Bites of home bugs on the skin: symptoms and treatment at home
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Symptoms of the bites of domestic bedbugs
Symptoms of bug bite are the following symptoms:
- swelling of the skin on the lesion;
- irritating a strong itch in this place;
- the appearance of redness;
- usually one area of the skin is located just a few tracks from the bites - they represent a small path.
Complications and consequences
Biting bites can cause quite serious consequences. A very unpleasant complication is the development of an allergic reaction to a bite. As a result of this, rashes develop on the skin, which itch and hurt greatly. In addition, a person becomes irritable, he may have fever, dizziness and a feeling of weakness. There are also more serious allergic reactions, so after the appearance of the above symptoms it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately, without waiting for a worsening of the situation.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the bites of domestic bedbugs
Usually bug bites are not treated with the help of special drugs, as they pass by themselves - after a few days they disappear without a trace. If you want, if redness and itching at the bite sites are too strong, you can buy a special ointment.
Inflammatory processes, which are provoked by bites, can be treated with various medications for external use - creams, ointments, gels or balms.
Means against bites of bugs at home
You can also remove symptoms from bites at home. For example, simply wetting a small piece of cotton in alcohol, and briefly attaching it to the damaged area. Repeat this procedure several times. As a result, itching usually disappears.
It is also possible to wash the place of the bite with running water (warm) - this allows you to reduce the strength of signs of inflammation, manifested under the guise of redness and itching. Weaken the severity of the symptoms can also juice the onions - you need to rub the bite with a small piece of the bulb.
The most effective against clopic bites, and also popular are the following medicines:
- Fenistil-gel - it has antipruritic properties, removes pain, and also reduces irritation at the bite sites. It acts by blocking the H1 receptors of histamine, which also provoke the development of itching and inflammation. It also reduces puffiness and inhibits the body's allergic response to the saliva of the insect. Its consistency allows the gel to be quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving no clothes on the clothes. This medicine can not be used by children until 1 year;
- Psilo-balm, the active ingredient of which is diphenhydramine. It has an effect similar to the properties of dimethindene maleate, which is contained in Fenistil-gel - it blocks the receptors causing itching. As a result, the medicine reduces the symptoms of inflammation, removes edema and pain. Its main advantage is the presence of a prolonged cooling effect, which can significantly reduce the discomfort of the inflammatory process;
- Afloderm is a hormonal drug used in cases when conventional ointments with anti-inflammatory effect no longer work. The drug effectively eliminates allergic reaction to the bug bite, as well as redness with itching. But it must be taken into account that ointments containing hormones can be used only with the appointment of a doctor after the necessary analyzes. The drug is prohibited for use by pregnant women, as well as small children. Also it can not be used if the patient has purulent inflammations in a neglected form;
- Bepanten is an effective wound-healing remedy, which can be used by both children and adults. This medicine is available in the form of a cream, and therefore has a more liquid consistency. Active substance dexpanthenol perfectly heals and restores skin, and also has a moisturizing effect - this allows the cream to prevent drying of the skin and the appearance of scabies. It is often used to eliminate mild symptoms of inflammation after a bite;
- Elidel is a cream that is able to eliminate the vast allergy that appears due to a bug bite. It is used in the case of development of allergic dermatitis and other skin reactions that arise due to bug bites. You can use the medicine even for children from 3 months. Treatment is usually conducted in courses, with the appointment of a doctor.
Alternative treatment
With clopic bites, you can also use alternative methods of treatment.
Effective in such cases, washing the bitten parts of the body with soapy water (it is better to use antibacterial soap - to avoid the risk of infection). Then to the injured place you need to attach ice or a packet with something frozen.
These measures will remove the itching, thereby preventing the risk of combing bites. For the final elimination of traces of bug bites, you should use these methods:
- to treat them with the help of alcoholic tinctures of herbs (St. John's wort, calendula, or plantain);
- apply aloe juice, eliminating edema and inflammation, as well as weakening the strength of the itch;
- solution of soda - stir in the water (0.5 cup) soda (1 teaspoon), and make a bath of it.
More information of the treatment
Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that bugs will not appear in the house ever, and to protect themselves from their bites, if they have already appeared, is not possible. The only way out in this case is to destroy the parasites. This can be done with the help of pest control.
In this case, one should not believe in advertising and buy various ultrasonic devices or fumigators, since they will not have any effect in fighting bugs. The best option is to seek help from specialists who deal with similar issues. They will be able to perform a comprehensive treatment of the entire house / apartment.
If you want to deal with the problem yourself, you can purchase the following tools: powders, dusts or aerosols, and in addition special concentrated solutions.
It is recommended to select a remedy that will be able to destroy not only adult bedbugs and their larvae, but also egg mites.
Bites of domestic bugs have a favorable prognosis, as they are usually harmless to the body of an adult. Only if there is an allergy to such a stimulus can there be certain problems. But it should be taken into account that we are talking about adults, but for small children and babies these bites can be very dangerous.