Back pain in women
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The difference in male and female physiology leads to the fact that the pain sensations in the back cause a number of specific causes, characteristic only of the fair sex.
One of them is the habit of wearing high-heeled shoes, and constantly. Of course, a woman in such shoes looks more elegant and slender, however, the price of beauty is excessive. When the height of the heel is more than seven centimeters (this is an average), almost all the weight load falls on the toe of the foot and only the eighth or tenth part, depending on the heel height, remains on the heel. The spine, in order to maintain balance, it is necessary to bend in the lower back. Daily overloads associated with wearing high-heeled shoes cause not only deformation of the foot, but also changes in the hip and spine, up to the hernias, which manifest themselves in back pain. In this case, the lumbar region suffers most.
Complaints of pain in the neck and back can cause a normal voluminous handbag. Doctors say that on average, such a daily burden in one hand often exceeds five kilograms, and it is recommended to distribute the load more evenly and not carry things for all occasions.
The cause of back pain may be osteoporosis, to which women are more exposed than men. And after the onset of menopause, any woman falls into the risk group for this disease. It should also be taken into account that the propensity to osteoporosis is inherited, so if the next older relatives suffered from this disease, then it probably will not pass you by.
Macromastia (large bust size) causes its owners to shift the center of gravity of the body and overload the musculature of the lower back, manifested by pain in the back, more often in the lumbar region, sometimes in the cervical (shoulder straps press bra).
Pregnancy is a period when the body experiences all kinds of overload, including the spine. The load grows due to the growth of the abdomen, and also - the development of a special hormone that prepares the body for childbirth and relaxing muscles, which leads to pain in the back. The lumbar spine suffers most of all. Exacerbates the situation of excess weight, typed by a woman during pregnancy.
Physiological back pain after pregnancy is caused by the fact that even those women who are in good physical shape undergo some changes during this period. The growing uterus displaces the organs, stretches the muscles and spreads the bones. A significant stretching of the muscles of the peritoneum leads to the fact that the lumbar muscles become shorter, the buds are often displaced or unfolded. Before birth and in the process of delivery, the femoral and pubic bones diverge, as well as the sacrococcygeal joint, allowing the baby to leave freely. In addition, during labor, women have to push, and if you do it wrong, then so many mothers stretch their backs.
This is a natural and innocuous process, however, everything must come to its place, causing back pain after childbirth. Even contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus are accompanied by pains not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lower back. Someone is recovering more quickly within the first 24 hours, someone takes weeks and months to complete this process. Far from the perfect posture of the future mother will aggravate the situation and delay the recovery.
Back pain, low back after childbirth can be caused by minor injuries (joint displacement, sprain), which were not avoided by insufficiently trained women (the majority). Caring for the child: raise, put, change, bathe, carry on his hands, take a stroll and take a stroller, and besides - home worries add strain to the muscles of the back, and it hurts even more.
Back pain after birth does not always pass by itself, especially since pregnancy and childbirth could provoke an exacerbation of any diseases of internal organs that a woman could not even guess about. Therefore, if the pains are troubling for a long time or they are very strong, then it is necessary to visit the medical institution and undergo a survey.
Almost all patients who undergo this procedure feel pain in the back after cesarean. First, a woman is given a local anesthetic, anesthetizing her lower body (epidural anesthesia). After this, most parturients feel discomfort at the site of the catheter installation for no more than two weeks, but some for a longer time. Secondly, the cesarean section is a cavity operation, the pain after which occurs when the seam is formed and is given to the back with sharp movements, bends, slopes. Tissue healing occurs unevenly, shortening of the peritoneal muscles may occur, the woman stoops because the seam does not allow her to assume a normal position. Basically, all the painful sensations after the operative delivery are irradiated from the healing suture. In addition, mother care and after cesarean has not been canceled, and also - the decreased burden on the spine takes time to get used to the new situation. But if the back hurts long and / or badly, it is still necessary to inform the attending physician about it.
Back pain after removal of the uterus, especially along with the appendages, can develop due to hormonal shift. Surgical menopause occurs suddenly and causes a sharp decrease in the blood and bone tissue of calcium, which ends with the development of osteoporosis. To mitigate the symptoms of a sudden onset of menopause, patients are prescribed hormone therapy.
In the late postoperative period, a commissural disease or prolapse (omission) of the vagina develops, which can be accompanied by pains in the lower abdomen, radiating into the back.
Back pain after menstruation, in contrast to previous events, as well as - menstrual, indicate that it's time to pay a visit to the gynecological office. These can be inflammatory processes in the ovaries (oophoritis), in the fallopian tubes (adnexitis), cyst or other neoplasm on the ovary, endometriosis. These conditions require treatment, as in neglected cases can lead to peritonitis, infertility and other undesirable consequences.
Also such signs can be observed at an atypical location of the uterus, if it is close to the nerve endings.
Back pain after menstruation can be psychogenic (reaction to stress, depression, excessive suspiciousness). And the latter conditions are more often found in female patients.
After embryo transfer, pain in the back and lower abdomen, which can easily be eliminated with antispasmodics or analgesics, is considered normal. Such symptoms may be signs of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. In most patients, it is mild, but after IVF a woman should be under the supervision of a doctor and inform him about all changes in his condition.