

Diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology)

Hippel-Lindau disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Angiomatosis of the retina and the cerebellum constitute the syndrome known as the Hippel-Lindau disease. The disease is inherited by an autosomal dominant type.

Retinal detachment in children

Retinal detachment, which occurred in childhood, is difficult to treat because of late diagnosis associated with the absence of complaints in the child until the second eye can see well.

Malformations of the vitreous: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Persistence of the hyaloid artery is observed in more than 3% of healthy full-term infants. It is almost always found at the 30th week of intrauterine development and in preterm infants in screening for the detection of retinopathy of prematurity.

Glaucoma in children

Glaucoma is a pathology rarely seen in childhood. Children's glaucoma combines a large group of various diseases.

Cataract in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Cataract - any opacity of the lens. The relationship between deprivation amblyopia and cataracts that occurred in early childhood emphasizes the importance of eliminating this cause of disability in children.

Uveitis in children

Uveitis - inflammation of the uveate tract. Inflammatory process can be localized in certain departments of the uveal tract, in connection with which it is expedient to subdivide the uveal process in its localization.

Heterochromia of the iris: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Congenital heterochromia of the iris: Melanocytosis of the eye. Eye-skin melanocytosis. Sectoral hamartoma of the iris. Congenital Horner's syndrome (ipsilateral hypopigmentation, miosis and ptosis).

Albinism in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Albinism is a disorder in which the pathology of pigment cells is present, which is particularly reflected in the state of the eyes and skin.

Syndrome of dry eyes in children

An oily "lipid" layer, which reduces evaporation, stabilizes the lacrimal film and provides a high optical quality of its surface. Lipids are produced by meibomian glands.

Dystrophies of the cornea in children

Dystrophies of the cornea, usually represent bilateral and symmetrical disorders of a hereditary nature.


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