

Diseases of the ear, throat and nose (otolaryngology)

Neurinoma of the pre-cochlear nerve

By the middle of the last century, neurinoma of the pre-cochlear nerve with respect to brain tumors was 9%, compared with 23% for tumors of the posterior cranial fossa, while tumors of the posterior cranial fossa relative to all brain tumors were 35%

Malignant tumors of the middle ear

Malignant tumors of the middle ear appear in equal proportions in both sexes, epithelioma occur between 40 and 50 years, and sarcomas - up to 10 years of age. Malignant tumors of the middle ear are divided into primary and secondary.

Benign tumors of middle ear

Tumors of the middle ear - a rare phenomenon, but when they occur, there are significant problems related to both diagnosis and treatment. Tumors of the middle ear are divided into benign and malignant.

Malignant tumors of external ear

Spinocellular epidermoid epitheliomas, the most frequent, evolve very quickly and are localized more often on the auricle, appearing as a warty type of formation, ingrown into the underlying tissue by all of its bases, often bleeding when rubbed against a pillow during sleep or an inadvertent touch to the auricle.

Benign tumors of external ear

Benign tumors of the outer ear - seborrheic and dermoid cysts (on the anti-pedicle and lobe), fibromas (true, fascicular, keploid), nevi (pigment or vascular), kondilloma (in the anterior ear incision between the percutaneous tubercle and leg of the curl), chondrophybras, often the wrestlers and boxers arising as a result of the fibrous organization of hematoma, chondroma, papilloma, neurinoma, hemangioma, osteoma (in the osseous part of the external auditory canal).

Sarcoma of the larynx

Sarcoma of the larynx is very rare. According to the data of the German ENT oncologist O.Matsker, up to 1958 in the world press about 250 cases of this disease were published, so that 0.5% of sarcomas among all malignant tumors of the larynx

Benign tumors of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The laryngeal chondroma is a very rare disease, almost always localized on the plate of cricoid cartilage, from which, growing, penetrates into various areas of the larynx. Romanian otorhinolaryngologists found that in 1952 only 87 cases of this disease were described in the world literature. Less commonly, laryngeal chondroma develops on the epiglottis and thyroid cartilage.

Cysts of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Most of the cysts of the larynx are localized outside of its cavity on the epiglottis or on the root of the tongue, but may occur in the ventricles of the larynx and on the scaly belts.

Angioma of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Angiomas of the larynx are divided into hemangiomas and lymphangiomas. True laryngeal hemangiomas are very rare and, according to different authors, account for about 1% of all benign tumors of the larynx.

Throat Polyps

Polyps make up the most significant portion of benign laryngeal tumors. They most often occur in males in adulthood. The reasons for their occurrence are the same factors as for singing knots.


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