Cyst of the vagina
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The cyst of the vagina is a rather unpleasant and not so easy to treat illness, which can affect absolutely all women. Such formations in the female genitalia are an obvious deviation from the norm and can be both malignant and benign. The further treatment of the disease will depend on the character of the cyst and its location. So you should not postpone the trip to the gynecologist in the long box, because the sooner you start treating such a disease, the less likely the complications will be.
Causes of the cyst of the vagina
The cyst of the vagina is nothing more than an easy tumor, although it does not belong to the true tumors of the genital organs. Such a cyst can be congenital or traumatic (acquired).
The causes of congenital cysts may be disruptions in the development of internal tissues of the Müllerian or paracourethral ducts. The congenital cyst, as a rule, is located on the walls of the female genital organ. If we are talking about the Müllerian duct cyst, then it is worthwhile to take a more careful look at the diagnosis, since this disease often goes along with the atresia of the vagina, which is already a blemish in the development of female genital organs.
It happens that the cyst of the vagina occurs due to surgical intervention during the termination of pregnancy. This is due to the elimination of ruptures and scars, which can remain after childbirth. If during the surgical intervention in the thickness of the vaginal tissues penetrate the epithelial formation, then there is a risk of developing a similar tumor. Acquired cyst is localized most often on the back of the female genital organ.
Thus, we see that the causes of cysts can be very diverse. The main thing is to diagnose it in time and start treatment.
Symptoms of the cyst of the vagina
Usually the cyst of the vagina develops without a special manifestation of symptoms. That's why you should regularly undergo routine examinations with a gynecologist to identify possible cyst formation in the early stages. If the tumor is already quite developed, pain and bleeding may occur during sexual acts, or defecation. There may also be a sense of the presence of something foreign in the vagina.
Given that the cyst of the vagina is, in fact, a purulent sac with gray-white masses, the development of such a tumor can be accompanied by regular leucorrhoea or colpitis symptoms. If the cyst appeared during pregnancy, then there are several possible developments. Provided that the cyst during pregnancy is small and does not prevent childbirth, its treatment can be left for the post-natal period. If the formation is strong, then it is possible either to remove suppuration, or the initial definition of the process of labor with the help of Caesarean section.
As we see, the cyst of the vagina is not particularly marked by strong symptoms, therefore, it recommends that you carefully and regularly undergo examinations at the gynecologist and seek advice at the first suspicions of the discomfort of the genitals.
Vaginal cyst: appearance and localization
Externally, the cyst of the vagina has a convex shape on the front or back walls of the female genital organ. As we have already noted, this convexity is filled with a gray-white purulent mass and sensations differ significantly from an overflowing bladder or intestine. Dimensions of the cyst of the vagina are very diverse - ranging from a small quail egg and more. Such formations cause significant discomfort and bleeding during sexual intercourse.
Vestibule cervix
Since this area of the penis is very close to the entrance, it is quite possible to diagnose the appearance of formations in it yourself, having felt the area of the entrance to the vagina. The vestibule cervix for a long time may not manifest itself in any way, until it reaches a rather large size and does not start to cause discomfort during sexual acts or urination.
Diagnosis of the disease occurs by the delivery of a standard gynecological smear, after which surgical treatment is required. The best option remains full surgical cyst extraction. Although, such an operation is very dependent on the skill of the surgeon.
Cyst on the wall of the vagina. As we have already said, the cyst on the vaginal wall, as a rule, is congenital and develops as a result of disorders in the development of epithelial tissues of the internal parts of the female sexual organ. The cyst can be spread out both on the front wall and deeper. Diagnosis of such education occurs at the reception of a gynecologist through the delivery of a smear and ultrasound.
Cyst on the back of the vagina
Such an education is more often acquired, rather than congenital. Develops due to improper surgical intervention in the process of abortion or childbirth. Diagnosis takes place by putting a smear and ultrasound. Like any other cyst in the female genital area, the cyst on the back of the vagina can cause pain and bleeding during intercourse.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of the vaginal cyst
If the cyst appeared on the eve of the vagina, then the primary diagnosis can be done independently. But a full-fledged check and diagnosis can be done only by a gynecologist. Since the cyst develops in most cases is asymptomatic, but it requires constant supervision of a specialist. In the event that the cyst begins to increase substantially in size, it is necessary to perform its complete removal by surgical intervention.
Diagnosis of the cyst takes place at a doctor's office with a swipe, ultrasound and a gynecological examination. Before performing a surgical removal of a benign tumor, the patient's smear is further examined for bacteriological composition, as well as the position of the purulent formation relative to the location of the bladder and rectum.
Also, additional colposcopy is performed before surgery. This helps to identify and prevent all possible risks associated with an operation to remove the vaginal cyst.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
How to treat the cyst of the vagina?
There are several ways to treat the cyst of the vagina - temporary and complete. Temporary neutralization of the cyst is performed by puncture aspiration. Over time, the cyst is again filled with fluid due to epithelial cells and the procedure should be repeated. This path is often used in cases of large cysts during pregnancy so that the patient can give birth. After delivery, the cyst is treated fully.
Quite safe is the method of removing the cyst by means of marsupialization. With such a procedure, a cyst is dissected and drained by surgery. Further, the cyst walls are sutured to the vaginal mucosa to prevent the bag from being refilled.
If the cyst is congenital and is located deep enough in the genitals, then the surgical intervention will be more radical. In this case, a longitudinal incision is made on the cyst and its full excision is performed. Such operations are complicated by the fact that one should be very careful with the position of the cyst relative to the bladder and rectum. It is impossible to touch these internal organs during the operation, since complications can then arise. If the cyst can not be removed without consequences and complications through the vagina, the laparotomy method is used.
Treatment of vaginal cysts by alternative means
As we have already noted, the advanced and progressive cyst is best treated by surgical removal. If the cyst was found in the early stages of education, then you can resort to alternative methods of treatment. In order to cure the cyst of the vagina, tinctures of wormwood, St. John's wort, string, sage, fennel seeds, nettle roots, sweet clover, yarrow and tartar are most often used by alternative means. To prepare the broth, it is necessary to mix these herbs in equal amounts. Then 1 tablespoon of a mixture of herbs should be filled with 300 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for the night. Take the resulting broth should be 100 ml three times a day 2 hours after eating. The duration of the decoction is one month, after which you should take a break for a week and then repeat the course of treatment. Usually, the full cycle of treatment with this method until complete recovery lasts from 8 to 10 months, if the improvement does not occur, traditional medical methods of treatment of the vaginal cyst should be resorted to.
Prevention of vaginal cysts
Prevention of the cyst of the vagina does not imply any supernatural measures. To maintain the health of the female sexual organ, only a few simple rules should be observed. First, carefully monitor the hygiene of the genitals and the body as a whole. Avoid hypothermia and do not interrupt the treatment of infectious colds. Also, one should pay special attention to the infectious and inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system and to treat such diseases in time. And, of course, you should regularly consult a gynecologist and visit him at least twice a year.
If you are in position, then follow the normal course of pregnancy.
All this in a complex will help you to always remain healthy and will not bring unnecessary troubles and worries.