Blood test for the presence of cancer cells in the body: the name how to pass
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, in medicine, they are increasingly confronted with oncological diseases. Despite the wide spread of cancerous tumors, the mechanism of their formation and spreading is still unexplored. The spread of cancer occurs at an incredible rate. Most often these people are exposed to retirement age. But if earlier this disease was considered mainly a disease of the older generation, then today there is a tendency to rejuvenate the disease. This disease affects young people, teenagers and even young children. The danger is that cancerous tumors can affect absolutely any organs. They grow, and at some point the cell breaks, falls into another tissue, is attached. As a result, a new tumor (metastasis) is formed. The development of tumors and the formation of metastases can be prevented if the tumor is detected in time and the necessary measures are taken. The analysis on cancer cells plays a leading role in the early diagnosis of malignant tumors.
Analyzes provide an opportunity to identify a tumor, diagnose it, and most importantly - to respond in a timely manner. In the early stages, development can still be prevented. But most often tumors are found already in the late stages, when often there is nothing to help the patient impossible. The difficulty of diagnosis is that at early stages the tumor develops almost asymptomatically, and it can be detected only during preventive examination or during laboratory tests.
What are the tests for cancer cells?
When conducting a cancer test, a general objective examination is performed using various instrumental methods, and laboratory tests are also used. First, the patient is assigned standard clinical tests. Of these, you can get a general idea of the processes that occur in the body. Malignant neoplasms can indirectly indicate an increased number of leukocytes, as well as an increase in ESR. However, this information is not enough, since in any disease, infectious or inflammatory process, these indicators also increase. Cancer can also indicate a sharp decrease in hemoglobin, especially if you compare the indicators in dynamics. When such signs are detected, a special study is assigned to detect cancer cells.
An extensive blood test is performed, during which specific oncology markers are determined. These markers are formed immediately, even at the stage of tumor origin. Therefore, they make it possible to identify transformed cells and cancer tumors at the initial stages of their formation.
The principle of the diagnostic method is that, using special test systems, cancer markers are detected in the blood, which are produced by cancerous tumors. The heavier the stage of the disease, the greater their concentration in the blood. The organism of a healthy person does not produce cancer markers. Thus, their presence is a direct confirmation of a cancerous tumor. By results it is possible to judge about the size of a tumor, its variety and localization.
Indications for the procedure of the analysis for cancer cells
Research on cancer cells is carried out with a suspicion of cancer, as well as with a preventive goal for early diagnosis of cancer. People over 50 years of age, as well as those who are at risk of developing cancer tumors, should also periodically take the test. The analysis is performed when a tumor is detected, the nature of which is unclear. It provides an opportunity to determine whether a tumor is benign, or malignant. The analysis is also conducted to track the results in dynamics in cancer patients, to check the effectiveness of the treatment.
Analysis for oncomarkers does not require special preparation. The only thing that is necessary is to take the direction from the doctor. Then, within 2-3 days before the analysis, adhere to an easy diet (do not drink alcohol, spicy, fatty, smoked dishes, spices). You need to give the analysis on an empty stomach. The last meal should be 8 hours before the test. To drink in the morning it is impossible, to smoke also. For several days, do not overload the body, exclude physical labor.
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Technique of the analysis for cancer cells
There are many techniques. It all depends on the type of research. If a blood test is performed to determine cancer markers, it is performed by immunoassay methods. This method is based on the agglutination reaction, during which the marker of an oncological tumor acts as a foreign agent for the body (antigen). The immune system immediately reacts to it, producing an antibody. The effect of antibodies is directed at the destruction of an alien organism and its further excretion. The antibody finds an antigen, which is a marker of a cancerous tumor, attacks it and stimulates destruction. In the course of this struggle, the antigen and the antibody merge, an agglutination reaction occurs. It is these complexes that are found during the analysis when antibodies are injected into the blood.
For this, the patient takes the blood in the right amount. Several drops of heparin are added to prevent clotting. Then the blood is delivered to the laboratory. There, the blood is divided into fractions. Separately, the blood serum is isolated, since oncomarkers are found in the serum. For this, centrifugation is used. With the help of a special device - a centrifuge, the blood in the tube is rotated at a large number of revolutions. As a result, all blood cells form on the bottom, only the serum is contained in the test tube. With her, and carry out further manipulation.
Take a special kit for analysis (ELISA), a certain amount of blood serum is added to the bottom of the cell. Add a special antibody to the cancer. Wait for a few hours. If a complexation reaction takes place, during which antibodies and antigens merge, it means that there is an antigen in the blood, which acts as an oncomarker indicating the presence of a cancerous tumor. The formation of antigen-antibody complexes can be seen with the unaided eye, since turbidity and a precipitate in the form of flakes appear in the tube. By the degree of turbidity, one can judge the number of oncolomers. But for the accuracy of the results, special measurements are made. Use an international turbidity standard, or a spectrophotometer, which, from the angle of refraction of light passing through the solution, determine its concentration and give the finished result.
There is another method - the immunomagnetic separation of blood fractions. For this purpose, a special device is used that makes it possible to detect cancer cells by determining oncomarkers that attach to the altered cell and become visible in the magnetic field. The accuracy of this method is quite high - even from a million healthy cells one can detect one cancerous.
Also, with the help of such analyzes, it is possible to establish the exact number of cancer cells, the rate of their spread and predict the dynamics of growth. Also, the advantage of these assays is that they make it possible to monitor the course of treatment, determine the effectiveness of therapy, and also to select the drugs and their optimal dosage with high accuracy. The accuracy of dosing during treatment plays a leading role, since it can effectively combat complications, reduce the number of cancer cells, and prevent the development of metastases. In addition, correctly this dosage reduces the toxic effect of drugs for the body.
There is also a method for studying the biopsy specimen, in which a piece of tissue is taken for the study. Then a cytological and histological study is performed. Analysis of cytology involves the preparation of a micropreparation from the resulting tissue sample for further study of its properties under a microscope. The main morphological, anatomical properties are studied. The micropreparation from a sample of healthy tissue differs sharply from that of a cancerous tumor. There are certain differences in structure, appearance and occurring intracellular processes. Cancer can also be indicated by special inclusions.
At a histological examination, the tissue is sown to special nutrient media designed to grow a tissue culture. Within 7 days, the crop is cultured under special conditions, after which the character of tumor growth, speed and direction are monitored. This has an important diagnostic significance.
Blood test for cancer tumors
The fastest way to determine an oncological disease is to perform a blood test. Such a study is carried out within 1-2 days, and if necessary, urgent results can be obtained in 3-4 hours. This is an express method, which still requires additional refining studies. However, to obtain a preliminary diagnosis and accurate identification of the tumor, this is quite enough. The analysis makes it possible to determine even the exact location of the tumor and the stage of the oncological process.
The material of the study is the patient's blood. The analysis is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. It is mainly used to confirm or refute the diagnosis, it makes it possible to differentiate a benign tumor from a malignant one. It is also used to monitor indicators in dynamics to determine the effectiveness of treatment, monitoring the tumor status and preventing relapses.
The principle of the method is to determine the main antigens that are produced by cancer cells during the development of the tumor. When they are detected, you can accurately say that a person has cancer. However, if such oncomarkers were not found, no negative result is given. In this case, additional studies are prescribed.
The tumor localization can be determined by the type of oncomarker. Detection of the patient's antigen CA19-9 in the patient's blood, one can speak of pancreatic cancer. The marker of CEA indicates the localization of the tumor in the intestine, liver, kidneys, lungs and other internal organs. If CA-125 is found, it indicates an oncological process in the ovaries or appendages. Markers of PSA and CA-15-3 indicate prostate and breast cancer, respectively. CA72-3 indicates gastric cancer and lung cancer, B-2-MG indicates leukemia, leukemia, myeloma. With liver cancer and metastases, an ACE appears. The blood test is not the only factor that confirms the method. It should be used in conjunction with many other factors.
Analysis for cancer cells of the cervix
Cancer cells of the cervix can be determined by a blood test, which is aimed at identifying the oncomarker. As a rule, in such cases, REA, or cancer-embryonic antigen, is detected. Also for the study take a swab from the vagina, cervix. First, a preliminary cytological examination is carried out. In the course of the analysis on cytology, it is possible to detect transformed cells and specific inclusions that indicate oncological processes.
After this, a biopsy is performed, if necessary, during which a piece of tissue is taken for examination. It is sown to nutrient media, incubated, after which the main morphological and biochemical properties are studied. Based on the data obtained, an opinion is made about the nature of the tumor, the degree of its development, and the concentration of cancer cells.
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Analysis for cancer embryonic antigen
It is an antigen used for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer of the stomach, intestines, rectum, female reproductive organs and mammary glands. In an adult man in small quantities produced by bronchial tubes and lungs, found in many biological fluids and secrets. The indicator is its number, which increases sharply with oncology. It should be borne in mind that its quantity can be increased in people suffering from autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis, benign tumors and even in smokers. Therefore, the detection of a high concentration of these markers (20 ng / ml and above) is only an indirect confirmation of cancer and it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies. Also, this indicator needs to be monitored in dynamics in order to be able to draw full-fledged conclusions. Venous blood serves as a material for the study. The antigen is detected in the serum.
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Analysis for the mutation of cancer cells
Under the epidermal growth factor receptor is meant a transmembrane receptor that interacts with extracellular ligands of epidermal growth factors. Takes part in the formation of cancerous tumors of many organs, in particular is a reliable sign of lung cancer. The fact is that, in the norm, the main genes are aimed at providing control over the growth and multiplication of body cells. The cells grow, multiply to a certain limit, after which the gene signals the termination of further reproduction, and the cells cease to divide.
Also, the gene controls the process of apoptosis - the timely dying out of old, obsolete cells. With mutations in the genes, they stop controlling proliferation (proliferation) and death (apoptosis), they signal a continuous growth, as a result of which the cells grow unlimitedly and constantly, uncontrollably divide. This leads to the formation of a cancerous tumor, which is characterized by the capacity for unlimited growth. In the most primitive form, cancer can be imagined as uncontrolled division and immortality of the cell. Also the process is considered as a cell's inability to timely die off.
Chemotherapy and various antitumor drugs are directed precisely at the destruction and inactivation of this gene. If the inhibition of its activity is successful, then the development of cancer can be stopped. But over the long years of treatment with such purposeful preparations, the gene, like in any organism, has been adapted, and it has become resistant to a number of means.
After that, the medicines were improved, their formula changed, they again became active against this gene. But the gene itself is being improved: it has also repeatedly mutated, producing resistance to drugs every time. Over the years, many varieties of mutations of this gene have accumulated, over 25. This entails ineffectiveness of specific therapy. In order not to waste time on vain treatment, which will not be effective, an analysis is conducted to determine the mutation of the gene.
For example, the detection of mutations in the KRAS gene indicates that treatment of lung and large intestine cancer with tyrosine kinase inhibitors will be ineffective. If mutations in the ALK and ROS1 gene are detected, this indicates that it is necessary to prescribe cryotinib, which quickly and effectively inhibits this gene and prevents the further development of the tumor. The gene BRAF leads to the formation of melanoma tumors.
Today there are drugs that can block the activity of this gene and change its installation to unlimited growth. This leads to the fact that the tumor slows growth or stops growing. In combination with antitumor drugs, you can achieve significant results in treatment, down to a reduction in tumor size.
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Stool test for cancer cells
Usually the essence of the analysis consists in finding hidden blood in the stool. This sign may indicate the presence of an oncological process in the colon or rectum. People older than 45-50 years who are most at risk of developing cancerous tumors, it is necessary to take this analysis annually. This may indicate other pathologies, but then it is necessary to conduct additional studies for differential diagnosis. This is an early method of diagnosis, which makes it possible to identify the tumor at the stage of its origin and to take measures for treatment. Often this method can detect even a precancerous condition.
Biopsy on cancer cells
This study, which gives the most accurate and reliable results. It consists of two stages. At the first stage, biological material is collected for further investigation. The material is a piece of tissue taken directly from the organ in which the tumor is localized. In fact, with the help of special techniques and tools, the doctor cuts off a piece of the tumor and passes it for further investigation to the laboratory. The fence is usually made using local anesthesia.
At the second stage, the biological material undergoes further cytological and histological examination. In the cytological study, a micropreparation is prepared, and its study is carried out under a microscope. According to the general picture, the appearance, the nature of the inclusions, it is possible to make an initial entry about whether the tumor is benign or malignant. This stage does not exceed 30 minutes.
After that, the tissue is soaked and its seeded in a special nutrient medium, which contains all the conditions for cell growth. The culture is placed in optimal conditions, in an incubator, kept for a month. The study is quite long and is determined by the rate of cell growth. If it is a cancerous tumor, it will begin to grow actively. Benign, non-cancerous growth does not. To accelerate growth, we can add growth factors that further stimulate tumor growth. In this case, the results can be obtained within 7-10 days.
The mature tumor is subjected to further biochemical, microscopic studies and ultimately produces the result in the form of a final diagnosis in which the type of tumor, its stage, prevalence and direction of tumor growth are determined. This is usually the final version, which determines the result with 100% accuracy.
Normal performance
If an analysis is made for the definition of oncomarkers, it is quite easy to decipher the analysis. In the presence of cancer, oncomarkers are found in the body. In a healthy organism, there are no tumor markers, since they are produced only by cancer cells. An exception is the cancer embryonic antigen, which is normally present in the body in minimal amounts. A slight increase in concentration may indicate a variety of somatic pathologies, and only a sharp increase, above 20 ng / ml, indicates a cancerous tumor. Besides, by what antigen it is found, it is possible to judge the localization of the tumor. Each organ produces its own type of markers.
Decipher the results of the biopsy is even easier. If there is a growth of cells on the nutrient medium - the tumor is malignant, if there is no growth, it is benign.
Norm of analysis for cancer cells
There are no unambiguous indicators for all types of cancer. Each specific oncomarker has its own normal values. In addition, they vary significantly depending on the age and physiological characteristics of a person.
In general, the following indicators can be presented:
- 0-1ng / ml - the norm;
- 1-20 - benign tumor, precancerous state, somatic pathologies;
- 20-30 - a cancerous tumor;
- Over 30 - metastases.
It must be remembered that any tumor, even benign, can develop into a malignant one. The absence of oncomarkers does not always indicate the absence of cancer. This is an excuse for further research.
The device for analysis
For the analysis, the complex technological equipment of the laboratory is required. To detect oncomarkers, special kits for enzyme immunoassay, laboratory glassware, dispensers, micropipettes, centrifuge, incubator, cultivator, spectrophotometer, or mass spectrometer for measuring optical density, immunomagnetic delimiter are needed.
To perform cytological, microscopic, histological examination requires a microscope with high resolution. For histology, you need a steam bath, an autoclave, a dry oven, a thermostat, an incubator, a desiccator, a fume hood.
How much analysis is done for cancer cells?
Identification of oncomarkers is an express method that allows you to obtain preliminary results and confirm or deny the diagnosis. It is done quickly enough - 1-2 days, if necessary, can be accelerated to 3-4 hours.
The most reliable and accurate analysis for cancer cells is a biopsy that allows you to establish a definitive diagnosis. Such an analysis is done from 14 to 28 days (depends on the growth rate of the cell culture). If necessary, you can accelerate up to 7-10 days by creating special incubation conditions, adding growth factors.