

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Congenital diverticulum of the urethra

Congenital diverticulum of the urethra is a rather rare developmental defect, which manifests itself as a saccular protrusion on the posterior wall of this anatomical structure.

Doubling the urethra

Doubling the urethra in urological practice is rare. The clinic is full and incomplete doubling.

Congenital narrowing of the urethra

Congenital narrowing of the urethra in urological practice is rare. Localized these constrictions most often in the distal sections of this anatomical formation.

Congenital obliteration of the urethra

Congenital obliteration of the urethra is common in boys. Rarely, this pathology is combined with other vices.

Hypertrophy of the seminal tubercle

Hypertrophy of the seminal tubercle is a congenital malformation of the development, for which hyperplasia of all structural elements of the seed tubercle is characteristic.

Congenital valves of the urethra

Congenital valves of the urethra - a fairly frequent urological pathology in boys (1:50 000 newborns) and very rare in girls.

Recurrent cystitis in women: treatment

Recurrent cystitis in women treatment involves a complex, that is, a combination of etiological and pathogenetic factors. It should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease.

Recurrent cystitis in women: causes and pathogenesis

The causes of recurrent cystitis in women in 95% are associated with one microorganism. The most frequent causative agent of the disease is gram-negative enterobacteria, namely Escherichia coli.

Acute and chronic recurrent cystitis in women

Acute and chronic recurrent cystitis in women is the most common disease in women aged 20-40 years in gynecological practice.

Rarely seen malformations of the bladder

Rare malformations of the bladder - hypertrophic changes in the intercurrent ligament, excess mucous membrane of the triangle in the urinary space, malformations of the urinary duct, cystic formations of the urinary duct.


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