Blastoma of the breast
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Blastoma of the breast is the most common form of cancer in women.
If you diagnose it in time and start treatment, then you can successfully eliminate the tumor. The main thing at occurrence of the basic signs or any unpleasant sensations to go on consultation to the skilled or experienced doctor. After all, if everything is done late, then the assistance can be delayed and does not give any positive result.
Causes of the blastoma of the breast
What are the main causes of blastoma of the breast and can this phenomenon be avoided? First of all, do not forget about heredity. This factor is one of the most common. Scientists have long established that if the family has a tendency to develop this disease, then it should not be ruled out. In addition, we should not forget about the features of the reproductive system. Thus, late or too early menstruation leaves its imprint on women's health. The presence of various diseases, which can be attributed to pre-tuberous, also leave their mark. Do not abuse hormonal drugs.
Symptoms of the blastoma of the breast
How to identify the main symptoms of the blastoma of the breast and what if they were identified? Here a lot depends on the form of cancer, so when there is no edema, there is absolutely no pain. But at the same time, the dimensions of the compacted area increase significantly. If we are talking about erysipelas, then on the chest you can see redness of the skin. And often all this is accompanied by uneven edges. Often, this form is quite acute, high temperature is not excluded. A mastoid form of cancer is found in most young girls. It is manifested by a slight increase in temperature, as well as an increase in the breast. And basically it is observed, only on a separate site. Tumor cancer is characterized by a decrease in the mammary gland, the skin above it becomes more denser. In general, in order to exclude this disease, it is worthwhile constantly conducting an independent examination.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnostics of the blastoma of the breast
In fact, there are several basic methods, from which it is necessary to build on. So, this is an ordinary mammography, which should be performed once a year. A lot depends on this, therefore it is not worth to ignore this inspection.
Another method was called genetic analysis. Thanks to it you can determine whether there is a mutation in the body. It is necessary to understand that the mammologist should be treated not only when there are doubts about the lumps of the breast or other problems. Such an examination is a measure of preventing the disease. After all, the blastoma of the breast with rapid detection, can also be lightning fast, is removed.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the blastoma of the breast
It is necessary to understand that for greater effectiveness, treatment of the blastoma of the breast must be complex. This approach involves the use of chemotherapy, surgery, as well as hormone therapy. If you use only one method, there will not be any sense. In general, everything depends on the structure of the tumor itself, its size, height, and age of the patient. To assign simply so treatment is impossible. The first step is to understand why this happened, to consider all the unfavorable factors and only, then to prescribe the treatment. Now it is necessary to disassemble each method of treatment separately.
So, what is chemotherapy? In this principle, the incorporated use of cytostatics. They are drugs that need to be administered in the form of drip infusions or oral. In general, everything depends solely on the type of drugs, as well as on how the human body relates to these or other components. So, when treating chemotherapy, a woman leads a habitual way of life and even is able to work. But in this case everything depends on the form of the disease itself and how much the situation was started. It is advisable to take this course on Fridays, so that there is time to recover. On the day of "procedures", the pressure, pulse, and body temperature are measured. Then the injection begins, depending on the weight, height, and also the specific situation. It is necessary to understand that this type of treatment has its own side effects. So the most common are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and also baldness. Usually this happens on the first weeks of the course, with time everything is restored. The duration of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, a minimum of 3-4 weeks.
In addition to chemotherapy, surgery is also used. It can be of two types: lumpectomy and partial mastectomy. The first surgery involves removing the tumor itself, but with a small amount of skin that is around it. Partial mastectomy is also the removal of the tumor and the skin around it. In some cases, the mammary gland is completely removed. It is necessary to understand that over time, some of the lymph nodes that are in the axillary region can also be removed. This procedure is mandatory.
On and finally, hormone therapy. Choosing certain drugs for treatment, you need to understand what stage of the disease and its complexity is at stake. Consideration should also be given to the possibility of treatment by other methods. One of the most common drugs is Tamixifen. It at times reduces the possibility of re-emergence of the tumor. This drug is taken for 5 years, together with an aromatase enzyme inhibitor. You can try to take the medicine for 2-3 years, then replace it with the same inhibitor. In this case, everything is decided by the attending physician. Tamixofen is a pretty good drug, but despite a number of positive qualities, it also has side effects. So, this is the appearance of redness and increased sweating. In addition, the weight is also growing, this is quite normal. There may be dryness in the vagina or vice versa excessive discharge.
Aromatase inhibitors can block the production of estrogen, thereby reducing their amount in the body. This drug is taken in conjunction with another or independently for 2 years. Side effects include nausea, joint pain, and dryness in the vagina. Another effective drug is Zoladex, it is able to suppress the release of the pituitary gland. If a person began to apply it, then you can not stop, otherwise the action will be exactly the same, but vice versa. This drug can cause sweating, constant headaches, as well as frequent changes of mood. Enter the medication every month in the lower abdominal cavity. Dosage depends on the degree and severity of the disease.
More information of the treatment
The basis for the prevention of blastoma of the breast is a timely and planned trip to the mammalog. Therefore, ignoring the annual survey is not worth it. It can save a life! In addition, you should visit the therapist and gynecologist. If you regularly feel the mammary glands and conduct an independent examination, you can avoid this disease in the future. Do not ignore the survey, because everything can be rather lamentably over. On reception at the gynecologist, the doctor should tell, how to do or make survey independently. It is necessary to listen to these recommendations.
If the blastoma of the breast is detected at an early stage, then you can achieve a positive outcome. The main thing is to start complex treatment on time, which will include far more than one procedure. If the disease is found in the last stages, the prognosis is less favorable. But to lose hope is never worth it. There were many cases where people, thanks to a strong faith, were coming out of the situation.