The smell of acetone from the mouth
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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There is a large number of diseases of internal organs and pathologies that can provoke aceton halitosis in adults and children.
Intensive scent of acetone indicates aggressive pathological processes occurring in the body. The reason is a significant increase in the level of ketone bodies in the systemic bloodstream, which, as a response, is a stressful situation for the body (provoking nutritional factors, raising body temperature to high digits), when the complete breakdown of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates is disturbed. Ketones or ketone compounds are intermediate products of lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, consisting of the combination of acetone (propanone), acetoacetic acid (acetoacetate) and beta-hydroxybutyric acid (beta hydroxybutyrate). With further splitting, they serve as additional sources of energy. Formed during oxidative transformations in the liver and lipid tissue.
The presence of ketone compounds in the systemic circulation is considered normal for the body. Safe levels of ketones do not cause the appearance of a pathological odor of acetone from the mouth and a violation of overall well-being.
Unbalanced diet, consisting mainly of lipids and proteins, promotes excessive accumulation of ketone compounds. This leads to an intoxication of the body with unsplit metabolic products and provokes a shift in the acid-base balance of the organism towards an increase in acidity, which manifests itself in the form of acetonemic syndrome and acidosis. Conditions arise from enzymatic scarcity and inability of the digestive tract to break down lipids to the required level. As a result, pathological growth of ketones occurs. Having reached critical marks, acetone and its derivatives have a negative effect on the body.
Causes of the odor of acetone from the mouth
The main causes of acetone halitosis are as follows:
- stressful conditions;
- diabetes;
- food and toxic poisoning;
- lack of a sufficient amount of carbohydrates in the diet;
- prolonged fasting;
- kidney failure;
- congenital deficiency of digestive enzymes.
- significant increases in body temperature in infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Risk factors
The provoking factors for the appearance of the odor of acetone from the mouth are:
- bacterial infections (especially purulent-inflammatory) with a rise in body temperature to high digits,
- diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction, stroke),
- inflammation of the pancreas,
- pathology of the kidneys,
- problems in the work of the thyroid gland,
- alcohol abuse,
- enzymatic and food imbalance.
Symptoms of the odor of acetone from the mouth
The level of accumulated acetone compounds in the body depends on the symptomatology. In mild form - weakness, feeling restless, nausea. Urinalysis is confirmed by ketonuria.
Symptoms of a state of moderate severity include the following: dry, lined tongue, increased thirst, strong acetone halitosis, frequent shallow breathing, abdominal pain without clear localization, dry skin, chills, nausea, confusion may occur. In urine, the ketone compounds increase.
The severe condition of the acetone crisis is identical to a diabetic coma, in which the symptoms are the same as in the case of an average condition with a possible patient's unconsciousness.
The diagnosis of ketoacidosis is based on clinical symptoms and laboratory tests. In blood serum analyzes, hyperketonemia (up to 16-20 mmol / L at a norm of 0.03-0.2 mmol / L) is noted and the presence of high levels of acetone in the urine.
The smell of acetone from the mouth in an adult
The causes of the odor of acetone from the mouth are identical in childhood and adulthood. Distinctive features are provocative factors. Acetone halitosis in adults, in most cases, is observed with diabetes of the first and second types. Acute acetone smell in adult patients is often associated with neurological disorders, anorexia, thyroid and parathyroid gland pathologies, tumor tissue proliferation and diets (especially those associated with prolonged medical starvation).
An adult has adaptive potential to unfavorable living conditions. Long-term accumulation and a long-term high level of ketone compounds in the systemic blood flow leads to the exhaustion of compensatory possibilities and the active manifestation of symptoms of a latent disease accompanied by the odor of acetone from the mouth.
The smell of acetone from the mouth after alcohol
With prolonged and frequent use of alcoholic beverages, there may be a smell of acetone. The reason is that when alcohol is split by hepatic enzymes through the lungs, the alcohol toxin of acetaldehyde is released, which is felt by outsiders, like the smell of acetone from the mouth.
It indicates a sharp shift of acid-base balance in the acidic side (acidosis). Reducing the resistance of the liver to alcohol provokes the appearance of a smell of acetone from the mouth due to the use of alcohol-containing beverages.
The smell of acetone and urine from the mouth
With nephropathies and the development of renal insufficiency, an ammonia odor from the mouth is added to the smell of acetone. Kidneys remove toxins and residues of waste products from the body. If the renal filtration function is impaired, the efficiency of the evacuation of harmful substances decreases and their accumulation takes place. One of its signs is an ammonia smell, which is similar to acetone. They are often confused. To clarify the pathology of the kidneys in the occurrence of ammonia or acetone halitosis, you should consult a urologist or nephrologist.
The smell of acetone from the mouth as a symptom of the disease
Acetone smell can be a symptom of a serious illness
Diabetes mellitus is the most common disease, which causes the smell of acetone.
Type I diabetes mellitus is caused by pathologies associated with pancreatic function. There is a sharp reduction or termination of the synthesis of insulin, responsible for the intake of glucose (the main source of energy) in the body cells. Insulin has the ability to deliver split sugar through cell membranes, ensuring the maintenance of a stable level of glucose in the bloodstream. In type II diabetes, the insulin hormone is generated in its entirety, but cells do not perceive the delivered glucose. Because of what in the blood flow there is an accumulation of excess amount of glucose and a large amount of insulin. If there is an excess of the hormone, the receptors inform the brain of the need for food. There is a false need for food, the consequence of which will be obesity. Excess glucose levels, reaching critical levels, leads to a hyperglycemic coma.
Diabetes is characterized by acidosis and ketonomy, especially in childhood. The rate of ketones in the systemic circulation is 5-12 mg%, in the presence of a patient with diabetes, the percentage of acetone bodies increases to 50-80 mg%, as a result, acetone smell from the mouth is felt. In urine, a high content of ketones is found.
With hyperglycemic coma, there is an acetone smell. The severity of the general condition of the patient is gradually increasing. At the beginning of the attack - tachycardia, narrowing of the pupils, skin pale and dry, possibly the appearance of gastralgia.
The appearance of symptoms of diabetic coma and their aggravation is the reason for calling for emergency medical care, and further treatment in a hospital.
In the air being extracted, there is an acetone smell if the patient has impaired renal function, since the products of nutrient cleavage are not excreted in the urine.
The acetone smell is the first sign of the appearance of kidney nephrosis or dystrophy caused by destruction in the renal tubules and a violation of the filtration and excretion functions. These diseases are characterized by abnormalities of metabolic processes, related to the disorder of elimination of lipid metabolites from the body, leading to the accumulation of ketones in the blood. Nephrosis can be a companion of chronic infections (tuberculosis, rheumatism).
Another disease that contributes to the occurrence of acetone halitosis is hyperthyroidism. This pathology of the thyroid gland, accompanied by a steady increase in the level of synthesis of thyroid hormones and leading to an increase in metabolic processes with the effects of formation and accumulation of ketone compounds.
Increase in acetone-containing compounds occurs in the long period of curative hunger, irrational nutrition (monotonous and unbalanced).
Acetone smell from the mouth can occur in people who observe a strict diet and lovers of frequent periods of fasting. Diets that use reduced caloric intake, by eliminating carbohydrates and fats, can cause metabolic disorders and, with uncontrolled use, lead to negative irreversible consequences. It is useless to use oral fresheners, chewing gums to get rid of the odor of acetone. First, it is necessary to establish and eliminate the cause that led to its appearance.
Odor of acetone from the mouth with type 2 diabetes
Of particular note is type II diabetes mellitus. It flows with rapid obesity (80-90% of patients). Cell walls significantly thicken, membrane permeability for sugar degradation products is impaired because of loss of sensitivity to insulin, the main glucose conductor into the cells of the body. In consequence of this, there is an acetone smell. Stabilize and contain the progress of the disease is possible by applying a special therapeutic diet, which allows you to effectively get rid of excess body weight. Adherence to the diet of foods with low content of easily digestible carbohydrates helps to reduce the body's critical indicators of acetone.
The smell of acetone from the mouth with coma
Differential diagnosis of coma states is difficult, if not known, preceding coma, events or the presence in the patient's history of a diagnosis with the possible occurrence of coma complications. Almost in all cases there is a smell of acetone from the mouth and / or its presence in the urine.
Alcoholic coma. Occurs with frequent and uncontrolled intake of alcohol-containing beverages. Small doses of alcohol are also capable of inducing a coma if the person has an absolute intolerance to ethyl. Overdose of alcohol and coma can be fatal if you do not start detoxification on time. Objectively, in a deep alcoholic coma, there is a lack of consciousness, fading of reflexes, a threadlike pulse, a drop in blood pressure to critically low figures. The facial skin acquires a pale-cyanotic hue, the body is covered with a cold, sticky sweat. There is a sharp smell of alcohol and acetone from the mouth, alcohol and acetone are determined in the blood and urine. Alcoholic coma may also occur as a result of the consumption of methyl (technical) alcohol. The frequency of deaths is much higher than with the use of ethyl alcohol. Therapeutic measures of detoxification therapy are conducted in specialized departments.
Uremic coma. Chronic uremic coma is a condition that is considered the terminal stage of chronic renal failure that occurs against the background of glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, arteriolosclerotic wrinkled kidney. Manifestations and severity are aggravated for a long time. Gradually increase lethargy, weakness, thirst, there is a pronounced smell of ammonia and acetone from the mouth, voice hoarseness, nausea, vomiting, retardation. As a result of intoxication, the respiratory center suffers and pathological respiration appears as Cheyne-Stokes or Kussmaul.
In the blood tests, increasing amounts of creatinine, urea, residual nitrogen are recorded, and acidosis progresses. The confusion is replaced by confusion, then the patients go into an unconscious state and die.
Blood tests confirm a high degree of metabolic acidosis, a progressive increase in creatinine, uric acid, and residual nitrogen.
One of the components of complex therapy for uremia is the use of hemodialysis.
Hepatic coma is a symptomatic complex of severe liver damage. Progresses with inhibition of central nervous system functions and is complicated by coma. The coma can develop gradually or quickly. It occurs with acute toxic dystrophic liver damage, after extensive necrotic processes or due to cirrhotic changes in the liver in viral hepatitis. It is accompanied by increasing retardation, disorientation, drowsiness, confusion of consciousness, there is a characteristic smell of the liver from the mouth, icterus of the skin. With further aggravation of the state, there is a lack of consciousness, the appearance of pathological reflexes and the death of the patient.
In the analysis of blood, low values of total protein and albumins, increased bile acid levels, increased bilirubin, increased activity of specific hepatic enzymes, decreased blood coagulation and cholesterol.
The smell of acetone from the mouth at a temperature of
A temperature reaction occurs when the heat production exceeds the heat transfer under the action of pyrogenic substances. Increased heat production occurs due to the enhancement of metabolic processes, when chemical reactions take place in the body with the release of heat. In these reactions, almost all the glucose potential and a large percentage of brown fat are involved. Enhanced transformations of fatty compounds lead to under-oxidation of lipids with the formation of ketone bodies. Excess acetone compounds can cause nausea and vomiting. Ketones, which can not excrete the kidneys, begin to separate through the lungs, which leads to the appearance of an odor of acetone. During a period of illness with temperature rises, doctors recommend a plentiful drink. After recovering from ARI or other infection, or stopping hyperthermia, the smell of acetone from the mouth stops. If halitosis is noticeable, despite adherence to the drinking regime, it is an alarming factor and an excuse to seek medical advice.
Odor of acetone from the mouth with migraine
With acetone crisis and migraine, there is a similar symptomatology: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, severe sweating. The smell of acetone from the mouth with migraine, usually absent. The results of the determination of ketone bodies in urine will also be negative. If migraine is a concomitant symptom of any disease causing acetone halitosis, then the therapy of the underlying pathology is required. It is necessary to undergo certain types of research: a biochemical blood test, determination of the presence of ketone bodies in the urine, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs. There is another list of studies that will be determined by the doctor. At home, it is possible to determine acetone compounds in urine using test strips.
The smell of acetone from the mouth during starvation
Among the factors provoking acetone halitosis should be noted mono-diet and therapeutic starvation. In the absence of food, the brain transmits impulses that activate the increase in glucose in the systemic bloodstream due to some organic supply of glycogen in the liver. The organism for some time manages to keep glucose values at the physiological level. The stock of complex glycogen carbohydrate is limited. Then the body has to actively use alternative sources of nutrition and energy, which are components of adipose tissue. When decaying lipid organic compounds, cells use the released energy and combinations of nutrients. Active transformation of fats occurs with the formation of acetone-containing compounds. Elevated levels of lipid metabolites have a toxic effect on the body. Their accumulation leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth and is an attempt by the body to get rid of toxins through the lungs. With prolonged starvation, halitosis becomes more pronounced. Unintended use of diets can lead to unpredictable negative results.
The smell of acetone from the mouth of the child
Imperfection and the formation of many organs and systems lead to the occurrence of frequent failures in the reactions of nutrient transformation and metabolic processes. The tendency to the manifestation of the symptoms of the acetone crisis is observed in children up to the age of five. There are primary and secondary types of acetonemia.
The primary type of acetone crisis is the errors in the diet, imbalance in nutrition, periods of hunger. The second type is due to the presence of somatic disease, infectious pathologies, endocrine disruption or a tumor process. In the child's body, ketone compounds accumulate faster and have a pronounced toxic effect. Symptoms of crises of the first and second types are the same: acetone halitosis, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache, the presence of high ketone bodies in the blood, the appearance of acetone in the urine. A child may have a genetic predisposition to acetonemia.
To trigger manifestations of acetone crisis in a child are provoking factors: physical exhaustion, a strong nervous shock, mental overexcitation, a change in climatic conditions.
Adequate treatment is prescribed by a doctor, after conducting a medical examination, laboratory diagnosis and the setting of an accurate diagnosis.
The smell of acetone from the mouth of a newborn
A newborn child is considered from the moment of birth and up to 28 days of life. The presence of a smell of acetone indicates a violation of carbohydrate (energy) metabolism. With a persistent acetone odor and constant concern for the baby, the pediatrician needs help. At home, independently, the presence of ketone compounds in the urine of a newborn can be checked with the help of test strips. This is difficult because of the problematic collection, especially for girls, of the material being analyzed, but possible.
The smell of acetone that appeared after the disease with high temperatures indicates an exhausted reserve of glucose, which is involved in pyrogenic reactions. In children, glycogen in the liver is much less than in adults, it is exhausted faster.
The smell of acetone can appear if the child is on artificial feeding because of imperfections in the digestive system and enzymatic deficiency.
With hidden problems of kidneys, acetone appears due to insufficiently complete excretion of metabolic products. Non-compliance with drinking regimen or overheating of a newborn, acetone smell may also appear. In the case, the addition of vomiting and the smell of acetone increases, urgent medical consultation is needed.
Vomiting in the child and the smell of acetone from the mouth
Excessive accumulation of ketones, their toxic effect on all systems and irritation of the emetic center in the central nervous system leads to the emergence of persistent acetonemic vomiting. In the blood, a decrease in the level of glucose is recorded (hypoglycemia).
A typical clinical picture of acetonemic vomiting: repeated attacks of vomiting, which lead to significant weakness, metabolic decompensation and acute dehydration. The phenomenon is common among children aged 18 months to 5 years. Vomiting is preceded by significant increases in acetone levels and the appearance of acetonuria. When ketone compounds reach critical levels in the blood, a characteristic odor of acetone from the mouth is felt and indomitable vomiting appears. The most common factors that provoke acetonemic vomiting are:
- Infections - viral and bacterial, accompanied by a small amount of fluid during fever;
- Too long breaks between meals;
- Unbalanced protein, fat and carbohydrate diet;
- Psychosomatic disorders.
The condition requires urgent inpatient treatment, as it can lead to the emergence of persistent disturbances in metabolic processes, shifts in acid-base and water-electrolyte balances, leading to life-threatening consequences for the health and life of the child.
The smell of acetone from the mouth of a teenager
By the teenage period, the functional formation of many organs and systems is almost completed. Therefore, the odor of acetone from the mouth in a teenager can be a sign of pathological disorders of metabolic processes in the body. Acetone halitosis can mean that there are certain health problems and one should not treat them lightly. The presence of an acetone odor from the mouth can be a testimony:
- the initial stage of diabetes mellitus, which has not reached obvious clinical manifestations;
- inaccuracies in the diet;
- pathologies on the part of the digestive tract, kidney disease, thyroid, parathyroid and pancreatic glands;
- dysfunctions in work, acute and chronic liver diseases;
- acute and chronic infectious-inflammatory diseases.
Diagnostics of the odor of acetone from the mouth
To accurately diagnose the cause that caused acetonemic halitosis, it is important to have an accurate medical history. Assign laboratory tests and ultrasound diagnosis. The need and list of diagnostic procedures is determined by the doctor. After their carrying out the expert can define, that has led to formation of a smell of an acetone from a mouth.
In the presence of the odor of acetone from the mouth, the following laboratory diagnostic procedures are routinely assigned:
- the developed biochemical analysis of blood (total protein, protein fractions, maltase, amylase pancreatic, lipase, total cholesterol, urea, creatinine, ALT, AST, etc.);
- a generalized blood test;
- determine blood glucose;
- if necessary, the level of hormones is diagnosed;
- general urine analysis (ketone bodies, glucose, protein and microscopy of sediment);
- coprogram (to determine the enzymatic activity of the pancreatic gland and liver).
Based on clinical manifestations, additional laboratory tests are possible, which the specialist will recommend.
Instrumental diagnostics
Simultaneously with laboratory analyzes, ultrasound examinations of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, and thyroid gland are prescribed.
Differential diagnosis
The smell of acetone from the oral cavity is not an independent separate nosological unit, but is a part of the symptom complex of many diseases. It can appear as in serious diseases associated with a violation of the mechanism of metabolic processes, and with banal errors in the diet. A thorough examination by a specialist of an anamnesis and research results is necessary in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and to prescribe adequate treatment appropriate for the condition. In each individual case, differentiation of states is necessary with the help of laboratory and instrumental methods of investigation. From the correctness of the diagnosis depends on the tactics and success of treatment.
Treatment of the odor of acetone from the mouth
Acetone halitosis is not an independent disease. Treatment consists in correction of the basic pathology, which caused the odor of acetone from the mouth. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - lifelong insulin administration is prescribed in a strictly defined dosage. Diabetes type 2 - taking drugs that reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood.
A special situation is acetone syndrome in a child. It begins with attacks of nausea and vomiting, leading to serious violations of water-electrolyte balance and a catastrophic decrease in glucose level. Therapy is based on the replenishment of the need for a child's body in glucose and the restoration of water-electrolyte equilibrium. It is recommended to drink sweet tea or a decoction of dried fruits. Recommended aqueous solutions of drugs that contribute to the restoration of water-electrolyte equilibrium: rehydron, humana-electrolyte.
Regidron. The package is diluted 1 liter of warm water and take 5-10 ml / per 1 kg of patient's body weight for 1 hour or after each attack of vomiting. Applying a therapeutic dose of side effects is not observed.
There is a certain rule, following which you can fill the volume of fluid and electrolytes in the child's body with nausea and vomiting: drink small amounts (5-15 ml), but every 10-15 minutes.
If the vomiting of the child has become uncontrollable, the general state of health worsened (lethargy, weakness, apathy worsened), abdominal pain may appear without clear localization, then a specialist consultation is needed on further treatment in a hospital and infusion therapy.
To fill the volume of fluid in the body used solutions for drip infusions: rheosorbilact, sorbilact, trisol, disol, Ringer's solution, neohemodes.
Trisol. The solution is applied dropwise at a rate of 40-120 drops per minute, pre-heating to a temperature of 36-38 ° C. Within an hour the permissible amount of solution is 7-10% of the body weight of the patient. During the infusion, control of electrolyte blood composition is necessary to avoid hyperkalemia adversely affecting the work of the heart.
Ringer's solution. The drug is ideal for parenteral replacement of a lack of fluid volume. Admissible dosage for adults is 1-2 liters of solution per day. Stop Ringer's solution with normal hemodynamic parameters. Before and during the application of the solution, monitoring of the electrolyte content in the blood is mandatory. May cause hyperkalemia and hypernatremia. Carefully apply to elderly patients in the postoperative period.
In the inpatient setting, drugs that affect the cerebral vomiting center are prescribed: metoclopromide, cerucal, sturgeon, ondansetron, etc. Antiemetic drugs are prescribed primarily as solutions for the intravenous or intravenous administration.
Cerucal or metoclopromide. It is intended for parenteral administration in order to stop emetic pushes. In the treatment of acetone-induced vomiting is not prescribed for a long period, so the possibility of developing side effects is minimal. An exception is hypersensitivity to components. Therapeutic dosage: adults and adolescents (over 14 years old) - 10 mg metoclopramide (1 ampoule) 3-4 times a day; children (from 3 to 14 years old) - 0.1 mg metoclopramide / kg body weight.
Apply very carefully to patients with impaired renal function.
Sturgeon. Used for the purpose of elimination of vomiting. RR for IM, IV injections and IV infusion. Osetron is allowed to dilute 5% of r-rum dextrose, r-rum Ringer, physiological r-rum sodium chloride. Standard solutions are used in ampoules of 4 mg and 8 mg each. The dosage and frequency of the drug is determined by the doctor. It is not recommended for patients with individual hypersensitivity to components, pregnant and lactating women, children under 2 years of age.
In families where one of the relatives suffers from ketonuria or acetonemic crises, there should be special test strips to determine the level of urine in the urine of acetone. Tests are sold in pharmacy chains.
After the acetone crisis, the weakened organism needs vitamin complexes: askorutin, revit, undevit.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Specialists are advised to use special alkaline mineral water (Borzhomi, Luzhanskaya), but beforehand it is necessary to get rid of the gases.
The attending physician may decide to take a course of warm (up to 41 ° C) alkaline enemas (3% or 5% soda solution) to eliminate the effects of acidosis. Before staging a soda enema, you must clean the large intestine.
Alternative treatment
In alternative medicine, there are recipes that will help improve digestion and reduce the odor of acetone from the mouth. But it should be remembered that this is a temporary measure, because it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused acetone halitosis.
You can prepare compote or juice from cranberries, sea-buckthorn, as well as a decoction and infusion of rose hips. These berries perfectly affect the body: strengthen immunity, improve metabolic processes and normalize the work of the digestive tract.
Herbal Treatment
In the alternative medicine for diabetes, gastritis, gastric ulcer, chronic enteritis, food poisoning of dysentery, liver disease, diarrhea, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, diseases of the gums and aphthous ulcers on the oral mucosa uses blackberries. Its fruits contain: glucose, fructose, sucrose, ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin E, organic acids, etc. In the leaves - a large amount of ascorbic acid.
A hundred thousand centaurium is widely used . It is used for gastritis with increased secretion of gastric contents, indigestion, fever, vomiting, liver disease, diabetes mellitus, as a choleretic and anthelmintic agent. In Centaurium there are: alkaloids, various glycosides, ascorbic and oleic acids, essential oil.
Hot infusion: 1-2 tsp. Raw materials must be poured one glass of boiling water and let it brew for 5 minutes. The infusion is taken during the day.
Arsenicum album is a preparation based on arsenic. Accepted in cases of the occurrence of acetonemic syndrome, with diseases having an infectious genesis, occurring with acidosis and a pronounced general weakness. The use of 1 dose of Arsenicum Albumum CH30 can significantly reduce the severity of acetone syndrome, alleviating the symptoms of the underlying disease. From 5 to 20 granules dissolve in a half-glass of boiling water. Drink on a sip (a teaspoonful) every 5-20 minutes.
Vertigocel is a homeopathic antiemetic drug.
Has a tonic effect on the nervous system and has a vasodilating effect. It is used for the relief of emetic desires that occur during vertigo neurogenic, vascular genesis, with a light form of craniocerebral trauma. Means take a standard of 1 tab. 3 r / day, with intense attacks of vertigo and nausea, the reception starts with 10 drops or 1 tablet every 15 minutes for 1-2 hours.
Nuks Vomica homaccord - antiemetic homeopathic drug.
Has antispasmodic, antiphlogistic action on the intestines. Used: for relief of headaches, positively affects the liver, with digestive disorders. Take a standard 10 drops of 3 r / day.
Diet with the smell of acetone from the mouth
In the acute period of the disease with the emergence of intense odor of acetone from the mouth, diet adheres with the obligatory observance of the regime of abundant drinking (if there are no restrictions on the consumed liquid). Excludes fatty and protein foods, meat products, yeast fresh muffins, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole milk. Food in this period should be easily digestible, containing mainly carbohydrates: light porridges on water, baked apples, biscuits, tea. A week later, the sour-milk products are introduced into the diet. After two weeks, boiled lean meat, bananas are allowed. Gradually, the range of permitted products widens, the exception is milk (it should be abandoned for 1-2 months).
Preventive measures are as follows:
- observance of daily routine;
- sleep (not less than 8 hours per day);
- Staying in the fresh air;
- physical education with dosed and regular exercises without excessive intensity;
- daily reception of water procedures.
It should avoid overheating in the sun and overloading the nervous system, it is necessary to maintain a correct diet.
The attending physician during the intercrisis periods can recommend medications that normalize the lipid metabolism, hepatoprotective agents, sedatives (mainly phytopreparations: valerian, motherwort, persen, novo-passit, sedasena forte, etc.); stimulants of appetite (gastric juice, abomin, vitamins of group B1, B6); preparations of substitution fermentotherapy.
With the re-occurrence of acetonemic syndrome, regular (at least 2 times a year) anti-relapse cycles of preventive therapy for the underlying disease are needed.
The prognosis with acetone syndrome is favorable. As children grow up, the appearance of acetone crises stops. Timely appeal for help to doctors and competent therapeutic tactics of the underlying disease contribute to the reduction of ketoacidosis.
The smell of acetone from the mouth is a message from the body that problems have appeared in his work. This message must be a reaction. Do not wait for a visit to the doctor. A qualified specialist will be able to conduct a health check and find out which of the systems in the body caused the appearance of acetone compounds. Knowing the reason, it will be easier to get rid of the acetone smell.