
Information about doctor

Barak Bar-Zakay - This is one of the foremost Israeli hepatobiliary surgeons. His specialization is the implementation of surgical interventions in the area of the liver, biliary system, pancreas, abdominal laparoscopy for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

The experience of the surgical activity of the doctor is more than twenty-five years. Over the years of continuous and successful practice, both minimally invasive and the most complex oncological interventions were carried out, with the removal of metastatic foci in the abdominal cavity and in the liver zone. The surgeon Bar-Zakay works on the most advanced methods - for example, in his practice, used robotic technology, as well as the innovative method IRE (the so-called "nano-knife"). Such advanced technologies in the treatment of surgical diseases, both benign and malignant, are used in cases where tumors cannot be removed by conventional operative methods - for example, with difficult access to them, or with extremely close blood vessels of the pancreas or liver. The method of "nano-knife" becomes the method of choice, is highly efficient and complete safety.

They Barak Bar-Zakay know not only Israeli surgeons, but also prominent world experts. In addition, the doctor directs the Center for PMT (advanced laparoscopic technology).

The doctor Bar-Zakay never stops at what has been achieved, mastering more and more new equipment: he is characterized by constant professional growth, supported by research work. The results of its activities are periodically covered by the world's leading medical publications. The doctor is a constant participant of international conferences and congresses devoted to the study and improvement of minimally invasive surgery.

Education and work experience

The stages of professional education of Dr. Bar-Zakai:

  • graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Milan in Italy;
  • graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Israeli University Technion (Haifa);
  • intern of the Israeli Medical Center. Chaim Shiba in Tell-a-Shomer;
  • Hepatobiliary and laparoscopic surgical specialist at Mount Sinai Medical Center (United States, Miami);
  • Hepatobiliary laparoscopy specialist at the Paris Clinic "Henri Mondor" (France).

Membership in international organizations

  • Israel Medical Association
  • Israeli Surgical Association
  • Israeli Society of Surgical Oncology
  • European Endoscopic Surgery Association
  • International medical community
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