

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiology)

Operations in arterial aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations of the brain

There are two fundamentally different approaches to the surgical treatment of aneurysms: Traditional intracranial access with the discharge of the supporting arteries and the switching off of the aneurysm from the total blood flow by clipping its neck or forced occlusion of the aneurysm-bearing artery (trapping).

Aneurysm treatment

Treatment for aneurysm rupture depends on the severity of the patient's condition upon admission and is due to the degree of involvement of the major pathogenetic mechanisms.

Diagnosis of aneurysm rupture

Diagnosis of rupture of an aneurysm is carried out on the basis of the clinical picture described above and data of additional methods of investigation. At the same time, age, information on concomitant diseases (vasculitis, diabetes, blood diseases, renal hypertension, hypertension) must be taken into account.

Symptoms of aneurysm rupture

In 5-8% of patients, blood can break into the ventricular system, usually through the third ventricle, sometimes causing a tamponade of the ventricles of the brain. As a rule, this leads to a lethal outcome. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the symptoms of aneurysm rupture are accompanied only by subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).

Causes of an aneurysm

The most recognized theory explaining the causes of an aneurysm is the Dandy-Paget theory, according to which aneurysms develop due to an irregular formation of the arterial wall in the embryonic period.

Lymphostasis of the lower extremities: what threatens the swelling of the legs?

Legs swell near enough large numbers of people. When there is swelling of the foot or lower leg with tense veins in the evening, and swelling disappears in the morning, then this is not good: these are distant harbingers of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis ... But if the swelling becomes more and more noticeable every day, then here it does not go away probably no less alarming diagnosis - lymphostasis of the lower extremities.

Rheumatoid heart disease

In the vast majority of cases, rheumatoid heart disease is asymptomatic. Pericarditis with clinical manifestations is recorded in no more than 2% of cases.

Rheumatic carditis

Rheumatic carditis is the most significant sign of rheumatic fever (RL), which determines the severity of the patient's condition and illness. Carditis usually occurs in isolation or is combined with other major clinical manifestations of RL.

Rheumatic fever

Rheumatic fever (PL) is a post-infection complication of A-streptococcal tonsillitis or pharyngitis in predisposed individuals with the development of an autoimmune response to epitopes of group A streptococcus and cross reactivity with similar epitopes of human tissues (heart, joints, CNS).

Lymphostasis of the hand

Lymphostasis of the hand is a serious disease that causes persistent puffiness. Let's look at the causes of the disease, the methods of treatment and preventive measures that will help get rid of lymphostasis.


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