

Fructose in type 1 and type 2 diabetes

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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Normal food sugar consists of two sugarids: glucose and fructose. In a free state, it is in all sweet fruits, honey. It was previously believed that fructose is a sugar substitute for diabetes, because To penetrate its cells, insulin is not needed, unlike glucose. The disadvantage of the transbeline protein activated by insulin, or the insensitiveness of the cells to it leads to the accumulation of sugar in the blood, which is dangerous for all body systems, and for the pancreas is generally destructive. So how to replace sugar diabetics? [1]

Studies on both healthy and diabetic entities showed that fructose causes a lower postprandial increase in glucose in blood plasma and serum insulin than other common carbohydrates. [2]

Fructose instead of sugar with diabetes

What made you look at fructose differently? Modern studies have shown that a person does not have enzymes that can process it. Because of this, it enters the liver, where glucose and poor cholesterol are formed from it, and most often it turns into fat and helps to accumulate its subcutaneous deposits. In addition, fructose is highly calorie and although it is positioned as diabetic products, it actually increases the craving for sweet food, enhances appetite. How to abandon sweets with diabetes? First of all, you need to refuse sugar in its pure form, and use sweeteners or sweet fruits in a small amount (except for grapes, bananas) as sweets). At least their fiber slows down the process of absorption of carbohydrates. Fans of flour desserts first need to limit themselves to portions, and then gradually learn to cook them themselves or buy in gastronomes in special departments. [3]

Is fructose possible with type 1 and 2 diabetes?

The attitude to fructose is very contradictory, the results of numerous studies that exclude each other are given scientific publications. Nevertheless, its molecules are in 90% of all products in the world, including those that are on the shelves of departments for diabetics. It is believed that diabetics can be consumed by fructose if bread units entering the body strictly calculate and control, and with type 1 diabetes, it is possible to adjust the dose of insulin. [4]

Fructose with diabetes of pregnant women

A change in hormonal background in pregnant women sometimes leads to the development of diabetes, called "gestational". Its main treatment is diet therapy. It involves a decrease in the daily energy value of the diet by an average of a third mainly due to a decrease in the total amount of carbohydrate consumption. Fast should be removed from the diet and replaced with complex, rich in dietary fiber. Any sucrose substitutes, including fructose, are contraindicated in pregnant women, because They are able to negatively affect embryonic development. [5] It is proved that dietary fructose or low protein consumption during pregnancy can aggravate glucose homeostasis, causing gestational diabetes and obesity of the liver. [6]


Here are the most common judgments about the benefits and dangers of fructose in diabetes. As arguments for it, the following facts are attributed:

  • It increases blood sugar than sucrose, which means it makes it possible to avoid hyperglycemia; [7]
  • It has a low glycemic index (20 units), in sugar it is 70;
  • Fructose is almost 2 times sweeter than sugar, which allows you to use it less;
  • Caries does not occur from it, so it is used in chewing gums and toothpaste;
  • Hypoallergenicity.

The harm of fructose

Speaking about the dangers, data on its ability to cause obesity, negative effects on the liver, the occurrence of dependence on it, high calorie content. The latter questioned the statement that fructose should be used when losing weight, in addition, it enhances the feeling of hunger due to an increase in the hormone of ghrelin, stimulating it.

There is a fear that fructose can be a factor contributing to the growth of the prevalence of obesity around the world. Factosis stimulates the secretion of insulin less than glucose and glucose-containing carbohydrates. Since insulin increases the release of leptin, the low level of circulating insulin and leptin after taking fructose can suppress appetite less than the consumption of other carbohydrates, and lead to an increase in energy consumption. Nevertheless, there is no convincing experimental evidence that dietary fructose really increases energy consumption. There is also no evidence that fructose accelerates the glycation of protein. High consumption of fructose was associated with an increased risk of gout in men [8], [9] and an increased risk of renal stones. [10] dietary fructose, apparently, has an adverse effect on triglycerides in blood serum after eating, so the addition of fructose in large quantities to the diet is undesirable. Glucose can be a suitable sugar substitute. Factose, which is naturally contained in fruits and vegetables, provides only a small amount of dietary fructose and should not cause anxiety. [11], [12]

Frietosis products for diabetes mellitus

The thoughtfulness of your menu, the inclusion of products in it that do not cause a sharp jump in glucose, but containing it at a normal level - the key to the stable state of the diabetics. For this, there are fructose products, here are some of them:

  • Diabetes fructose jam - it is easy to cook yourself, using various fruits in the summer season, berries with a low glycemic index with the addition of fructose. Due to the fact that it is sweeter than sugar, it needs less (per kilogram of fruits 500-600g), and such a dessert is very fragrant. It’s not worth boiling jam, because In this case, the concentration of natural sugars increases, and use the thickeners of agar-agar or gelatin;
  • Cookies on diabetes with diabetes - often fans of confectionery products are difficult to abandon them, even knowing about the dangers of such products. Baking will come to the revenue with the addition of fructose, in which you need to use rye, oatmeal or buckwheat flour without adding eggs and butter. Its baking time should be minimal. A considerable assortment of such products in the retail network;
  • Sweets on fructose for diabetes are produced without the use of sugar-sand. Depending on the manufacturer and the type, they have different taste, but a low glycemic index. To satisfy the daily norm of the body in fructose, 40 mg is enough, in terms of sweets, it is an average of 3 pieces;
  • Halva on fructose with type 2 diabetes - the composition of such halva is different from the usual one. It includes neither dyes nor preservatives. The best raw materials for her are sunflower seeds, nuts, licorice root, milk dry serum. Despite this, Halva is a high-calorie product, there are fats, carbohydrates in it, and the amount of hee is close to critical (4.2), so it is not worth abusing it.


Factose is contraindicated for people with allergies for it. Its immoderate consumption contributes to obesity, [13] to develop a metabolic syndrome, [14] can cause cardiovascular pathologies. [15]

Sorbitis or fructose, which is better with diabetes?

What to give preference to diabetics, fructose or sorbitis? There are different opinions on this subject. The fructose is more sweet, so it is less necessary. On the other hand, it stimulates appetite, participates in the synthesis of fat, increases uric acid production. [16] Sorbite cleanses the liver well, reduces intraocular pressure, relieves edema, but often causes allergic reactions. The endocrinologist and his own experience of its application will help to help in choosing a sugar-substitute.

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