Juices with type 1 and 2 diabetes
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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Diabetes is characterized by loss of sensitivity of cells to insulin (type 2) or the complete absence of its production as a result of their dying off in the endocrine part of the pancreas (type 1). This hormone is necessary for the absorption of carbohydrates, without it the sugar in the blood rises and this is fraught with consequences for all human organs. The disease requires a special approach to its diet, a significant reduction in the menu of fats and carbohydrates, an increase in food rich in fiber. Can I drink juice in diabetes?
Juices are a concentrated composition of the raw materials from which they are made. So, to prepare a glass of apple, it takes 4-5 medium-sized fruits, pineapple - almost a whole pineapple, etc. Even if you do not add sugar, made from fruits, they contain it in sufficient quantity to harm the diabetic, because they contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates: sucrose, fructose. Within half an hour after 200ml of drunk fruit juice, glucose in the blood increases by 3-4 mmol / l, and if they were given a full meal, then by 7-8 units. These facts indicate that although in the juices there are many useful substances for the body, patients with diabetes should be approached to their consumption carefully and carefully.
Useful juices for diabetes
It is best to find the middle ground in the diet between good and bad, because you can satisfy your gastronomic needs using a harmless and tasty product. In this context, we are talking exclusively about fresh juices. Consider which ones are suitable for diabetics:
- pomegranate juice - this fruit has a sour taste, which means there is little sugar in it. The value of pomegranate is low in calories with a large amount of vitamins (C, E, group B), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, aluminum, manganese, chromium, etc.), amino acids (15 names), fatty acids, flavonoids, tannins. It increases blood glucose, immunity, normalizes blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, connective and bone tissues, accelerates regeneration processes, removes toxins and slags, stabilizes hormones, promotes digestion. All these qualities are the best fit for diabetics. To drink it should be diluted - an average of half a glass of water 50 ml of juice. Drunk before a meal, it reduces thirst, reduces dry mouth, improves overall health. It can cause harm to people with high acidity of the stomach, pancreatitis, often accompanying diabetes, peptic ulcer, exacerbations of gastritis;
- Apple juice - not every apple is suitable for this pathology. Juice from green sour fruits - exactly what will saturate with pectins, enzymes, microelements, vitamins, will help in the fight against avitaminosis and anemia, purify the blood. Do not forget that diabetics should not eat more than 2-3 apples a day, so you need to squeeze the juice out of the same amount of fruits;
- Burdock juice for diabetes - another name for it is burdock, has a unique composition, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the insulin dose. It contains the necessary fatty oils for patients, accelerating tissue regeneration, bitter glycosides, regulating carbohydrate metabolism, polysaccharide inulin, splitting fats and improving the functionality of the pancreas, tannins, which have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. In addition, vitamin C prevents the development of infectious diseases, carotene improves eyesight, rutin makes the walls of vessels more elastic. It is undesirable in pregnancy and feeding a child, while taking diuretic drugs. Juice can be obtained from the young leaves of the plant from April to June. At other times they are less valuable. They are torn off and soaked in water for 3 hours, after easy drying, they are passed through a meat grinder twice and squeezed. You can get the juice from the roots, grinding them and squeezing well. The resulting drink is stored for no more than 3 days, for preparation for the future it should be frozen, preserved or mixed with alcohol;
- lemon juice - sour to taste, containing ascorbic acid, citric, malic, pectins, phytoncides, carotene, riboflavin, thiamine, flavonoids, rutin and other equally useful substances. We eat lemon for the prevention of colds, because it strengthens the defenses, with avitominoza, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis, gout, rheumatism, hypertension. Previously, he was in demand for the prevention of scurvy. Such a wide spectrum of action of its biologically active components is especially valuable in diabetes mellitus, unless there is an excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid. It can be drunk diluted with water, natural is consumed through a tube, so as not to harm the tooth enamel;
- Diabetes Lemon Juice with Egg - This combination of foods is used to reduce the performance of sugar for a long time. Preparing a cocktail by combining the juice of one lemon with an egg, stir well and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. After 3 days a break is taken for a month, then repeat;
- Orange juice - this citrus itself is very useful for humans, it boosts immunity, antioxidants in its composition are good for cancer prevention, it effectively cleanses the intestines, its specific pigments fight glaucoma, cataracts, which is important for diabetics. But there is cellulose in the fetus, which slows down the process of glucose absorption into the blood, in juices it is low. If nutritionists allow 1-2 fruits a day, then juices from the same amount of orange should be drunk very carefully, diluting them with water in the ratio 1: 2;
- apricot juice - has many useful characteristics: carotene - turns into vitamin A, which is so necessary for the body, cleans it of free radicals, pectins - removes slags and toxins, minerals - are involved in the processes of metabolism and blood formation. Apricot fights with putrefactive bacteria in the intestines, strengthens the nervous system, bone tissue. All this could work on a diabetic, if not for a lot of sugars in it. This drink is unacceptable for diabetics;
- birch sap - due to its healing properties, many people in the spring try to collect it as much as possible and preserve it for the rest of the year. With diabetes, a fresh drink will bring more benefits, you can also freeze it. Due to the low content of glucose, as well as record-high calcium, it does not harm and at the same time strengthen the blood vessels, improve the functioning of the heart. Saponins in its composition will reduce the burden on the kidneys, split the stones into them. Amino acids and essential oils are involved in cleaning the organs of harmful toxic substances. Drink it a glass three times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.
Vegetable juices for type 2 diabetes
In addition to fruit juices, there are various vegetable. Insulin-independent diabetes of the second type requires strict adherence to the diet, so we will focus on the most popular, capable of helping with diabetes:
- Tomato juice - tomato has a low glycemic index (15 units), this alone speaks in its favor. Fresh from it contains important minerals for humans: phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, iodine, zinc, fluorine; vitamins of group B, C, E, niacin, folic acid, carotene, lycopene, etc. The energy value of a tomato is low (20kkal per 100g of weight), there are no fats in it, so its use will not harm the pancreas, restore the water-salt balance, reduce cholesterol, a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, but can adversely affect the health of gout, exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer. It can be drunk daily separately from the main food in the amount of 500-600ml;
- potato juice - it does not refer to goodies that are able to give pleasure, but for the sake of your health, you can take a few sips twice a day (they recommend half a cup one-time). This product has a wound-healing, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, the only condition for this is to prepare it just before use;
- carrot juice - even children know about the benefits of this vegetable: beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, B, K, many minerals. Ophthalmologists insist on its inclusion in the diet to improve visual acuity, it is recommended to strengthen the body, blood vessels, increase resistance against viral and bacterial agents. Its glycemic index in its raw form is not high, so juices with a restriction of 250 ml during the day are quite acceptable to diabetics;
- beet juice is something that can alert people with diabetes in it - an elevated sucrose content. On the other hand, there are many things in it that could provide an invaluable service to the health of the patient - she cleans the blood vessels, lowers the indicators of "bad" cholesterol, blood pressure, i.e. Struggling with the effects of diabetes. In this situation, it is important to observe a balance between benefit and harm, and therefore, adhere to the required dosage - 50 ml at a time with a frequency of 4 times a day, with control of its effect on sugar level. With an obvious increase it should be abandoned;
- pumpkin juice - there are probably no people who have not heard about the benefits of this berry, so pumpkin dishes and diabetes are good "partners." Its special value for people of this pathology is that pumpkin contributes to the production of its own insulin. In addition, it helps to remove fluid from the body, harmful cholesterol, to avoid anemia. Useful berry in any form, including juices. Fresh fruit is rubbed on a grater and squeezed through gauze;
- cucumber juice - although in a vegetable there is no abundance of vitamins, but water predominates, but it is effective as a diuretic and choleretic agent, which is important for endocrine diseases. In addition, it has trace elements such as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine. It is believed that cucumber prevents the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens the nervous and vascular systems. There are no dose limitations for it;
- Cilantro juice - a herb known in cooking since ancient times was famous for its healing effect on the body: it lowered blood glucose, eliminated toxins, was an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, improved intestinal motility, and digestion. But in it lies the flip side of the coin. Hypotension, pregnancy, lactation, gastrointestinal ulcer, thrombophlebitis - diagnoses in which it can cause harm. Reducing sugar with cilantro juice should be given these features;
- vegetable marrow juice is a versatile and harmless vegetable with rare exceptions. It improves appetite, well envelops the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, eliminates puffiness, helps in the fight against obesity, if fat deposits are concentrated in the waist, increases hemoglobin level and elasticity of blood vessels. Zucchini juice is very popular among people who stick to weight loss diets. And yet, they should not be misused, because this can significantly relax the chair, disrupt the water-salt balance. Its glycemic index is 15, a low figure, but the volume, over 400 ml per day, does not need to be exceeded.
If any of the listed juices is unacceptable to taste, then it can be combined with others, for example, vegetable and fruit, creating delicious cocktails. Especially useful is the addition of "green" parsley, dill, cilantro. This increases the beneficial components, while reducing carbohydrates.
What juice can not drink with diabetes?
The technology of making juices in an industrial way consists of several stages: the production of a concentrate by evaporation of water, and then its recovery. This product contains a high concentration of sugar, which is unacceptable in diabetes. Also, you can not drink natural juices from sweet fruits: peach, apricot, grapes.