Eating after eating
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The eructation after eating appears in most people and this is considered the norm. But what if it occurs often and causes discomfort or pain? Let's consider the basic nuances of the given physiological phenomenon.
Moderate discharge of air through the mouth after carbonation occurs in all people, but sometimes this disorder is intense, causes pain and arises even after a small portion of food or a glass of drink. It is a sudden, sonorous outlet of air through the mouth, which has accumulated in the stomach or esophagus with a small amount of stomach contents. This is due to the contraction of the gastric musculature with an open cardinal sphincter. Proceeding from this, it can be concluded that the origin of regurgitation can be both physiological and pathological.
Cause of belching after eating
The cause of belching after eating can be covered in physiology or be caused by diseases of the internal organs. In addition, there are products that provoke its appearance and flatulence - it is onions, milk, oxygen cocktails, beans and cabbage, ice cream, soda.
Factors contributing to physiological regurgitation:
- Rapid consumption of food on the move, provokes ingestion of air, which comes in the form of eructations. The same happens when eating food during a conversation.
- If a healthy person drinks a glass of soda water, then the mastery of the liquid takes place, and the air goes through the mouth with an unpleasant sound.
- Increased physical activity after a tight meal provokes a violation of normal peristalsis of the digestive tract. Therefore, with normal digestion, you need to be at rest for at least 2-3 hours.
- In the second trimester of pregnancy, due to the growing uterus, which is supported by the diaphragm, a displacement of the organs is observed, which causes the accumulation of gases and their natural output.
- In newborns, it appears during the act of sucking, as the babies swallow some of the air with milk. If it goes by air, then this should not cause concern, but if it has a sour smell, it is worthwhile to show the child to the doctor.
Eliminate physiological causes by slow and thorough chewing food. It is not superfluous to adjust the regime of the day, that is, the allocation of time for eating, to avoid overeating and eating on the go.
But the disorder can be caused not only by physiology, but also by pathologies of internal organs and systems, that is, certain diseases. Lesions of the gallbladder, gastritis, hernia of the esophagus, ulcer, pancreatitis and other diseases, are accompanied by this disorder. The frequent release of air through the mouth with a sensation of a full stomach can indicate symptoms of stomach cancer. Very rarely it occurs with diseases of the cardiovascular or nervous system.
Why does an eructation arise after eating?
Why does an eructation arise after eating and how to deal with this problem? More often than not, it is the appearance of people complaining of aerophagia, that is, a deviation in which air enters the digestive organs when food is ingested. But the causes can be associated with pathological processes in the body, for example: bulbitis, gastritis and increased acidity, acute or chronic pancreatitis, inflammation of the mucosa of the esophagus, and others. If it is strong and is often repeated in an adult, it indicates a health problem, so it's worth asking for medical help.
Frequent causes of regurgitation after eating caused by various diseases:
- Anatomical defects in the structure of the esophagus and stomach, for example, with narrowing of the lumen of the stomach, bend or hernia of the esophagus.
- Pathologies in the work of the gallbladder, liver and duodenum provoke an eructation after eating with a bitter taste.
- Diseases of the thick and small intestines provoke dysbacteriosis, disturbances in the balance of useful microflora and eructations. And malignant tumors of the digestive tract disrupt the activity of all parts of the digestive system, creating mechanical obstacles to the passage of food.
Eating belly after eating
Erication of air after a meal is an involuntary leakage of air from the esophagus or stomach after a sharp contraction of the diaphragm. Very often it is accompanied by a smell from the mouth and an unpleasant sound. If it occurs very often, then this is a clear symptom of the developing disease.
Bubbling with air indicates a poor tolerance and digestibility of certain products. Excessive physical exertion, aerophagy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, liver and duodenum, this is another factor that provokes belching by air.
There are preventive methods that can eliminate eructations by air. First of all, during lunch is not recommended to talk, and the food should be chewed and thoroughly chewed. It is not superfluous to reduce the use of products that cause flatulence and belching (soda, milk, cabbage, onions). In the diet should be many foods rich in useful vitamins and trace elements. Refuse to drink drinks through a straw and chewing gum. Compliance with these recommendations will bring relief and help to eliminate the physiological causes of the disorder.
Eating belly after eating
The eructation of food after meals is caused by the fact that along with the air small portions of gastric contents enter the oral cavity. Often this phenomenon has a sour, bitter or putrefactive aftertaste. Sour regurgitation of food appears with increased acidity of the stomach, ulcers, fermentation of gastric juice or the absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. If it is bitter, it appears because of bile in the stomach of bile, and putrefaction due to prolonged stagnation in the stomach of the contents and its decomposition.
The belching of food occurs when overeating and increased physical activity after eating. To eliminate this problem, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that are retained in the stomach for a long time and foods that promote increased gas production. Eat often and in small portions. If the disorder recurs, you should seek medical help. If the reason lies in the hypersecretion of gastric juice, then patients are prescribed antacid agents that eliminate digestive problems.
Gravity and eructation after eating
Gravity and eructation after eating at least once, but there were at everyone. If this occurs systematically, it is most likely due to diseases of the digestive system, overeating or malnutrition. Most often, the heaviness in the stomach occurs as a result of poor chewing food, overeating and eating food lying on the go, because of consuming a large amount of fried, fatty or fast food, that is, with an excess of carbohydrates, and also because of carbonated drinks. The use of beer, kvass, strong tea or coffee, also provokes a feeling of heaviness and even nausea. This is due to swelling of the lower abdomen, which prevents the body from digesting such beverages in a normal manner. By the way, even milk causes heaviness and bloating.
- If the disorder occurs in the morning, then it is caused by overeating before bedtime or at night. The use of harmful products, non-observance of sanitary rules, also cause regurgitation in the mornings. To eliminate such phenomena it is necessary to resort to unloading days and monitor their diet.
- If the heaviness in the stomach is accompanied by fever, then this indicates infectious diseases or functional disorders in the digestive system.
- If regurgitation causes not only heaviness, but also swelling, this is one of the signs of gastritis. In this case, patients complain of constipation, flatulence, nausea and heartburn after eating.
Constant belching after eating
A constant eructation after a meal can be mild or strong, causing not only discomfort, but also painful sensations in the gastrointestinal tract. If the release of air and gases through the mouth has a permanent character and a bitter, sour or purulent smell, then this is a clear symptom of a disease of the digestive system. Consider why this disorder appears:
- The ingress of air into the stomach is due to conversations during lunch, fast food intake and its poor chewing, as well as drinking through a straw.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and decreased acidity of the stomach, the most common causes. Heartburn is accompanied by heartburn, and eructation often has an unpleasant sour taste.
- Frequently repetitive regurgitation indicates problems with bile. In this case, a person complains of a painful feeling under the ribs in the right side, which indicates a violation in the gall bladder.
Treat this disorder only after identifying the factors that trigger its appearance. If a major disease is found, the doctor prescribes a special diet that normalizes the digestive process and restores the work of the gastrointestinal tract. There are also preventive methods that help get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon that occurs after eating. It is recommended to abandon products that cause excessive gas formation and carbonated drinks, eat slowly and in small portions.
Belching sour after eating
Belching sour after eating has several causes of appearance. It indicates an inflammatory lesion of the gastric mucosa, that is, gastritis, gastro-food reflux, ulcer or cancer. Sour eructations can give a rotten smell, cause loss of appetite, heartburn and profuse salivation. In some people this provokes attacks of nausea, heaviness and pain after eating.
With frequent repetition of sour, regurgitation should be addressed to a gastroenterologist, which will help to identify the cause of this problem. Since this indicates that there is an excess of acid in the stomach necessary for digesting food.
If it appeared due to gastro-food reflux, it indicates that the muscular valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach does not function properly. That is, gastric juice enters the esophagus and mouth. This pathology in 10% of cases leads to the development of the Barrett syndrome, in which regular irritations of the mucosa of the esophagus change its structure, which becomes similar to the intestinal mucosa. According to recent studies, the risk of esophageal cancer is particularly high in patients with reflux.
Belching bitterness after eating
The eructation of bitterness after eating is a sign of disorders and certain diseases. Sometimes this problem is faced by healthy people. Let's consider the basic factors provoking a pathological exit of air and gases through an oral cavity:
- Gastroduodenal reflux - due to a violation of the outflow of bile, it moves in the wrong direction and gets into the stomach, causing bitterness, heartburn and flatulence.
- Various injuries, tumors of the abdominal cavity organs and the transferred surgical interventions cause an incorrect excretion of bile, which enters the stomach, causing unpleasant symptoms.
- Chronic duodenitis, that is, edema, and inflammation of the duodenal mucosa increases pressure, which causes duodenal contents to enter the stomach.
- Pregnancy - in the process of growth of the uterus, there is a displacement of all organs, including pressure on the duodenum.
Eating and heartburn after eating
Eating and heartburn after eating are two common pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Each person, at least once in his life, but faced with these ailments. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest, but can manifest itself in different ways. Some face it after eating a certain product or overeating. It persists for a long period of time, and for a couple of minutes.
Frequent similar disorders indicate a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract, so you need to take care of your digestion. It is desirable to adhere to the right, rational nutrition, which normalizes the work of the digestive tract. It is not superfluous to refuse products that cause gas formation, heartburn. If these indispositions bring not only discomfort, but also painful sensations, then you should seek medical help.
Nausea and belching after eating
Nausea and eructation after eating occur in all people, but in some they indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, while others are a signal of satiety and even overeating. In a healthy person, these symptoms appear due to uncontrolled release of gases from the digestive system into the oral cavity, which is accompanied by a specific sound and unpleasant odor. Along with the air from the stomach can emit gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid and small portions of food, this is what causes heartburn and nausea.
The origin of nausea and regurgitation after eating:
- Binge eating.
- Eating lots of fried and fatty foods.
- Intensive physical activity after eating leads to pressure on the diaphragm and a filled stomach.
- Toxicosis during pregnancy.
- The use of spoiled products, that is, expired.
The above reasons should not cause concern, and to eliminate them, it is sufficient to get rid of unfavorable factors. But if the causes of pathologies can not be independently established, then it is worthwhile to seek medical help, since it may be a case of a gastrointestinal tract.
Frequent burping after eating
Frequent belching after eating is a signal of the body, indicating an error in nutrition, aerophagia (even against a background of nervous disorders) or on pathological processes. As a rule, the regular release of air and gases through the mouth occurs with diseases of the cardiovascular system and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Factors causing excessive release of gases through the mouth after eating:
- Pathologies of the bile duct and pancreas.
- Non-ulcer dyspepsia.
- Peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
- Gastroesophageal reflux.
In addition, there are several other factors that contribute to the appearance of abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system. First of all, this is insufficient or excessive fermentation. With insufficient fermentation, the body can not cope with the amounts of food that enter the stomach. And with excess on the contrary, a large number of gases are released, which come out in the form of regurgitation. If you drink a lot of water after dinner, it will dilute the gastric juice, which reduces its acidity and the ability to digest the food that has entered the stomach. Treat this problem after examination with a gastroenterologist.
Eruption of foam after eating
Eruption of foam after eating indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder or bile ducts. In some cases, this is the first symptom of severe poisoning requiring urgent medical attention. The release of foam through the mouth can indicate gastritis and severe disturbances in the acidity of the stomach. It occurs when you abuse fat and spicy food. In this case, it is a symptom of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract or the onset of a peptic ulcer.
To determine the root cause of malaise, it is necessary to measure gastric secretion. It is not superfluous to observe the fractional food, and the refusal of heavy meals. In any case, when such a pathology appears, which creates inconveniences, discomfort and painful sensations, it is worthwhile to seek medical help from a gastroenterologist.
Hiccough and burp after eating
Hiccough and eructation after eating occur in all people, regardless of diet. Often, these phenomena occur when eating food on the go, dry and with a bad chewing. Let's consider both ailments:
- Hiccup has both a physiological and pathological character. In the first case, this involuntary sharp sigh, accompanied by a characteristic sound and protrusion of the abdomen. Hiccups arise from the convulsive contraction of the diaphragm. It arises from dry and solid foods, as well as from severe emotional shocks. We offer a couple of methods that will help get rid of hiccups:
- Take a couple of deep breaths and breaths, hold your breath and take another deep breath.
- Drink a couple of sips of cold or acidified water, suck a piece of sugar.
- For this method, you need help. Lay your hands behind your back and lean forward, drink a quick sip of water from the glass, which holds another person.
- If the disorders persist for a long period of time, then prepare a decoction of fennel seeds and drink it in small sips.
- Pathological causes appear due to diseases and problems in the body. Overeating, eating fatty, fried, hot and carbonated drinks, cause regurgitation. But diseases of the liver, intestines, gall bladder, baking even cardiovascular ailments, also provoke the release of air through the mouth with a very specific smell and sound.
If the disorders are systematic, then it is worthwhile to seek medical help and undergo an examination with a gastroenterologist.
Eating after eating with rotten eggs
Eating after eating with rotten eggs is a very unpleasant problem, which causes a lot of inconvenience. It causes anxiety, since it is pathological. The release of air through the mouth with the smell of rotten eggs is due to the release of gases with a small amount of hydrogen sulfide from the stomach into the oral cavity. Hydrogen sulphide appears in putrefactive processes, so a rotten smell can not appear in a healthy body. That is, it indicates the inability of the stomach to digest food and its stagnation.
The main causes of the disorder:
- Various infectious diseases, acute gastritis or frequent eating of food with insufficient heat treatment.
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, with exacerbation of an anacid or hypocidal gastritis, the gastric mucosa is not able to function normally. Chronic inflammatory process reduces the secretory function of the stomach, causing not only the air outlet, but also diarrhea, a feeling of heaviness, nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region.
- Chronic pancreatitis and its aggravation causes digestive disturbances in the duodenum. This is due to the lack of enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The patient has nausea, vomiting, flatulence.
- Giardiasis is a disease caused by unicellular parasites. One of the symptoms of this ailment is the release of gases through the mouth with the smell of rotten eggs.
- Cancer of the stomach, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and other intestinal lesions.
To treat this pathology, you should seek medical help, especially if it takes a long time. Depending on the cause of the pathology, the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment. Do not forget, the earlier the diagnosis is performed and the therapy is prescribed, the greater the chance of successfully eliminating the problem.
Eating after eating a child
An eructation after eating a 1-year-old child is considered the norm. A small amount of air that comes out in the form of regurgitation is required to regulate intragastric pressure. Since in young children the gastrointestinal tract is imperfect, the gas bubble lingers in the stomach or in the intestine. Because of this, bloating and intestinal cramping are possible. The child will cry with pain until the air comes out through the mouth. In the process of growth and development, this problem goes by itself.
- If the disorder often appears in the child and after a year, it is worthwhile to seek medical help and consult a pediatrician. This may be due to the state of the nervous system of the baby.
- If the child is excitable, then he has a tendency to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But most often the malaise is due to malnutrition of the baby.
- Increased salivation, adenoids, tonsillitis, runny nose and emotional outbursts, also provoke this phenomenon. If the malaise occurs in schoolchildren or young children too often, then this indicates liver, bile duct and gastrointestinal tract diseases.
Eating after eating during pregnancy
Eating after eating during pregnancy worries many women. In most cases, this is caused by physiological changes in the body in the second half of the gestation. It is during this period that the child actively grows and presses on internal organs. That is, the stomach increases pressure, and the body takes a different position. Very often the air outlet has a sour taste and appears immediately after a meal, especially after a sweet and fatty meal.
Regurgitation can last from several minutes to several hours. A certain position of the woman's body exerts pressure on the internal organs and causes an involuntary release of gases and air. If the disorder is accompanied by discomfort or pain, then you should seek medical help.
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Treatment of eructations after eating
The treatment of belching after eating depends on the factors that caused it. If this episodic phenomenon, then, most likely it is associated with inaccuracies in eating and eating disorders. But if the disorder is permanent and repeats within a few hours for 1-2 weeks, then this indicates a pathology. In this case, you need to seek medical help from a gastroenterologist and consult with other doctors.
To get rid of the physiological causes of the release of air and gases through the mouth, it is necessary:
- Correctly organize the process of nutrition, carefully and without haste chew food.
- Do not start eating in a nervous or emotional state, and also after a conversation.
- Do not exercise heavy physical activity after a dense dinner.
- Do not eat food causing gas, as well as soda, beer and any other products that cause eructations and flatulence.
- Give up the chewing gum, do not drink through the straw, quit smoking.
- Eat well, eat foods that supply the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.
If the air outlet through the mouth has a specific smell and is accompanied by painful sensations in different areas of the abdomen, then it is worth immediately contacting a doctor. Similar symptoms indicate a disease that requires urgent diagnosis and treatment.
If the disorder has appeared as a result of food poisoning, then it is worth taking antimicrobial drugs from the severity in the stomach, for example "Sulgin", "Furazolidon". If this happens rarely and is associated with improper diet, it is recommended to take Motilium, Cerucal, activated charcoal or enzyme preparations, such as Festal or Mezim.
There are alternative methods of treating a physiological disorder, consider them:
- Dry the root of the aura thoroughly chop and take 15 minutes before eating, take ½ teaspoon. This tool will help to cope with heartburn.
- Mix the juice of carrots and potatoes in a 1: 1 ratio and drink ½ cup before each meal. Immediately after eating, eat a couple of spoons of chopped fresh carrots. Prophylactic properties have a fresh apple after eating.
- Two times a day, take 6 drops of clove oil, dripping them on a piece or a spoonful of sugar.
- Fresh goat's milk is another way to get rid of regurgitation. After each meal, drink 200 ml of milk. Some patients, following this therapy for 3-6 months, completely got rid of this disorder.
Eating after eating is associated with improper diet or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If it has a physiological character, then it is worth reviewing your diet and nutrition principles. But if it causes not only inconveniences, but also painful sensations, it is worth consulting with a doctor a gastroenterologist and going through all the necessary diagnostic methods to determine the origin of the ailment.