


Chondroma of the nose

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Chondroma of the nose, in comparison with other localizations of cartilaginous tumors, the disease is extremely rare, since the cartilage of the nose has a much less pronounced proliferative capacity than the cartilage tissues of the epiphyses. There is a chondroma of the nose at all ages, but more often in young people.

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Pathological anatomy of the nasal chondromas

The chondroma of the nose is most often localized in the region of the septum of the nose, but it can also appear on other surfaces of its cavity, including in the cartilages of the wings of the nose. The size of the tumor varies from a pea to a chicken egg. The chondroma of the nose is located on a wide base, has a rounded shape, densely-elastic to the touch with a smooth surface. It grows very slowly, within a few years, reaching a considerable size, begins to deform the nose pyramid, especially its back, pushing the nasal bones laterally. At this stage, the external nose in its appearance resembles that of a deforming polyposis of the nose. In addition, the chondroma of the nose deforms by its pressure the hard palate, the inner wall of the orbit, displaces the septa of the nose and penetrates into the cells of the latticed labyrinth.

Symptoms of chondromas of the nose

The initial stage passes unnoticed and the chondroma of the nose is detected accidentally with anterior rhinoscopy. Only when the tumor reaches a certain size, under which it comes into contact with the surrounding internal nasal structures, begins to show signs of its pathological effects. First of all, the difficulty of nasal breathing increases, the sense of smell worsens, signs of neuralgia of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve, rhinorrhea, sensation of a sprawling foreign body can appear. With anterior rhinoscopy, a smooth-walled dense-elastic tumor is found, in advanced cases completely obturating one half of the nose, wedged between the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and the septum of the nose. In more pronounced cases, deformation of the external nose is determined, and at pressure and ingrowth into orbit - exophthalmos.

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Diagnosis of chondromas of the nose

Diagnosis of the chondroma of the nose does not cause difficulty, however, with all responsibility it is necessary to approach differential diagnostics, as often diseases such as syphilitic gum, rhinoscleroma, transitional-cellular (inverted) papilloma, rhinolitis, etc. Can often hide under the guise of chondromas. Differ in the presence of bone and cartilaginous crests, hematoma or abscess of the septum of the nose is characterized by the fact that when they puncture get hemolyzed blood or pus; Gumma in its development stage is distinguished by a brighter red color and a woody density, the rhinoscleroma differs from the diffuse lesion of the nasal cavity and the tendency to concentric stenosis. Most of all, the osteoma is similar to the chondrome, it is possible to distinguish it from the chondroma with a needle that does not perforate the osteoma, but it easily enters the chondrome.

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What tests are needed?

Treatment of chondromas of the nose

Chondroma of the nose is treated only by surgical methods. Depending on the location and size of the tumor, it can be removed by both the endonasal and external approaches, and the tumor can be removed by a solid block or in parts.

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