

Diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology)

Leptospirosis of the eye: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Leptospirosis - an acute infectious disease, related to zovozam. It is characterized by a primary lesion of liver, kidney, cardiovascular, nervous system and eye.

Listeriosis of the eye

Listeriosis is an acute infectious disease from a group of zoonoses. It is characterized by a variety of pathways, infection of the lymph nodes, central nervous system, mononucleosis of white blood, often a state of septicemia. In general, listeriosis proceeds as an infectious mononucleosis.

Fungal lesions of the eye: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Lesions of the organ of vision of a fungal infection are known for more than 100 years. For a long time this pathology was considered very rare, the fungus species dangerous for the eyes were counted in units, the publications about the diseases caused by them were predominantly casuistic. However, since the 1950s, reports of such diseases have become more frequent.

Eye Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease of a person with a predominant lesion of the mucous membranes of the urogenital organs. Gonorrhea of the eye can develop in adults suffering from gonorrhea of the genitourinary tract, as a result of the introduction of infection into the conjunctival cavity, in persons who are in contact with patients if they fail to comply with hygiene rules.

Hyphema (hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye)

Hyphema (hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye) is an eye injury that requires the immediate involvement of an ophthalmologist.

Bruises and injured eyes: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The consequences of blunt trauma of the eye vary from the violation of the integrity of the eyelids to the damage to the orbit.

Erosion of the cornea: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Erosion of the cornea is a self-limiting, superficial epithelial defect.

Allergic uveitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

In the immunopathology of the organ of vision, the vascular tract is given the leading importance, as evidenced by the large number of published works. Particularly intensive research is conducted in recent years.

Allergic Keratitis

The range of allergic reactions and diseases of the cornea is less clearly delineated than the eye eye allergy allergy.

Contact dermatitis and eczema of the eyelids

Contact dermatitis and eczema of the eyelid are forms of the disease that occur significantly more often than many other allergic eye sufferings. Reflecting the response to a wide variety of external and internal factors, they differ from each other in certain features of the clinical picture and its dynamics.


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