Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of the cephalgia
Most people are quite frivolous about the moments of pain that "grabs" the head, not considering their illness. After all, it is enough to take a pill and everything is formed. But we should not forget that often cephalgia is just a consequence of another disease and, late access to a doctor can threaten not only the loss of precious time for treatment, but also, often, life. Even a mild headache suggests that the body crashed, and it would not hurt to establish its cause.
Causes of cephalgia are very different:
- Hypertension (high blood pressure).
- Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve.
- Strong tension of the visual organs.
- Nerve strain due to psycho-emotional stress.
- Diabetes.
- Heart diseases.
- Cervical osteochondrosis.
- Arteritis of the temporal region (damage to the large and medium arteries of the whole organism).
- High intracranial pressure.
- Various diseases of internal organs.
- Lack of sleep
- Violation of muscle tension.
- Climatic sensitivity.
- Unstable load.
- Abrupt changes in food culture.
- The ability to relax accumulates both muscular and intellectual fatigue, which contributes to the development of cephalalgia.
- Aneurysms of the brain - a local increase in the size of the blood vessel.
- Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord).
- Head injuries
- And many other reasons.
Symptoms of the cephalgia
Depending on the etiology of the pain, the symptoms of cephalgia are quite similar and at the same time can vary. For example, the symptoms of cluster head pain are manifested:
- lowering and swelling of the eyelids;
- acute response to sound and light manifestations;
- discharge from the eyes and nose;
- sweat on forehead;
- nausea and vomiting;
- irritability, agitation, anxiety;
- dilated pupils.
In this case, severe pain is felt behind or above one of the eyes.
Symptoms of cephalgia, which should alert and immediately contact a specialist:
- Sharp, sudden pain that builds up is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Mood changes, mental disorders. All this may indicate such diseases as hemorrhagic stroke (which is also called “brain hemorrhage”).
- If the pain intensifies during coughing or other over-exertion, brain swelling is possible.
- A sudden pain, very severe, which you haven’t experienced before - aneurysm rupture.
- Pain after injury can be a symptom of cerebral hemorrhage.
- High temperature, tension in the muscle tissue of the occiput together with cephalgia can often indicate developing meningitis.
- Intense headache of chronic nature in people over 50.
- Cephalgia, accompanied by confusion, amnesia, impaired coordination of movement and speech apparatus, disturbances in the visual apparatus, numbness and "goosebumps" that are felt in the extremities, may indicate a minor stroke in the brain.
- Painful pulsations in the frontal area and around the eyes, redness of the latter, the appearance of contrasting rings around the light source may indicate an acute form of glaucoma.
- Observed unilateral pain - this symptom may indicate a temporal arteritis. As a consequence - blindness or stroke.
- Sudden throbbing pain in the area of the eyeballs may indicate hemorrhage in the sinuses of one of the brain veins.
Where does it hurt?
The pathologies considered by us, united by one common symptom, have their niche in the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision. Cephalgia, and in fact, any pain that has arisen in the head area, belongs to the VI group - nervous system diseases and has the code designation G00-G99. And to the subgroup “Episodic and paroxysmal disorders” - (G40-G47). Smaller graduations are divided into categories:
- Migraine (coded cipher - G43).
- G44 - the code of the group of diseases, united by one name - Other headache symptoms, with the exception of facial pain of atypical genesis (G50.1), headache NOS (R51) trigeminal neuralgia (G50.0):
- Histamine headache syndrome. It is denoted by the cipher G44.0.
- Vascular headache, not elsewhere classified. The code number for this category of pathology is G44.1.
- Headache of intense type. The medical code of this disease is G44.2.
- Chronic post-traumatic headache. Disease Cipher - G44.3.
- Headache caused by the use of drugs, not classified in other headings. This pathology has a code - G44.4.
- Other specified headache syndrome. The code denoting this category of pathology is G44.8.
Cephalgia syndrome
Today, cephalgia syndrome is one of the most common symptom of a wide range of diseases. Localization of headache and the etiology of its origin is what gives the classification of cephalgia.
As a rule, this pathology is directly connected to the arterial system of the pulmonary circulation, which captures the scalp and brain tissues. Most often, the causes of the syndrome of cephalgia are directly related to spasms or dilation of the arteries, the growth of hydrostatic pressure in them. Diseases of psychogenic etiology are the most common cause of long-term pain in the head.
Vascular cephalgia
Vascular type of pain - one of the most common manifestations, the cause of which is a sharp expansion or narrowing of the blood arteries.
Our entire body is dotted with a network of pain receptors that, when irritated, transmit pain signals.
The most common vascular cephalgia is pain that occurs as a result of dilatation of the cerebral vessels due to the passage of more blood than normal through them, which is characteristic of the arteries but is not categorically inherent in the vessels. Pain has a pulsating characteristic. The patient has the impression that hammers are pounding inside the skull.
Such indicators of pain are usually found in people suffering from vascular dystonia, as well as hypertension (the patient suffers from persistent high blood pressure) or hypotension (on the contrary, low pressure).
There is also a venous headache, the etiology of which is associated with the combination of such signs as low muscle tension of the canal walls and an increased volume of blood. This is due to the fact that the speed and volume of venous blood, which should "leave" the skull, fall.
The cause of vascular cephalgia can be both internal diseases of different genesis, and the usual domestic situation: prolonged physical exertion when working with the head down; tight collar shirt or tie and others.
Vasomotor cephalgia
Based on clinical observations, it can be stated that the percentage of cases of cephalalgia, called cluster or vasomotor type, as well as migraine, is quite large.
Symptoms that manifest vasomotor cephalgia differ from the same migraine in that pain is felt all over the head - it is “taken as in a vice”. In this case, the intensity of sensations can be defined as weak or medium. The pain is dull and pulling. Sometimes a person feels nauseous, but it does not get to vomiting.
The main causes of vasomotor cephalgia can be called:
- Nicotine.
- Excessive muscle tension in the shoulders and neck.
- Lack of rest.
- Stress.
- Hypodynamia.
- Abuse of medications.
- Other.
Cephalgia stress
Muscular tension, which provokes pain (tension cephalgia), is perhaps the most annoying pathology, which can last for half an hour, or a week, and it doesn’t pass into a chronic course.
According to the results of the monitoring, the cause of the occurrence of cephalgia tension is the prolonged contraction of the muscles of the complex neck - face - shoulders. Muscle tissue spasms partially or completely block the blood flow, which leads to "oxygen starvation" of the brain and, accordingly, accumulation of toxins, which provoke pain.
Symptoms of this pathology are dull, uniform pain, concentrating around the back of the head. Gradually, it extends to the entire skull (there is a feeling of a tight hoop or cap). There are cases when the patient feels that not only the head itself, but also the neck, shoulders, and skin are in pain.
In most cases, the pains pass away on their own, and only during the chronic course of the disease is medical intervention required.
VSD with cephalgia
Vegetative-vascular dystonia - this phrase is increasingly heard both from the mouth of doctors and in advertising on TV. The cause of all types of cephalgia can be:
- Stressful situation.
- Heredity.
- Influenza or cold diseases.
- Chronic diseases of various genesis.
- Traumatic brain injuries and spinal injuries.
- Pregnancy.
- Congestive abnormalities in blood flow (for example, after sleep).
- Climax.
- Overwork.
- Alcohol and drug use.
Manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia are quite diverse, since the vegetative nervous system captures almost all organs of the human body (and breathing, the work of the genitourinary system, the heart, and others). Symptoms same with cephalgia can be:
- Fainting
- Nausea.
- Dizziness.
- The emergence of anxiety and panic.
- Pressure jumps.
- Puffiness
- Chills and temperature fluctuations from 35 to 38 ° C.
- Sweating
- Other.
The nature of the pain is dull and squeezing, less often comes the feeling that the head is just bursting inside. With high pressure other than head pressure, there is also pain in the heart. In the case of a “failure” of pressure, there are problems with breathing, even fainting.
Angiodystonic cephalgia
Clinical studies show that the cause of cephalgia, as a percentage, most often is increased blood pressure (sometimes the numbers of the tonometer show: systolic - 200–270 mm Hg., Diastolic - 100–120 mm Hg.). Doctors call this type of pathology angiodystonic cephalgia. In this case, the mechanism of pain is reduced to more than in a healthy state, deformation of the veins, at the same time, the cerebral vessels, on the contrary, narrowed. Such deviations are quite dangerous to human health. Ignoring them can lead the patient to a heart attack, to a rupture of the retinal vessels, as well as to the outpouring of blood to the brain or a stroke.
In addition to high blood pressure, angiodystonic cephalgia can develop due to eclampsia (manifestation of late toxicosis during pregnancy), as well as with malignant or benign tumors in the adrenal glands and overdose of certain drugs.
Already in the morning, the patient feels a throbbing rather strong pain, differentiating in the region of the neck, in the temporal-frontal part of the skull, or completely captivating the entire head. After some time, the cephalalgia can weaken or go completely, but it can resume with a new force after active loads.
The main symptoms of this category of cephalgia include:
- Nausea, passing into gagging.
- Consciousness change.
- Puffiness of soft tissues of the face.
Cephalgia in children
A child is a little man and, like any other person, he may occasionally have a headache. Such manifestations are provoked by various causes.
Cephalgia in children can be caused by:
- Colds and infectious diseases.
- Great fatigue and overexcitement.
- Allergic reaction to food.
- Hunger.
- Heat.
- Other.
In case of any of these manifestations or in the case of a child's complaint of pain, you should immediately contact the district pediatrician who, after examining the child, diagnoses and prescribes an adequate treatment..
Chronic cephalgia
Constant headache - endure, it would seem, it is not possible. But chronic cephalgia, today, is found in almost every second person complaining about this pathology. For the most part, it results from a tension cephalgia or a migraine.
It is impossible to say clearly what is the impetus for its manifestation, but many doctors agree that the cause of chronic cephalgia is stress, depressive states, as well as hormonal failure. May lead to such consequences and excessive consumption of various medicines.
The pain is felt pressing, the attack lasts, if you do not take the medicine, no more than four hours. But the rolling pain can be repeated.
It is necessary to try to prevent the occurrence of cephalgia in chronic manifestation, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to consult a specialist, to undergo an examination in order to establish the true cause of the pathology, only after that you can start treatment.
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Resistant cephalgia
Rarely enough, but there are cases when the headache does not go away for a long time, even after taking analgesics. The pain keeps strong, constant, accompanied by all sorts of complications. This is a persistent cephalgia, which requires an emergency and versatile examination. Diagnostic methods for such a clinic include:
- Electroencephalography (ascertains the electrical activity of the brain).
- Permanent control of blood pressure.
- Diagnosis of the fundus and pressure measurement.
- Head tomography.
- If necessary, lumbar puncture is prescribed (cerebrospinal fluid intake).
Treatment for such pathology should expire from the established cause.
Cephalgia of unknown origin
Pain in the head - such complaints doctors often hear in their practice. It is not always possible to immediately and unambiguously ascertain the cause of its occurrence: vascular spasms, infectious and catarrhal diseases, stresses and the effects of climate change, anatomical neoplasms, head injuries and much more. All this can be a push of a painful symptom. Cephalgia of unknown origin is not the best diagnosis.
Cephalgia can be graduated to:
Often manifested headaches. The etiology of this symptom, for the most part, has a vascular pathology. These diseases include:
- Hypertension.
- Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
- Migraine.
- Glaucoma.
- Dental diseases.
- Osteochondrosis (violation of metabolic processes in the spinal discs).
- Arteritis of the temporal localization (inflammation of the joint).
Pathology with nausea, passing into vomiting spasms. The reasons for this occurrence can be:
- Organic adrenal neoplasm.
- High intracranial pressure.
- Hypertension.
- Organics of the brain.
- Stroke (cerebral hemorrhage).
Pain manifested by bouts:
- Pheochromocytoma (hormone-active tumor of the adrenal glands).
- Migraine.
- Hypertensive crisis (sharp jump in blood pressure).
Night and morning pains. Such symptoms are characteristic with high intracranial pressure.
Unilateral headache - this can be a symptom of a migraine.
Cephalgia, in the accompanying complications of which there is a loss of vision, the appearance of photophobia. These abnormalities may occur with migraine or hypertension.
Severe bouts of recurring unilateral pain. This symptom may be an indicator of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.
Persistent cephalgia
Persistent long-lasting pain (persistent cephalgia). Such a manifestation of it can be a symptom of many diseases and the main manifestation of a depressive state in a patient. But before giving any specific recommendations, you should still consult a doctor and determine the cause of the pathology, since many other diseases will also be combined with depression. For example, persistent cephalgia occurs in the case of the inflammatory process occurring in the brain membrane (meningitis).
Venous cephalgia
As a consequence of changes in vegetative-vascular dystonia or in infectious-allergic vasculitis, the tension in the walls of the venous canals is weakened, which leads to an excess of blood volumes that must pass through the venous canals. Under fluid pressure, the intracranial veins stretch, causing the pain that a person experiences. This is the clinical picture of this pathology.
The patient feels blunt arching tension, localized in the back of the skull. Symptoms of venous cephalgia becomes stronger if a person works with a low head for a long time, as well as with physical exertion. The reason for the increase in pain may be a tightly knotted tie or a too tight collar of a shirt.
It characterizes prolonged hypotonia of the veins and an increase in the vein of the fundus, swelling of the nasopharynx and soft tissues of the face, especially in the morning.
Venous cephalgia may appear as a result of hemorrhagic failures. In this case, the blood becomes “thicker”, the elasticity of red blood cells is lost, which contributes to the growth of plasma coagulant activity. There is a violation of the microcirculation of blood and, as a result, a decrease in the rate of transport of oxygen and its lack, the accumulation of toxins, which cause dull pain of varying intensity. In the head appears heaviness, ringing and noise, a person becomes sleepy and lethargic.
Cluster cephalgia
Predominantly cluster cephalgia occurs in men (five cases out of six).
Pathology is accompanied by such signs:
- Pain affects only one half of the skull.
- The pain is incredibly strong.
- Redness of the affected half of the head is observed.
- Zračok narrowed.
- The mucous membrane of the nasal canal from the side of the inflamed eye swells.
- The eyelid is slightly down.
In the majority of diagnosed cases of cluster cephalgia (up to 90%), the manifestation of the disease was as follows. The pain rolled periodically for four to six weeks, with a frequency of one to three attacks per day. The duration of the attacks themselves ranged from half an hour to two hours. After that, from six months to a year, the disease did not manifest itself. The age qualification of this pathology varies from 20 to 60 - 65 years, and later cluster headache, as a rule, no longer manifests itself.
Unambiguous causes of provoking this disease have not been established, but doctors associate it with smoking, stressful situations, nutrition “on the go,” and taking certain medications. The heat or, conversely, a cold wind, an abrupt change in the climate zone, stressful exams and many other reasons can be a trigger for pain.
Another sign of this type of cephalgia can be called the seasonality of its manifestations. Headaches can be tied to either a specific time of day (most of which are due to the fact that the hormonal activity is different during the day), or, often, the attacks begin to pester in a certain period of the year (spring, autumn). If the frequency of occurrence of pain increases - perhaps in the history of a person there are failures in metabolic processes.
But the most important thing is that cluster cephalgia always has beam vascular changes, but it does not bring with it pathological changes and does not lead to strokes and various vascular diseases.
Orgasmic cephalgia
Initially, sex is aimed at the implementation of human reproductive abilities, but does it not bring us psycho-emotional and physiological satisfaction? He, like ordinary jogging, is an excellent test not only for the physical health of a person, but also for his psychological characteristics. If a person suffers from cephalgia, which is manifested with significant exertion, he may feel headaches during or after intercourse. These are the symptoms that unite under the name - orgasmic cephalalgia and it reflects the very period of pain, but not its cause.
Doctors call some aspects that provoke the specified symptoms.
- Physiological compatibility of partners.
- Their psycho-emotional state at the time of coitus and after its completion.
- The level of partners' ability to transfer physical activity.
- The presence or absence of pathology of the cardiovascular system.
- Psychological comfort couple.
- Surrounding conditions for sexual intercourse.
- Biological age.
Orgasmic cephalalgia can manifest itself as an occasional (not every sexual intercourse), at a certain stage of sexual arousal, and every coitus can accompany. Based on the physiology of the process, it is possible to track the mechanism of occurrence of a headache (it is appropriate to focus on vascular, CSF and pathology of muscle tension).
In the process of sexual contact:
- An increase in blood pressure is observed; in a healthy person, the number of systolic readings can reach up to 200 mm. Hg Art.
- Stripped muscles come into tension.
- The frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and respiratory activity increases.
- There is an active blood supply to the genitals.
- Activated secretion glands.
- The supply of blood to the mammary glands is increasing.
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Migraine cephalgia
Migraine is a mysterious word, a disease that, until recently, "only aristocrats were sick". Hemicrania is a special category of very severe pain that captures half the skull or is located in a specific place. Migraine cephalgia is also found in young children. Clinical monitoring shows that women suffer most often from this pathology, but after 55-60 years of age, the migraine usually ceases to be disturbed.
Migraine cephalgia is attributed to vascular origin: intermittent dilation and narrowing of the vessels of the brain. Not the last role in this is played by the vascular system that controls intracranial pressure. The immediate "provocateur" of pain in this case are the nerve receptors of the brain.
Irrefutable remains the fact that this pathology is acquired and hereditary disease.
Symptoms of migraine cephalgia:
- Sudden nature of seizures.
- Dizziness and fear of light may appear.
- Pain throbbing.
- The locality of its manifestation: one half of the skull, temple, eyes.
- Changes in taste and visual perception.
- Nausea, passing into vomiting.
- Sweating increases.
- Numbness of the limbs.
- Muscle tissue cramps.
Cephalgia of mixed origin
A headache of the same type (“in its pure form”) is not always observed, it is not uncommon for, for example, vascular spasms with muscular tension to be encountered. Such variants are attributed to the pathology called cephalgia of mixed genesis. The symptoms of most diseases often, and often, is the headache of mixed genesis.
For example, with meningitis, headache is associated with:
- Edema of the medulla.
- Pathology of vascular permeability.
- High intracranial pressure.
- Difficulties outflow of venous blood.
- Enlargement of the lining arteries.
In the above listed list, symptoms of liquorodynamic and vasomotor cephalgia and tension pathology are observed. Treatment in this case is also necessary complex.
Posttraumatic cephalgia
Often the cause of a headache is the injury received at work or at home.
Post-traumatic cephalgia, in its symptoms, is similar to migraine, but it has more severe painful attacks and is very poorly treated. Cases are especially dangerous when a hematoma is present in the anamnesis, located in the deep layers of the brain (under its hard shell).
Symptoms of post-traumatic cephalgia:
- Convulsions and fainting are possible.
- Nausea, passing into vomiting.
- Increased sensitivity to sounds and bright light.
- Shock
- Amnesia (memory loss).
- Insomnia.
- Drop in blood pressure.
- Possible violations in the speech apparatus, breathing problems.
- Cardiopalmus.
- Decreased concentration
- Meteo-dependency appears.
Many symptoms appear based on the depth of the injury and the location of the lesion. Painful symptoms of this genesis can last up to eight weeks. Especially strong attacks are observed in the morning (when sitting and standing, when the patient is lying, the pain is dulled).
Histamine Cephalgia
Not so long ago, physicians endured another category of pathology - histamine cephalgia. But today this terminology is considered incorrect. Since there is no evidence of the effect of histamine on pain symptoms. Do not relieve bouts of cephalgia and antihistamine drugs.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the cephalgia
An ordinary person is slightly shocked by such a wide variety of reasons that can provoke painful manifestations. Hence, the treatment of cephalgia is somewhat different. But first you should stop working and rest. Painkillers are accepted - analgesics, for example, analgin, panadol, solpadein.
Analgin. A pill is drunk after meal. The dosage of adults is 0.25-0.5 g two to three times a day, to the children the dose is administered at the rate of 5-10 mg per one kilogram of baby’s weight, separated into three to four doses.
With severe pain, the drug is injected into a vein or into a muscle: in adults - 1-2 ml of medication two to three injections per day, but not more than 2g per day. For children - 0.1-0.2 ml per 10 kg of baby’s weight is calculated (50% solution of the preparation), if the concentration of the preparation is lower, the dosage increases accordingly.
It is not recommended to use analgin in case of hypersensitivity to the drug components, bleeding and bronchospasms.
To remove the pain of a vascular nature, it is first necessary to normalize blood pressure.
When hypotension (low pressure) is usually prescribed:
Pantocrine. The drug is administered orally half an hour before meals (one by one - two tablets or 30-40 drops) two to three times a day. Or by subcutaneous injection - up to 2 ml per day. The duration of the course is two to three weeks. If necessary, after ten days break, you can repeat.
The drug is not attributed to patients suffering from atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, acute nephritis and rapidly coagulating blood.
Extract of Eleutherococcus. Accept for a month every day for 20 - 30 drops for half an hour before meals. Contraindicated for use in acute forms of infectious diseases.
With increased pressure (hypertension) will help:
No shpa. Take pills to 0.04 - 0.08 g two - three times a day. In the case of intramuscular injection, 2 to 4 ml (2% solution).
Contraindicated in glaucoma and prostatic hypertrophy.
Curantil. For adults and children over 12 years. The daily dosage is shown from 75 to 225 mg (prescribed by the doctor), divided into three to six approaches. When removing the spasms, the dose can be reduced to 25 - 50 mg.
With symptoms of vasomotor cephalgia and vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is primarily possible to:
- Massage the temporal region.
- Not bad pain relief walk.
- Put a cold wet towel on the forehead.
- Try to take a contrast shower.
- Drink coffee by adding lemon to it.
Also prescribed drugs such as aminophylline, cavinton, caffeine, pentoxifylline. Diuretics (diuretics) are also attributed, such as furosemide, veroshpiron and others.
Psychotherapy and physiotherapy have a positive effect on the body:
- Cold and hot shower.
- Therapeutic baths (conifers, radon, salt, hydrogen sulfide and oxygen).
- Massage of the neck and collar area.
It is difficult to arrest the effects of cluster cephalgia, since its mechanism has not been fully studied. Sadly, analgesics are not always able to come to the rescue. It is worth trying imigran (sumatriptan), it may be more effective.
In the case of the acute form of migraine, 50 mg are recommended for adults (with a medical indication, 100 mg). If the headache has not gone away, it is not worth re-taking the immigrant, but with a second attack it is possible. The pain should go away within 15 to 20 minutes.
Sometimes it is enough to take a tablet of paracetamol (acetaminophen).
Paracetamol. Adopted by adults and children (with a body weight of more than 60 kg) 0.5 g four times a day. The interval between receptions is four to six hours. Daily dosage should not exceed 4g.
For children from 6 to 12 years old - 0.25 - 0.5 g; from one to five years - 0.12 - 0.25 g; from three months to a year - 0.06 - 0.12 g; up to three months - 0.01 g per kilogram of baby weight. The dosage is divided into four doses with an interval of six hours.
When diagnosing tension cephalgia, in addition to analgesics, taking into account the emotional state of a person, the doctor attributes in small doses a short course of antidepressants (sertraline, aminotriptyline).
Aminotriptyline. The drug is used in the process or after a meal, the starting daily dose - 50-75mg in two - three doses. Gradually, the dose increases by 25-50mg (effective daily dosage - 150-200mg). After obtaining a lasting effect, reduce the dose. The duration of treatment is two to four weeks.
Muscle relaxants are drugs of a relaxing effect: vecuronium bromide, dilacin, suxametonium chloride.
Dillatsin. The drug enters the vein with an estimated dose of 4 to 5 mg per kilogram of patient weight. If necessary, the next dose is administered less by 30 - 50%.
This drug should be carefully consumed in case of kidney and liver diseases, myasthenia gravis, and individual intolerance to the drug.
Alternative medicine is also very effective in this area. To get rid of some types of cephalgia, you can try the recipes of our grandmothers.
- Perfectly removes bouts of warm tea from mint and compresses on the head from it.
- Lemon peel is applied to the temple area. The skin in this place reddens, but the pain goes away.
- One glass of boiling water only pour one glass of herb St. John's wort, insist. Drink in small doses throughout the day.
- Cabbage leaf is applied to the site of pathology.
- Apply calendula alcohol tincture with a cotton swab behind the ear. Head tie a woolen scarf and lie down. After a quarter of an hour, cephalgia symptoms should disappear.
- Reduce blood pressure will help hot foot bath, mustard plaster on the calf muscle or hot water bottle on the leg.
- Also, to reduce the pressure used compresses on the temple and the sole of the feet of apple cider vinegar. Having diluted in a liter of water with one - two tablespoons of vinegar, wet gauze and attach.
- From hypertension also helps juice from beets with the addition of honey, currant berries, lemon with peel and sugar, baked potatoes.
- Persistent cephalgia can stop a rich decoction of pears. Compresses on the head.
- With low pressure, it is sometimes enough to drink sweet strong tea or coffee, a small amount of dark chocolate.
- In the case of minor hypotension, a slice of black, salted bread can help.
More information of the treatment
A lot in a person’s life, including health, depends on his way of life. Therefore, in order to minimize the headache attacks, you should follow some rules.
Cephalgia prevention may include:
- Active lifestyle, move more (in the fresh air).
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Find time for relaxation, auto-training.
- Acupuncture.
- Relaxing breathing exercises.
- To do morning exercises, keeping the spine in good shape.
- Need to monitor posture.
- Sleep at least six to eight hours a day.
- The night should be held on a special orthopedic mattress and pillow.
- During the day, periodically carry out a small massage or warm up the neck and shoulder area.
- Phototherapy.
- Enhance immunity.
- Proper nutrition.
- Quitting smoking and alcohol.
Headache is the scourge of modern times. Experts distinguish up to 150 types of this pain, but most of the population is somewhat superficial about its appearance, considering that it is enough to take a pill, and even that will pass. But it's not right. Cephalgia can only be a symptom of a more serious disease. Therefore, you should not tolerate it, consult a doctor and pass an examination to determine the cause of its occurrence. Learn to stop this pain and live in full force.
With timely and adequate treatment, the prognosis of cephalgia in most patients is encouraging, leading to a clear therapeutic effect, but modern medicine cannot completely cure cephalgia. Some of its varieties eventually cease to pester their “host” on their own, and with others they have to coexist all their lives, having learned to stop them most effectively.