

Cancer (oncology)

Prevention and treatment of myelotoxic agranulocytosis in cancer patients

Myelotoxicity is the damaging effect of chemotherapy on the hematopoietic tissue of the bone marrow. According to the criteria of the National Cancer Institute of the United States, four degrees of suppression of each of the hematopoiesis are isolated.

Clinical and metabolic characteristics of patients with cancer

Oncological diseases, especially cancer, are characterized by intoxication and violation of all links of metabolism. The degree of severity of disorders depends on the localization, prevalence, features of the tumor process.

Dermoid ovarian cyst

Dermoid ovarian cyst refers to benign germinogenic tumors. The very definition - germinohema explains the origin of the cyst, since germinis is an embryo, in the medical sense - an embryonic layer, a leaf.

Infectious complications in cancer patients

Infectious complications are the most common causes of oncological patients entering the ICU. Both the tumor itself and its treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery) change the spectrum of prevalent pathogens (opportunistic, atypical pathogens), the clinical picture of habitual infections (absence or change of usual symptoms), the severity of the course of the infectious process (fulminant sepsis) e.

Liver failure with cancer chemotherapy

There is no generally accepted definition of hepatic insufficiency (PN). Many clinicians under the PN understand the syndrome that develops in acute or chronic liver diseases, its main pathogenetic mechanism is liver-cell insufficiency and portal hypertension.

Treatment of acute pain in cancer

Increasing interest in the treatment of acute pain in cancer, which also include postoperative pain syndrome, is noted every year. This is due to new fundamental research in the field of physiology and pharmacology.

Renal failure in cancer

Renal function disorders that develop in the postoperative period are classified into two large groups that determine further diagnostic and therapeutic tactics in the ICU - nephropathy and acute renal failure in cancer.

Features of development of sepsis in operated cancer patients

The frequency of sepsis development in operated oncological patients is 3.5-5%, lethality is 23-28%. At the heart of the development of sepsis in oncosurgical patients is a pronounced secondary immunodeficiency.

Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in cancer patients

PE - closure of the lumen of the main trunk or branches of the pulmonary artery embolus (thrombus), which leads to a sharp decrease in blood flow in the lungs. Postoperative thromboembolism in cancer patients develops 5 times more often than in patients with general surgical profile.

Dermoid cyst

Dermoid cyst, dermoid (dermoid) is a benign formation, from a group of chorister (teratom). The cavity cyst is formed as a result of displacement of the undifferentiated elements of the embryonic sheets under the skin and includes parts of the ectoderm, hair follicles, pigment cells, sebaceous glands.


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