Treatment of liver cancer
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Unfortunately, the diagnosis of liver cancer is very rarely carried out at an early stage, the treatment of liver cancer begins already when the disease has spread and metastasized. Features of the structure of the liver, namely the mesh of blood vessels and bile ducts in the liver complicates surgical resection. Very often, the removal of a liver tumor is not feasible because of the overstrained stage of the disease. In such cases, the treatment of liver cancer is to maintain a satisfactory state of health of the patient and maximize, if possible, life extension.
The liver is the main filter of our body, which performs a constant purification of blood inside our body. It is thanks to this liver function that toxins and other chemicals that are not needed by our body are removed from our blood. For this reason, the liver is susceptible to many diseases, the most difficult of which is liver cancer. According to the extent of the spread of liver cancer, it is divided into primary and metastasized into a malignant tumor. As practice shows, the latter option, unfortunately, the most common. There are several types of tumors that may be able to develop in liver cells. The probability of recovery largely depends on the type of tumor. Benign tumors of the liver include:
- fibroma;
- adenoma of the liver;
- leiomyoma;
- lymphoma;
- cyst;
- hemangioma;
- tumor-like formation.
In practice, the treatment of benign tumors consists in their removal.
To malignant liver formations are:
- cholangiocarcinoma;
- hepatocellular carcinoma.
The most common reasons for the possible development of liver tumors are commonplace - systematic alcohol consumption, chronic infections, as a result of hepatitis type B or C, hemochromatosis, liver cirrhosis, genetic liver defects, the concentration of carcinogens in the liver, metabolic disorders, the use of anabolic and steroids.
Let us consider in more detail the methods of diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer in modern conditions of development of medicine in the field of oncology.
Diagnosis of liver cancer
Diagnosis and, as a consequence, the treatment of liver cancer in the early stages complicates the identity of symptoms with manifestations of chronic liver diseases, for example hepatitis, cirrhosis. And already, when the tumor grows in size, when its size interferes with the organs located side by side, the clinical changes of the liver are quite obvious. The primary signs, the body tells us about the existing problem, requires paying attention to the liver. Unreasonable weakness, lack of appetite, weight loss, fast fatigue, a sharp pain below the right hypochondrium, liquid stool - all these are primary signs of liver cancer. The basic function of the liver is also disturbed - the secretion of bile in the intestine, which provokes the coloration of the skin in yellow, dryness and itching of the skin, mucous membranes. Very often, there is an insignificant but systematic increase in the patient's body temperature to 37 ° C. The liver capsule contains numerous nerve endings, irritating which the enlarged liver provokes a sharp pain in the liver.
At visual inspection of the patient with the disease, liver cancer is noticeable:
- increase in the size of the lower edge of the liver is quite large;
- yellowness of eyeballs and skin;
- constant sharp pain in the abdomen.
In case of symptoms similar to those described above, a specialist should be examined to determine the correct diagnosis and the appointment of a timely treatment. From symptomatology and primary signs depends on the choice of the method of diagnosing the patient.
The most inexpensive and affordable method of diagnosis is ultrasound or simply ultrasound. The degree of correctness of establishing a diagnosis of liver cancer by this method of diagnosis is more than 80%.
To determine the exact location of the tumor, the formation of metastases in neighboring organs, the modern method of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography allows to identify the probability of involvement in the tumor of the hepatic vessels. These methods allow you to accurately establish the correct diagnosis, which accordingly helps the specialist to prescribe the right course of treatment.
Scintigraphy of the liver is a new technique for diagnosing liver cancer. Intravenously, a radioactive isotope is introduced, which allows you to make several types of X-ray images, which allows the specialist to determine the degree of the patient's condition, and further prescribe treatment for liver cancer. Scintigraphy allows you to examine the general condition of the liver, its pathology, as well as the blood vessels of the liver.
The use of the laparoscopy method makes it possible to quickly and painlessly diagnose correctly. The essence of the method of laparoscopy is in the introduction through a small incision of a special device with a camera into the abdominal cavity, examining the tumor on the monitor and taking a sample of tissue for a study. With the method of laparoscopy, small tumors are effectively detected, the degree of cirrhosis is determined. Laparoscopy - one of the modern diagnostic methods, is widely used in cancer clinics in Israel, Germany, Russia and Ukraine.
Experts consider puncture biopsy as one of the most progressive methods that confirm the diagnosis of liver cancer. This method of diagnosis in the people is called "puncture". The essence of it is to take the liver tissue with a puncture needle and further its histological analysis, which reveals a complete picture of the general condition of the liver, the degree of liver disease. Biopsy is the only diagnostic method to distinguish between benign and malignant tumors.
When diagnosing a great importance is the conduct of a general analysis of blood, urine. Hepatic assays. Analyzes of biochemical data are especially important in determining the course of treatment, since the degree of possible complications is high. The so-called liver tests reflect data on the level of bilirubin and specific enzymes ALT, AST.
Methods of treatment of liver cancer
Currently, leading experts oncologists identified several basic methods of treating liver cancer:
- surgical method or transplantation;
- ray method;
- drug method or chemotherapy.
Often, several methods of treating liver cancer can be used simultaneously. By choosing the right method for treating liver cancer, the best result is guaranteed. In especially severe cases, the liver tumor can not be removed completely. To prevent further development of the tumor, remove the maximum part of it. The use of the method of palliative treatment, in the early stages of treatment of liver cancer, facilitates the overall symptomatology. The most likely possibility of complete recovery is provided by surgical removal of a liver tumor or a liver transplant. Often, complete removal of the tumor, is practically impossible, because of its increased size, the spread of the tumor to nearby organs. In practice, liver transplantation is a rather complicated operation, not only in the technique of execution, but also in the selection of the donor and postoperative rehabilitation.
In the treatment of liver cancer, ablation and embolization are also very often used. The essence of these methods is the destruction of the liver tumor without surgical intervention, through the introduction of alcohol or freezing. The blood supply to the diseased liver is disturbed, by ligation of the artery feeding the tumor. Similarly, occlusion of the artery lumen during the administration of drugs, directed action.
The use of chemoembolization - a combination of chemotherapy and embolization, is much more effective than embolization.
Radiation therapy can stop the development of a liver tumor, significantly reduce its magnitude. The method of radiotherapy refers to the auxiliary, because with its help complete cure for liver cancer is impossible. In this method, it is very important to observe the recommended radiation doses, since it is possible to damage healthy liver tissue. In practice, radiation therapy is used to relieve pain. The application of the radiation therapy method leads to the occurrence of possible side effects, in the form of loss of appetite, dyspnea, alopecia, vomiting, fatigue, nausea, bleeding, ulcers in the mouth and many others that occur individually.
Practice shows that the use of chemotherapy, through the introduction of antitumor drugs in the treatment of liver cancer, does not give the expected results. The most effective of the most common ones are:
- doxorubicin;
- cisplatin.
The effect of these drugs is due to the relief of the general condition and the prolongation of the life of the patient. Specialists consider the method of chemotherapy to be auxiliary, in general, the use of such drugs contributes to the achievement of better results in the treatment of liver cancer. Also, it should be noted the possible occurrence of side effects, after the application of the method of chemotherapy.
The guarantee of successful treatment of liver cancer is, first of all, the identification of symptoms at an early stage, timely diagnosis, the correct diagnosis.
Treatment of liver cancer in Israel
Modern developments in the field of oncology have recently been applied by various clinics quite widely. As a rule, each separate clinic offers patients both traditional and well-known methods of treatment of liver cancer, as well as new developments of oncologists. Next, we will consider the main methods of treating liver cancer of the most famous oncological clinics in Israel, Germany, Russia.
In the last decade, Israeli experts oncologists made significant developments in the development of cancer treatment methods, including the treatment of liver cancer. This explains the leading position of Israeli clinics in the field of oncology. The direct involvement of the state in the development of oncological scientific developments allowed the Israeli specialists oncologists to make meaningful discoveries in oncology. Developments of Israeli oncologists are successfully used in leading world clinics. The high efficiency of liver cancer treatment in Israeli oncological clinics is recognized by the world community.
HERZLIYA MEDICAL CENTER (Hadassa Medical Center (Hadassa Medical Center), RAMBAM MEDICAL CENTER HAIFA (Medical Center Rambam (Israel's leading medical centers, highly qualified specialists, conduct all possible methods of diagnostics, treatment of oncological diseases, including the treatment of liver cancer.The leading experts, experienced medical personnel - guarantee an exceptionally high level and effectiveness of treatment.Material and technical equipment of medical centers in Israel allows you to conduct a high-quality agnostic of liver cancer: a blood test for oncomarker level, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, biopsy, laparoscopy, blood analysis for alpha-fetoprotein, angiogram One of the latest developments of Israeli oncologists - angiogram - allows to diagnose metastases and evaluate the feasibility of surgical intervention , by means of an X-ray study of the blood vessels of the liver.The main method of treating liver cancer in Israeli clinics is surgical resection, in case there is no Xia contraindications, often used in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The clinic successfully transplant the liver, a high level of effectiveness in this direction is officially confirmed and recognized throughout the world. Application of advanced techniques for reducing tumors by using chemotherapy, cryotherapy, radiation therapy, embolization of blood vessels. Method of Selective Internal Radiation Therapy SIRT-therapy is one of the most effective methods of treating liver cancer, and has been used in Israeli medical centers since 2004. Its essence lies in the selective irradiation of the liver tumor with microscopic radioactive spheres. In the early stages of the disease, targeted therapy is widely used - targeted targeting only on liver tumor cells, in order to block growth and further destruction of the tumor, other tissues of the body are not affected.
The cost of diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer in the blades of Israel is significantly different from the cost of treatment in leading clinics in Western Europe, the United States. The price range of Israeli cancer clinics is approximately:
- Diagnosis of liver cancer
- computed tomography - from $ 250 to $ 1800,
- magnetic resonance imaging of MRI - from $ 1,300 to $ 1,500
- the unfolded biochemical analysis of blood, liver functions, the general analysis of blood - from 350 $ to 600 $
- histological analysis - from 900-2500 $
- treatment of liver cancer
- an organ-preserving operation for the removal of liver cancer - from $ 8000 to $ 12000
- removal of a liver tumor - from $ 20,000 to $ 35,000
- Treatment of liver cancer by cryotherapy - from $ 12,000 to $ 18,000
- transplantology of the liver - from 65000 $
Treatment of liver cancer in Germany
The advantages of liver cancer treatment in Germany are quite obvious: German oncological clinics have long deservedly held leading positions in the field of oncology, medical centers offer treatment for almost any cancer, including treatment of liver cancer, under the supervision of high-class oncologists in Europe, many of which are Nobel laureates. Medical centers are equipped with all necessary diagnostic equipment, and the most modern operating rooms.
Katholische St. Lukas Gesellschaft (St. Lucas Medical Center RUCCC), Klinikum Friedrichshafen (clinical center of the city of Friedrichshafen), Nord-West-Krankenhaus (Nord-West clinic) are just a few of the leading oncological centers in Germany. Qualified specialists of German oncology centers guarantee high-precision diagnosis and effective treatment of liver cancer. The high effectiveness of liver cancer treatment is achieved by developing an individual curative plan in accordance with interdisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation, in accordance with internationally recognized standards. Medical centers of oncology provide complex treatment of liver cancer of any stage of tumor development in accordance with the requirements of international standards with the help of innovative innovative techniques in the field of oncology. Conducting diagnostics at the interdisciplinary level - a consultation of specialists in oncologists and hematologists, surgeons, radiologists and immunologists - allows you to make the right diagnosis and accordingly determine the most effective course of treatment in each case. Very often, together with complex treatment of liver cancer, patients need a surgical operation. Experienced surgeons of cancer centers perform highly complicated surgical resections of a cancerous liver tumor, applying the latest knowledge and technological advances in the field of modern oncology, thus providing an optimal outcome for the treatment of liver cancer. In German cancer centers, there are two main types of surgical resections:
- Lobectomy - removal of a part of the liver affected by a tumor;
- hemihepatectomy - removal of a large part of the liver, anatomically isolated.
The newest development of German oncologists consider a new technique for treating liver cancer "targeted molecular therapy." The main advantage of this technique is the directed attack of liver cancer cells at the molecular level, acting only on the tumor, while not affecting the cells of the organs of the body that are not susceptible to the tumor. This technique is inherently similar to the similar technique of Israeli oncologists "targeted therapy".
The only way to treat advanced liver cancer is through transplantation, which at the present stage of oncology development is a progressive method of treating liver cancer. Liver transplantation in German clinics is performed in this way: through L-shaped incision of the abdominal wall, hepatic vessels are crossed, and the patient's liver is removed, transplantation is performed, bile-excreting and vascular anastomoses are formed, and the outflow of bile is sent to the intestine. Until the full functioning of the transplanted liver, its function is performed by the apparatus "artificial liver".
To date, the average cost of diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer in cancer centers in Germany is approximately:
- Oncological diagnostics - from 2500 €
- removal of liver formation - from 15 000 € to 25 000 €
- liver transplantation - from 180 000 € to 250 000 €
Oncological medical centers of Germany are universally recognized as a standard of professionalism, high qualification of specialists, high level of equipment and medical equipment, which in fact explains the high cost of treatment.
Treatment of liver cancer in Russia
Despite the modern development of oncology, unfortunately, there are a lot of questions in the treatment of liver cancer. The complex method for the treatment of liver cancer with surgical intervention, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, does not always meet expectations, very often the effectiveness of treatment remains low. Scientists from leading research institutes and medical centers take part in solving this problem, Russian oncologists are also actively involved in solving oncology problems.
The first in Russia, the specialized oncology center "Clinic of Oncological Immunology and Cytokine Therapy", along with the generally accepted methods in the treatment of liver cancer, a new unique "cytokine therapy method" is widely used.
Cytokinotherapy can be used in combination with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or as a separate treatment before or after surgery.
The essence of cytokine therapy in the synthesis of blood cells of cytokines, which provide the transfer of regulatory signals between cells and thus receptors affect cells, while regulating a large range of processes in the body of the patient. There are several main advantages of cytokine therapy:
- purposeful action on tumor cells, the effectiveness of the method is approximately 40-65%, depends on the degree of development of the tumor, its location, the general condition of the patient;
- preventive effect on relapses and metastases;
- complex with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, a stable antitumor effect, the effectiveness of a combination of these techniques, respectively, increases by 15-20%;
- possible use by patients with pronounced pathology;
- reduction of side effects of chemotherapy;
- simplicity of administration of drugs - subcutaneously and intramuscularly;
The oncological drug Refnot, which is obtained by synthesis of the tumor necrosis factor gene, thymosin-alpha-1 TNF-T, has recently become widespread. Another no less promising oncological drug is Interferon-gamma. The drugs are clinically tested in the Russian Cancer Research Center. NN Blokhin and the Scientific Research Institute of Oncology. NN Petrova, official use of these drugs is allowed. Refnot and Interferon gamma stabilize the general state of the immune system, by activating the cells of the immune system, also integrating with the receptors of tumor cells and launching a whole system of mechanisms that destroy tumor cells and damage the genetic substrate at the level of DNA and RNA.
Surgical treatment of liver cancer
Of all the known methods, the treatment of liver cancer in modern medicine, only surgical resection, or, more simply, removal of the tumor or liver transplantation gives encouraging chances of a good result. The probability of a positive result is possible only with accurate resection of probable tumor outbreaks from the liver, only in this case - the possibility of survival in the patient rises at times.
The concept of surgical resection is the partial removal of a small part of the liver. This surgical operation may be performed in the case when it is necessary to achieve an accurate excision of tumors and at the same time to maintain a sufficient volume of viable liver tissue. In real practice, to a great regret, liver tumors in most of the situations are completely impossible to completely excise. Often, the malignant tumor has already metastasized, is very large in size, has multiple foci, all this complicates the treatment of liver cancer very much. In addition, the operation makes it impossible for the patient to have other comorbidities, 80% of patients have progressive liver cirrhosis. With a complex form of cirrhosis, even partial removal of the liver, will not allow the liver after surgical resection, perform its functions fully. As a rule, with progressive cirrhosis, surgical resection is performed with a small tumor, so that the volume of a fully functioning liver is sufficient. Based on the performed analyzes and clinical indications, the liver viability is analyzed according to the Child-Pugh scale, which determines the degree of development of cirrhosis. With cirrhosis of type A, surgical resection, type B, is possible. Most likely, resection is not possible, such as C - surgical intervention is generally contraindicated.
Surgical resection of the liver is a very difficult operation, requiring high qualification of a specialist. Often, with liver cancer, the tumor is in the stage of metastasis, respectively, the nearby organs or parts of the liver are also damaged by the tumor. Therefore, the professionalism of the surgeon depends on the accuracy of the resection, in order to maintain the maximum volume of a full-fledged liver. The main function of the liver is the filtration of the blood of the whole organism, as a consequence, through the liver passes an active blood supply, for this reason, there may be severe bleeding after the operation. The liver in the normal state is produced by a compound that forms a blood clot. That again threatens with possible heavy bleeding, both before resection and after it. Other possible complications are common for all surgical interventions, including congestive pneumonia, postoperative infections, complications from anesthesia. It is alarming that after resection, the remaining healthy part of the liver very often conceals a concomitant disease in its tissue, for example, cirrhosis, which can provoke a relapse of liver cancer.
Minor tumors, and as a consequence, the possibility of carrying out liver transplantation is the best option for treating liver cancer. So, if the total tumor size is about 5-6 cm together with the foci and there are no metastases on the blood vessels, then carrying out liver transplantation is quite acceptable. In this case, the probability of a positive outcome of transplantation is quite high.
Very often transplantation is performed with a tumor that can not be completely removed, or because of a general impairment of the functions of the hepatic tissue.
Organic Procurement and Transplantation Network According to the organization, in 2009, liver transplantation was performed by 1800 patients with liver cancer. A high survival rate among them was noted - more than 70%, there was also a decrease in the risks of secondary tumor origin and full-fledged operation of the transplanted liver.
A sad fact, but liver transplantation is very limited. In the world each year there are only 6000 donor organs, most of them transplant patients with other liver diseases, because the probability of a successful outcome of transplantation in liver cancer is not very high.
Transplantation, like surgical resection, refers to an operation of a general type that carries the likelihood of a very serious side effect, along with side effects, other risks are possible.
Treatment of liver cancer by alternative methods
Since ancient times, our ancestors treatment of liver cancer began with the use of medicinal properties of medicinal plants. This explains the diversity and variety of various prescriptions and practices of treating liver cancer in alternative medicine. Often the result of such treatment was effective, gave full recovery of the patient. Medicinal plants used in such treatment at different stages of liver cancer treatment not only restrain the increase in tumor size, but also can destroy tumor cells, allowing healthy cells to recover.
With the help of herbs and plants you can help the body to restore the body's immune system, correct possible malfunctions in protective functions.
Let's consider in more detail the most effective recipes for the treatment of liver cancer by alternative methods. But, before you start, it is not superfluous to recall that the use of any alternative methods of treating liver cancer is best used under the supervision of a specialist.
In alternative medicine, there are many recipes for treating liver cancer in which propolis is used. Indeed, liver tumors can be effectively treated with propolis. Propolis is the strongest natural antibiotic. It is noted that propolis does not allow the reproduction of liver tumors, promotes the development of new cells, thereby restoring the liver. For the treatment of primary liver cancer, propolis is used in its pure form - one hour before meals, take inside 5-7 grams, take every day up to 6 times a day.
You can prepare oil from propolis. This requires 1 kg unsalted butter and 160 g propolis. We melt the oil and bring it to a boil, remove it from the heat and rub it with propolis. We make from this homogeneous mass - stirring for 30 minutes at + 85 ° C. Take the oil on a tablespoon before meals, five times a day.
In alternative medicine methods of surgical intervention are not practiced, then the diseased organ is treated with ointments from the outside. Treatment of liver cancer can be with ointment compresses. To prepare an ointment, 10 g of powder mushroom vesicle spores are mixed with 100 g. Heated 15% propolis oil. Cooled ointment is used as a compress on the liver area.
There are cases when treatment of liver cancer with hemlock gave a full recovery. To prepare the product in a three-liter jar pour 2 cups of vodka, finely cut stems and shoots hemlock, they also fill the jar with a third, pour vodka to full volume. Tightly close the lid and leave in a cool place for two weeks. Tincture should be shaken daily. Take every day in the morning on an empty stomach according to this pattern:
- 1 day-1 drop in a cup of water;
- Day 2 - 2 drops in a cup of water;
- Day 3 - 3 drops in a cup of water.
Increase the dose to forty drops. On the forty-first day - a countdown until they reach one. Repeat with a short break 2-3 times in a row.
Ordinary cabbage is known for its anti-tumor properties. The availability of this vegetable allows you to eat without restriction as a cabbage, and the juice cooked from it. Before consumption, juice should be defended. There are no contraindications for this product.
The celandine has many healing properties, it is used in the treatment of many diseases, including its use in the treatment of liver cancer. To prepare the tincture in mid-May, the roots of the celandine are collected. Purified, dried for 2-3 hours, the roots are ground in a meat grinder, the resulting gruel is pressed through a gauze into a liter container. In 0.5 liters of the juice obtained, add 0.5 liters of vodka, close and put in the basement for 21 days. Take a medicine 1 teaspoon 4 times a day for an hour before meals, drink with water, for 2 weeks. Then replace the teaspoon of the dining room and drink until complete recovery.
Even after a disappointing medical diagnosis, which leaves no chance for the patient, the last hope still remains. This case is very often used not clean to the hand numerous "healers" and "healers", the main purpose of which is to get rich on someone else's misfortune. Stories of "miraculous means" are usually transmitted through "word of mouth", so you can conclude that this information is plausible, witnesses or eyewitnesses of miraculous transformations are often not seen. If everything was so simple, then the problems of oncology would have been forgotten long ago. All "miracle cures" are available for most people, celandine, mushrooms, applying various herbs, oncologists around the world would have cured all those who need it for a long time. Treatment with alternative drugs has a psychological effect rather than a therapeutic one.
Treatment of liver cancer of various degrees
Depending on the degree of tumor development, treatment of liver cancer may consist of:
- surgical treatment;
- radiation therapy;
- chemotherapy.
If to specify the listed methods, it is possible to allocate:
- liver transplantation;
- radiofrequency ablation;
- chemoembolization;
- radioembolization.
The most effective method for the treatment of liver cancer of I and II degrees is generally accepted as liver transplantation. Further on the effectiveness you can put a surgical resection. Both methods complicate the impossibility of diagnosis in the early stages, and the functional features of the liver.
Chemoembolization or regional chemotherapy is a method of treating liver cancer of II, III degree, when the methods of transplantation and surgical treatment can not be applied.
Radioembolization by technique is similar to chemoembolization. This method has not been studied enough, so it is difficult to talk about its effectiveness at the moment.
Systemic chemotherapy and radiation are less effective in the treatment of liver cancer and are mainly used in combination with other treatments. Usually in chemotherapy use:
- doxorubicin
- cisplatin
The new drug Sorafenib is more effective than the above drugs.
Liver cancer of the IV degree is divided into IVa and IVb.
Operative treatment in most cases of liver cancer of the IV degree is no longer possible. Basically, the treatment is chemoembolization or symptomatic treatment.
In general, the prognosis with a diagnosis of liver cancer is very unfavorable. The average life expectancy with a diagnosis of liver cancer is no more than 5 years in 10% of patients. In cases where treatment is started in the early stages of the disease, the five-year survival rate increases about 40%.
Dietary nutrition in the treatment of liver cancer
Undoubtedly, the treatment of liver cancer, of course, is much more effective if the patient systematically adheres to the regime of proper nutrition. The common belief is that dietary nutrition and naturopathy help in the treatment of liver cancer. All foods recommended for use by patients diagnosed with liver cancer can be divided by the degree of cooking into such groups:
- unprocessed and low-processed - fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, olives, yogurt, kefir, seeds, natural mineral water, grain sprouts, muesli, unrefined vegetable oil;
- moderately processed - vermicelli, confectionery products from coarse flour, bread, buckwheat, millet, cereal, boiled fruits, boiled vegetables, cheese, cottage cheese, peas, lentils, eggs, meat, fruit and vegetable teas, natural honey.
- significantly processed - baked goods of high quality flour, white and gray bread, vegetable and fruit preserves, jams, fruit nectars, refined fats and oils, chips, meat products, canned meat, black tea, coffee, beer, wine.
Patients are not recommended to consume canned milk, sugar, foods that are oversaturated with starch, lemonade, artificial sugar, sweet fizzy drinks, lemonade, frozen dishes and spirits. The last product is not allowed at all.
The division of products is very conditional, for each patient the diet is individual, but the general concepts of proper nutrition for all are the same:
- the use of bread from wholemeal flour;
- the use of plant products in raw form;
- limited consumption of eggs, meat and fish.
- limited use of heat-treated fat and oil;
- complete exclusion from the diet of sugar;
- Exclusion of alcohol and coffee;
- start eating food from raw foods;
- portions of dishes are moderate and varied;
- eat often, but in small amounts, thoroughly chewing;
- the feeling of hunger is never ignored.
The most useful, for a patient with liver cancer, a combination of products for such a group separation:
- potatoes, eggs, dairy products;
- meat in small quantities, cereals and bread, milk, fish.
The consumption of sugar substitutes is excluded altogether. As a thirst killer, only non-carbonated mineral water and herbal tea are used.
Proper dietary nutrition in the treatment of liver cancer - is primarily a constructive approach to the nutrition system in general, which takes into account all possible limitations and recommendations in each case.