Analysis for the lack of vitamins D3, B12, E for an adult and a child
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Vitamins are a number of vitally important substances, without which the normal activity of all cellular structures is impossible. Lack of vitamins badly affects the overall indicators of human health and the functions of individual organs. But it is not always possible to understand why this or that dysfunction occurs, in such cases the doctor recommends taking an analysis for vitamins to find out the root cause of poor health or some negative symptoms.
Complex analysis of vitamins
The main purpose of vitamins is the regulation of metabolic processes and the normalization of all biological, chemical and physiological reactions in the body.
Without vitamins, normal blood formation is impossible, high-quality work of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, digestive tract, human immunity.
Vitamins take part in the formation of enzymes, hormonal substances, strengthen the body in relation to the effects of intoxication and other irritating factors.
Vitamins are present in foods, but in small amounts, so they are referred to as so-called micronutrients.
To the category of vitamins can not be attributed either trace elements, or irreplaceable amino acids.
The presence of the necessary amount of vitamins in the body should be taken seriously. Disturbances in nutrition, improper digestion of food, long and severe illnesses and taking certain medications can seriously affect the content of vitamins in the body. To avoid unpleasant consequences for health, you need to consult a doctor and give a comprehensive analysis of vitamins - only so you can draw conclusions about the need for additional intake of these or other vitamin preparations.
Indications for the procedure of the analysis of vitamins
As a rule, doctors recommend taking an analysis for the content of vitamins for suspected hypovitaminosis, or beriberi.
- Hypovitaminosis is a condition that develops when there is insufficient intake of certain vitamins into the body. This condition is formed gradually, and is often characterized by irritability, constant fatigue, impaired concentration, decreased appetite, insomnia or drowsiness. With regular hypovitaminosis, overall performance decreases, skin and mucous membranes deteriorate, immunity is impaired. In some cases, the reproductive system, intellectual and physical abilities, growth and development of a person may suffer.
- Avitaminosis is the hardest variant of vitamin deficiency, which can occur with prolonged absence of vitamins in food, or when it is impossible to absorb them in the digestive tract. This leads to a powerful metabolic disruption, especially when it comes to patients of childhood and adolescence. The main symptoms of avitaminosis can be called:
- lethargy and pallor of the skin, a tendency to dryness;
- dryness and "lifelessness" of hair, hair loss;
- deterioration of appetite;
- cracks on the lips, "jamming";
- bleeding of the oral mucosa, loosening of the teeth;
- recurrent colds;
- excessive irritability, fatigue, indifference;
- deterioration of mental activity;
- problems with sleep;
- deterioration of vision;
- frequent exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
In addition, doctors often recommend donating blood to study the level of vitamins at such times when there is a high probability of their lack - these are the periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, puberty, etc.
The analysis for vitamins is done, observing the following training rules:
- Blood for study is better to take in the morning, on an empty stomach - preferably at 8-11 hours. Since the last meal should take at least eight hours, but not more than 14 hours. Water (still and without additives) is allowed to drink. A few days before the analysis can not overeat.
- If you are taking or have recently taken any medicinal and vitamin preparations, be sure to tell the lab technician.
- Do not drink alcohol a day before the analysis, and smoke - an hour before taking blood.
Upon arrival in the laboratory, it is recommended to sit down for 10-15 minutes, calm down, catch your breath, and only after that go to the treatment room for the analysis. Physical and emotional overloads do not have the best effect on blood composition.
Who to contact?
Technique of the analysis of vitamins
Blood for analysis for vitamins is taken from the vein, observing sterile conditions. The following sequential manipulations are performed as standard:
- Mark the container for analysis, coordinate information with the patient's data, put them in a special journal (conventional or electronic);
- the patient sits down on a chair next to the manipulation table;
- The patient's hand is fixed on the special stand with the palm upward, while the elbow joint should be maximally straightened (a special cushion or hard cushion is placed under it);
- the health care provider applies a tourniquet to the middle 1/3 of the shoulder, processes the elbow skin with alcohol;
- the patient makes the clenching and unclenching of the fist for the utmost fullness of the ulnar vein, then leaves the fist clenched;
- the health care provider punctures the vein, takes the blood for analysis, removes the needle from the vein and presses the cotton ball soaked in alcohol to the injection site;
- the patient is asked to bend his arm in the elbow for about five minutes, so that a clot forms in the zone of damage to the vein - this will help prevent the formation of a "bruise" at the injection site.
Further, the labeled blood test tube is placed by the health worker in a container specially designed for this purpose and sent to a study. Usually it takes 24 hours to get results.
Analysis for vitamins and trace elements
If bad habits are alien to you, you lead a mobile or even sporty way of life, eat right and often are in the open air, then you hardly need analysis for vitamins and trace elements. But to date, this is rare: people often have hypodynamia, while many live in an unfavorable ecological setting and lead a not quite the right way of life. Therefore, the deficit of all kinds of substances beneficial to the organism happens everywhere. Unfortunately, not all people control the content of essential vitamins and trace elements in their bodies.
Physicians are advised to periodically give blood for such an analysis to all those who live in large settlements, suffer from chronic pathologies, as well as children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women and people of age.
This analysis is especially needed for people who are often exposed to stressful situations, as well as for those who like to "sit" on strict or monotonous diets.
- The analysis for vitamin D is not considered an obligatory type of research: it is prescribed only by indications. Typically, this analysis is appropriate for monitoring the condition of young children and women during pregnancy.
- The analysis for B vitamins is especially often used to diagnose diseases in the elderly, as with age, the assimilation of these vitamins can worsen. Deficiency of B-group vitamins leads to disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, to accumulation of lactic acid, to damage to the nervous system, to disruption of myocardial contractility and to dyspepsia.
- The analysis for vitamin B 12 and folic acid can be prescribed for both pregnancy and certain pathological symptoms, such as digestive disorders, prolonged depression, fatigue, paresis, stomatitis, frequent headaches, severe menstrual pain. These vitamins are responsible for the work of the reproductive system, for the condition of hair and skin, for memory and mindfulness, for the exchange of fats and carbohydrates in the body.
- The analysis for vitamin B 6 is carried out with a decrease in immunity, nervous disorders, skin diseases, convulsions. This vitamin is fat-soluble. He is responsible for metabolism and the formation of protein structures. In addition, pyridoxine takes part in the synthesis of the so-called hormone "happiness", which provides a good sleep, appetite and mood.
- The analysis for the level of vitamin B 9 is often carried out in the form of a complex analysis of vitamins. Know the level of folic acid - it's vitamin B 9 - it can be needed during pregnancy, with frequent ARI, with anemia, in the postpartum period, with a delay in sexual development, with the onset of menopause. It should also be taken into account that an excess of folic acid in the body can cause a shortage of cyanocobalamin, a vitamin B 12, in the blood .
- The analysis for vitamin B 2 may be needed in the diagnosis of skin diseases, sluggish healing ulcers and wounds, diabetes mellitus, anemia and cirrhosis. In addition, the vitamin breaks down under the influence of alcoholic beverages, so it is often not enough for people suffering from alcoholism. Regular deficiency of the vitamin is fraught with stomatitis, alopecia, digestive disorders, mental deterioration, growth retardation.
- Analysis for vitamin E is often necessary in diagnosing the causes of infertility and other disorders of the reproductive system. In addition, information on the content of tocopherol can be useful for patients with increased thrombosis, with hormonal dysfunction, with immunity failures, with hypertension, with early signs of aging. The main symptoms of lack of vitamin E are: mood instability, apathy, infertility, the appearance of pigment spots on the body.
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Analysis of hair for vitamins
Inadequate nutrition, stress, sedentary lifestyle - all these factors together can lead to a breakdown of the vitamin and microelement balance. If the body remains in this state for a long time, it often leads to disruption of metabolic processes and to the development of various chronic pathologies. To counter these consequences, it is possible and necessary, but for this it is important to know which substance in the body is not enough.
The analysis for vitamins is recommended for those who have weakened immunity, have mental disorders, physical activity is impaired. The analysis of hair for vitamins can be carried out from the age of three, as well as to all adults, especially during the recovery from severe illnesses or surgeries.
Why hair is used? It's simple: the hair reflects the biological and chemical state of the body, while the hair provides information about this state in a few weeks - unlike the composition of the blood, which can change in a few hours. In addition, the chemical composition of the hair does not change even with long-term transport.
Hair accumulates in itself all the vitamins and trace elements that are present in the body, reflecting the real picture in a few weeks, which makes the results of the analysis more accurate.
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Analysis for vitamins in pregnancy
The study of blood during pregnancy is a measure that allows you to monitor the course of the gestation process, the health of the future baby and even the course of labor.
To the fetus was formed normally, and its growth and development did not cause fear, a woman is recommended to take all the tests that the doctor suggests. Important in pregnancy is a full meal - this can tell any obstetrician-gynecologist. From the diet directly depends on how the woman will feel, and how the child will develop.
Particular attention should be paid to the presence of all important vitamins and trace elements in the products used. The fact is that the lack of useful substances can cause various troubles in such an important physiological period.
Often, doctors do not offer to pass an analysis on vitamins, but simply designate a complex multivitamin agent to replenish the body in the necessary supplies. However, in some cases, you need to know exactly which substance is not enough: and then you have to resort to the help of laboratory analysis.
It is especially important during pregnancy to know the level of vitamins of group B, vitamin D, E, A and folic acid.
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Analysis for vitamins in infants
Analyzes that allow you to control the level of vitamins in the body can be carried out by all - and even infants. True, only the analysis for vitamin D is indicative at this age - this is an important component that is necessary, first of all, for the correct development of the bone system, and also performs other significant functions:
- takes part in the synthesis of peptides, which stabilize the balance of insulin, blood pressure, the work of the nervous system;
- strengthens immune defense;
- prevents the development of inflammatory reactions;
- creates protection against cancer cell degeneration;
- prevents the development of diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
An analysis for vitamin D the doctor can prescribe for such suspicious symptoms:
- with calcium deficiency and excess phosphorus in the blood;
- with sweating of the palms, feet, scalp;
- with increased excitability and poor appetite of the baby;
- when hair falls on the back of the head;
- with a bad dream.
Normal performance
Some vitamins act as independent substances, and some exist in a complex - for example, vitamin group B. Ascorbic acid and vitamins B are considered water soluble, and vitamins such as A, E and D are fat-soluble.
The systematic shortage of these vitamins can cause serious disruption in the body. For example, the daily need for an organism in vitamin A is 900 mcg, and with its lack, the well-known disease "night blindness" develops. However, the excess level of this vitamin is no less dangerous: during pregnancy, it can lead to underdevelopment of the fetus and to general intoxication.
Deficiency of B-group vitamins often leads to the appearance of dermatitis, disruption of the psyche and the failure of metabolic processes, impairment of visual function and memory, allopecia, arthralgia.
For lack of ascorbic acid, frequent bleeding is typical - bleeding is especially susceptible to the mucous nasal and oral cavity. The most severe manifestation of the deficiency of "ascorbic" is scurvy.
When there is a shortage of vitamin D, there is a gradual softening of the bone apparatus, and rickets develop.
When there is a shortage of tocopherol (vitamin E), the work of the nervous and muscular systems is disrupted, anemia appears.
The greatest demand in laboratories is used for analysis of vitamins D, B 12 and folic acid. Normal indicators of these vitamins:
- D: 25 to 80 ng per ml;
- B 12 : 187 to 883 ng per ml;
- Folic acid: from 3.1 to 20.5 ng per ml.
Analyzes for vitamins can be carried out, both for each vitamin separately, and as part of a complex study - including, and on the microelement composition of the blood. Such a complex analysis is recommended to be carried out periodically to prevent a variety of diseases associated with a deficiency of vitamin and mineral substances in the body.
The device for analysis
Analyzes for vitamins are preferable to take in complex multidisciplinary laboratories, which are equipped with modern precision equipment. This equipment complies with existing international standards. In addition, in large laboratories are always responsibly approach any kind of diagnostics, and also use quality reagents for analysis.
If you want to make sure that the laboratory you choose is up-to-date, ask what equipment is being researched. It's great if the lab technicians use a special immunochemiluminescent analyzer that can be used not only for vitamins, but also for hormones, blood tests for infection, cardio oncomarkers, and even markers of osteoporosis.
With good equipment, it is possible to conduct medical manipulations qualitatively, safely and without any discomfort to the patient. The results in this case are highly accurate and clear.
Raising and lowering of values
How to determine the results of tests for a particular vitamin? We recommend using this table of reference values:
Level of copper |
From 575 to 1725 μg per liter |
The level of vitamin A |
0.3 to 0.8 μg per ml |
Β-carotene |
From 100 to 850 ng per ml |
Vitamin B 1 |
From 45 to 103 ng per ml |
Vitamin B 2 |
From 70 to 370 ng per ml |
Vitamin B 3 |
From 3 to 36 ng per ml |
Vitamin B 5 |
From 0.2 to 1.8 ng per ml |
Vitamin B 6 |
From 7 to 52 ng per ml |
Vitamin B 9 |
2.5 to 15 ng per ml |
Vitamin B 12 |
From 187 to 833 pg per ml |
Ascorbic acid |
4 to 20 μg per ml |
Vitamin E |
5 to 18 μg per ml |
Vitamin D |
From 25 to 80 ng per ml |
Vitamin K |
0.1 to 2.2 ng per ml |
Elevated levels of vitamins occur when improper or chaotic introduction into the body of various vitamin preparations.
The low content is typical for many diseases and conditions:
- starvation, feeding;
- diseases of the digestive system, liver;
- eating disorders;
- violation of the assimilation of individual vitamins or amino acids;
- presence of helminths;
- postoperative period, rehabilitation period;
- Thyroid gland diseases, tumors, chronic alcoholism;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding.
In order to maintain their own health and prevent the development of various diseases, it is very important to maintain the necessary level of vitamins and minerals in the body. A high-grade high-grade food can quite "cover" the daily need for useful components.
Vitamins give a person beauty, well-being, youth, so it is desirable to control their content in the blood. To do this, you only need to periodically take an analysis of vitamins, which will help determine exactly what our body lacks.