

Diseases of the ear, throat and nose (otolaryngology)

Rheogenic diseases of lacrimal organs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Very often patients with acute or chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinopathy, with paranasal sinus diseases make complaints about lacrimation, itching in the eyes or, on the contrary, on the dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes. These complaints are due to the involvement of lacrimal nasal cavity in one or another pathological process.

Optical-chiasmal arachnoiditis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Optico-chiasmal arachnoiditis, in essence, is an intracranial complication of an infection that penetrates to the basal brain envelopes that surrounds the visual crossover.

Rhinogenic ophthalmic complications: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Occurrence of rhinogenic ophthalmologic complications is facilitated by close anatomic connections of the nose and paranasal sinuses with the orbit and its contents. The commonness of their bone walls is not a significant barrier to penetration from the paranasal sinuses into the orbit

Thrombosis of the sinuses of the dura mater

Thrombosis of the sinuses of the solid meninges is a complication, being in the clinical course and its outcomes an independent (nosologicized) disease, in fact, is a secondary process, arising as a complication of the local purulent-inflammatory process or general septicopyemia.

Thrombophlebitis and cerebral vein thrombosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Pathological conditions of the nasal cavity (inflammation, tumors, traumatic injuries) virtually without exception affect her venous system, which is reported through anastomoses with the venous system of the brain.

Rhinogenic brain abscesses: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The most common cause of the occurrence of rhinogenic brain abscesses are frontal and etmoiditis, less often the inflammation of the maxillary sinus and the sphenoid sinus, and as a rule, abscesses of the frontal lobe arise, which is primarily due to its proximity to the paranasal sinuses.

Mucocele of the paranasal sinuses: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Mukocele of paranasal sinuses is a peculiar retentional saccular cyst of any one paranasal sinus, formed as a result of obliteration of the nasal excretory duct and accumulation of mucous and hyaline secretions inside the sinus, as well as elements of desquamation of the epithelium

Surgical treatment of chronic frontitis

Surgical treatment of chronic frontal sinusitis has the following objectives: opening of the frontal sinus in sufficient for its revision limits, removal of pathologically altered mucous membrane and other pathomorphological formations (granulation tissue, polyps, necrotic areas of bone tissue, etc.).

Chronic purulent rhinoemoitis

Chronic purulent rhinoetmoiditis (synonym: chronic anterior ethmoiditis) is a disease that is treated as a subsequent pathophysiologic stage, resulting from acute rhinoemoideitis, untreated within 2-3 months after the onset.

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic inflammations of the paranasal sinuses are divided as well as acute ones into the anterior (craniofacial) and posterior (etmoidosphenoid) chronic sinusitis. General provisions reflecting the etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, clinical course, etc. Of this form of sinusitis.


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