Cold on the sea and after the sea
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The common cold is a common disease that many people have to face. In medicine there is no diagnosis of a "cold". This is the popular name of ARI and ARVI, which occupy a leading position in the structure of the incidence of respiratory tract. Especially often this disease occurs in the autumn-spring period, as well as in the summer, during the holiday season. Particularly unpleasant is the cold on the sea and after the sea, which can darken rest.
Causes of the colds after the sea
The main cause of the common cold is the virus. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, by contact with a sick person, or a virus carrier. At sea, optimal conditions for the development and spread of infection. First, the climate corresponds to those conditions in which the intensive multiplication of viruses occurs.
Secondly, in the sea all people bathe, regardless of their health status. Rarely, who will stay in the quarantine for a period of 14 days if he becomes ill. Accordingly, the virus can enter the water. It is able to persist for a long time in the environment. And only after getting into optimal conditions, that is, into the human body, will begin to develop, multiply, which, accordingly, causes a pathological process.
Third, human immunity at sea is reduced. A man allows himself a lot of liberties, the habitual regime is broken, he feeds himself wrongly. Many drink alcohol. Reduces the immunity and hypothermia, or, conversely, the body's overheating, too long exposure to fresh air, exposure to the skin of direct sunlight, sea water of a specific composition. A sharp change in climatic conditions, biorhythms, also adversely affects the body.
Adverse effect on the body and moving. Any road is stress for the body: tension, fatigue, wind, drafts, heat, exhaust gases on the track, lack of regime and full nutrition.
Risk factors
People with reduced immunity, often ill people, fall into the risk group. High risk of getting sick at sea in children, especially at the age of up to three years. A person who has recently had a viral or catarrhal disease may get sick, not fully cured, people with sensitive skin, and also those who abuse sun exposure. People who have been on the road for a long time, abusing alcohol. The risk increases in the presence of chronic and accompanying diseases, adenoids, after the removal of tonsils or adenoids, having tumor diseases, both benign and malignant.
Against the background of reduced immunity, the infection, if ingested, is not neutralized by the immune system, but penetrates further, getting into the blood and sensitive organs. The virus is transported by blood, penetrates the respiratory tract, settles on the mucous membranes. As a result, a pathological process develops: a signal is received from the receptors to colonize the mucous membranes with a virus, the immune system generates an immune response. As a result, pro-inflammatory factors, antibodies to the virus, are being developed.
Lymphocytes arrive at the site of the virus invasion, aimed at neutralizing the foreign agent and restoring the homeostasis. As a result, at the site of the virus invasion into the mucosa occurs the development of inflammation. Spent lymphocytes die along with particles of the virus. This leads to the development of mucous or purulent exudate, which accumulates and gradually irritates the mucous membrane. There is a coughing, sneezing, as a reflex reaction, which appeared in response to irritation of the mucous membrane.
Then there is a violation of microflora. The virus produces endotoxins, which enter the body, during its life. Under their influence, certain representatives of the normal microflora of the nasopharynx may die. This leads to the fact that a normal, non-pathogenic microflora is killed. The vacated site is immediately colonized by other microorganisms, mostly pathogenic, which begin to multiply more intensively. This leads to the development of bacterial infection, which can easily spread, provoking the further development of the infectious process.
Pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the nasopharynx, pharynx. Develop tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Develops a runny nose, nasal congestion, nasal. In severe cases, the infection can descend along the descending pathways into the bronchi and lungs, which is dangerous due to the development of pneumonia, bronchitis. Through the Eustachian tube, which connects the nasopharynx with the ear, the infection can penetrate into the middle and inner ear. As a result, otitis, tubo-otitis develops, the hearing decreases, stiffness appears. Often the infection falls on the nasolacrimal canal (or with dirty hands, a handkerchief) in the eye, resulting in the development of conjunctivitis.
Symptoms of the colds after the sea
Symptoms of colds are the appearance of unpleasant sensations and a taste in the throat. Gradually, these feelings are transformed into pain, stuffiness of the throat and nose, change of voice. Many people hurt to swallow, talk. There is a runny nose, coughing, tearing. Approximately on 2-3 day there is a headache, weakness, chills, fever, the body temperature rises.
On the 3-4th day there are signs of viral intoxication: a strong chill, a pain in the abdomen, a decrease in appetite, a nausea, vomiting, a stool disorder may develop. There is a muscle weakness, severe headache, dizziness, joint pain, aches all over the body.
Early harbingers, which occur long before the development of the disease, is heart palpitations, a feeling of pressure, increased stress on the heart. There may be mild dyspnea, for example, with mild physical exertion, climbing the stairs. There is weakness, increased sweating. Many increase the sensitivity of the skin, reduce appetite, there is a slight tremor in the body, apathy, weakness, drowsiness.
Later there is a perspiration in the throat, sneezing, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. There may be slight swelling of the mucous membranes and their redness. Often, puffiness appears on the face, in the nose, eyes. Lachrymation joins in the eyes. It can be painful for a person to swallow, talk. There may be nasal congestion, ears.
Cold on the sea in a child
Children have colds at sea very often. This is due to the fact that the body of a child, less than an adult, is capable of adaptation. When changing the habitual regime, climatic conditions, there is a sharp drop in immunity. The body becomes more susceptible to infection. In addition, many children have a normal microflora, which can also lead to the development of respiratory pathologies, creates optimal conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora.
Children do not observe the rules of hygiene, the regime of the day, spend a long time under the sun, in the water. Many new emotions, hypothermia in the water with subsequent overheating in the sun, overwork during the move, disturbance of sleep and rest, nutrition - all this weakens the body and increases the likelihood of infection. If there is an opportunity to show the child to the doctor, it is necessary to do it as soon as possible. Today at sea to find a medical institution is not difficult. The child can be shown in any clinic, private clinic. When resting at a recreation center, in a boarding house, hotel, other similar institution, there should be a medical point, or simply a doctor who is able to consult. You can also use folk remedies. But it is also better to do after a preliminary consultation with a doctor.
The cold on the lip at sea
On the lips there is a cold in the form of a rash as a result of the development of Herpesvirus infection in the body. It is a virus that can persist for a long time in a person's blood without causing any signs of disease, without causing any inconvenience to a person. But as soon as favorable conditions appear in the body: the immunity decreases, the biochemical rhythm, the metabolism is broken, it passes from the inactive form to the active one, and becomes the causative agent of the disease.
In the pharmacy you can buy antiviral systemic drugs that help reduce the symptoms of the disease. Also locally, a special ointment, a cream that removes the rash can be used. There are special antiviral lipsticks, which have a local effect and eliminate the manifestations of the common cold.
But it is necessary to understand that all these are temporary measures that allow simply to remove symptoms of the disease, to stop signs of a viral infection. In order to cure the disease completely, after returning from the sea it is necessary to undergo a survey and get a full course of antiviral therapy. Usually for the diagnosis of the disease it is enough to pass the analysis on the viruses of the Herpes group.
Complications and consequences
A cold that has occurred at sea can cause unpleasant consequences and lead to complications. As complications, otitis, tubootids, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia are considered. It is also dangerous to further spread the infection throughout the body. Often there are not only diseases of the respiratory tract, but also diseases of other organs. As a complication, there may be pyelonephritis, enterocolitis. The consequence of intoxication is often a digestive disorder, allergic reactions, hearing impairment.
No less dangerous are complications such as lymphadenitis (inflammation of lymph nodes, vessels). This leads to persistence of the infection throughout the body, its transition to a chronic form.
Diagnostics of the colds after the sea
For diagnosis it is necessary to consult a doctor - an otolaryngologist or a therapist. The doctor first collects general information (anamnesis of life and disease), conducts a patient interview. Information on how and when the disease started, what initial signs, how complicated the disease was at the time of going to the doctor, what measures were taken to treat it, whether such cases had occurred before, could be significant. Then a general and special examination of the patient is carried out. The doctor examines the skin, mucous membranes. You may need a rhinoscope, otoscopy (examination of the nasopharynx, ear).
Clinical methods of research are used. With the auscultation, listening to the lungs, bronchi, and the heart is carried out, which makes it possible to assess the degree of inflammation and damage to the respiratory tract. Also palpation is performed, which allows you to identify areas of inflammation, flushing, swelling, and assess the degree of soreness. The state of lymph nodes and vessels, tonsils is assessed. With the help of percussion, mostly listen to the bronchi and lungs. By the resulting sound, when tapping, you can determine the presence of inflammation and sputum. If necessary, additional methods of investigation are assigned (laboratory, instrumental), differential diagnosis is performed.
Differential diagnosis
The basis for differential diagnosis is the need to distinguish between diseases that have similar characteristics. So, in the first place it is important to separate the viral disease from bacterial. This may require virological research, bacteriological culture.
Virological research most often involves an analysis of the detection of directly viral particles in the blood (performed by atomic-force, tunnel microscopy). Also, an analysis is carried out for the detection of viral DNA or RNA in the test sample (PCR method, sequencing), which indicates the presence of a viral infection.
But these methods are expensive, they require specific equipment. Therefore, most often resort to immunological or serological methods, which reveal specific immune complexes of antigen-antibody that are formed in the human body in the presence of infection in the blood. These complexes can not only be fixed qualitatively, but also quantified, which makes it possible to calculate the degree of viral load.
You may need bacteriological culture if you suspect a bacterial infection. For research take a smear from the throat and nose. They make a primary crop, that is, they sow the obtained biological material on an artificial nutrient medium. Then incubate for a week under thermostat conditions. Assess crops, determine the culture that prevails in growth. Then the largest colony is separated and reseeded to selective nutrient media. With the help of biochemical tests and immunological studies, the quantitative determination of the culture obtained is carried out. That is, according to the results of the study, the generic and species belonging of the microorganism, its properties and approximate concentration become known.
Very informative can be a clinical analysis of blood and urine. From these analyzes, one can determine the direction of the main processes that occur in the body. So, an increased amount of lymphocytes indicates an inflammatory process, a viral or bacterial infection. The increase in eosinophils indicates an allergic reaction or parasitic invasion. There may be a need for a biochemical or immunological study to obtain detailed information.
Treatment of the colds after the sea
Treatment is predominantly etiological, that is, it is aimed at eliminating the cause of pathology. With the common cold, the main treatment is antiviral therapy aimed at eliminating the virus or reducing its activity, as well as stimulating the immune system, which provides natural protection against the virus. In response to the introduction of the virus or any other foreign agent, production of antigens, and other immune defense factors occurs.
Symptomatic therapy is also used, which is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of pathology. So, with increasing temperature, antipyretic agents are prescribed. When coughing, can be prescribed antitussive, mucolytic, expectorant and other means. When pain is prescribed analgesics, painkillers. In case of allergic reaction, irritation, puffiness, antiallergic, antihistamines are prescribed. If a bacterial infection joins, antibiotics are prescribed. With a strong inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory drugs are needed.
Basically, they use complex cold therapy, which includes medicines, physiotherapy, vitamins. Sometimes include folk methods of treatment and homeopathic remedies.
More information of the treatment
You can prevent colds by preparing your body for vacation in advance. It is important to maintain immunity at a high level throughout the year. Should be a full-fledged food with the content of all the necessary vitamins, trace elements. We must try to observe the regime of the day, eat, get up, go to bed at about the same time. It is necessary to minimize stress, neuro-mental overstrain, fatigue, the impact of negative factors.
It is important during the year to combine the optimal way of rest and working time, engage in physical culture, sports. It is necessary to apply techniques of correct breathing, relaxation and meditative practices, autogenic training that will help relieve tension, minimize negative anthropogenic effects. All this will provide good immunity, endurance, and a high level of adaptability of the organism to unfavorable factors.
How to save a child from colds at sea?
It is important to ensure that the child is not supercooled during bathing and does not overheat in the sun. It is better to go to the beach at "safe hours" - until 11 am, and after 16 pm. This will protect the body from the adverse effects of sunlight. At this time it is better to rest, take a walk in a quiet, not hot place. The head must be protected from direct exposure to sunlight. It is also important to ensure that the child is not in a draft, especially in transport.
The child should drink enough water, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Carefully you need to consume canned food, meat, fish. At high temperatures, the probability of obtaining stale products is high. Increased risk of poisoning, food poisoning.
In general, the outlook is favorable. Usually a cold on the sea and after the sea quickly cures. But with low immunity and lack of treatment, the disease can drag on and go to other, more severe forms of the disease, a bacterial infection can join. After returning home, you must always check with your doctor.