Dry nose
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Nasal congestion and dryness impede nasal breathing and thus prevent the nasal mucosa (the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membrane) to perform its main functions: filter, warm and moisten the air breathed by the lungs.
So if you suffer from constant dryness in the nose, it should be borne in mind that your chances of catching an infection spreading through the airborne droplets are almost one hundred percent.
Causes of the dry nose
Dryness in the nose and throat is often complained by people living in a dry climate, in which the humidity of atmospheric air is below 40%. In our climatic zone, in winter, dry mouth and nose appear in heated rooms, and in summer, during prolonged operation of the air conditioner, when air humidity drops to 20-25%. Some nasal mucosa dries up even from tap chlorinated water. And, of course, those who are connected with chemical or cement production are constantly confronted with this problem.
Dryness and crusts in the nose can also be a consequence of medication, such as antihistamines for the treatment of allergies or hormones. Dry nasal mucosa is noted after prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which contain atropine and its derivatives.
Dry nose in a child is a frequent symptom of chronic catarrhal rhinitis caused by infection. In addition, it may be associated with the use of various nasal remedies for the treatment of rhinitis. Especially when a child is buried in the nose for a long time.
According to otolaryngologists, dryness of the nasal mucosa, as well as the excessive formation of dry crusts on it can be atrophic or hypertrophic rhinitis, that is, chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa. In this disease, the feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity is accompanied by a decrease in smell and nosebleeds.
Rarely, but still, it happens that complaints of dryness and nasal congestion are the first symptom of nasal scleroma (rhinoscleroma), a chronic infectious disease in which the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract affects the Frish-Volkovich wand.
Dryness of the mucous membranes, including the nose and mouth, is also a characteristic feature of an autoimmune disease such as Sjogren's syndrome, in which almost all the glands of the body are affected. Finally, it should be borne in mind that dryness in the nose is an indispensable companion of diabetes mellitus and a decrease in the production of sex hormones in men and women in the elderly.
Dryness in the nose during pregnancy can be caused by almost all of the reasons listed above. Against the background of the restructuring of the body of a woman during pregnancy, this pathology, like dry mouth, is quite common.
Symptoms of the dry nose
Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the form of dryness and burning in the nose, itching in the nasal cavity, nasal congestion (especially at night), the formation of crusts on the mucous surface. There may be headaches as well as nosebleeds.
Dryness appears around the nose - along the edge between the mucous membrane and the skin of the nostrils, while the skin may appear painful cracks, which sometimes bleed.
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Treatment of the dry nose
The treatment of dryness in the nose is based on local symptomatic therapy aimed at regenerating the nasal mucosa by moisturizing it and softening the crusts that form from the drying out secret of the nasal glands.
What to do with dry nose? Start from the air in the apartment: its humidity level should not be lower than 60-70%. “We moisten” and the whole body - we drink water, tea, compote, juice (so that the tissues have enough liquid). Moisturize the drying out mucous membrane of the nose separately - in order not to form crusts that impede normal physiological breathing.
When treating dryness in the nose, irrigation of the mucous with salted water gives a positive effect (half a teaspoon of table salt or sea salt per cup of boiled water - 2-3 times in each nostril 3-4 times a day).
For the same purpose, preparations based on seawater are produced. For example, the spray from dryness in the nose of Otrivin Sea contains an isotonic solution of the water of the Atlantic Ocean, Aqua Maris spray - the water of the Adriatic Sea. Spray Aqualor and Salin contain isotonic solution of sodium chloride (known to us as table salt), and also, according to manufacturers, all active substances and trace elements of sea water.
Spray-balm Narisan contains olive oil, honey, extracts of calendula, witch hazel virginian and kalanchoe pinnate, as well as essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, pine, kayaputa, peppermint and cedar. The drug has an antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and anti-edema effect and is used in adults and children over 5 years old in diseases of the upper respiratory tract with difficulty in nasal breathing.
For the treatment of dryness in the nose, Vitaon can be used - a regenerating external preparation for skin and mucous membranes, which is an oil extract of peppermint leaves, pine buds, rosehips and fennel, wormwood herb, yarrow, St. John's wort, thyme, celandine, and flowers calendula and chamomile.
Doctors recommend to lubricate the nasal cavity with an oil solution of vitamins A and E (Aevit) or Aekol solution, which contains these vitamins and is used externally as a wound healing agent. For gentle removal of crusts apply 2% salicylic ointment.
The main alternative remedies for dry nose include various oils - olive, peach, almond, linseed, sesame oil, tea tree oil. Oils prevent the mucous from drying out, if you regularly, at least three times a day, lubricate them in the nose.
Dryness in the nose not only causes a person to feel discomfort, but also leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to infections. Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures to restore the normal state of the nasal mucosa.