Apricots for type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diabetes mellitus develops with violations of the production of the hormone insulin and proceeds chronically. Diet in such cases is an integral part of treatment. But what about fruits? On the one hand, this is a delicious source of vitamins, on the other hand, a supplier of a sweet component, undesirable for diabetics. Do you need fruits, in particular, apricots in diabetes?
The fruits of apricot are rich in minerals, organic acids, phenolic compounds and carbohydrates. Fruits can be consumed in fresh or dried form, but most apricots of world production are consumed fresh. [1]
Apricot is a rich source of sugars, fibers, minerals, bioactive phytochemicals and vitamins, such as A, C, Tiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin and Pantotenic acid. Among the phytochemicals, phenolic, carotenoid and antioxidant substances play an important role in their biological value. [2]
Is it possible to eat apricots with diabetes of type 1 and 2?
In 2013, 382 million people were diagnosed with diabetes; It is expected that by 2035 this figure will increase to 592 million. [3]
The tendency to type 1 diabetes is inherited, although it may not appear immediately. They do not cure him, but they live with him, in principle, a full-fledged life. Under two conditions: regular insulin injections and diet. [4]
Type 2 diabetes cause various causes. Excess mass, sedentary lifestyle, stress, pancreatic pathology, irrational nutrition - any of these factors or their combination can become an impetus for the development of the process. The disease is treated, but this is not an easy task. [5]
- Both types of diseases have enough food restrictions. Basically, they relate to products containing carbohydrates, including fruits.
Is it possible to eat apricots with diabetes of type 1 and 2? Indeed, in addition to the sugar components, the fruits are saturated with vital compounds. Especially vitamins, in the very name of which the word "vita" is present, that is, life.
- Kiwi, tangerines, pomelo, plums, watermelons, pears, raspberries, apricots-with diabetes of the 1st type there are almost no prohibited fruits and berries.
The assortment and not the variety, but the amount and time of use are regulated. An exception may be grapes, in limited quantities, grenade grains and juicy shoes - watermelons, melons are consumed. And the bananas and pineapples will have to be abandoned. Almost all dried fruits are also dangerous, since the concentration of sugar in them is too high.
However, experienced experts believe that no fruit will damage if they do not abuse them, and that plant fruits, including sweet ones, should be included in the diet of diabetics. They contain many substances that are beneficial for the body, give taste, which is also not replaced by anything. The phrase “if it’s impossible, but you really want to, then you can” about such cases, and each person in his choice should be guided by common sense and intuition.
Apricots for gestational diabetes
They talk about the gestational type of diabetes if the indicator of sugar levels in venous blood taken on an empty stomach enters the “corridor” between 5.1 and 7.0 mmol/l. This is no longer a norm, but still not a pathology. Such uncertainty, associated with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, is first detected in pregnant women, more often in the second half of the term. [6]
- The named diagnosis is a consequence of natural physiological changes; It occurs in the presence of risk factors, but it has in mind that before pregnancy, sugar indicators were normal.
Blood sugar can be reduced by changing diet and physical exercises. However, if these measures do not sufficiently reduce blood sugar, you also need to take medications. It can be insulin injections or injections. [7] Apricots for gestational diabetes enter the nouriset of a pregnant woman. Other fruits are also allowed - plums, peaches, grapefruits, apples. They contribute to digestion, enrich vitamins, improve appetite. Preference-the fruits of a green-yellow color range.
- Of course, all issues related to food, a woman should solve together with a doctor. The responsibility of the future mother is that the fetus receives good nutrition, and she herself was healthy and cheerful.
Eating apricots with diabetes, you should eat less sweet fruits, especially at breakfast, when the sensitivity to insulin is maximum.
- There is an alternative opinion. For example, it is recommended to completely exclude all the fruits, including dried, as a source of undesirable sugar. This applies not only to glucose, but also to fructose.
The idea is expressed that if the sugar level is increased after drinking fruits, then the body does not tolerate them. And as if any person with diabetes can do without them, drawing vitamins and other beneficial substances from nuts and permitted vegetables.
The benefits of apricot for diabetes
There are many components in delicate aromatic fruits that give pleasure and benefit to healthy people. The question of the benefits of apricot in diabetes to a sick person must be solved on the basis of the recommendations of the attending physician and his own taste preferences.
Here are just some of the properties of fruits:
- Contains antioxidants, a lot of potassium, provitamin a, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, fiber and replenishes their deficiency;
- Increases hemoglobin;
- Counteracts obesity;
- Warns the goiter;
- Removes toxins;
- Improves brain activity;
- Normalizes the acidity of the stomach.
When discussing the problem, there is advice to buy apricots in diabetes unauthorized, arguing that they are much smaller in them, and the useful ingredients are enough. Those who follow this advice should take into account that the transforming effect of such apricots manifests itself even more than that of the ripe ones.
- The fruits of apricot wood are very useful for women awaiting and clumsy child. They prevent constipation, positively affect the fetus, lactation and quality of milk.
The fruits of apricot have different varieties and contain different levels of polyphenols, as machex et al-general. Chlorogenic acid (5-coffee acid) is a dominant phenolic compound in apricots. Other phenolic compounds determined in apricots are neochlorogenic acid, coffee acid, n-cumar acid, feralic acid and their complex esters. (+) - catechin and ( -) - Epicatechin are also determined in the fruits of apricot and their products. Flavonols in apricots are found mainly in the form of glucose and rutinosides of quercetin and campfall, however, quercetin 3-rutinoside (routine) prevails. [8] The fruits of apricot contain various levels of phytochemical substances, such as vitamins, carotenoids and polyphenols, which are determining factors of taste, color and nutritional value of the fruits.
Apricots contain nutrients such as β-carotene, retinol, vitamin E and lycopene. [9], [10]
Unfortunately, apricots with diabetes can do harm-first of all, because of the abundance of sugar. They are also incompatible with meat and some other products; Due to their incompatibility, troubles with the stomach and a sharp rise in blood sugar may occur.
- However, no matter how many laudatory words to honey fruits may sound, you should not consider them a panacea and try to eat only them. A normal portion for a healthy person is limited: from 100 to 300g per day.
Speaking about apricots, we mean first of all fresh fruits. Dry, canned, frozen, and bones of fruits have their own benefits. By the way, from the latter they even make a filling for home pies. Not to mention jam, pastille, compotes, tea, dumplings, pies and cakes, whose recipes every housewife has.
Skillful hands use everything, up to leaves and bark, resinous discharge of apricot wood. And not only as food, but also a cosmetic product. Women add the pulp to the shampoos, and the ground bones are added to scrubs.
Apricot bones for diabetes
Not everyone knows that the bones can be useful, so they are calmly thrown away after eating fruits.
The nuclei of the apricot consist of glycosides, including amygdalin, oil, including oleic acid and linoleic acid, essential oils, such as benzaldehyde. In addition, apricot bones contain polyphenols, such as flavonoids and, accordingly, gallic acid. [11] The presence of Oleinova and linoleic acids in the nucleus of the apricot increases its food and drug value. [12]
They have antiperibratic (anti-cancer), [13] antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal [14] and other pharmacological properties. [15]
Diabetes dried apricots
When we are talking about apricots in diabetes, one cannot help but mention whether dried apricots in diabetes are useful. These are dried fruits with seized bones. The polyphenol profile of dried apricots is as follows: epicatechins, chlorogenic acid, routine, feralic and gallic acid. [16]
There are disagreements among specialists in this matter. Some argue that kuraga, as other dried fruits, is a danger, since it contains sugar in high concentration. Others assure that the main thing is the glycemic index, and it is easy to avoid complications if the products are strictly dosed, and the dried apricots are especially.
Numerous beneficial substances necessary for the body of diabetics are also indicated in her favor. When choosing a dried fruit, pay attention to its appearance. Natural processing gives not as bright as chemical, but quality products. Chemists make the product beautiful, but dangerous.
What can and what can not?
What fruits can not be a network for diabetes?
Information about what fruits cannot be eaten with diabetes mellitus can be found in special tables. The rest of the products are also indicated in them, but fruits are of particular importance, since they are distinguished by a sugar-seductive effect. The patient should know about each fruit: which one can sharply increase, and which stabilizes the sugar indicator?
- Earlier it was believed that fruits in the diet of a diabetic are unacceptable. Modern medicine is convinced that without them a person lacks vitamins, and this does not contribute to treatment. And what is correctly selected fruits, among them - apricots in diabetes, on the contrary, normalize the level of glucose.
Fresh apples, oranges, pears, peaches - also in the list of permitted ones. Modularity is the second condition for fruit consumption. You should not even get carried away even with unsweetened fruits. So, 3 apricots are enough. The best time for them is the first half of the day, between meals.
The task of the diet is to minimize sugar. Fast carbohydrates are not allowed, therefore, it is banned - sweet grapes, watermelon, cherries, bananas, melons. Dried apricots are also in this column, as well as fruit and berry juices of under-aid production. Although some sources say that those dried fruits are allowed that are not fresh in fresh form. And the forbidden belongs figs, raisins, dates, dried slices of bananas.
It should be noted that even in a slightly “trimmed” form, a fruit menu in diabetes is varied enough so that the patient’s life is not devoid of taste amenities.
According to some, diabetes mellitus is a contraindication for the use of all sweet fruits, apricot in all forms including. Others believe that apricot in diabetes in moderate quantities will be very useful. And real contraindications are different: liver diseases, allergies, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis.
Perhaps this contradiction is caused by individual differences in patients. But there are general contraindications, it is hypotension, age up to a year, a tendency to digestive disorders.
Possible complications
The use of on an empty stomach apricot in diabetes is fraught with disorders, up to poisoning. Complications of the same nature are possible if you eat fruits after dense meat food.
- It should be remembered that canned apricots and compotes should not be eaten: they are sweeter than fresh and dried. At the same time, the bright yellow Fresh is useful and absorbed better than entire fruits.
A large portion causes diarrhea, in prone to hypotension - a dedicated pressure. Among the rare, but possible complications, dizziness, hypotension, respiratory impairment and heart contractions, invagination due to obstruction of the small intestine caused by the use of dried apricots were observed. [17], [18]
In reviews, enthusiastic words prevail about the unique taste qualities of solar fruits associated with the eastern markets. Some call them tropical, but they are rather oriental, and the south of Ukraine, where they also bear fruit, are not yet tropics.
People share recipes for jam and pastille, dumplings and pies, tea from leaves and bark. Specifically, the benefits of apricot in diabetes are written little. One doctor recommends that diabetics completely abandon all berries and fruits and make reviews of people with SD2 who have reached remission exclusively thanks to such a victim.
The theme of apricot in diabetes is ambiguous. A sick disease should approach the issue thoroughly, relying on the recommendations of the attending endocrinologist and the body's reaction to the product. If the well-being and blood indicators do not change, and the doctor does not prohibit, then the infrequent use of apricot in moderate quantities is not a danger.