Burn of the vaginal mucosa: chemical, radial
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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How often, due to negligence or due to lack of competence in a particular matter, good motives are treated with additional problems. Especially unpleasant if it comes to our health, which we ourselves shook. Take, for example, the same douches, which are used by women and about, and without it. And the result of the incorrect application of a seemingly useful therapeutic and prophylactic method is the development of new pathologies or a burn of the vagina, which is often the case with the use of questionable solutions for syringing or non-compliance with the temperature regime.
Most often in medical institutions with burns of the vagina, women of reproductive age turn. And in large cities this trend is more developed, which is promoted by the mass media, actively calling for taking care of their health, and the Internet with its multiple prescriptions for this care.
Causes of the burn of the vagina
The causes of the burn of the vagina are mainly various manipulations in the internal genital area. Sometimes a burn is associated with improper handling of various manipulations, in other cases, damage to the vaginal mucosa is a side effect of the treatment procedures.
When it comes to a burn of the vagina, three types of burns are most often diagnosed:
- ray,
- chemical (due to exposure to aggressive chemicals),
- thermal (under the influence of high temperature).
The cause of radiation burn is the aggressive impact of radioactive rays on the vaginal mucosa, which occurs with radiation therapy used to treat malignant neoplasms on the internal genitalia.
Douching with too concentrated medicinal compositions containing acids and alkalis (potassium permanganate, soda, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) or dubious solutions that are not intended for carrying out the above procedure (on the advice of "qualified" girlfriends or neighbors) become frequent causes of chemical burns. The cause of chemical burns of the vagina may be inaccurate treatment of caustic solutions in the treatment of wounds in the internal genital area.
Thermal burns of the vagina occur if a rather hot solution is used for syringing. The vaginal mucosa is very tender and does not tolerate the effects of high temperatures.
Ironically, a thermal burn of the vaginal mucosa can be obtained in SPA-salons, ordering the procedure for treating the vagina and genitalia with herbal vapors. By the way, a similar procedure is also found in collections of alternative recipes for the treatment of diseases of reproductive organs. Carrying out such manipulations at home without taking measures to prevent burns is considered one of the risk factors for getting a mucus burn along with inaccurate medical manipulations.
In fact, the thermal or chemical burn mucosa (depending on the methods used) is considered necessary and in many cases the procedure of cauterization of erosions on the internal genitalia. As in the case of radiotherapy, a vaginal burn in this case is a side effect of procedures rather than a consequence of insufficient qualification or inaccuracy of the doctor.
The pathogenesis of burns of the vaginal mucosa consists in the fact that under the influence of unfavorable factors (high temperatures, caustic substances, radiation radiation), the functioning of skin cells occurs, up to their complete destruction. The degree of burn depends on several factors:
- in case of thermal burn: from the temperature of the liquid or steam and the duration of their exposure
- in the case of a chemical burn: by the nature of the chemical substance (its damaging force), the volume and concentration of the substance, the duration of the exposure, the degree of penetration into the tissues, the mechanism of action
- in the case of radiation burn: from the radiation dose and the duration of its exposure to the mucous membrane.
There are 3 stages (phases) of the development of the burn process:
- Stage 1 - the phase of inflammation, during which changes take place in the body, aimed at combating the inflammatory reaction and cleaning the wound from the "burned" (necrotic) cells:
- primary alteration of the function of cells (alteration) and development of edema as a result of the release of liquids rich in protein from the vessels in the body tissues (exudation) during the first 5 days,
- secondary alteration and exudation (from 5 to 10 days).
- Stage 2 - the regeneration phase, which lasts until the wound is completely filled with granulation (inferior) skin:
- purification of the wound from dead cells (10-17 days),
- the formation of granulations (from 15 to 21 days).
- Stage 3 - the phase of scarring and epithelialization of the wound.
A major role in the pathogenesis of the vaginal burn is played by the first phase - an inflammatory reaction to damage to the cells of the mucous membrane. It all begins with the reaction of the vessels, which first significantly narrow, and then expand on the contrary. As a result, vascular permeability increases, which in turn facilitates the rapid entry of proteins and other particles contained in the liquid part of the blood into the wound, provoking tissue edema. Mediators of this state are active particles of histamine, serotonin, oxygen radicals, etc.
The cellular response is that the above mediators responsible for correcting vascular permeability, cell migration, and body defense responses (specific and non-specific immune response) release platelets, monocytes and neutrophils that are sent to the affected area and accumulate in it. The central role in the further development of the burn reaction is assigned to monocytes.
The mechanisms of action of aggressive substances in the chemical burn of the vagina can vary considerably. Some substances cause tissue oxidation ("manganese"), other dehydration (typical for many acids), the third - tissue erosion or inflammation with the formation of blisters (characteristic of alkalis). In this case, burns caused by acids are considered to be lighter (superficial) than those provoked by alkalis (deep burns), which are characterized by a longer action in different layers of the skin and mucous membrane.
Alkaline burns often damage not only the surface layers of the mucosa and nerve endings, but also blood vessels, as well as nerve cells in deeper tissues, which leads to their degeneration. Any chemical burns lead to a violation of blood circulation, innervation and trophism of tissues, but alkaline burns are treated more heavily and longer than acid ones, and their consequences are more unpleasant.
Most often, chemical burns with acids take place with the formation of a dry scab (the color depends on the chemical that caused the burn), and when exposed to alkalis, a moist scab reminiscent of the jelly is observed, which after a while (if no suppuration) becomes dry.
Symptoms of the burn of the vagina
Symptoms of a vaginal burn will depend on the degree of tissue damage. In the classification of burns, it is customary to consider 4 degrees of spread of the burn process:
- 1 degree - superficial burns, affecting only the upper layer of the mucosa, causing a slight pain (burning), itching and redness.
- 2 degree - shallow burns, in which on the surface of the skin bubbles are formed, filled with liquid (often with an admixture of blood). Painful sensations are significant.
- 3 degree - quite deep burns, reaching up to a fatty layer. The pain is strong, but with time passes, the sensitivity of the affected area is markedly reduced due to the development of tissue necrosis (wet or dry), possibly the appearance of vesicles with fluid. The surface is bright red with dark areas of dead tissue. There may be a feeling of contraction on the surface of the mucosa. Allocations with an admixture of blood and pus.
- 4 degree - deep burns with defeat of all layers of skin and tissues under them. Shock state with the defeat of other organs and functions of the body, accompanied by unbearable pain and requiring urgent hospitalization. Characterized by necrosis of deep layers of mucous and underlying tissues, down to the bones. Possible spotting
Pain with a burn of the vagina is the first and the main sign indicating that there is damage to the tissues of the internal genital organs. And if the pain is accompanied by incomprehensible whitish, grayish, yellowish or greenish dense secretions accompanying the cleaning of the burn wound, this is an occasion to consult a doctor as soon as possible for help and advice.
The fact is that with thermal burns everything becomes clear from the first minute. Their symptoms are immediately apparent. But chemical and radiation burns are a delayed-action mine, which can manifest itself after a while and continue to act even after contact with chemicals or exposure to radioactive rays. As to the consequences of such burns, they will depend on the timeliness of the provision and effectiveness of first aid and subsequent treatment.
Chemical burns of the vagina
In principle, the location of the vagina is such that accidental ingress of chemicals on its mucous membrane is simply excluded. They are delivered there by the woman who practices domestic douching, or during medical procedures in a medical setting.
If you omit the topic of irresponsible attitude to the work of some doctors, then a chemical burn of the vagina in the hospital can be obtained during the procedure of chemical coagulation (cauterization) of cervical erosion. For cauterization use special preparations "Solkagin" and "Vagotil", which cause necrotic tissue in the field of erosion. The presence of these chemicals on the vaginal mucosa is fraught with quite a strong tissue damage in this area.
But most often the woman burns the vagina with chemicals at home, during douching and some medical procedures. Take, for example, a popular antiseptic - potassium permanganate. His solution was popularly called "manganese" in the people.
And no matter how much doctors say that only a tender pink solution with a concentration not exceeding 0.1% is suitable for syringing, many women still think that if the composition is made more saturated, then the effect will be better. But do not think that along with pathogens the useful microflora of the vagina will die, and its mucous, because a strong solution of "manganese" depending on the concentration can cause a burn of the vagina of varying severity.
The hydrogen peroxide burn, which is also used for douching with bacterial and fungal infections of the genital tract, may not be as strong as a vaginal burn with "potassium permanganate", but the itch, soreness and dryness of the mucosa in this case are provided to the woman.
Douching with hydrogen peroxide involves the use of an aqueous solution of 3% of the drug, with an optimal ratio of water and hydrogen peroxide of 3: 1. Concentration can be done and a little less, but no more, otherwise you can easily get a burn of the vaginal mucosa with hydrogen peroxide.
The burn of the vagina with alcohol can be obtained either by using alcoholic tinctures (through negligence or for a specific purpose) for syringing, or with medical manipulations performed with insufficient accuracy. Usually these burns are not severe, the pain passes quickly if the vagina is rinsed clean with slightly warm water.
The use of soda for the health of the woman's reproductive system is invaluable. Even doctors with many gynecological diseases advise syringing with soda. But again we have in mind an aqueous solution of alkali sodium bicarbonate, as in the chemistry called baking soda.
The concentration of solutions for douching, which are used to relieve the symptoms of thrush and reduce the acidity of the vagina (increases the likelihood of conception), should not be more than 1 tsp. Per liter of water (optimum 1 tsp of soda per liter of water). Otherwise, there is a high probability of getting a soda burn with soda.
But the fact is that the soda powder (as well as the crystals of potassium permanganate) is insidious in that it does not dissolve immediately even in warm water. The contact of a tiny insoluble crystal on the delicate mucous membrane of the vagina can easily cause it to burn even if you adhered to the therapeutic concentration. And the burn can be quite deep, which is typical of alkalis. So, when preparing solutions of soda or "margantsovki" for syringing, we must carefully monitor the fact that all the crystals are completely dissolved.
The use of certain vaginal tablets and suppositories may be accompanied by symptoms characteristic of a mucosal burn (itching and burning in the vagina, swelling and redness of the mucosa, a large number of secretions). For example, the symptoms of a burn of the vaginal mucosa are described in the side effects possible with the use of the suppository "Vaginorm". Perhaps, all the fault is the individual hypersensitivity of the mucosa, if the use of a common drug causes a small burn on it.
Sometimes in role-playing games, to increase sexual arousal, use means that can cause irritation and burn of the vaginal mucosa, as, for example, in the case of peppers. So, before you practice violence against your body, you need to think a thousand times about the consequences of such "pleasure."
Complications and consequences
Light burns of the vaginal mucosa, as a rule, do not conceal a threat. Nevertheless, the woman is provided with discomfort for some time, because burns even on the open areas of the skin are painful and for a long time are treated, and what about the vagina, where the humidity is high, and the access from outside for medical procedures is limited.
Consequences of burns of varying degrees can be permanent itching and dryness of the vaginal mucosa. Not only that itching does not allow you to forget about it for a minute, so also the dryness of the vagina reminds of itself during each sexual intercourse. Due to lack of lubrication and increased friction, a woman experiences pain during sexual intercourse, which is fraught with violations in sexual life and conflicts in the family.
With deep burns, when there is necrosis of the tissues, as a complication of the burn process, poisoning of the body with toxic substances is observed. In addition, deep long healing wounds, themselves being sources of bacterial infection, can receive additional infection from the outside. And any infection that falls into the female reproductive system is fraught with the appearance of many gynecological problems, including infertility.
Burns of 4 degrees of severity (benefit not so often), when not only the vaginal mucosa is affected, but also the tissues to the bone, with a high probability may result in the death of the patient. And it will be very painful and insulting, if banal imprudence and irresponsible attitude to women's health, will lead to such consequences.
Diagnostics of the burn of the vagina
Various methods of differential diagnosis of burns are aimed not only at establishing the fact of the event, but also in determining the degree of mucosal damage. The treatment will depend not only on the severity of the burn, but also on the characteristics of the substance that caused the burn. It is especially important to take this moment into account when chemical burns of the vagina, when the main measure of first aid is to neutralize the source that causes necrotic lesions of the mucosa.
The main method of diagnosing the burn of the vagina was and is the examination of the patient on the armchair using mirrors. True, this method does not provide complete information about the nature of the burn. But the doctor can easily get the missing information from the patient as a result of an oral survey: when the symptoms of a burn appeared, which preceded their appearance, what manipulations in the field of internal genitalia were carried out and with the use of which chemicals.
If the stimulus is unknown, and everything indicates a chemical burn of the vagina, more research may be needed. They will be aimed at determining the substance that triggered the burn, in order to effectively neutralize it afterwards, without complicating the situation. This can be a study of a smear from the vagina or a blood test for antibodies.
In principle, blood and urine tests for vaginal burns are mandatory. They give the doctor information not only about the patient's condition, but also about the state of his health in general. After all, some of the symptoms of a burn, such as redness and swelling of the mucosa, itching, burning, etc., may indicate other diseases, most often fungal nature. In order to understand what triggered this symptomatology, swabs from the vagina to the microflora are also taken.
To methods of instrumental diagnostics at a burn of a vagina resort rarely. They are mainly used if there are deep burns of the mucosa. Determine the depth of tissue damage can be with the help of X-rays and ultrasound examination of the peritoneal organs. By the way, the most informative method when it comes to female internal genitalia is vaginal ultrasound, which allows you to see and evaluate the problem from within.
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Treatment of the burn of the vagina
Treatment of a burn of the vagina, as, indeed, any other burns in the ideal should begin immediately after the occurrence of the event that caused such a reaction. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible, because usually only a thermal burn manifests itself immediately after manipulations with hot liquids or tools. And chemical and radiation burns can be asymptomatic for some time, although it is at this stage of the "delay" that their treatment would be most effective.
With a thermal burn of the vagina, and this is most often light burns, rarely reaching 2 degrees of severity, first steps are taken to remove the inflammation that occurs as a result of the mucosal trauma of high temperatures. With radiation burns that are somewhat reminiscent of sunscreens and which make themselves felt dryness of the vagina and itch after a while, creams and ointments that reduce these manifestations of the inflammatory process are shown.
But about the chemical burns have to worry. After determining the reagent that triggered the burn of the vagina, you should immediately try to neutralize its effect, proceeding from the fact that the acids are neutralized with alkalis (a weak solution of soda) and vice versa, alkalis can be rendered harmless with a weak solution of citric or acetic acid.
When burned with alkali, after washing with water, as an option, the vaginal mucosa can be lubricated with vegetable oil. In the case of "potassium permanganate", douching with a weak 1% solution of "ascorbic acid" will be useful.
When burned with alcohol, as with any chemical burns, first douche with clean water for at least 10 minutes.
Medicamentous treatment of a vaginal burn
In the treatment of light burns, medications are used, the action of which is directed to the removal of inflammation and pain sensations, as well as preventing the entry of pathogenic bacteria to fresh wound. Treatment is usually done at home at the doctor's prescription.
In case of severe burns of the vagina (degrees 3 and 4) with formation of necrotic areas serving as a source of toxic substances, treatment in a hospital with the use of medicinal products (for internal and external use) with a pronounced antibacterial effect, antitoxic agents, drugs stimulating regenerative processes in the tissues of the vagina. In general, the treatment of deep burns of the vagina is carried out on the same principle as the treatment of skin burns, but the medicinal dressings in this case are replaced with tampons and vaginal suppositories of the appropriate action.
When it comes to burns of the vagina after radiotherapy, then in the treatment of this mucosal injury, all forces should be directed to the removal of inflammation and the stimulation of regenerative processes with the help of vitamin preparations.
As a local agent for reducing the manifestations of the inflammatory process most often used drugs with methyluracil in the form of suppositories or, in extreme cases, ointments.
Methyluracil suppositories prevent protein breakdown and muscle destruction, stimulate the synthesis of new cells and regenerate the damaged mucous vagina, contribute to the development of substances responsible for the balance of red and white blood cells. In principle, all of the above describes the good anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect of the drug.
Method of administration and dose. Doctors recommend using the suppository 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening (preferably at bedtime) for 1 suppository at a time. But according to the indications the number of suppositories per day can be increased to 8 pieces. The therapeutic course is usually about 2 weeks.
Suppositories need to be injected into the cleaned vagina. For its cleaning, douche is best suited. The compositions for syringing are warm, clean water or a decoction of chamomile. The introduction of suppositories into the vagina is desirable in a prone position with slightly bent knees. To facilitate and accelerate this process you need to relax as much as possible (candles quickly melt when you touch your hands).
The use of "methyluracil" in the form of suppositories usually passes without any problems. Among the side effects of the drug, there is sometimes a slight burning and itching at the injection site (short-term or prolonged), dizziness or allergic manifestations on the skin. There may also be some drowsiness, which is associated with the sedative effect of the drug.
If an allergic reaction to any of the components of the drug is observed, treatment should be discontinued by replacing the drug with another. Contraindications to the use of suppositories can be and such pathologies as acute or chronic forms of leukemia, malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract and pelvic organs, as well as excessive granulation in the burn wound.
Supportive therapy aimed at the regeneration of tissues, is the intake of vitamins. For example, the drug "Vetoron", which includes beta-carotene, whose action is similar to vitamin A, vitamins C and E, contributing to the regeneration of tissues after a burn of the vagina.
The drug is prescribed in a therapeutic dosage - 8-12 drops, which must be diluted in a small amount of liquid. You need to drink medicine once a day, preferably during or immediately after breakfast. The course of treatment can range from 2 weeks to 1 month.
Vitamin preparations have practically no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to their individual components and hypervitaminosis A. Yes, and their side effects are not rich: on the basis of hypersensitivity, the development of allergic reactions is possible.
As an additional external vitamin remedy, you can use "Carotolin" in the form of an oil solution, which with a cotton swab lubricate the vagina, apply 2 times a day for 2 weeks. For this purpose, an oil solution of vitamin A, providing epithelization, is also suitable.
To stop the inflammatory process with chemical and thermal burns use antihistamines, such as "Suprastin", "Tavegil" or inexpensive popular "Diazolin". Take them 3 consecutive days for 1 tablet every 8 hours.
To protect the burn wound from infection, you can use a variety of hypoallergenic oil solutions, fatty creams and ointments that are applied to the wound in the vagina. On the advice of doctors, the suppository with synthomycin works best in this regard.
Synthomycin suppositories - an antibiotic of the levomycetin series (active ingredient chloramfinekol). They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, they stop pain.
Apply the drug to 1 suppository a day (in some cases, the dosage can be increased to 4 per day at the physician's discretion). It is better to do this before going to sleep while lying down.
It is not recommended to use the drug with hypersensitivity to its components, with renal or hepatic insufficiency, at the acute stage of porphyria, with deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
Apply it only to those who have reached puberty. At pregnancy it is better to consult with the doctor.
When using suppositories can be observed: irritation of the vaginal mucosa, violations in the hematopoiesis system (thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, aplastic anemia, etc.). Sometimes there are negative reactions from the digestive tract (most often nausea and vomiting) and skin manifestations of an allergic reaction.
To treat a vaginal burn, you can use a special cream to treat burns of mucous membranes, which has all the necessary effects in this case: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and antipruritic. The cream is indicated for the treatment of various types of burns.
Apply the cream preferably on a dry surface, so the burn wound in the vagina should be dabbed with a sterile gauze pad. Ointment is applied to burn wound without rubbing. It has properties quickly absorbed. It is recommended to do 3-5 applications at a time with an interval of 5 minutes. Lubricate the wound is recommended from 2 to 5 times a day, depending on the severity of the injury and its condition.
The use of the ointment can be accompanied by a slight burning and tingling, which quickly pass.
To treat burn wounds in the vagina, you can use Panthenol, Dexpanthenol, Levomekol ointments.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
With light burns of the vagina, physiotherapeutic procedures are not very popular, except that efektroforez with novocaine for the removal of severe pain, if any. Usually, drug therapy, therapeutic douches with solutions with anti-inflammatory action, and restriction of sexual contacts during the treatment period are avoided.
In the treatment of severe burns of the vagina, paraffin therapy is popular. A paraffin oil mixture is used for medical treatment. Lepsky. A good effect in the treatment of burn wounds of internal genital organs is given by paraffin tampons. In a hospital in the vagina enter paraffin, heated to a temperature of 60 degrees and a gauze ball. Paraffin is left in the vagina for 2-3 hours, after which the tampon is easily removed when straining the patient.
With the same purpose it is possible to use paraffin wadded cotton swabs of loose structure, which are tied with braid of gauze. After inserting the tampon, the woman is laid in bed and covered with heat. The procedure is carried out for a designated time, which may be from 20 minutes to 1 hour.
Such procedures are recommended to be carried out every day, sometimes every 2 days. The course of treatment accounts for 10 to 12 procedures.
Alternative treatment of vaginal burn
Fans of alternative medicine for the treatment of vaginal burns recommend using some improvised drugs and medicinal herbs.
When a chemical burns the vagina, especially if the acid acts as an irritant, douching with a weak solution of soda (1 tsp alkali per 1 liter of water) is useful. Such douching not only neutralizes the effect of acid, but also removes inflammation at the site of the burn. Yes, and bacterial infection is not going to hurt.
With any type of burn, it is useful to use a recipe that will help burn the wound quickly. Washed and cooked with boiling water carrots grate on a fine grater. To the chopped carrot add the sterilized vegetable oil and insist the mixture for half an hour in a cool place (preferably in the refrigerator). Strain.
A vitamins oil mixture of the color of the sun is used to treat a burn wound. And the remaining carrot cake with oil to eat 3 times a day to saturate the body with carotene, which is involved in the synthesis of vitamin A.
As the first aid for burns of the vagina it is good to use infusion from the leaves of blueberries. A teaspoon of dry or fresh leaves should be poured into a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Strain and use in a warm form for the treatment of burn wounds and syringings as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.
The most popular prescription for the douching is an infusion or a decoction of chamomile, which is supplemented with calendula flowers (2 tablespoons chamomile flowers and 1 tablespoon marigold flowers per 1 liter of water) to enhance the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
On this treatment of the vaginal burn the herbs do not end. For lotions, and as a composition for syringing use a lime-colored color in the form of a decoction or infusion, infusion of flowers and leaves of a white cloudberry, sweet clover, thousands of umbrella and other medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing effect.
Homeopathy for burns of the vagina
In homeopathy it is believed that with various burns, which are necessarily accompanied by fear or even shock, first aid measures should be drugs that normalize the patient's mental state. The best choice in this situation, as, indeed, in many others, is the drug Aconite (Aconite). Immediately need to give one dose of the drug, which is used in 3 dilutions. If a person has a fever, then the Aconite supplement is supplemented with Arnica, which is taken on 5 grains every 1-2 hours or with increased pain.
The choice of preparations for further treatment is carried out taking into account the severity and depth of the burn. To anesthetize a superficial burn and quickly heal, you can use a lotion of Pikrikum acidum (Picricum asidum). In 800 ml of water, dissolve 40 g of alcohol solution Pikrikum azidum. Lotion gently treat the burn wound.
Scorch vagina 1 and 2 degrees (superficial burns) recovers faster if topically (as tampons) and inwardly to take the drug Urtika Ourense (Urtica urens) a potency of 6.12 and 30 made of nettle (operates on the principle like cures ).
Although the above described drug has good results in the treatment of more complex forms of burns, with burns of 3 and even 4 degrees it is worth giving preference to the homeopathic remedy Cantharis in 6.12 or 30 potencies. It is given to 5 grains every 30 minutes (or at least 1 time per hour) to relieve inflammation and severe pain during burns.
Cantharis is considered the main drug in the treatment of any burns, but the best results are obtained in the therapy of thermal burns. Taking the drug inside can also be combined with external treatment. For a basis we take lotion from Calendula (Calendula), since the ointment, which is recommended to be applied around the edges of the burn wound, is uncomfortable when treating a vaginal burn.
Prepare the above lotion is easy. It is necessary to take a glass of water and dissolve in it ½ tsp. Tinctures of calendula. In the lotion, add 5-8 grains of Cantaris (or Urtika Urens) and wait until they completely dissolve. Local application of lotion in the form of tampons and irrigation will help to avoid suppuration of the wound and will stimulate the early formation of granulation tissue on the wound.
Calendula can be taken in the form of a dragee and inwards, alternating between the techniques of Kantaris and Calendula.
To quickly relieve pain during burns of the vagina, you can use inside the homeostatic preparation Causticum (Causticum), in parallel, making the vaginal irrigation Hypericum solution (Hypericum) based on St. John's wort.
These are the main drugs that are used in homeopathy for the treatment of burns. Their use can be combined with traditional treatment both at home and in a hospital. The only requirement is the appointment of a homeopathic doctor, who will prescribe effective doses of drugs taking into account existing contraindications (most often hypersensitivity to components) and will notify about the rare side effects of homeopathic remedies.
With regard to preventive measures to prevent a burn of the vagina, then everything is more or less clear. Avoid burns help to comply with the temperature of liquids and vapors used to treat the vagina. The vaginal mucosa is very tender and sensitive to hot, so with various manipulations you should try to avoid high temperatures. Solutions for syringing should be warm, not hot.
Avoid chemical burns will help to maintain the necessary therapeutic proportions when preparing solutions for syringing. It is a mistake to assume that the higher the concentration, the better the effect. Rather, the closer and stronger the burn mucous. When making solutions based on loose materials, you need to ensure that all grains are dissolved, otherwise they can provoke a chemical burn of the mucous membrane, which the woman at first can not even suspect.
Prevent complications in the form of burn mucous in radiation therapy is not easy. But if immediately after the procedure to lubricate the vaginal mucosa with special compounds (sea buckthorn oil, aloe vera liniment, Shostakovskii's balm, etc.), it is possible to avoid atrophic changes in the mucosa and the unpleasant consequences associated with them.
The prognosis of the burn of the vagina depends on the degree of mucosal damage and how effective the treatment turned out to be. When chemical burns play an important role and the timeliness of assistance, because the depth of such burns often depends not only on the substance that caused the damage to the mucosa, but also on the time of its exposure. With deep burns (grade 4), the prognosis is often unfavorable.