Bug bite on the child's body: symptoms than smear
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Our children are delicate creatures with delicate, sensitive skin. It is this moment that attracts various blood-sucking parasites, which especially do not have to strain to experience satiety. Bites of bedbugs in children are almost as frequent as mosquitoes. And on the body of a loved one, worried parents see every day new results of "labors" of insects. To ease the condition of the baby and, if possible, prevent repeated attacks of insects, it is important to figure out which of them you have to share your home, and perhaps even a bed.
We get acquainted with the new "neighbor"
Well, to mosquitoes, especially in the autumn-summer period, we are used to long ago. And knowing the enemy "in person" have learned and effectively deal with it. Another thing bugs, of the existence of which inside the room, not even everyone knows. After all, bedbugs belong to the category of night predators, in the afternoon they will not be seen.
Bedbugs, like mosquitoes, are considered insects that feed on blood, extracting it by piercing the skin of the host. Again, a specific trace remains on the site of the bite. Bedbugs living in living quarters are also called bed bugs. It is precisely these that are often the cause of anxiety and even the discomfort of babies.
The insect itself is small. The length of adults varies between 4-8 mm, their larvae even smaller. Color can be from light yellow in larvae, to dark brown in older insects.
Unlike mosquitoes, bedbugs do not have wings, referring to overland "troops". They can successfully move both horizontally and vertically, including ceilings, from which insects sometimes fall into bed with a child, and then the next morning parents detect bites of bugs on the body of their children.
But the form of the insect is unusual, prone to change depending on the degree of saturation of the bug. A hungry bug has rounded sides and a flat back, but the well-fed one is somehow transformed into an elongated insect with a curved back. The bug after eating is very similar to a cockroach or a cockroach, but has slight differences that can only be considered under a microscope.
Causes of the bites bed bugs in the child
The reason that bugs bite children is one, and it consists in an easy opportunity to satisfy the feeling of hunger, which is exacerbated by the bug every 5-10 days. With this blood, he can drink more than he weighs himself (somewhere around 5-7 ml), "trapeznichaya" for half an hour.
Offending toddlers and adults with delicate skin, the bugs are actually quite peaceful insects. They do not touch other baleen residents of the apartment, but are prone to attacks from cockroaches, house ants and millipedes. True, to plant in the room other living creatures to combat bugs is inexpedient and unhygienic.
Risk factors
The bug attracts the smell of the baby's body, to which odors, such as alcohol, nicotine, etc., that are peculiar to men, are not mixed. For this reason, bedbugs prefer to small children, and not to adult uncles, who, in addition, and the skin is much rougher.
But the women love insects almost as much as the children. They are attracted by a delicate female skin, through which it is easy to get what they want.
Unlike mosquitoes, which leave traces of their stay mainly on open areas of the body, not protected by clothing or bed linens, the bugs can get under the blanket. They can not bite the fabric, so they will look for ways how to climb under the children's pajamas or nightgown wherever blood ripples are felt best.
At the site of bites, you can see either a cluster of red dots, or areas with an irritated, painful to touch, but terribly itchy skin. The second may indicate the development of an allergic inflammatory reaction, whose risk factors are increased sensitivity of the skin, as well as unfavorable living conditions and environmental factors, non-compliance with hygiene standards. Allergen in this case is the saliva of an insect.
So, on the "crime" bug pushes the feeling of hunger, In order that he could eat blood, extracting it from under the human skin, the insect has a special two-channel proboscis. On one channel of the proboscis, the saliva of the insect is delivered to the site of the bite, serving as an anesthetic, and with the help of another, the blood enters the body of the bug.
Perfectly sensing places of blood pulsation, bedbugs unmistakably determine a suitable capillary, in which they make a puncture. Having drunk a certain amount of blood, the insect moves further, making bites. During a single meal, the bug can make 3 to 6 punctures. Therefore, the bites of bugs in children and adults look like a peculiar chain of their red itchy points, and not in the form of single pimples, as in the case of mosquitoes.
Bites of adults in connection with the allocation of special saliva to the victim usually do not immediately feel. But the bite of the insect larva, which needs food every day, is quite sensitive and is accompanied by pain when piercing the skin.
Symptoms of the bites bed bugs in the child
For ignorant parents in these matters, bites of bugs in children can remain a mystery for a long time. Traces on the skin of a baby they can attribute to the ubiquitous mosquitoes and fleas or take for manifestations of frequent pathology of childhood - allergic dermatitis.
There is nothing surprising. Itchy irritation on the skin in the form of swelling or redness can speak in favor of both the first and second. But these same symptoms are also characteristic of bug bites.
To understand what is the reason for the appearance of the above symptoms, it is important to know what the bug's bite looks like in a child.
Outwardly distinguish single bites of a mosquito, fleas and bugs is not so easy. At the site of the puncture of the skin, small swollen tubercles often form, which later turn red or red dots. The dimensions of the tubercles are almost the same, only the flea bites are marked with smaller markings. In all cases, there is a strong itch.
The way a bite of an insect will look, largely depends not on its kind, but on the individual characteristics of the body of the victim, in this case the child. In some babies, skin punctures are marked with only small red dots; in others, if there is an allergy to the analgesic, the bug's saliva is formed by islets of swollen skin up to 5 cm in size. A small abscess may form in the bite of the larvae.
An allergic reaction to a bite of a bed bug in a child and some adults is quite persistent, can last even more than a week, causing a baby's anxiety and excitement from the parents. In this case, you can not do without antihistamines.
The flea bite in most cases is characterized by small red dots, which are located relatively close to each other in different places of the body. Usually they do not cause a violent allergic reaction.
A mosquito bite, like a bug bite, can cause a strong allergic reaction, and can remain almost imperceptible on the skin. But usually it is 1 or 2 tubercles, located in the immediate vicinity, the rest will be in the distance, but the bug bites are arranged in groups of 3-5 punctures.
If the appearance of the wound is difficult for parents to determine who bitten their child, you can try to find some traces of the insect's presence or even catch it on the site of a "crime", which, however, is more difficult due to the nocturnal nature of the bug's hunting, while during the day he carefully disguises himself. But still it's worth a try.
So, the first signs that there are bugs in the room, and not mosquitoes or fleas, are the following:
- The appearance in the room of an unusual smell associated not so much with the insect itself as with the lubrication that females give to attach eggs to the surfaces of the larvae. This is not the most pleasant and not characteristic for the kid's bedroom almond flavor, something reminiscent of slightly sour berries (rather even raspberries) or cognac.
- On the bed of the baby you can find small blood points. The Bedbug, piercing the skin in search of a food source, does not care about the blood curdling. In places of a sting, blood appears, which then falls on the baby's bed.
- A fairly large blood stain on the bed can indicate that the baby simply crushed the insect.
- The presence of black dots in a toddler's bed resembling small dirt is likely to indicate the presence of bugs in the room. And dirt is nothing more than the excrement of bedbugs, for which the "dining room" and "toilet" are inseparable.
Since bedbugs are residents of the night, you can not find them at night. It is best to do this at the peak of their activity, which falls on 2-4 hours of the night. Turning on the light at such a time, there is a good chance to see hastily hiding insects. But larvae of bedbugs can be seen even in the daytime.
Complications and consequences
If the bug bite is not accompanied by a pronounced allergic reaction, worry about the health and condition of the child is not worth it, although it is necessary to fight insects in any case, so as not to expose the baby to repeated attacks of the mustachioed "troops". The danger in this situation lies in the high probability of combing the itchy points of the baby to the blood and infecting the infection from the outside, which results in abscesses on the skin at places of bites that are difficult to treat.
The appearance of an allergic reaction to the bites of bedbugs in children should alert the parents, because the matter is not always limited to external manifestations. Some children may have:
- the appearance of heat against the background of a rise in temperature,
- an allergic rhinitis,
- headache,
- abdominal pain, etc.
Such manifestations usually pass quickly, leaving no trace behind. However, similar symptoms can occur in other pathologies, so in case of doubt, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.
In some cases, one can see the more severe consequences and complications of the bug bite, in which case the specialist can not do without. Symptoms such as the appearance of shortness of breath in the baby, swelling of the eyelids, lips, tongue or larynx, anaphylactic shock accompanied by loss of consciousness and a decrease in blood pressure, are the reason to seek emergency care and subsequent treatment to the doctor, because self-medication in this case can turn even worse consequences.
The danger is also severe swelling at the site of the bite, accompanied by intolerable itching and an increase in temperature due to an active inflammatory reaction, the appearance of a general allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, the development of anemia as a result of nightly blood loss. Such reactions require immediate treatment in a medical institution, although they are not a reason for hospitalization of the child.
Diagnostics of the bites bed bugs in the child
The reaction to bites in bedbugs in children is usually more severe than in adults. This is due to inadequate development of the immune system of the baby. In the absence of an obvious allergic reaction and the detection of obvious signs of the presence of bedbugs in the room, it is only necessary to treat the site of the bite with an antiseptic and take measures to prevent repeated attacks of insects, since repeated bites can be more severe.
If there is a strong inflammation, expressed local and general allergic reactions and other manifestations, dangerous for the life and health of the baby, you must always seek help in a medical institution. For consultation and diagnosis, you can contact an allergist, an immunologist or even a dermatologist. Or, first of all, to the pediatrician, who will direct you to the right specialist.
Diagnosis of bug bites in children is usually limited to collecting an anamnesis, in which the external examination of a small patient and complaints of parents play a decisive role. The purpose of the diagnosis is to identify allergies to an insect bite. To do this, also prescribe skin tests and a blood test for antibodies.
Differential diagnosis
With the appearance of any allergic reactions, an important point in the diagnosis is differential diagnosis, designed to distinguish the allergic reaction to insect bites from normal allergies and eruptions inherent in certain pathologies. After all, blisters on the body, redness and itching are not specific symptoms, indicating exactly the bug bite in children. Insect bite is just one of the reasons for the pronounced response of the immune system.
The appearance of itching blisters is characteristic of the same urticaria, which appears due to hypersensitivity to certain components of medicines or food products. They can also be a manifestation of a contact allergy to household chemicals, skin care products, some materials used to make clothes and bed linen.
Similar rashes can be a symptom:
- some autoimmune diseases,
- poisoning, including food,
- liver damage.
In the same way, mycoses and pustular skin lesions can manifest themselves.
Sometimes an allergy can be caused not so much by the bugs themselves and by contact with them, as by insecticides designed to fight insects. This point should also be taken into account in the diagnosis.
As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of a rash on the skin, which is similar to the bite bite, so special tests are needed so that the main factor in the development of such a reaction can be calculated in order to further assign effective treatment.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the bites bed bugs in the child
Bites of bedbugs in children often occur quite heavily with severe itching, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms. Nevertheless, the reaction of the child's body to the introduction of an analgesic in the bug by the bug in the saliva can be different. Treatment of bites of bedbugs in children is carried out depending on the severity of this reaction.
If after a bug bite the child does not have obvious signs of allergy development, you can confine yourselves to disinfection of the damaged skin area by washing with a cool soap solution. After this, it is possible to apply a suitable for the baby remedy, helping the wound to heal faster and relieve inflammation. Such means include creams such as "Rescuer", ointment "Levomekol", etc.
It will help to reduce the unpleasant manifestations of insect bites and a warm bath. The truth at the raised temperature at the kid from it or her it is necessary to refuse, and to resort to the help of antipyretic agents.
If we are talking about an allergic reaction in a child to a bite of a bed bug, then without antihistamines can not do. The choice of antiallergic drugs depends on how it manifests itself, and what area it covers.
When local allergic reaction can be limited to the drug for external use "Fenistil-gel", which is an indispensable attribute of many home medicine kits. In more serious reactions, it may be necessary to take drugs intended for internal use. The same "Fenistil" in the form of drops, "Suprastin", "Cetirizin DS".
When you have an allergic rhinitis, you can use drops and sprays used in connection with allergies: Vibrocil, Sanorin, Allergodil, and others.
The choice of drugs is better given to a specialist who will choose a medicine taking into account the individual characteristics and age of the baby, and also appoint an effective and safe dosage. With a doctor, you can also consult about the safety of insecticides, which are planned to be used to combat bugs in the baby's room and other rooms in the apartment.
Medications for bug bites in children
The choice of number one in the treatment of bites bugs in children is the drug "Fenistil", which on the drugstore shelves can be found in the form of drops or gel for external use. The drug is useful in any inflammatory reactions, including those caused by food allergies and insect bites. It effectively removes itching and swelling at the site of injury.
When the question arises, the better it is to smear bugs in children, many moms unanimously assert that the best drug in this regard is Fenistil-gel, and if it is not, you can use other balms and ointments that relieve inflammation and various irritations on the skin.
Method of administration and dose. The preparation in the form of a gel is used only for external processing of the bite site, applying it 2 to 4 times a day. If the wound is relatively small, this will be enough. In the case of large, highly itchy wounds, the administration of the drug in the form of drops is additionally prescribed.
The dosage of the drug in this case is determined by the age of the small patient. So for infants, a single dose can be from 3 to 10 drops, for children aged 1-3 years - from 10 to 15 drops, for children under 12 years - about 15-20 drops.
Take the drug in the form of drops, intended for internal use, is recommended three times a day. It is recommended to add drops to compote, tea or a bottle of water.
Contraindications to the use of this drug can be the age of the patient. The drug is not intended for the treatment of newborns, which may develop life-threatening reactions. In children older than 1 month, both drops and gel are applicable.
The preparation in the form of drops is not prescribed to small patients with bronchial asthma. Caution is also observed when prescribing a liquid medicine to children with obstructive pulmonary lesions.
If the drug is given orally to a child, then in some cases, the following side effects can be observed: increased drowsiness, headaches and dizziness, severe arousal, nausea, dry mouth and throat, swelling and rashes on the skin, muscle spasms, respiratory disorders. When applying the medicine in the form of a gel on the skin, the child may feel burning and itching.
The best analogue of the drug "Fenistil-gel" is "Zirtek" in the same form of release. It can be used in the treatment of children older than 6 months. For infants one year of age and older, "Fenistil" can be replaced, if necessary, with "Ketocin" ointment. If the child is 2 years old or more, the use of Dermadrin medicinal ointment is acceptable.
As an antiallergic drug, children over 6 years of age can be prescribed tablets "Zirtek", "Zodak", "Cetirizine", etc. Based on cytirizine dihydrochloride. These same drugs in the form of drops can be used in the therapy of babies over half a year. The drug "Cetirizin DS" according to the indications and under the supervision of a doctor in a certain dosage can be given even to the smallest patients.
"Cetirizin DS" is a drug intended for the treatment of allergies in adults and children, including bugs caused by bites. He has comparatively few contraindications. This is a failure of kidney function or a hypersensitivity to cetirizine in small patients. With special care apply the drug in the treatment of infants.
"Cetirizine" - an inexpensive drug, but quite effective drug. It is available in the form of tablets. The dosage of the medicine is directly dependent on the age of the patient and is prescribed by the doctor individually. So, for children from 2 to 6 years, the effective daily dose is 5 mg, and for adolescents over 12 years, the dosage becomes 2 times greater. With kidney pathology, a reduction in the dose of the prescription may be required. Multiplicity of drug intake - 1 or 2 times a day.
Side effects of the drug may include dry mouth mucosa, headache and dizziness, severe drowsiness in the baby, dyspepsia, weakness in the muscles, the appearance of external allergic reactions.
For the treatment of allergies to bug bites in the youngest patients, with the exception of newborns, you can use the popular drug Suprastin, which is available in the form of tablets and injections. It is effective both with light enough allergy manifestations, and as an ambulance for Quincke's edema.
Method of application and dosage. Tablets "Suprastin" are intended for oral administration. You need to take them whole, not crushing, with food. It is recommended to drink a tablet with water in an amount of 1/2 glass. To treat bites of bugs in infants, the tablets are ground into powder and added to infant formula.
1 tablet contains 25 mg of chloropyramine hydrochloride. One-time dosage for babies under 1 year is a quarter of the tablet, for children from 1 to 6 years, depending on the condition and the frequency of the dose, it can vary from a quarter to half of the tablet. Children over 6 years of age are usually prescribed half a tablet at a time. Multiplicity of admission is 2 to 3 times a day as prescribed by the doctor.
The maximum dose of the drug should not exceed 2 mg per kilogram of the patient's weight. Ie, if a child weighs 20 kg, then the daily dosage should not exceed 40 mg (about 1.5 tablets).
Suprastin solution is used for intramuscular or intravenous administration of the drug. The latter is applicable only in severe cases, when there is a danger to the life of the patient, the subsequent treatment is carried out with the help of tablets and intramuscular injections.
Dosage for children of the first year of life is 0.25 ml (1 ampoule -20 mg of chloropyramine hydrochloride, or 1 ml of its aqueous solution). Children under 6 years of age are injected with 0.5 ml of the solution. Dosage for children and adolescents can range from 0.5 to 1 ml of the solution.
The drug is not used if the child has acute attacks of bronchial asthma or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. For small patients with impaired liver or kidney function, the drug should be given under the supervision of a doctor.
The side effects of the drug are identical to those described in the instructions for "Fenistil" and "Cetirizine." But there are specific actions peculiar only to Suprastin.
Thus, in some patients, changes in blood composition, severe fatigue and lethargy, cardiac rhythm disturbances, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, changes in appetite, stomach pain, problems with urination, increased sensitivity to sunlight are observed in patients receiving the drug.
If a baby with a bug bite has not only a local but also a general allergic reaction, as evidenced by the appearance of a seemingly causeless rhinitis, it will also be necessary to fight this symptom with nasal drops and sprays.
"Vibrocil" is a drug that doctors very often prescribe for suspected allergic rhinitis (rhinitis) in children. The medicine, which is produced in the form of a gel, a spray and nasal drops, has a vasoconstrictive and antihistamine action.
The drug in the form of drops is intended for the treatment of adults and children over 1 year old. It is injected into each of the nasal passages of 1-2 drops for babies up to 6 years of age and 3-4 drops for older children and adolescents. Bury the spout 3 or 4 times a day, after cleaning the nasal passages from the mucus. After digging in, you need to hold the child's head back for a while.
Spray can be used only from the age of 6 years. For the healing effect, 1-2 injections in each of the nasal passages are sufficient. The procedure should be 3-4 times a day.
The drug in the form of a gel is used for severe dryness of the nasal mucosa, the presence of crusts in it, as well as for nose injuries. It should be applied deeper into each nasal passage 3 or 4 times a day.
The therapeutic course should not exceed 7 days. Otherwise, the rebound effect is triggered with a repetition of episodes of nasal congestion.
Contraindications to the use of the drug are atrophic rhinitis and concurrent administration of MAO inhibitors. It is impossible to conduct therapy with the drug and within 2 weeks after the abolition of the above medicines, as well as hypersensitivity to its components.
With caution apply the drug for diabetes, epilepsy, hyperteriosis, heart disease, as well as if a small patient has a pronounced reaction to sympathomimetics.
Side effects of the drug are quite rare. Usually this burning on the nasal mucosa, a feeling of dryness and discomfort in the nose, sometimes bleeding from the nose.
Choosing an effective and convenient form of release of the drug "Vibrocil" for your baby, you need to remember that in therapy for children under 6 years, only drops in the nose are used, while the spray and gel can be used from the age of 6 years.
Vitamin complexes with bug bites in children do not play a decisive role. The intake of vitamins in this case is indicated for strengthening the immunity of the baby. It is conducted in parallel with the reception of antihistamines.
Alternative treatment for bug bites
The first help with bug bites in children consists in washing the wound from the puncture with a disinfectant solution to reduce the inflammatory process and using various means to reduce the allergic reaction caused by an inadequate immune response.
As a disinfectant solution in an alternative treatment, use:
- soap solution using children's or household soap,
- aqueous ammonia solution (1: 1 ratio),
- a solution of baking soda (as for gargling).
To remove irritation on the skin, you can use compresses or lotions based on:
- solution prepared from 1 cup water and 1 tsp. Soda,
- oak broth,
- the infusion of chamomile (1 tablespoon into a glass of water, insist for half an hour, but if necessary, you can use it earlier)
- the infusion of the turn, which helps with various skin irritations in young children. For infusion take 1 liter of boiling water and 4 tsp. Chopped herbs. The mixture is insisted for 20 minutes.
The places of bites can be tried to wipe with saliva or a cotton swab dipped in the urine. This will relieve inflammation and itchy skin.
Herbal treatment also plays a role in the treatment of bites in children. Decoctions or infusions of string and chamomile are useful for washing wounds and lotions. But the pure leaves of mint, which have a slight analgesic and relaxing effect, mashed flowers and leaves of dandelion, leaves of parsley, bird cherry and plantain apply to the irritated places of bites fresh. They can also be fixed on the wound with a bandage and left for a couple of hours, after which the wound should be washed with soda solution.
Homeopathy with bites in bedbugs in children
The use of homeopathy preparations for bug bites in children is due to their relative safety for small patients. Even if they do not replace traditional drugs in terms of their effectiveness in this situation, a noticeable relief in children after their administration is observed in most cases.
The main homeopathic preparations with insect bites are Apis and Ledum palustra. It is true that when biting bees and mosquitoes they are more effective, but pain from larval bite and inflammation on the skin can also be removed from bed bugs.
They are effective if relief comes not from heat, but from cold. Otherwise, their use is meaningless.
Apis is a kind of vaccine for insect bites for people with hypersensitivity and a tendency to allergies. To prevent an allergic reaction, it is enough to drink the drug for 4 days. After this, the reaction to insect bites usually becomes normal, without severe inflammation and itching.
To small patients Apis give in potency D6 on 2-3 grains every hour. For older children, the dose is increased to 5 grains. The grains should be kept under the tongue until they dissolve. Ledum is used in 30 dilutions according to the same scheme.
For very young children, Apis and Ledum are used in the form of drops.
External treatment of closed wounds can be carried out with arsenic ointment, which will relieve pain and swelling. But it is better for this purpose to use tincture of calendula, as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.
How to get rid of bedbugs?
Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later, even bites of bedbugs and other insects in children. Yes, there to say, when it comes to our precious daughters and sons, which mother will calmly look at what offends her child. Yes, and my father, for sure, will postpone his affairs, to put in order the baby's room, clearing it of uninvited guests.
For the extermination of harmful insects in living quarters, there are many special preparations - insecticide. To combat bugs, in particular, suitable tools such as "Dichlorvos", "Carbozole", "Carbophos" and others, the main active substance of which is chlorpyrifos or carbofos.
Means for controlling bugs are available in the form of aerosols, gels, dusts and liquid preparations, which are considered to be the most effective in this regard (Carbophos, Cyfox, Clean House, Minap-22, etc.). To scare off bedbugs (but not to destroy!), Special devices are also used: ultrasonic radiators, fumigators, steam generators, etc.
The use of the latter is ineffective, since there is a high probability of return of insects when the operation of the device is over. And the use of aggressive chemical agents (even if the instructions say that they are safe for humans and animals) is fraught with consequences. The child and other family members may have an allergy no longer to bedbugs and their bites, but to a disinfectant that was used indoors. The impact of two allergens at once can cause a severe allergic reaction, which is dangerous for the life of the child.
Some insecticides are openly toxic, which causes certain inconveniences in the form of the need for thorough and prolonged airing of the room after the use of funds for fighting bugs (which is not so easy to do in the cold season) and even to leave their homes for several days.
And with inept use of drugs to combat bugs, you can only bring on new troubles without getting rid of the old ones. For this reason, disinfection of the premises is best left to specialists who will bypass every corner of the house, so that the bugs will not have a single chance.
But these are all measures to combat the already existing problem. But how do you make bug bites in children never appear, just like these insects in your house?
Prevention of the appearance of bedbugs in a residential area is the key to a restful sleep of our children. So we must do everything so that uninvited guests could not share our housing with us, offending our children with impunity.
That's just only cleaning the apartment here is indispensable. Cleanliness or dirt in the apartment in no way affect the volume of blood that a bug can get from the tenants of the apartment or the house where he settled. And bugs can come to the house in a variety of ways: from purchased "on hand" used furniture and clothes, through various communications to move from neighbors, to come in a suitcase after traveling to another city or country, etc.
To prevent the dispersal of bedbugs in an apartment you need:
- periodically do repairs with the processing of suspicious spots with insecticides for preventive purposes,
- regularly treat with liquid insecticide or chalk place, through which bugs can get to you from a neighboring apartment, if there is reason to suspect their presence there,
- furniture and clothes used to treat the steam and insecticide even before the thing hit the apartment. The same thing must be done with things brought from the trip, if it took some time to stay in a room infected with insects.
To protect parents from bed bugs their parents need:
- Make sure that the wooden cot is always covered with varnish, and the bed linen is not touching the floor. So it will be difficult for an insect to get into bed with a baby.
- Periodically at night check the baby's bed for the presence of insects in it.
- Inspect the child's bed in search of excrement and other traces of bedbugs. The presence of brown spots should alert the parents of the child.
- From time to time, lift the mattress in the crib to get a chance to inspect it from all sides.
- Pay attention to the suspicious, not peculiar to the children's room smells, in particular the smell of almonds, which can talk about infecting the room with bedbugs.
If the bedbugs get into the apartment, it was not possible to avoid and the children on the tender skin still had traces of bug bites, it is urgent to start fighting with blood-sucking insects.
To begin with, you need to process the wood with wooden and fabric surfaces, including a crib, sofas, armchairs, carpets, bedding and mattresses. The same is recommended to do with the pillows after each change, and they need to be changed as often as possible.
Baby cot should be placed in such a way that it does not come into contact with other wooden furniture, especially with one that is not hidden by varnish. The legs of the crib are recommended to be treated with a liquid remedy for bed bugs.
Bed linen in the crib should not hang down on the floor, because on the cloth bugs can easily get into the crib of the baby.
The prognosis after bites bite depends on many factors. Among them, one can single out the individual characteristics of the child's organism, which is responsible for the immune response, as well as the effectiveness and timeliness of the measures taken to reduce the allergic reaction.
Bites of bedbugs in children are not considered a life-threatening phenomenon. But still they bring a certain discomfort to the life of the little man and his parents, who are suffering for their child with their whole soul. Only one kind of child bitten by bedbugs can plunge parents into shock, because this is not a spectacle for the faint-hearted. Red, swollen and very itchy spots discourage rest and the baby, who also tries to comb them to the blood with a high probability to bring infection into the wound. But this is no longer safe, which means that the parents' task is not to let the bedbugs get into the children's bed, but even better in their home as a whole.