddlers are too thin, restless, and the skin is easily traumatized. There are problems with the stool, for no reason can the body temperature rise.
The first symptoms are rashes on the skin. This can be seborrhea, characterized by education in the fontanel, crown and eyebrows. It is not excluded dairy scab. This condition is characterized by reddening of cheeks in the form of blush. On top of it are visible white scales. Skin is rough.
Strofululus. On the skin there may be a rash that visually resembles small nodules. It is accompanied by a strong itch.
Children's eczema. When combing the rashes in the wound can be infectious. As a result, there are wetting wounds and pustules. Less often this condition is characterized by excessive dryness and abundant ecdysis.
Exudative-catarrhal diathesis
This is a peculiar state of the organism, for which the appearance of infiltrative-desquamative processes on skin integuments and mucous membranes is characteristic. This type of disease is called exudative-catarrhal diathesis. It occurs mainly in children. The disease is diagnosed in 60% of cases. Most often, the symptomatology disappears on its own, and by the second and third years no manifestation of the disease has been documented. However, in 20% of cases there is a risk of diathesis transition to allergic diseases.
The first months of the baby's life can be accompanied by permanent rashes. And they have different character and severity. In general, there are seborrheic crusts on the head, intertrigo in the buttocks and dairy scabs. In a more advanced age, various kinds of eruptions are recorded. For children with diathesis, excessive body weight is characteristic. And the lack of weight can be sharply replaced by its overabundance. The lymph nodes are enlarged, the stool is frequent or unstable. The child is susceptible to acute respiratory diseases, rhinitis, otitis and bronchitis.
The course of the disease is varied. Most often it is undulating. The calm is replaced by focal rashes. Influence on this can be certain allergens, in particular vaccination, food and neuropsychological stresses.
Exudative diathesis in children
Some children have a peculiar condition of the skin. It is characterized by increased irritability when certain allergens are affected. This condition is more often fixed in children and is called exudative diathesis. In 80% of all cases, its development is provoked by genetic factors. If in a family someone suffered from diathesis and among relatives, the incidence rate is high - the likelihood of the disease appearing in the baby remains.
The main feature of diathesis is its inconstancy. He can manifest himself in different ways and appear wavy. More common diathesis in children in the first months of life. Over time, the problem is self-destructive. Do not rule out the possibility of diathesis transition to an allergic disease.
When the disease manifests itself, it is important to properly feed the baby and observe the basic rules of hygiene. It is impossible to cure diathesis once and for all. The state can only be maintained.
Exudative-catarrhal diathesis in children
This condition is characterized by increased vulnerability of the skin and mucous membranes. Most exudative-catarrhal diathesis is recorded in children under 2-3 years old. After this, the process disappears completely or flows into a complicated form. The disease can occur in both latent and explicit varieties. To manifest oneself from birth.
You can not relate this state to the disease. Yes, it is often called this word. However, diathesis is simply a predisposition to the disease. In most cases, it is transmitted by inheritance. Very seldom it is influenced by certain stimuli.
For the onset of diathesis, one hereditary factor is small. This condition can develop with the sensitization of the body and the presence of a certain allergen. Affect this may be negative factors in the womb. Abuse of any product lays the baby's allergic reaction to it.
The first manifestations of the condition are fixed on the 3-5th month of life. The kid suffers from diaper rash, his cheeks are reddish, and the skin covers are scaly. There may appear pustules and wet wounds. All this is accompanied by severe itching. When scratching the wound, there is a risk of infection in them.
Exudative diathesis in adults
In the clinical picture of the disease is hyperemia. Affect the rash is capable of morphological elements of the rash. Exudative diathesis in adults is accompanied by severe itching, dry skin and severe peeling. Characteristic of a generalized lesion. Very rarely rashes are localized on the face and other restricted areas. This is a feature of the manifestation of diathesis in adults.
The main symptoms can develop after the body gets a certain stimulus. This includes certain food additives and food. It can be berries, eggs, fish, nuts, citrus fruits and seafood.
Among the aerosol allergens are: pollen of the plant, household dust and animal hair. Exudative diathesis occurs in the case of allergic dermatitis. Rhinitis is added to the general symptomatology. The general condition of a person is unsatisfactory. It causes severe itching, lachrymation and photophobia.
Usually the disease passes by itself and does not entail serious complications. Eliminate diathesis is impossible. The condition of the child and adult is constantly needed to maintain. Avoid contact with allergens. In the case of diathesis, observe a certain diet and medication. Predict the consequences of this state is difficult.
In many cases, diathesis disappears without a trace. It can manifest itself at a more mature age, however this process provokes excessive contact with the allergen. In particular, it can be the use of a prohibited product in large quantities. In most cases, the re-manifestation of diathesis is not fixed.
Sometimes this process is replaced by asthma or allergic rhinitis. With age, a child may be affected by various rashes. It is enough to support this condition and correctly eliminate focal lesions.
Exudative diathesis can not lead to serious consequences. The disease disappears by the third or third years. There are cases when the disease pierces a person throughout his life. There is nothing wrong with this, there are no fatal complications. The patient will have to maintain his own condition throughout his life. It is enough to avoid contact with potential allergens and in time to suppress seizures.
If the diathesis passed independently and after 3 years of life did not manifest itself, you need not worry about this. This state has receded, and will not be pestered. Sometimes diathesis flows into the form of allergic rhinitis or bronchitis. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations.
Diathesis is not a dangerous disease. If the basic rules are observed, no complications can arise.
Diagnosis of exudative diathesis
Diagnostic methods can identify the cause of the disease and prescribe a quality treatment. Diagnosis of exudative diathesis consists in the collection of basic data about the patient. It is necessary to make a specific allergic diagnosis, physical examination and collection of an allergic history. In addition to this, a general blood test is performed. This will identify the main allergen and begin to eliminate it.
The history of anamnesis has its own characteristics. In this case, the doctor should pay attention to the family predisposition to allergic reactions, to monitor the baby's nutrition. A special role in the detection of an allergen is played by the food that my mother used during the period of bearing the child. In addition, attention is drawn to the specifics of the work of parents. Perhaps they deal with perfume, chemistry or the food industry. A correlation is made between the food used and the appearance of skin rashes.
Perhaps, as an allergen is the pollen of plants, diseases of the digestive tract, certain conditions in the apartment and so on. From this point of view, it is not easy to determine the allergen. Therefore, this issue should be handled by an experienced specialist.
After a meticulous collection of anamnesis, the etiology of the disease and the most likely allergen are specified. Then a physical examination is performed. The doctor assess the condition of the baby, his skin, the location of the rash and the prevalence of lesions.
To assess the allergic status and identify the main reason for the development of the condition, resort to additional research. In the absence of exacerbation, a skin test is performed with a prick test. This analysis shows the susceptibility to the effects of an allergen.
In the period of exacerbation or with severe diathesis, laboratory methods are used. They allow to determine the quantitative content of total IgE and specific IgE in serum.
To conduct provocative tests in children can only specialists. This is done with special indications for severe systemic reactions. Another method of diagnosis is an elimination-provocation diet. To determine pathology, analyzes are supplemented with functional and instrumental studies. They are selected in an individual form, depending on the patient's condition.
Instrumental diagnostics
With exudative diathesis, these survey methods are not used. Instrumental diagnosis is appropriate in other forms of the disease. If the allergen can not be determined by all standard methods, resort to additional research.
It is possible to conduct an ultrasound of the thymus gland. Lymphatic nodes lend themselves to a detailed examination. It is often necessary to examine the liver, spleen and adrenal glands. Ultrasonic methods allow to reveal possible deviations in these organs. However, these procedures are appropriate for lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis. Exudative form of this does not require. In some cases, chest radiographs are used to obtain a more accurate picture.
In the case of exudative diathesis, it is enough to take a test for the allergen, collect a complete history and study the blood.
Differential diagnostics
Carrying out this technique makes it possible to distinguish diathesis from diseases with similar symptoms. Differential diagnosis is used when it is necessary to distinguish the disease from contact and seborrheic dermatitis, scabies, microbial eczema, pink lichen and immunodeficiency diseases.
To this end, special tests are made for allergens. It is necessary to identify the main causative agent of the condition. This will eliminate several possible variants of the disease. In order to assess the allergic status and identify the main reason, resort to the help of prick-test. It involves the puncture of the skin and the placement in this place of the suspected allergen.
If acute or severe conditions use laboratory methods. Their main function is to determine the quantitative content of total IgE and specific IgE in serum. Tests are conducted only under the supervision of the attending physician.
Who to contact?
Treatment of exudative diathesis
The first step is to find out what the child has developed a persistent allergic reaction. There are three main ways of penetrating the allergen into the body. It can get through food, skin and respiratory tract. In this case, the treatment of exudative diathesis varies depending on the main allergen.
- Contact path. Baby clothes should not contain synthetics. This takes into account the country of origin and the place of purchase. You can not wear cheap clothes. Different dyes and materials can lead to the development of diathesis. A special role is played by the care of clothes. It is necessary to use special natural powders designed for children. Microbes from clothes can be destroyed only under the influence of high temperatures. If, after changing clothes and proper care for her, the state of the baby has not improved, then the reason lies not in this.
- Respiratory route. To lead to diathesis can be insects, dry food for fish, dust, wool of domestic animals. In this case, you should try to exclude these allergens. If the condition has not improved, the reason is clearly not the case.
After an independent attempt to determine the allergen, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will prescribe medication based on the obtained data and special laboratory tests.
Preparations of the first generation will help to eliminate an unpleasant itch. Among them are Tavegil, Suprastin and Dimedrol. To eliminate the inflammatory process resorted to using drugs such as: Aspirin or Salicylate Sodium.
A sufficient amount of vitamins will help get rid of diathesis. Replenish their amount can be through drugs: Thiamin, Riboflavin and ascorbic acid.
- Tavegil. The medication is administered internally while eating one tablet in the morning and in the evening. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the child. You can not use medicines during lactation and children up to one year. Can lead to development: nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions from the body.
- Suprastin. The drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The initial dosage is 20-40 mg. The number of administrations is determined by the attending physician, including the duration of therapy. Apply the solution is not possible with glaucoma and at the age of up to one month. Can lead to the development of disorders from the central nervous system.
- Dimedrol. The drug is applied inward to 30-50 mg, up to 3 times a day. Duration of therapy can be 15 days. Use the drug is not necessary with hypersensitivity, glaucoma and bronchial asthma. May cause general weakness, fatigue and irritability.
- Aspirin. The drug is used with extreme caution. The daily dose does not exceed 1-4 tablets per day, depending on the patient's condition. You can not use the medication during the period of bearing the child, with hypersensitivity and at the age of 4 years. May cause allergic and intestinal disorders.
- Salicylate Sodium. The drug is applied after meals, 0.5-1 mg 3-6 times a day. Use it is not possible with hypersensitivity. Perhaps the development of allergic reactions.
- Thiamine. The drug is applied after meals at a dosage of 10 mg at a time. In a day you can use it up to 5 times. The use is categorically prohibited when hypersensitivity to the drug. May cause allergic reactions.
- Riboflavin. Applied to 0,005-0,01 grams per day. Duration of therapy is prescribed by a doctor. Do not use if hypersensitivity. May lead to the development of adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.
- Ascorbic acid. It is used on one piece 3-5 times a day. It does not apply if a person is allergic to vitamin C. May cause oppression of the insulin apparatus.
Alternative treatment of exudative diathesis
Alternative methods are famous for their rich and effective recipes. However, it is not recommended to use them without the knowledge of the attending physician. Alternative treatment is aimed at suppressing the main symptoms of diathesis.
- Recipe number 1. For cooking it is necessary to take one part of fir oil and baby cream. The latter ingredient can be replaced with olive oil with the addition of vitamin C. The components obtained are mixed together and applied to the affected skin areas. The procedure is performed until the main symptoms disappear.
- Recipe number 2. An effective agent can be prepared on the basis of fir and serous ointments. You should take 3 parts of the main components and add 4 parts of the baby cream. All ingredients are mixed together and applied to the skin.
- Recipe number 3. Therapeutic baths help to quickly and qualitatively get rid of diathesis. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees, 500 grams of bark of oak is added to it. Then for 15-20 minutes in the bath it is necessary to lower the child. The effect is really amazing.
Herbal Treatment
Diathesis can be eliminated with the help of special medicinal plants. Treatment based on herbs showed its effectiveness and safety. Not in vain in ancient times, most people were treated due to the medicinal properties of certain plants.
- Recipe number 1. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of the turn and pour them 500 ml of boiling water. The resulting infusion should be left for 12 hours. Then everything is filtered and used 100 grams three times a day. This infusion can be used as a bath.
- Recipe number 2. For cooking, you need to take 5 grams of gentian grass, rhizome elecampane and yarrow. All the ingredients are mixed together and poured into 500 ml of water. The agent should be boiled for 10 minutes and insist for about half an hour. One decoction of broth is allowed 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is 1-2 months.
- Recipe number 3. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of rhizome rootstocks with 500 ml of liquid. It is important that the plant is in a dry and shredded form. Boil the product for 15 minutes, then let stand for 2 hours and drain. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day, before eating.
Homeopathic preparations allow to struggle only with the basic displays of a diathesis. They are not able to eliminate it completely. This process depends on the protective features of the body, contact with the allergen and the psychological situation in the family. Homeopathy is not able to fight a certain disease. Its action is aimed at improving the body as a whole.
To eliminate diathesis, they often resort to the help of such drugs as: Calcium carbonate, Calcium phosphate, Calcium silicate, Sulfur, Silica and Plune Bulaviform. This is not all homeopathic medicines. Their main action is the recovery of the whole organism.
In childhood, you can use homeopathy after consulting a pediatrician. Due to the fact that these drugs have not been tested, their effect on the baby's body can be extremely negative. Self-risk is not worth it.
Operative treatment
This disease is not eliminated by surgery. In most cases, it runs quietly and by the 3 rd year it completely passes. Operative treatment in this case is not advisable. And, as a matter of fact, to delete at an exudative diathesis there is nothing. The disease is characterized by eruptions that occur when contact with an allergen. It is enough to reveal the main cause of the disease.
The question concerning treatment should be decided by the doctor. However, parents can independently conduct tests for the allergen. If you can not find it, the specialist does it. It is usually enough to exclude contact with the allergen and undergo a course of treatment. In this case, the disease either recedes or eventually changes into the chronic form of rhinitis. Operative treatment in this case is also not shown.
To date, exudative diathesis is eliminated only through medical treatment. Because there is no need for surgical intervention.
Primary preventive measures are to prevent the possible development of diathesis. This issue is particularly acute in families affected by this disease. This indicates that the child has a high probability of developing diathesis. Therefore, during the period of carrying out the child and feeding him by the breast, special nutrition should be observed. It is important not to abuse the same product. This is a primary prevention, there are secondary measures.
If the disease does develop, it is necessary to correctly prevent the processes of exacerbation. It should be excluded from contact with those allergens that can cause a diathesis attack. It can be a certain food, communication with animals, emotional situation in the team or at home. You can resort to vaccination. However, it is not carried out during the period of exacerbation.
If the child has a tendency to diathesis in time and to start preventive measures, it is quite possible to get rid of the disease. Control over the disease can completely eliminate acute attacks.
According to fixed data, recovery is observed in almost 30% of all cases. Of course, the remaining 70% are forced to suffer from diathesis throughout their lives. However, even in this case the forecast is positive. This is not a fatal condition. It is enough simply to exclude contact with the main allergen and adhere to certain food during periods of exacerbation.
An unfavorable prognosis is possible if the disease occurs along with bronchial asthma, or is due to its presence. In particular, if the illness was fixed both at the parents of the child, and the next of kin. An unfavorable prognosis is also observed if exudative dermatitis is combined with vulgar ichthyosis or persistent infection.
A special imprint leaves an unstable situation in the family, the presence of constant psychological pressure. This can be recorded in the children's team. A small influence on the prediction is having faith in one's own strength and recovery.