

Diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology)

Bullous Keratopathy

Bullous keratopathy is the presence of epithelial blisters in the cornea, arising from the pathology of the corneal endothelium.

Eye damage by herpes zoster virus

Eye damage by the herpes zoster virus, or Herpes Zoster. Symptoms are manifested by rashes on the skin of the forehead and a painful inflammation of all tissues of the anterior and sometimes posterior segments of the eye.


Xerophthalmia (xerotic keratitis, keratomalacia) is a degeneration of the cornea caused by a nutritional deficiency.

Uveitis due to connective tissue diseases

A group of connective tissue diseases causes inflammation of the uveal tract, causing uveitis.

Infectious uveitis

A group of infections can cause uveitis. Most often it is the herpes virus, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis.

Hereditary optic neuropathies

Hereditary neuropathies of the optic nerve are genetic defects that cause loss of vision, sometimes in combination with cardiac or neurological abnormalities. Effective treatment does not exist.

Ischemic optic neuropathy

Ischemic opticoneuropathy is an infarction of the optic disc. The only symptom is a painless loss of vision. The diagnosis is established clinically. Treatment is ineffective.

Herpes of the eye: symptoms

Herpetic eye lesions are among the most common viral diseases of a person.

Lesion of eyes with chicken pox, measles, rubella

The eye can also be involved in the process with other common viral diseases; in particular chicken pox, measles, and rubella.

Brucellosis of the eye

Brucellosis (Bang's disease, Maltese fever, melikovoksiya) - a common infectious allergic disease, belonging to a group of zoonoses.


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