Disability in type 1 and 2 diabetes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, many seek to obtain the status of "disabled". From a medical and psychological point of view, disability in diabetes is a bit confusing and raises a number of questions. After all, the consequences of diabetes, despite their seriousness and complexity of treatment, often do not limit the viability of a person completely, and do not make him dependent on another person. Although there are such cases, which, of course, require registration of disability. One way or another, diabetes is among the diseases for which a disability is registered. Generally, the status of a disabled person helps patients to adapt to the conditions of life, especially in severe forms, provides an appropriate level of protection and guarantees, material and medical benefits, makes some social services and benefits available. In any case, this topic is always considered in two ways and requires careful analysis, serious consideration.
Diabetes mellitus entails many inconveniences and complications that may require disability. It is accompanied by an increased level of glucose in the blood, which in turn negatively affects the state of the organism as a whole. First of all, there is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, the accumulation of cholesterol, metabolic products in the body. This entails a violation of other parts of the metabolism (protein, fat, vitamin-mineral metabolism). The entire biochemical cycle and hormonal levels in the body are gradually disrupted. And often the changes become irreversible. Often diabetes ends with a complete loss of ability to work and disability.
It must be understood that diabetes is a relative indication for disability registration. There are a number of circumstances in which a disability can be given, or else it will be denied. The decision is made by the medical commission on the basis of a number of criteria. The disease is characterized by a variety of manifestations, various forms and complications. There are many benefits for those who suffer from diabetes, depending on the severity of the condition, and the degree of disability.
So, you need to understand that diabetes has a number of specific manifestations. It is not enough for the analysis to show a high level of glucose. Glucose is a monomer of carbohydrates, it is up to this substance that all carbohydrates, both simple and complex, are split in the process of digestion. Therefore, for example, if a person consumes a large amount of carbohydrates, or in his food carbohydrates prevail over other components, a blood test will show a high level of glucose. These are the so-called physiological changes in glucose levels, which can fluctuate throughout the day. The level also rises after consuming a large amount of sweets, after a rich dinner, with kidney dysfunction, when they are not able to fully process incoming substances. This condition is observed during pregnancy, under severe stress.
In order to establish the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to confirm a significantly high level of glucose in the blood (namely, glucose, but not other sugars). It is also necessary that the elevated glucose levels recur regularly. A confirmation of at least three times is required. It is also necessary to have other signs that are used in the differential diagnosis. You also need to understand that not any confirmed diagnosis of diabetes is a reason for registration of disability.
The simplest forms of diabetes can be quite successfully controlled for quite a long period of time with the help of medicines, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and this will in no way affect either the state of health or the ability of a person to work. The most favorable course is type 2 diabetes. If properly treated, follow all the recommendations of the doctor, adhere to a balanced diet, perform adequate physical exertion (physiotherapy exercises), you can withdraw this diagnosis after some time and return to an absolutely healthy state. The second type is the simplest, is easily amenable to correction, practically does not violate a person’s comfort (provided that they are properly treated), therefore disability is not given with this form of the disease.
Do disability in diabetes?
It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question “whether disability is given in case of diabetes mellitus,” since the decision is individual. The basis for awarding a person with a disability is the decision of the medical-social commission, which analyzes the history, patient data, current status, progression of pathology, degree of disability.
Disability Law in Diabetes
The monitoring of the state of the population in relation to the incidence indicates that the level of prevention in the Russian Federation is clearly insufficient. Thus, it was established that in the territory of the Russian Federation there is an insufficient level of public awareness regarding the prevention of diabetes. Also, people do not know enough about the risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease. Many medical institutions, and patients themselves, underestimate the effectiveness of prophylaxis and its importance.
Also, the problem associated with the need to identify risk factors in relatives of people with diabetes mellitus remains quite significant, since they are among the first to be at risk for the development of this disease. This is a fairly large group, which is primarily at risk of undergoing this disease, since the basis of the disease lies primarily in heredity.
Also at risk are adolescents and children suffering from obesity, as well as those who are cured recently after the illness, especially if it concerns viral and bacteriological diseases. It is also necessary to examine for the detection of diabetes mellitus and its predecessors in pregnant women, since hormonal alteration occurs especially intensively in them, which may entail additional metabolic disturbances.
In addition, pregnant women often have a tendency to abuse sweets, which can also cause serious disruption of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. As a result, the corresponding hormonal disorders occur, followed by dysfunction of the pancreas and, accordingly, failure in the synthesis of insulin.
The risk of hormonal imbalance increases during childbirth, especially if they occur with pathology and require the use of any pharmaceutical agents. This is due to the fact that the body of a woman during childbirth is vulnerable and practically unprotected. Any outside intervention can entail a major restructuring in the main systems of the body. Also negatively affects the state of the hormonal background of a woman, the need for a cesarean section.
Also, the need to introduce special programs to combat diabetes is confirmed by the fact that there are a large number of undetected forms of diabetes, and people do not know which factors are precursors to the development of diabetes. If you have knowledge of which factors are the first forerunners, you can promptly seek medical help and identify the disease at an early stage, which is the most important condition for its effective treatment. Therefore, it makes sense to introduce and monitor the mandatory medical examinations, especially for people who fall into the risk group.
Thus, today a single law on disability, which would regulate the peculiarities of treating patients with diabetes, is not developed. But there are a number of developments and regulations in this direction. In particular, the procedure for granting disability, providing material assistance and benefits is strictly regulated. Programs and algorithms for treatment, prevention of diabetes, rehabilitation, diabetes schools are being developed.
How to get a disability with diabetes?
In order to get a disability in diabetes, you need to know how to do it. It turns out that it is necessary to submit a number of documents to the WCC, which will consider the documents for a certain period of time.
To get approval, in the history should have a combination of certain factors of the disease, and not just high glucose levels. For example, the complete loss of vision, which arose because diabetes caused a violation of the trophic eye, a decrease in its innervation, blood circulation. This may occur due to the fact that the optic nerve does not receive a residual amount of nutrients, oxygen, its innervation is disturbed, the vessels are depleted, the normal functional, and even the structural state of the retina is disturbed. The destruction occurs under the influence of a high level of glucose in the blood vessels, actually in the eyes. Of course, in such circumstances, the person completely loses the ability to help himself, to self-care and movement, and is completely dependent on other persons.
The second case in which a person can be given a disability of the first group is if diabetes creates an increased load on the kidneys. In this connection, they can not fully perform their functions. As a rule, such persons experience a violation of filtration, do not excrete metabolic products. Toxins accumulate, intoxication occurs. Such a patient may need dialysis, that is, is on the artificial cleansing of the kidneys.
The third case is heart complications resulting from high blood glucose levels. The first group is given to a person who, as a complication, received acute heart failure, in which the muscle experiences a serious load, hardly adapts to it. As a rule, a person in this state "jumps" pressure. It is difficult to stabilize, there is a risk of further complications.
The fourth reason is neuropathy, which is a complication of diabetes. In this state, a person has impaired transmission of impulses between neurons, which leads to a decrease or complete loss of sensitivity, entails numbness, paralysis of the limbs. This can lead to progressive paralysis. In addition, the risk that a person may be affected by sensitivity, coordination of movements, as a result of which he may fall, injure himself, or completely lose mobility, significantly increases.
This also includes mental abnormalities, nervous diseases, various dermatological and muscular-articular changes (resulting in limbs). The condition can progress to complete loss of sensitivity, gangrene, amputation.
If a person has a critically low glucose level, he or she may have a coma that is not compensated by insulin.
The grounds for obtaining the 2nd group are in many ways similar to those for the 1st, but it is understood that the condition is not so critical, and remission is possible, stabilization of the state in which a person can safely be in society, work. Such a person needs only partial care. You also need to comply with the regime of work and rest, work in specially equipped conditions, avoid stress and overwork, hypothermia.
The third group implies that there is a high level of glucose, the introduction of insulin, some medications is required, but otherwise the person remains an active member of society, is able to work, but he needs retraining. It is given if a person without a disability cannot receive such retraining.
How to get a disability in diabetes?
Let's take a closer look at how to get a disability in diabetes. In order to obtain a disability on diabetes, it is enough to contact the attending physician, the district physician (at the place of residence). The doctor will give direction to the passage of a special examination, he will explain the plan of further actions. It is necessary to pass the prescribed tests, to pass the necessary specialists. As a rule, the list of tests is standard for the appointment of any group of disability, regardless of the underlying disease. After a preliminary examination is carried out, a preliminary diagnosis is made, the documents will be sent to the medical-social commission for review.
Disability groups in diabetes
There are three groups of disabilities (not only in diabetes), which are not determined by how the person suffers from the disease. In diabetes, there is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, but everything is in order with external organs. A person retains physical ability to perform a certain physical activity. Only if diabetes entails complications as a result of which the state of the external organs is disturbed in a person, mobility and physical activity are limited, can the commission accept this case for consideration.
Disability group 3 in diabetes
The first group implies that a person cannot take care of himself. Most often, regular, systematic care is required. It is understood that the person has a disturbed normal state of the external organs and body parts, and therefore the person is not able to cope with daily activities. For example, a person does not have arms, legs, other parts of the body, paralysis develops.
The grounds for the design of the second group - if a person has a certain serious condition, he is in a borderline, relatively dangerous state, but has not reached a critical level. This is a borderline state, which, although it significantly limits human vital activity, still does not deprive it of working capacity and fulfilling life. Thus, it is implied that such a person may have periods of remission alternating with periods of exacerbation. Therefore, a person has to periodically “fall out” from public life. At this time, he needs treatment, rehabilitation, and help from outsiders. Accordingly, in the period of remission, the condition improves, and the person can again fully participate in public life. The commission considers the cases of such patients, and if it determines that the disease has already reached a certain peak, but the likelihood of remission remains, the group will be approved.
The grounds for registration of the 3rd group of disability in diabetes - if the main disease has reached a peak, which led to the development of complications, disrupted the normal functioning of the body. Such a state can significantly change the normal functioning of the body, affect the habitual rhythm of a person’s life. With regard to social life, human performance will be sharply limited, or completely reduced. It is possible that a person will need a completely different level of workload, or a complete change of qualification will be required, since special working conditions are required.
Disability in Type 2 Diabetes
For type 2 diabetes, disability is not given, since it is enough to adjust the diet and adhere to the correct diet, diet. Therefore, disability can be given only to those who are diagnosed with type 1, since assistance is given solely on medication. A person needs insulin to enter the body, since it is not synthesized on its own. However, there are several stages. A person can take insulin according to a certain scheme, receive the necessary treatment, and his life will still be full and unclouded. The only thing that may require such a person - social assistance in the form of additional benefits for insulin, medications and test strips necessary to determine the level of glucose in the blood.
Type 1 diabetes disabilities
As for type 1 diabetes, a person partially loses working ability, disability is not always needed. He always depends on other people. You need to understand that this form is incurable. After the commission confirms the presence of diabetes complications, it will be necessary to collect all the necessary documents and submit them to the experts. The list of documents is determined by the patient's age, his social status, and the results of the examination. For example, for a student, a worker, or a pensioner, the list of documents will be different. After the experts review all documents, examine the history of the disease, its current state, either a positive decision or a refusal will be issued.
Disability in diabetes child
The need for registration of disability for children is especially urgent, since they often need outside help and constant monitoring by parents. Such children cannot be sent to kindergarten, or a specialized kindergarten is required, in which the child can be given the necessary qualified help, there will always be an opportunity to inject insulin, to strictly control the time of injection. Such a child cannot remain without adult supervision.
In addition, due to persistent illness, periodic deterioration, the child may often skip classes, may need free attendance, or home schooling, an individual approach. Therefore, we need a special status, which will allow the child to receive an individual approach, learn without constant negative attitudes on the part of teachers, the administration. In general, it is impossible to give unambiguous recommendations, since the decision is made individually. In any case, a disability in diabetes can greatly help the child.
Special status and special benefits are available for persons with diabetes. This includes all children under the age of 18 who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. But this special status can be revised if the child has reached the age of 14, and is able to control his actions himself and be responsible. They cancel a disability if the Commission has determined that the child needs more help from others, and can provide all the necessary help. But the prerequisite is that the child must go through a diabetic school and must demonstrate the ability to make insulin shots.
Disability with diabetes complications
But there are circumstances in which a person loses working capacity, he develops an extremely serious condition, serious complications. Then this is the basis for disability. Vascular pathologies appear. The fact that large vessels, such as the coronary arteries of the heart, the various sections of the aorta, the arteries of the brain, the lower and upper extremities, are always unchanged remains. Its danger lies in the fact that the separation of possible vessel blockage and a sharp restriction of blood flow. It is at this stage in the development of atherosclerosis that many patients develop coronary artery disease.
Another complication of diabetes is angina. So, angina pectoris is manifested by pain or discomfort in the chest, resulting from myocardial ischemia. At the same time, myocardial oxygen demand significantly exceeds its delivery.
Pathognomotic symptom of angina is pain.
Diagnosis is often based on the identification of this symptom.
For typical angina, retrosternal pains are characteristic. Often there is an irradiation of pain in the shoulder areas, shoulder blades. In more severe cases, irradiation can be observed in the limb (one or both), with the capture of the area of the hands and fingers. May be accompanied by numbness of the limbs, affected areas. Specific changes are not detected.
Concomitant pathology may be chronic heart failure, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, coronary vessels, peripheral arteries. Often, angina is observed in obesity. An attack of angina pectoris is accompanied by listening to transient mitral regurgitation.
Severe cases may be accompanied by pulmonary edema.
Such states are formed over a long period of time, these are systemic disorders, quite serious, affecting the entire body. Therefore, hope for recovery is not worth it. Cases of death from diabetes mellitus are not excluded (as shown by WHO data, approximately 2 million people die from diabetes every year in the world). The lack of qualified assistance entails a violation of exchange processes, which are often not subject to recovery.
It is a predisposing factor for the development of cancer. As a rule, ends in death (extremely painful and painful). Therefore, with complications of diabetes, disability is almost always indicated.
Permanent disability in diabetes
It should be understood that the disability group is a benefit that has a time limit. There is no such concept as perpetual disability in principle; at least, therefore, periodically it will be necessary to confirm the group, that is, to undergo examinations, collect documents, and again submit them for consideration to the Commission. According to the results, the group can be changed or completely canceled. If there is no reason for this, the group is simply extended. Disability may be refused if a person does not treat, does not comply with the recommendations of the doctor, rehabilitation plan.
Disability pension for diabetes
The main thing that people get, having issued a disability in case of diabetes is a disability pension, targeted assistance from the state to those who are sick. This is due to the fact that often people suffering from diabetes need a constant injection of insulin, the cost of which is quite high for patients. It should be borne in mind that the majority of patients with a history of diabetes are at an average financial position and need help. This applies to type 1 diabetes.
Children are given a group almost always. For them, besides the medications themselves, they are given a disability pension, since an adult must always be present next to the child. Accordingly, only one parent can work, or it is required to hire a carer, a medical worker or a nanny. They also give privileges, single out certain privileges for treatment, examination, sanatorium treatment, counseling in specialized medical and diagnostic centers.
A special orthopedic quota, various preventive means are issued. Often, benefits are provided for utilities, and the possibility of free tuition in universities. Often, for the needs of the child, land plots are given, and mortgage benefits are given. And most importantly - all the necessary materials, medicines, controls and measurements of sugar are provided, as well as the necessary information and consultations are provided. Depending on the region, the list of services may vary somewhat, but the base remains. Also, an important role is played by diabetics schools, in which the patient is taught to assist, to cope with the condition, they provide up-to-date information on the topic.
In general, the decision remains only for the patient. You should always take into account the fact that all matters related to paperwork in our country require time and nerves. But you can get and failure. Therefore, you need to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, and make an adequate, informed decision as to whether you really need a disability in diabetes.