

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)


Pericoronitis - inflammation and infection of the soft tissues around a partially cut tooth - is often associated with affected third permanent molars.

Hairy Leukoplakia of the oral cavity and tongue

Hairy leukoplakia is in no way associated with hair growth on the surface of the skin, but is a disease of the mucous membranes in which the pathological areas are covered with filiform white villi, noticeable only after histological examination.

Treatment of deep caries of teeth: basic methods

Deep caries does not appear suddenly, but is the result of ignoring the destruction of the tooth, starting with slightly visible changes in the enamel, the formation of a hollow, and its deepening into hard layers - dentin.

Deep dental caries in adults and children

Caries is a slow process of destruction of the hard layers, and deep - its last stage, in which the lesions reached great depth and they are separated from the pulp only a thin layer of bone tissue - dentin.

Pain in the gum in the wisdom tooth

Dentists are increasingly complaining of severe pain, the localization of which is not always clearly defined. We have to carry out complex diagnostics, find the source of pain.

Implantation and gum augmentation

Dental implantation is gaining popularity with each passing day among different population groups. This is due to the fact that this method of teeth replacement is quite reliable, because it was invented a few dozen years ago.

Cancer of the oral mucosa

The oral cavity is the protective barrier of the whole organism. In it the greatest variety of microflora is concentrated. It includes bacteria, viruses, fungi, which in their way of life can be obligate (permanent inhabitants of the oral cavity) and optional (conditionally-pathogenic). 

Why do teeth crumble and what to do?

With each year, dentistry rises one step higher, expanding the range and scale of treatment of dentoalveolar pathologies. The newest drugs are being discovered, more effective methods of treatment and prevention of dental diseases are being introduced.

Tooth implant rejection

Dental implantation is by far the most optimal way of replacing lost teeth. More and more people prefer implants instead of classical removable prostheses or orthopedic structures on teeth. 

Tooth implant placement: how to choose the right implant

Everyone knows that teeth are made up of the hardest tissues inherent in the human body. Enamel contains up to 98% of inorganic substances and is the most mineralized, and, therefore, the most durable "building material" of man.


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