Lymphostasis of the hand
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Lymphostasis of the hand is a serious disease that causes persistent puffiness. Let's look at the causes of the disease, the methods of treatment and preventive measures that will help get rid of lymphostasis.
Lymphostasis is the persistent edema of the tissues, which is formed due to violations in the outflow of lymph, that is, tissue fluid. As a rule, lymphostasis affects the lower limbs.
There are several factors that can be a direct cause of lymphostasis:
- Surgical operations, in which lymph nodes were removed.
- Erysipelas inflammation.
- Problems with lymphatic and venous vessels.
There are several stages of lymphostasis, each stage has its own symptoms and characteristics. The last stage of lymphostasis is elephantiasis or elephantiasis. This condition is characterized by a strong increase and thickening of the limb, as well as trophic disorders of the subcutaneous tissue and skin and as a result - disability of the patient.
Puffiness, which becomes the main sign of lymphostasis, appears due to a minor inflammatory process. For example, after a bruise, there may be swelling of the soft tissues, this is due to the influx of lymph fluid.
After a while, puffiness comes off, for this use compresses, injections and medications. But there are violations that are associated with the operation of the lymphatic system and then any injury can lead to violations of the outflow of lymph. With the lymphostasis of the hand, patients experience chronic edema, which significantly disturbs the structure of the skin. It consolidates the upper layer, which subsequently causes ulcers, and the elephant disease progresses.
Causes of Lymphostasis of the Hand
The causes of lymphostasis of the hand are based on injuries and damage to the lymphatic system. As a rule, these are burns, bruises, surgeries, fractures, stretching or dislocations. Also, the causes of lymphostasis are:
- Benign and malignant tumors of the lymphatic system.
- Injuries in which lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels were damaged.
- Parasitic or staphylococcal infections.
- Irradiation in cancerous tumors.
- Operations in which there was damage to the lymphatic system.
Depending on the cause and type of damage to the lymphatic system, there are two types of lymphostasis: primary and secondary.
The causes of primary lymphostasis of the hand - the anomaly of the lymphatic system and vessels, as a rule, is congenital. The disease can not be determined in the first years of life, it begins to manifest itself during puberty.
The causes of secondary lymphostasis are not congenital, and any healthy person can get them. These include: tumors in the lymphatic system, trauma, chronic diseases, sedentary lifestyle (this refers to lying patients), erysipelas of the hands, operations on the chest cavity, obesity.
Lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy
Mastectomy is the removal of the breast due to a malignant tumor. When removing the breast, lymph nodes can be removed at hand. This leads to a violation of the outflow of lymph fluid, that is, to the lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy. If mastectomy is used to irradiate lymph nodes that are located in the armpits, this also causes lymphostasis.
Due to impaired lymph drainage, that is, damage to drainage and lymph nodes, a persistent and severe swelling of the arm appears. If the edema has gone through a couple of months after the mastectomy, then it is post-mastectomy lymphostasis. If the edema does not come off, and does not respond to treatment, then we are talking about lymphedema. Lymphostasis does not appear in every woman who has undergone a mastectomy, but if he has appeared, he can accompany throughout his life or go away in months or even years of fighting the disease.
The danger of hand lymphostasis after mastectomy is that the swelling can cause deformity of the hand and is often accompanied by inflammatory processes. Postmortectomic lymphomas cause a lot of inconvenience to patients and cause stressful situations and depression during treatment.
If the lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy appears in the first year of treatment, then, as a rule, it is not dangerous and treatable. Swelling is mild, but accompanied by a bursting, aching pain and heaviness in the hand, this all causes a lot of inconvenience. If you do not start on time for treatment of lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy, then the disease will go to the stage of severe dense lymphostasis, the treatment of which is a longer and painstaking process.
Why does lymphostasis appear after a mastectomy?
When mastectomy is removed, not only the breast, but also lymphatic vessels, nodes that have been taking and giving lymph from the mammary glands. After the chest and lymph nodes are removed, the body fails.
- The size of the lymph nodes being removed can be different, it all depends on the stage and shape of the tumor and its location. In very severe cases, removal of the small pectoral muscle and lymph nodes of the 3rd level is possible.
- Lymph nodes are removed because there is a possibility that the oncocells are in the lymphatic system. And if you remove them, then in the future you can avoid the recurrence of cancer.
- Determine if the lymph nodes of cancer cells, you can only after they are removed. The oncologist conducts histological studies of distant lymph nodes and the breast.
- Lymphostasis with mastectomy occurs due to a malfunction in the body. After the lymph nodes have been removed the body does not cease to direct the lymph, but it all accumulates in the area of the shoulder and arm.
It is impossible to predict the outcome of an operation in advance. There are cases when after complete removal of lymph nodes and muscle tissue during mastectomy, lymphostasis does not occur. But it happens the other way round, when the slightest interference with the lymphatic system causes the strongest lymphostasis of the hand.
Symptoms of lymphostasis of the hand
Symptoms of lymphostasis of the hand depend on the stage of development of lymphostasis. Let's look at the stages of the disease and the symptoms that accompany it.
The first stage:
- A slight puffiness on the arm, which appears late in the evening and comes off after a dream, that is in the morning.
- Puffiness appears constantly, but at this stage patients rarely seek medical help.
- At the first stage connective tissue growths have not yet begun, so when seeking medical help it is possible to prevent further development of lymphostasis.
The second stage:
- There is an irreversible edema on the arm.
- Connective tissues grow and skin hardens on the arm.
- Because of the swelling, the skin on the arm is swollen and taut, causing pain in the arm.
- As a rule, it is at this stage that patients seek medical help.
- Treatment is possible, but requires full compliance with recommendations and enormous efforts.
The third stage:
- The disease becomes irreversible
- All the symptoms described in the first and second stages are intensified.
- Ranks and cysts appear on the arm.
- Fingers are deformed, that is, lymphostasis of the extremities appears.
- The hand becomes inactive because of the development of elephantiasis.
- It is also possible the appearance of eczema, ulcers or erysipelas.
Symptoms of the lymphostasis of the hand completely depend on the stage at which the disease is located. With each stage, the symptoms become dangerous and irreversible and lead to a lot of complications, in very difficult cases, a fatal outcome is possible.
Diagnosis of lymphostasis of the hand
Diagnosis of hand lymphostasis begins with the study of the symptoms of the disease and a complete examination of the hand. In the diagnosis it is necessary to make a biochemical analysis of blood and urine and clinical analysis. It is necessary to consult a vascular surgeon and conduct a complete examination of the chest cavity, small pelvis, peritoneum, veins and extremities. In order to finally confirm the diagnosis - lymphostasis, and to find out the reasons for its appearance, lymphatic system and lymphatic vessels are lymphatic.
- At the first signs of lymphostasis of the hand, that is, with the appearance of puffiness, you should immediately contact a vascular surgeon, a lymphologist or phlebologist. The doctor will be able to reliably determine the cause of puffiness, and in the case of progressive lymphoma, he will appoint a set of tests and ultrasound.
- In the diagnosis of lymphostasis of the hand and the study of the patency of the vessels, lymphoscintigraphy, in other words X-ray lymphography, is used. This technique allows you to observe changes in the lymphatic system and find places of obstruction of blood vessels.
- Lymphostasis of the hand can be confused with deep vein thrombosis or post-phlebitis syndrome. In all cases, varicose enlargement, mild puffiness, unilateral lymphedema, and hyperpigmentation are observed. In order to accurately diagnose the lymphostasis of the arm, ultrasound of the extremities and veins is carried out.
Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand
Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand depends on the stage at which the disease is located. Lymphostasis of the hand is a strong, in some cases, irreversible edema that occurs due to a damaged lymphatic system and lymph nodes. Edema on the arm may also appear due to the inflammatory process, after a bruise or stroke. Edema occurs due to the influx of lymph to the affected area.
As a rule, swelling passes independently, but in the case of lymphostasis edema, you can get rid of swelling only with the help of medicines and only at the first stages of the disease. But lymphostasis can cause not only a bruise or burn, but also a disease of the lymphatic system, which is characterized by impairment of lymph drainage.
The treatment of the lymphostasis of the hand is completely aimed at stopping the swelling and returning the hand to a normal state, without complications. The speed and effectiveness of treatment depend on the timely application of medical care and the diagnosis of lymphostasis. The course of treatment provides for the full implementation of all rules and recommendations, which include therapy, medication and patient desire. Treat lymphostasis of the hands, usually with conservative methods, which are aimed at creating all the conditions that will help cleanse the lymph vessels and lead the lymphatic pathways and nodes into a normal working state.
Treatment of hand lymphostasis consists of:
- Complex drug therapy.
- The use of manual lymph drainage, which helps to carry out the outflow of lymph from the affected area.
- Care for the affected hand, the use of ointments and creams.
- Selection of a special compression bandage and linen.
- Complex of therapeutic gymnastics and massage.
In some cases, for the treatment of lymphostasis of the hand involves pneumomassage or lymphopress. The procedure is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. Also, laser therapy, electromagnetic stimulation, which positively influence the lymphatic system, is used to treat lymphostasis. Started lymphostasis, that is, lymphostasis of the hand in the last stages, practically does not give in to treatment. At the last stages of the disease, as a treatment resort to osteopathic visceral techniques that can reduce puffiness and improve the flow and outflow of lymph.
Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy
Treatment of hand lymphostasis after mastectomy begins after the stage of development of lymphostasis has been determined. Lymphostasis after mastectomy is dense and soft. Soft hand lymphostasis after mastectomy is a reversible edema that can be treated and may occur within a year after surgery. If mild lymphostasis has not been cured, then it grows into an irreversible form of the disease - dense lymphostasis.
Tight lymphostasis of the hand is directly related to scars that form in the area of the lymph nodes, after the course of radiotherapy, which is used to treat mastectomy. Many doctors argue that the appearance of tight lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy is the first sign that the cancer cells have not left, that is, a relapse of oncology is possible.
During the treatment of lymphostasis, it is very important to restore the outflow of lymph. To do this, connect collaterals, which provide normal circulation and lymph drainage. Another method of treatment is exercise therapy. A set of therapeutic exercises is recommended to begin one week after a mastectomy. This kind of rehabilitation should be performed at all stages of the lymphostasis of the hand. In the first days after removal of the breast, it is very difficult to conduct therapeutic gymnastics, as the body hurts and the hands do not obey. But the earlier to begin the therapeutic gymnastics, the more likely to avoid the appearance of lymphostasis. Physical exercises will improve the outflow of lymph, increase the elasticity of the tissues of the shoulder and hands, help to eliminate spasms that arise in the muscles.
It will not be superfluous to visit the pool and undergo a course of treatment with the use of a compression sleeve, which helps stimulate the lymph drainage. Please note that the main treatment for lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy is special gymnastics, massages and physical education, and only then medical treatment.
Hand massage with lymphostasis
Hand massage with lymphostasis can do both the patient himself and any person who knows the skills and nuances of therapeutic massage. As a rule, with mastectomy and lymphostasis, when discharging from the hospital, the patient and one of the family members instruct about the massage of the hand and the technique of its execution.
Let's consider the options for hand massage with lymphostasis:
- Raise up your hand, which has a puffiness or hand, on the side of which there was a mastectomy. Put your hand in a vertical surface. With the second hand, gently massage, stroke the sore arm. Do this from the fingers to the shoulder and from the elbow to the shoulder, but not all over the arm. Sometimes, with a similar massage used therapeutic ointments and creams.
- Massaging the hand is necessary from all sides. Carefully work the sides of the hand, inside and outside. Massage movements should be soft, slow, there should be a slight pressure on the subcutaneous tissues. But this does not mean that the hand should be squeezed strongly. During the massage you should not feel any discomfort or pain.
The duration of one massage procedure is about 5 minutes. Massage is recommended every 2-3 hours, depending on the stage of lymphostasis and the kind of swelling.
Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand with alternative means
Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand with alternative means is a treatment that has developed over the years. That is, it is possible to say with certainty that alternative methods of treatment are a proven panacea of the lymphostasis of the hand. Let's consider the most effective recipes that are used in the treatment of lymphostasis by alternative means.
Treatment with plantain
- 2 tablespoons dry leaves of plantain
- 2 cups of boiling water
- 1 teaspoon of honey
Pour over the leaves of the plantain with boiling water for the night and let it brew. In the morning strain the broth. Take it 30 minutes before eating. Before drinking a decoction, you need to eat a spoonful of honey, this enhances the therapeutic effect of the tincture. Drink the broth for two months.
Treatment with tar
- 1 tablespoon tar
- 1 head of onions
- honey
The bulb should be baked in the oven, and the bulb should be baked in the shell. After the bulb is baked, it must be cleaned and mixed with tar. The resulting mixture is spread on a thick layer of gauze bandage and put on the night for lymphostasis on the arm. In the morning, the bandage should be removed, wipe your hand with warm water and make a light massage. Alternative medicine recommends taking honey before applying the compress and after it is removed. Honey actively fights with hand lymphostasis, accelerates and intensifies the effect of other medical procedures. Repeat the procedure, it is recommended within a month or two.
Treatment with garlic
- 250 grams of chopped fresh garlic
- 350 grams of liquid honey
Ingredients should be mixed and insisted for one week. Take the mixture you need one tablespoon an hour before meals, the course of treatment is 60 days.
Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand with alternative means we assume the intake of tinctures and lotions to the affected hand from herbs and plants that contain vitamin C and P. These vitamins contribute to the liquefaction of lymph and improve its outflow and inflow through the lymphatic system. Eat pomegranate juice, currants from currants, cranberries and dogrose. Eat fruits and drink red juices, because they contain a lot of vitamin P: grapes, beet juice, currants, rowan.
Gymnastics with hand lymphostasis
Gymnastics with hand lymphostasis is a mandatory therapy, without which a full-fledged treatment is simply impossible. We offer you a complex of therapeutic gymnastics, which is recommended to do with lymphostasis of the hand. Each exercise should be done in five approaches ten times - this is the optimal physical load, which will help improve the lymph drainage and relieve pain in the hand.
- Put your hands on your knees, so that your hands look down, keep your elbows level. Take your palms slowly from the rear to the outside. Please note that the fingers should be as relaxed as possible.
- Get your hands behind your back and put them in the lock. Hands should be bent at the elbows, and palms pressed to the back. Slowly pull your hands to the shoulder blades.
- Hands on knees, elbows straight, alternately tighten and unclench fists.
- Raise your hand up, hold it in front of you, slowly lower it. Observe breathing techniques, slow inhalation and exhalation.
- Tie your hands behind your back to the castle on straight elbows. Take your hands up, so that the blades are at the same time brought together.
- Put your hands on your shoulders, slowly lower and raise.
- Put your hands on your shoulders and make circular movements with your arms and shoulders, back and forth.
- Stand up, tilt the body and lower the sore arm. Hand completely relax and shake it from side to side and back and forth.
- Raise the sick arm up and hold it for a couple of seconds, then take your hand to the side and hold it again.
In addition to gymnastics, preventive measures are very important for the treatment and prevention of lymphostasis.
- With lymphostasis of the hand, it is very important to observe the rules of hygiene and regularly take care of the affected limb. Remove nails and calluses, disinfect the tools used to minimize infection in the lymph.
- Avoid injuries, burns, scratches and any kind of damage. Try not to overheat, as this will only increase lymphatic edema.
- Lead a lively lifestyle, as sitting in one place or lying down can cause stasis of lymph in the body and will only complicate the disease.
- Use a variety of nutritional and moisturizing creams, this will protect your hand from cracks and dryness.
- Adhere to diet and dietary rules, this is an important part of the comprehensive treatment of hand lymphostasis.
Lymphostasis of the hand does not make a person disabled. Lymphostasis does not interfere with ordinary activities and lead an active lifestyle. Be patient and follow all the rules of treatment, nutrition and gymnastics, and you can cure lymphostasis of the hand.