

Mental health (psychiatry)

Coding from alcoholism

Coding from alcoholism is a psychological suggestion prohibiting the use of any alcoholic beverages. Modern coding has many different ways and methods of getting rid of alcohol dependence.

Burnout Syndrome

The term burnout syndrome was first introduced by the American psychiatrist Herbert Fredenberg. In 1974, he gave such a name to the state associated with emotional exhaustion, which leads to severe changes in the sphere of communication.

Adhesive plaster, or how easy it is to quit smoking

Quit smoking, probably, all smokers with experience. And all faced the problem: "How to do it?". The task seems unrealistic. However, nothing is impossible. At the end of the 20th century, nicotine patches "went out" to the war on tobacco smoking. Easy-to-use, anti-smoking patches allowed you to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day without discomfort for a person.

Treatment of various forms of depression

Treatment of depression is still the sphere of activity of doctors - neuropathologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists around the world, despite the diversity of antidepressants represented by the pharmacological industry and the abundance of psychotherapeutic methods and technologies.

Prevalence and statistics of mental illnesses

Currently, mental health is one of the most serious problems facing all countries, since at any given period of life such problems arise at least for every fourth person.

European experience of drug abuse prevention

The conducted scientific research in the field of prevention allowed to develop methodological bases of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism.

Alcoholic paranoid

Alcoholic paranoid is an acute delusional psychosis, accompanied by a vivid effect of fear.

Gambling, or game addiction

In the first published scientific study on the pathological attraction to gambling, an opinion was expressed on the multifactorality of gambling development. Its author is Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576).

Alcoholic hallucinosis

Alcoholic hallucinosis - verbal hallucinosis in persons with alcohol dependence, combined with delusions of persecution.

Alcoholic psychosis

In recent years, the incidence of chronic alcoholism (alcohol dependence) has been increasing in our country, there has been a noticeable increase in the incidence of a condition such as alcoholic psychosis that most accurately reflects the prevalence and severity of the course of chronic alcoholism (alcohol dependence).


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