

Budenit steri neb for inhalation: instructions for use

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Inhalation is a physiological method of drug delivery to the body to provide therapeutic effect in diseases of the respiratory system. As the contents of inhalers use as decoctions of herbs, oil infusions, mineral water, and pharmaceuticals. One of them is budenit. In consistency it is a suspension for inhalation, and the therapeutic effect occurs due to the active substance budesonide, which belongs to glucocorticosteroids. [1]

Indications for the procedure

The drug has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, reduces the swelling of bronchial mucosa, sputum formation, increases the process of its elimination from the respiratory tract, so the indications for the appointment of inhalations with budenite are bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stenotic laryngotracheitis.

Budenit is used in a steamless way and in laryngitis. With its help it relieves swelling of the larynx, irritation, pain, reduces the viscosity of mucus concentrated in it, reduces hoarseness of voice, the degree of inflammation, prevent complications: tracheitis, bronchitis.


Inhalations with budenite are carried out with a nebulizer. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take care of its availability. Do not eat immediately before the procedure, but only an hour before it, for the same time to refuse physical exertion, so that breathing is not disrupted and was normal heart rhythm. Nasal cavity and mouth after eating rinse with a salt solution, the best way to do this is to use sea salt. With clean hands, assemble the device for inhalation and fill with syrup.

Technique of the budenita for inhalation

Budenit Steri-Neb is manufactured in the UK. It is packaged in polyethylene ampoules connected to each other in plates of 5 pieces. It should be borne in mind that ultrasonic nebulizers are not suitable for it, but only inhalation nebulizers connected to an air compressor and equipped with a mouthpiece and face mask, or a special nozzle.

The contents of one ampoule separated from the unit are poured into the assembled device, opening the cap. Inhalation takes place in a sitting position, while you need to calmly inhale and exhale. Its duration for children is up to 3 minutes, adults - up to 7 minutes.

The dose of the medicine must be determined by a doctor. It depends on the age and diagnosis. The instruction recommends for the treatment of people over 12 years of age to use 1-2mg twice a day. Supportive therapy, if necessary, is carried out with minimal doses.

Budenite with saline.

In addition to the pure drug, the doctor can prescribe budenite with saline. This is most likely after finding out the brand of the device and other features. Sometimes the instructions to the nebulizer specify a minimum volume, which is larger than the drug itself, so you have to dilute to the required amount.

Budenite and berodual

For inhalations for bronchial spasms is used berodual. This is a complex drug that does not contain a hormonal component. It is characterized by rapid action in terms of spasm relief, combating inflammation, reducing the intensity of coughing, increasing the expectoration of sputum. Joint use with budenite is undesirable, because it can provoke side effects. Application at intervals of 30 minutes increases the effectiveness of treatment of respiratory system diseases, but such an appointment can only be made by a doctor.

Budenite for inhalation in children

Budenit is also used for inhalation in children from 6 months of age, only in smaller doses (0.25-0.5mg). The doctor approaches this individually. It is often recommended to dilute the suspension with saline in the proportion of 1:1.

Contraindications to the procedure

The drug is not prescribed in case of allergy to its components, children under 6 months of age. Caution should be exercised when pregnant, breastfeeding, tuberculosis, infections of various nature, cirrhosis of the liver.

Consequences after the procedure

Prolonged inhalation therapy with high doses can cause consequences in the form of ophthalmologic complications, adrenal insufficiency, bone resorption, and growth retardation in children.

Care after the procedure

After the inhalation session, you should rinse your throat and wash your face, disassemble and thoroughly wash the device.


A simple but effective physical procedure, according to reviews, is very effective and gives quick results, especially in relieving asthma attacks. Budenit raises some concerns because it belongs to hormonal drugs and is not cheap.


Drugs with the same action include: pulmicort, goracort, apulein and others.

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