Dry skin of face
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dryness of the skin of the face is manifested by a feeling of tightness, on this epidermis often there is irritation, it begins to grow in small pieces. When xerosis requires special care, otherwise its condition deteriorates rapidly, it becomes dull, early wrinkles begin to appear.
The feeling of tightness can appear due to disruption of the work of sebaceous, sweat glands, lipid and water metabolism, low acid-base balance.
A good appearance of the skin of the face depends on the degree of moistening. Lack of moisture in the cells leads to a decrease in elasticity, elasticity, thinning, in addition, sensitivity increases and wrinkles appear.
Different factors affect the level of moistening: cold, wind, dry air in the room, sun, bad habits, low-quality water, alcohol-based lotions, aggressive peeling, lack of vitamins, etc.
For the level of moisture corresponds to the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the amount of sebum. The stratum corneum consists of the obsolete (but active) cells of the outer layer of the epidermis and sebaceous gland secretions (fat), which form a kind of barrier and retain moisture. But the stratum corneum is not only designed to retain moisture, it also serves as a protection against external influences.
Violation of the stratum corneum leads to rapid loss of moisture and makes the epidermis vulnerable to toxins, allergens, pathogenic microorganisms.
Causes of dry skin of the face
The work of the sebaceous glands can be affected by individual characteristics, cosmetics, age changes. Over time, the hormonal background changes in the body, which affects the production of sebum, usually after 40 years of women begins to worry about excessive xerosis and mucous membranes.
The health of the epidermis depends largely on the amount of liquid drunk - a day it is recommended to drink 2 liters of water. When dehydrating the body, not only does the dryness of the facial skin appear, but also the decay products in the body are delayed, which also negatively affects the condition of the epidermis.
With xerosis begin to appear prematurely wrinkles, there is flabbiness. The first small wrinkles, if at the time do not solve the problem, quickly degenerate into deep, from which it is almost impossible to get rid of.
Another cause of stiffness and unpleasant sensations are external unfavorable factors (cold wind, ultraviolet, sudden temperature changes, etc.), improper nutrition, lack of vitamins and trace elements, diseases of the nervous system, work in unfavorable conditions (hot shop, on the street, ).
Under certain conditions, a number of changes in the epidermis begin to be triggered, with a decrease in protective functions, a rapid loss of moisture occurs, which leads to a disruption in blood circulation in tissues, collagen fibers, and a decrease in elasticity.
Another cause of dryness may be improperly selected cosmetic or caring tools or procedures. With weak work of the sebaceous glands, you can not wash with soap, use lotions based on alcohol, peelings, scrubs, tightening masks.
When feeling tight, it is recommended to do an enzyme peeling, which not only gently exfoliates dead cells, but also moisturizes.
Dry skin needs nutritional and vitamin creams (preferably with collagen and elastin), toners without alcohol, toning masks, which not only contribute to the restoration of protective functions, but also effectively fill the lost moisture.
With xerosis, you should pay attention to food: to abandon alcoholic beverages, to consume more foods with vitamins A, E, C.
Dryness and peeling of the skin of the face
Peeling and dry skin of the face worried mostly women, men are much less likely to face this problem and this is due primarily to the fact that men have sebaceous glands that work on a different principle.
The causes of ecdysis and xerosis may be external adverse conditions (cold weather, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.), allergic reactions, medication, food poisoning, etc.
The main reason for exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis and the loss of moisture by cells is dehydration. First of all, when peeling appears, you should pay attention to facial care products: use only soft products for washing, use moisturizing lotions (without alcohol), gels, etc.
If you prefer to wash with soap, you should choose a soap with moisturizing cream or oil, and after washing, the face should be slightly blotted with a paper towel, wipe with a tonic and immediately apply a moisturizer.
When exfoliating the upper layers of the epidermis, you must abandon the drugs with an alcohol-based or with lanolin.
If the skin is flaky and tightened after washing, it is recommended to use oil to cleanse the skin. In this case, sesame oil helps to remove dirt.
With dry skin prone to peeling it is important to choose a cream for a certain time of the year (it is worth recalling that the cream should be applied to the face half an hour before going out).
When choosing a cream, you need to give preference to those that contain fat components, they will create a protective film on the epidermis and prevent loss of moisture.
Get rid of peeling and dryness will help a simple folk recipe: dissolve honey in a small amount of water, apply a thin layer on your face and massage it lightly in a circular motion (if necessary, you can moisten the fingers in honey solution). This procedure will not only moisturize, but also exfoliate the dead layer of cells. After the massage, rinse your face well and apply a moisturizing cream.
Irritation, dryness and redness of the skin of the face
Dry skin of the face, irritation and redness can appear for various reasons, ranging from cold wind and ending with allergic reactions.
Irritation and dryness often occur with improper care, too dry air in the room, as well as with stress or unbalanced diet.
When digestion is disturbed, decay products, toxins enter the blood, which can affect the condition of the epidermis, especially on the face.
In addition, the cause of irritation can be excessive facial treatment, for example, if you wipe your face with ice and in the winter, the skin may appear red and irritated.
If redness or irritation develops, special remedies should be used that soothe, moisturize, and relieve irritation.
Cleansing in this case is suitable only soft with the help of special agents (milk, foam), should at times abandon alcohol lotions and tonics.
If there is often irritation in the epidermis, you should choose a protective cream, which is used before going out to the street.
If the cause of irritation is allergies, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen and consult a specialist who, if necessary, will recommend antihistamines.
Dryness and redness of the skin of the face
Redness and dryness of facial skin can be due to various factors.
Quite often, dryness and redness appear as a result of external unfavorable factors; in this case, a specially selected protective cream will help to get rid of the problem.
If the redness is permanent, then in most cases the cause lies in the disease of the internal organs. Especial attention requires sharp reddening of the face, for no apparent reason.
In addition, redness and xerosis may appear due to improper or excessive skin care.
The most common cause of discolouration is allergy. Provoke it can be a variety of allergens - products, medicines, plants, dust, cosmetics.
To get rid of redness on the face should, in the first place, establish the cause of this reaction of the body. If the reddening appeared after going out into the street in windy or frosty weather, then a special soothing and moisturizing cream should be used, in case of allergic reactions, contact with the allergen should be eliminated.
It is also important to choose the "right" cosmetics for facial care. You should buy only those that match your skin type, in addition, do not get carried away with the application and use of several products at the same time, and do not use scrubs or peelings more than twice a week.
Strong dryness of the face skin
Strong dryness of the skin of the face, as mentioned, is manifested by tightness, peeling. If you become concerned about the dryness of the face, then the first thing to do is give up the usual hard soap that contains alkali. With strong xerosis, you need to use special moisturizers for washing (foam, milk, gels, etc.), rub the skin with a lotion or tonic, and after cleansing, apply the cream for dry skin. If even after this, the xerosis does not pass, you can add a few drops of coconut or olive oil to the jar of cream.
Before going to bed on the face, you must always apply a vitamin moisturizer, preferably with the effect of cell repair.
When the skin is very dry, you can not use masks, which contain clay, peeling and the means in which there is alcohol.
Dry skin in winter
During the cold, blood circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis becomes worse, metabolic processes slow down, the sebaceous glands produce fewer substances that retain moisture. In addition, the skin's condition is strongly affected by dry air in the room, it becomes dry, tightened, there is peeling, redness.
Dry skin of the face in winter is a fairly common phenomenon and in this case, special protective equipment and proper care will help.
For dry skin, natural oils that perfectly moisturize and improve the condition of the epidermis are ideal. Oil can be applied in its pure form (a few drops rubbed in the palms and applied to wet skin) or added to your cream.
With dry skin, it is contraindicated to use alkaline washing agents, especially in winter. It is best to choose for yourself a special remedy (gel, foam or liquid soap), which contains a moisturizing complex.
It is worth recalling that even in winter it is necessary to drink at least two liters of clean water (besides coffee, tea, etc.), especially if there is a tendency to xerosis and peeling.
Itching and dryness of the skin of the face
Itching and dryness of the facial skin can appear after washing or applying cosmetic products, and often there is redness, a feeling of tightness, burning. In this case, most likely, the skin care products have been incorrectly chosen, the cosmetics turned out to be substandard or the expiry date of its validity has ended and it is necessary to stop using it.
Itching can also be associated with an allergy, in this case, in addition to dryness and itching, it is disturbed by watery eyes, redness of the eyes, redness, suffocation, puffiness. If allergy symptoms increase, avoid contact with the allergen and consult a doctor.
In some cases, itching and stiffness are a sign of dermatological disease (seborrhea, eczema, fungal or viral lesions, etc.), hormonal disorders (with thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, etc.), malfunctioning of the liver or kidneys, which leads to the accumulation of decay products in the body.
Dry skin age
The sun, cold air, bad ecology and other unfavorable conditions can cause not only a xerosis of the skin of the face, but also the eyelids. The delicate skin of the eyelids is extremely susceptible not only to external but also to internal factors, such as constant stress, lack of sleep, bad habits, etc.
Incorrect care, poor-quality cosmetics also worsen the condition of the eyelids and in some cases lead to irreversible consequences.
If the skin of the eyelids is dry, even with proper care, it is likely that the cause lies in inflammatory diseases of the epidermis, eye infections, abnormal operation of the sebaceous glands near the eyes, allergic reactions.
To get rid of the tight and dry skin around the eyes will help a special care - the use of soft cleansers, moisturizers, masks, etc.
Recently, more and more popular are facial and body care products made from natural ingredients at home.
A good moisturizing effect is a mask of yolks quail eggs and vegetable oil (preferably olive). One egg yolk will require a few drops of oil, mix well and apply to dry, clean eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the residue with a cotton disc moistened in warm water, after the procedure, you can apply a moisturizing eye cream.
Cosmetologists recommend a simple but very effective method for dry eyelids, which will help not only to moisten the epidermis, but also to remove irritation, inflammation or itching: remove a small, dense sheet of aloe from the peel, stretch and apply the resulting gruel to the eyelids, after 10-15 minutes, remove residues with a damp cloth.
When skin and inflammatory diseases require specialist advice and special treatment.
Dryness of the skin of the lips
When excessive dryness of the lips often appear cracks. The reasons for this condition can be different, from decorative cosmetics containing a large number of corrosive substances that corrode the delicate skin of the lips, to health problems.
The skin of the lips can indicate general health, often with a lack of vitamins of group B, C or an excess of vitamin A in the body, it becomes dry, cracked (in this case, there are also problems with hair and nails).
Dryness and cracks on the lips appear when the digestive organs work incorrectly, viral or infectious diseases, allergic reactions (for example, toothpaste).
Smoking, cold wind, ultraviolet, the habit of gnawing nails or various objects (pen, pencil) also adversely affect the condition of the epidermis of the eyelids, in addition, cause severe xerosis of the skin of the face.
To help the skin on the lips can be using special means (moisturizing lipsticks, cream, etc.) or in alternative ways. For moisturizing, nutrition alternative medicine recommends using honey, which you just need to apply on the lips for 15-20 minutes.
Dryness of the skin of the nose
Dry skin on the nose appears with improper facial care, lack of hydration, allergic rhinitis, a lack of vitamins, inflammatory diseases of the nasal mucosa, etc.
Some experts believe that the dryness of the facial skin in general or the nose, cheeks, forehead may appear due to improper selection of cleansers. Many often make a mistake and use antibacterial or deodorizing soap for washing, which too dry the epidermis. Dermatologists recommend choosing a soap with a high fat content (with olive, sea-buckthorn oil).
Dryness of the wings of the nose can appear against the background of the common cold, with frequent rubbing with a napkin, usually after the runny nose passes, xerosis and peeling disappear.
With a shortage of vitamins, especially in the early spring, dryness can affect not only the nose, but also the face, hands, etc.
When dry and peeling, you can not rip off the dry layer of the skin, as it can damage the lower layers of the epidermis. To eliminate the xerosis should be applied to the affected areas of special moisturizers, preferably on a fat basis.
In cases of severe xerosis, when the cream is not helped, you should consult a dermatologist, you may need medication (ointments, vitamin complexes, restoring masks, etc.).
Who to contact?
Treatment of dry skin of the face
Cosmetologists consider dry skin a serious problem. Violation of the sebaceous glands, the inability of cells to retain moisture are serious disorders that require treatment. Experts believe that dry skin requires moisturizing with professional means, and home remedies can be used as an auxiliary treatment.
Today, with dry skin, a variety of cosmetic procedures are used, among which are:
- hot compress
- salt cleaning
- peeling
- masks with collagen
- cosmetic massage
- biorevitalization (introduction of hyaluronic acid).
During a visit to a cosmetologist, a specialist selects procedures and remedies for the treatment of dry skin individually.
Xerosis of the face today belongs to the most demanded cosmetic procedures.
Means against dry skin of the face
Dry skin of the face requires moisturizing, which can provide various serums, gels, cream with a moisturizing effect. Among modern developments are very popular means with hyaluronic acid, which intensively moisturizes the epidermis.
Also, with phospholipids, ceramides, fatty acids, have good moisturizing properties.
Mask from the dryness of the skin of the face
Dry skin of the face can be eliminated with the help of home remedies.
Good softens and saturates the compress with milk, this procedure will remove the keratinized layer, and lactic acid will help the cells to retain moisture.
For the compress you need to moisten a napkin moistened in your face for five minutes. You can replace milk with kefir, whey.
Beeswax helps in case of xerosis. To prepare the moisturizing mixture you will need wax (1 tea), lanolin (2 tbsp.), Olive oil (1 tbsp), soya aloe (1 tsp).
All components mix well and wipe problem areas of the face several times a day, with the appearance of unpleasant sensations.
In very dry skin, it is recommended to use an oatmeal mask: flake (1 tablespoon) pour hot milk (4 tablespoons), allow to swell for 10 minutes. The resulting mixture is warm to put on the face and leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Cream for dry skin
As already mentioned, dry skin of the face occurs for various reasons, but this state of the epidermis requires special care. In particular, regular use of moisturizing creams.
As part of an effective moisturizer should be vitamins A, E, C and B vitamins, which are extremely important for the health of the skin. Also in the cream should be present moisturizers, natural oils (jojoba, avocado, olive) and components for protection from ultraviolet rays.
A good moisturizing effect is the cream with the addition of passion fruit extract, turbid algae, macadamia, palm wax, honey.
Vitamins from dry skin of the face
Dry skin of the face is a rather unpleasant condition, which requires an integrated approach to treatment. In addition to using moisturizers, you should adjust your diet and add to the diet foods rich in vitamins A, E, B, C.
Vitamins B and A are important for the health of the epidermis, they help the cells to retain moisture, have an antioxidant effect, promote the renewal of cells. Often, the xerosis appears precisely because of a lack of these vitamins in the body, which can be found in carrots, pumpkins, milk, apricots, egg yolks, cheese, fish, fresh fruits, brewer's yeast, meat.
Vitamin C helps tissues form, promotes renewal, enhances the production of collagen, improves blood circulation. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, and dogrose.
Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect, protects the epidermis from harmful effects and free radicals.
These vitamins are present in beans, nuts, green leafy vegetables, wheat germ oil.
Dry skin of the face causes a feeling of tightness, leads to the appearance of peeling, in addition, this epidermis previously loses its elasticity, elasticity, prone to the formation of premature wrinkles. Dry skin covers need constant moisturizing, otherwise irreversible processes (deep wrinkles) can occur. In addition to using special means to care for dry skin, it is important to add to your daily menu foods rich in vitamins, especially A, E, C, B.