

Diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders (endocrinology)

Hypoechoic thyroid formation: rounded, with clear, fuzzy outlines

Ultrasound diagnostic study is used for various diseases and suspicions for them - ultrasound can detect many disorders and changes in the body.

Obesity of the 2nd degree: in women, men and children

Obesity, in contrast to small completeness, is already a medical diagnosis, as it entails not only external changes, but also disruption of the internal organs.

Shihan Syndrome

Ischemic necrosis of the pituitary gland and persistent decline in its functions due to postpartum hemorrhage was termed Shihan syndrome.

Obesity 1 degree: treatment with medication, diet, exercise

In ICD-10 obesity is classified as a class of endocrine system diseases, eating disorders and metabolic disorders and has code E66.

Morbid obesity in adults: new treatments

Morbid obesity is a problem with overweight, which has passed to the last stages. At the same time, the weight indices are more than 100% higher than the norm acceptable for a person.


What is MODY-diabetes? This is a hereditary form of diabetes associated with the pathology of insulin production and the violation of glucose metabolism in the body at a young age (up to 25 years).

Hypothalamic syndrome: pubertal period, neuroendocrine, with a violation of thermoregulation

Hypothalamus is an important part of the brain, which regulates a wide range of vital functions of the body. It is a vegetative center that innervates all the internal organs of a person.

Obesity of the 4th degree

It is diagnosed when the person's weight exceeds the maximum allowable value by more than 100%. The norm can be calculated by BMI or other formulas, such as the ratio of the waist to the hips in width.

The smell of acetone from the mouth

There is a large number of diseases of internal organs and pathologies that can provoke aceton halitosis in adults and children.


Iodine is a necessary chemical element for the human body. It is necessary to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, to support immunity, to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, to regulate the body's heat exchange processes.


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