

Injuries and poisonings

Sagittal fractures of III-VI cervical vertebral bodies: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Sagittal, or vertical, fractures of the cervical vertebral bodies are a special, rarely occurring form of compression fractured fractures of the cervical vertebral bodies.

Compression hairs fractures of the cervical vertebral bodies: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Splinter compression fractures of the cervical vertebral bodies occur with the compression mechanism of violence, when the traumatic force acts vertically along the axis of the straightened cervical spine.

Extensor injuries of III-VII cervical vertebrae: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

When treating patients with injuries of the cervical spine, we often have to meet with patients in whom severe spinal disorders up to complete physiological spinal cord break at the level of damage occur with minor, minimal dislocations of the vertebrae, often confined to a small anterior displacement of the body of the overlying vertebra.

Subluxations, dislocations and fracture-dislocations of III-VII cervical vertebrae: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Subluxations, dislocations and fracture-dislocations of III-VII cervical vertebrae are the most common injuries of this part of the spine. These injuries occur with the flexion or flexion-rotational mechanism of violence.

Rotational subluxas of Atlanta

Rotational subluxas of Atlanta result from the impact of direct or indirect violence or active uncoordinated contraction of the neck muscles.

Traumatic spondylolisthesis II of the cervical vertebra: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Traumatic spondylolisthesis II of the cervical vertebra, or the so-called "fracture of the executioner" - a kind of fracture of the axis, at which a fracture of the roots of its arch, a rupture of the intervertebral disk located between the II-III cervical vertebrae, and slipping of the axis body with all the structures above it anteriorly .

Fractures of axial tooth and bias in the area of atlanto-axial articulation

The traumatic displacement of the atlas due to a fracture of the tooth can occur both anteriorly and posteriorly. Significantly more often there are forward displacements. The severity of this damage depends on the degree of displacement of the 1st cervical vertebra and, consequently, the nature of the damage to the spinal cord. Damage occurs with the indirect mechanism of violence, most often as a result of a fall on the head.

Dislocations of the head: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Dislocations in the atlanto-occipital articulation, or "dislocations of the head," almost never occur in clinical practice, since they usually lead to the immediate death of the victim. VP Selivanov (1966) reported on the preservation of life to the victim, who was treated for subluxation in the atlanto-occipital articulation.

Falling fractures of the atlant: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

"Falling" fractures of the atlas, or Jepherson fractures, are rare. This can be judged at least because in the available literature there is only a description of only 5 cases of such vertebral fractures.

Injuries of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Injuries to the cervical spine account for approximately 19% of all spine injuries. But compared with injuries of the thoracic vertebrae, they are found in a ratio of 1: 2, and lumbar - 1: 4. Disability and mortality with injuries to the cervical spine are still high. The mortality rate for these injuries is 44.3-35.5%.


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