Obstruction of the fallopian tubes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is a serious disease that develops due to the presence of foreign cells inside the fallopian tubes. This leads to the fact that spermatozoa and eggs can not move freely around them. Among gynecologists, it is believed that the obstruction of the fallopian tubes is one of the main causes of infertility in women.
According to statistics, 25% of all women in the world who are infertile, suffer from obstruction of the fallopian tubes. It is worth paying attention, an alien cell can interfere not in the tube itself, but even between the ovaries and the tube, creating a kind of spike. In this case, doctors diagnose difficult infertility.
Causes of the obstruction of the fallopian tubes
To date, doctors are aware of the following causes of obstruction of the fallopian tubes:
- Carrying out of various surgical interventions. Especially often this happens if the operation lasts long enough, if there is a purulent process, bleeding.
- Transferring some diseases to the female part. For example, during salpingitis, the external opening of the tube can "close", and microorganisms harmful to health develop in the peritoneum.
- Some diseases that are transmitted sexually (gonorrhea, chlamydia).
- The development of endometriosis, when there is a proliferation of tissue, similar to the structure of the uterus.
- The appearance of adhesions due to abortion, inflammation of the appendages, cauterization on the cervix, cesarean section, uterine trauma.
Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is sometimes manifested even in those women who have never been diagnosed with any gynecological diseases.
Often, the pathogenesis develops in those who underwent any surgical interventions (including cauterization), and also because of inheritance (it happens that the fallopian tubes are missing or underdeveloped).
Symptoms of the obstruction of the fallopian tubes
The biggest problem of this disease is the fact that it is completely asymptomatic. That is, a woman may not even suspect that she is sick. Sometimes it turns out to suspect that something is wrong, if there are uncaused pains in the lower abdomen, bleeding and high fever appear. All this speaks for an inflammatory process, in which it is necessary to immediately consult a gynecologist. Another symptom is the inability to conceive, especially if the couple is planning this for a long time.
First signs
As already mentioned above, this pathology develops without particularly noticeable symptoms, so women do not rush to the gynecologist. But the first signs of obstruction of the fallopian tubes are still there and they need to pay special attention. It is worth immediately visiting a doctor if you:
- Frequent allocation of yellow color.
- Monthly pass very painful.
- Sexual intercourse is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.
- Sometimes you feel a drawing pain.
Where does it hurt?
Complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes
There are two types of obstruction of the fallopian tubes: complete and partial. Complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes is a serious disease in which a woman can not conceive naturally. In such a case, compulsory treatment is suggested, as well as the possibility of in-unit fertilization (intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization).
Partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes
Partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes implies that spermatozoa can easily reach the egg and fertilize it, but the egg does not reach the uterus, which can cause ectopic pregnancy.
Obstruction of both fallopian tubes
More often in patients there is an obstruction of only one uterine tube. In this case, after proper medical intervention (surgically), you can talk about the possibility of becoming pregnant. Also sometimes offer a piece pregnancy. But sometimes there is obstruction of both fallopian tubes, which develops for a hereditary reason or because of some anomalies.
Complications and consequences
The most important problem, which is observed in many women with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, is infertility. That's why doctors recommend to undergo gynecological examination at least twice a year. This will allow diagnosing and curing pathology in its very bud.
Can I become pregnant if the fallopian tubes are obstructed?
Of course, such a diagnosis is disappointing, but if a patient has only one uterine tube impassable, pregnancy is possible. Only a qualified doctor can say for sure what percentage to conceive a child. In addition, an important role is played by the functional state of the ovaries, as well as the cause of the development of obstruction. However, this disease does not pose any threat to the life of a woman.
If you believe the statistics, after passing IVF a woman has a 60% chance of becoming pregnant and having a healthy child. The effectiveness of this procedure will be noticeable within two weeks after it is carried out. The most successful surgical operations are considered. After them, the chance of fertilization increases to 70%. Only with obstructed obstruction, surgical intervention brings a 20% chance. Results can be seen only a year after the operation (if a woman lives a regular sex life).
As you can see, you can get pregnant with such a disease if you have a comprehensive treatment on time.
Even if you have been diagnosed with obstruction of the fallopian tubes and have performed correct treatment, complications can sometimes occur in pregnancy. The most common complication is ectopic pregnancy. After IVF, it occurs in 2% of cases, after surgery - in 30%.
Complications after obstruction can cause inflammation in the ovaries, the uterine cavity. Pus may accumulate in the fallopian tube, which always requires urgent hospitalization.
Diagnostics of the obstruction of the fallopian tubes
Immediately it is worthwhile to understand that if the doctors notice the pathology in time and begin treatment, then its results for the patient will be more effective. That's why you need to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. If a tubal obstruction is suspected, the doctor first determines the regularity of ovulation with ultrasound. As a rule, the usual form is performed, but in some cases transvaginal ultrasound may be necessary. At the same time, the partner of the patient must pass the sperm to the analysis. If both partners have normal tests, and pregnancy does not occur, then, most likely, it's all about obstruction.
How is the diagnosis carried out?
- UGSSS (Hydro sonography) - is considered a modern alternative for transvaginal ultrasound. This study does not have high-precision results, but it is non-traumatic and completely safe. Before carrying out UGSSS in the uterus is introduced a special liquid that leveles its walls. After that, the liquid begins to flow. If the tubes are normal, it will first pass through them, and then reach the abdominal cavity. If the fallopian tubes are impassable, then the liquid can not pass through them and will stretch the uterus. With partial obstruction, the outflow process will be slow. Of course, it is impossible to see a complete picture with the help of hydro sonography, but one can diagnose pathology.
- GHA (Hysterosalpingography or X-ray) - despite the high effectiveness in modern medicine it is used extremely rarely. The point is that in the process it is necessary to inject the radioactive substance into the uterus, after which it is possible to take pictures. Usually this method is used for suspected tuberculosis of the uterus, but it is also possible if the tubes are obstructed.
- Laparoscopy - is carried out with the help of a special solution, which must be inserted into the uterus of the patient. The liquid, as in the case of hydrotonography, passes through the tubes if they are passable. The whole process is filmed on video.
- Transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy - a small incision is made in the vagina, through which you can see the state of not only the fallopian tubes, but also the area around them.
Before the main examination, the doctor asks the patients to take some tests, as the methods of diagnosis can be carried out only if there are no inflammations and diseases. For example, you can make tests for herpes, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis type C and B. Sometimes a general smear is given, which determines the flora of the vagina. Such tests are usually done only if the obstruction of the fallopian tubes is diagnosed with the help of an X-ray (GGS).
Instrumental diagnostics
One of the most popular methods of instrumental diagnostics today is fertiloscopy, which is quite similar to laparoscopy. During the diagnosis, special tools are inserted through the vagina, which allows you to better see the general picture of the patient's condition. It should be taken into account that instrumental diagnostics is a rather traumatic method, therefore some doctors prefer GHA.
If we talk about the method of diagnosis using ultrasound (hydro sonography), then immediately it is worth paying attention to its advantages:
- The procedure is less unpleasant than others (GAS, laparoscopy).
- Radioactive substances are not used, so the procedure is less dangerous for reproductive health.
- After the GHA, the woman needs some time to be protected, after ultrasound it is not necessary.
But there are disadvantages in hydro-sonography - the results will not be so precise and effective, sometimes spasms prevent you from putting an accurate diagnosis.
Conducting ultrasound should be performed before the onset of ovulation. The fact is that it is at this time that the cervix will be most open. The day of the cycle for hydrosonography does not matter. Before passing it is recommended to pass a series of tests that help determine the presence of inflammation.
This is a surgical method for diagnosing. First, the doctor makes small punctures in the abdominal wall, so that you can introduce special optical instruments. This method is quite effective and is carried out to detect a variety of pathologies. After laparoscopy, patients can feel pain. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor. Laparoscopy is not only a diagnostic, but also a therapeutic method. Today, this method is performed with the least damage to the skin. Usually, the doctor does two small incisions. Sometimes gas can be used to improve the image and increase the passage. In one of the sections insert a special instrument (laparoscope), which looks like a thin tube with a lens at the end. In the other, a manipulator that helps to move internal organs.
After laparoscopy, you need:
- Day spent in the hospital, so that the doctor could monitor her condition. Usually at this time an additional ultrasound is performed. You can return to work on the second-third day after the operation.
- Refuse alcoholic beverages and hard foods for at least a few weeks. In order not to carry the infection, postpone sexual relations for two to three weeks.
- Increase the physical load evenly.
After laparoscopy, the first months will be abundant. May last longer than usual. This is normal, because the organs inside can heal for a long time. After the procedure, pregnancy can come in a few months. At the same time it is regularly observed at the gynecologist. If fertilization does not occur, the procedure is repeated.
What do need to examine?
Differential diagnosis
The only method of differential diagnosis in the obstruction of the fallopian tubes is USGSS. It helps to see how advanced the disease is, and also does not injure internal organs and skin. Unfortunately, with its help you can not see the full picture of the obstruction.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the obstruction of the fallopian tubes
First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that none of the above diagnostic methods can give 100% confidence in the disease. Therefore, almost every patient has a chance to become pregnant. For the treatment of obstruction, a variety of modern methods are used, among which:
- ECO.
- Assertive therapy.
- Laparoscopy.
If the gynecologist nevertheless has defined or determined at you an obstruction of fallopian tubes, it is not necessary to despair. First the doctor should check whether there are other gynecological or other problems that can cause infertility. Further, various surveys are carried out, which include:
- Checking the regularity of female ovulation.
- Definition of violations in the hormonal background.
- Checking the mucous uterus for problems.
- Spermogram for a man.
If all these tests show that the female body works without failures, and the quality of male sperm at a high level, then the doctor can advise two methods of treating obstruction: operative and conservative.
Conservative treatment includes the taking of various drugs that are aimed at treating inflammatory processes that can occur in the appendages of the uterus. They usually prescribe injections of antibiotics, "Longidase" injection courses, physical therapy (electrophoresis, which helps improve blood circulation locally). But it is worthwhile to understand that such treatment can be effective only if the spikes only started to develop.
Surgical intervention is recommended only if a woman has only one uterine tube obstructed. In addition, surgery is not performed after 35 years or with irregularities in the cycle of ovulation.
Unfortunately, even surgical treatment does not always give a 100% result on the possibility of getting pregnant. The penetration of pipes can not be restored if their reduction is violated or the activity of the pili is not working properly.
If you have been diagnosed with "obstruction of both fallopian tubes," you should not waste time on treatment. In order to give birth in this case will help only IVF. Sometimes laparoscopy is also performed, which is not only a diagnostic method.
It is worthwhile to understand that surgical intervention in itself does not give a guarantee of getting pregnant. For a positive result, it is necessary to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner and simultaneously use resorptive treatment and physiotherapy. It is also necessary to adjust the hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle.
The treatment is strongly influenced by the age of the patient, as well as additional factors.
IVF in obstruction of fallopian tubes
IVF or in vitro fertilization is a modern method of treating various forms of infertility. Including complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Its effectiveness is not too high, since pregnancy occurs in 25-30% of cases. Before IVF, a man and a woman should take some tests. The patient gives: a blood test, does ultrasound, conducts a test for hepatitis, AIDS, syphilis. Her partner must pass: spermogram. Sometimes you need to conduct genetic examinations. On average, the delivery of tests and preparation for IVF will take about 14 days.
Next, the patient is prescribed hormonal drugs that will help in the maturation of several follicles. After giving all the tests, a woman is given a puncture of the follicles. Ripened follicles are extracted through the vagina with a special needle. This allows you to get several eggs ready for fertilization. Further, the required amount of sperm from the partner is obtained.
The conception itself is carried out in a special embryology laboratory. With the help of special solutions, doctors connect the egg with spermatozoa. Maximum after 4 days embryos are ready for the next stage. The embryo is examined before transferring it to the uterus. The simplest procedure is proper transfer. It is carried out through a special catheter. As a rule, several fertilized cells are used. After the procedure the patient can safely continue her usual life. But it is necessary to avoid high physical and strong emotional loads.
The most common drugs for tubal obstruction are various injections of antibiotics and resorptive therapy. Also use hormonal drugs that help restore balance and menstrual cycle.
- Especially popular today are injections of the placenta, which help to remove the possible inflammation and resolve the adhesions. The liquid has no color and no precipitate. Usually it is recommended to inject 1 ml each day under the skin.
- Femoston is a medical product that helps with hormone therapy. The composition includes dydrogesterone and estradiol. When ingested, it helps to increase the amount of estrogen. Prescribe usually one tablet every day. Please note that you must drink strictly at the same time.
- Duphaston - helps restore hormonal balance. Assign for each patient individually according to the diagnosis. Has side effects in the form of bleeding, but they are very rare. The drug should not be taken to patients with the syndromes of Dabin-Johnson and Rotor, in pregnancy it is not contraindicated.
Please note that only a professional doctor can prescribe medicines. Do not self-medicate.
Suppositories in obstruction of the fallopian tubes
In some cases, in the obstruction of the fallopian tubes, special candles are prescribed, which help resolve the adhesions:
- Dispetase is a suppository with two active components in the composition (streptodornase and streptokinase). They help dissolve spikes, blood clots and pus, but do not affect healthy cells in any way. As a rule, prescribe one suppository three times a day. Among the side effects is to allocate allergies, hyperthermia, the possibility of bleeding.
- Longitude is a special complex that has anti-inflammatory, healing, antioxidant, immunomodulatory properties. Introduce the suppository in prone position, once a day. The course is determined individually by the attending physician. Sometimes patients develop allergic reactions after applying Longidase.
Some doctors prescribe patients a brand-new drug "Mesogel". It has an antiproduction property. This gel perfectly copes with the destruction of adhesions of a different nature. The preparation is based on the natural polymer of carboxymethylcellulose.
On the appearance of Mesogel differs high viscosity, is completely colorless with a homogeneous structure. The main advantage of the drug can be called the fact that it does not cause allergic reactions, is non-toxic and quite effectively fights with spikes.
It is applied directly to the site of adhesion formation. In the abdominal cavity Mesogel is delivered with a special syringe.
Alternative treatment
In alternative medicine for the treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes use a variety of herbs and medicinal plants that help resolve the adhesions. They are administered by syringing, using tampons or by taking tinctures inside. Of course, doctors are rather skeptical about alternative medicines, but some women decide to use all existing and known methods to combat blocked pipes and infertility.
In addition, it is worth noting that tinctures and medicinal herbs have the same side effects as any medications, so if you decide to take them, you should first consult your doctor. Please note that any problem can be quickly eliminated if you perform a comprehensive treatment.
Leeches with obstruction of fallopian tubes
Hirudotherapy or treatment with leeches is becoming increasingly popular among patients who are diagnosed with obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Saliva of leeches consists of special biologically active components, due to which blood circulation improves. This helps to quickly dissolve spikes. In addition, hirudotherapy helps to improve the epithelium of the uterus.
To get an effective result, you need to put three or four leeches on the area in the lower abdomen and the projection of the uterus. Sometimes put leeches even inside the vagina. They wait until they disappear on their own. The course lasts 10-15 days. Then make a 14-day break.
Massage in obstruction of the fallopian tubes
Gynecological massage is a modern alternative to surgical treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes. After a whole course of massage, 70% of women who had a blockage get pregnant and have babies.
Interestingly, the first such massage was developed 140 years ago by Toure Brandt. The course is ten procedures that are conducted every day (or every other day, depending on the individual characteristics). Massage is always performed by a gynecologist. He does not bring any painful sensations. Carry out the procedure on a special table or gynecological chair. Please note that after the first massage, the patient may feel pain in the lower abdomen. Gynecological massage consists of 4 classic components: stroking, smoothing, vibration and rubbing.
With a strong process of adhesions, the duration of the massage can be up to 20 minutes, but in normal cases it is carried out for 3-10 minutes. Remember that massage can not be carried out to women with any tumors in the pelvis, pregnancy and infectious diseases.
Mummy in obstruction of fallopian tubes
Mumiye is considered an excellent immunostimulant, it also differs bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the composition and characteristics, the mummy is often used in the treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes. How to use?
- The mummy is usually taken in the form of compresses. Special tampons are moistened in a 4% solution of the drug and injected into the vagina for a whole night. The course lasts up to 10 days. Then they take a ten-day break and then return to treatment.
Remember that during the course you should not take alcohol and other medications.
Garlic in obstruction of fallopian tubes
Sometimes in alternative medicine, garlic is used to get the body's response to cauterization. Of the plates of this plant they make special preparations and conduct a warming moxibustion. Doctors are skeptical about this method and do not recommend conducting experiments that can result in serious illnesses.
Chinese swabs
To get rid of adhesions, special Chinese phytotampones are often used, which in some cases show a positive result. Patients noted that after 4 courses the adhesions completely dissolve. In addition, Chinese tampons help to eliminate the cause of adhesions.
Advantage of Chinese phytotampins:
- Elimination of the inflammatory process.
- Rapid healing of wounds.
- Normalization of the microflora in the vagina.
Herbal Treatment
Herbs play an important role in the treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes. The most popular recipes of broth:
- Take 250 ml of vodka and add to it 20 grams of crushed dried periwinkle. Put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let it sit for another five minutes. Cool and take 15 drops three times a day on an empty stomach.
- When the rye ripens, it is necessary to cut a few young ears and wax them under the sun's rays. Of these, you need to make a mild decoction, which is taken in place of ordinary water.
- Take one tablespoon of St. John's wort and pour a glass of boiling water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes. Use in amounts of 100 grams three times a day on an empty stomach.
Boron uterus
Uterus Borovaya is a medicinal herb that has long been known for its medicinal properties. It was used by our ancestors to fight many female diseases, it is still effective today. For the treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the coronoid uterus is used in such recipes:
- Take one glass of ground grass and add a half liter of vodka. Infusion should stand in a dark place for 15 days. From time to time it should be shaken. Drink on an empty stomach for 40 drops. The infusion is diluted in a small amount of water so that it can be used without problems.
- Take the enamel bowl and pour into it 2 tablespoons of chopped uterus with a hog. Add two cups of boiling water and cover well. You can wrap it with a cloth. Insists 20 minutes, after which you can drink four times a day for half a glass.
The most common homeopathic drugs in the treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes are:
- Gammamelis - has the form of an ointment. The main feature is the fact that this drug helps resolve the adhesions. Sometimes allergic reactions may occur. The course is assigned individually.
- "Ovarium Compositum" - regulates the hormonal background, regenerates tissues, drains the walls of the fallopian tubes. Has a small anti-inflammatory effect. It takes 1-3 times in 7 days by an ampoule. Used in the form of injections. Among the side effects are a lot of salivation. There are no contraindications. The course is prescribed individually, but not more than 6 weeks.
- "Gormel" - helps to normalize the function of female genital organs. Has an anesthetic property. Produced in the form of capsules that are taken orally. There are no side effects and contraindications. The course is selected individually.
- "Galium-Hel" - as a rule, appoint three times a day for 10 drops. There were no contraindications and side effects.
Physiotherapy for obstruction of the fallopian tubes
Some types of physiotherapy are used here:
- Electrophoresis using various salts (Mg, I, Ca), biogenic stimulants and enzymes. It is held every day.
- Ultraphonophoresis - such drugs are used: terrylitin, lidase, hyaluronidase, troxevasin ointment, calcium iodide, vitamin E solution, ichthyol. It is held every day.
- Mud applications through the vagina - are used every other day.
- EHF-therapy - 1 month after the surgical intervention. The course consists of thirty procedures.
Operative treatment
In the event that conservative treatment does not bring positive results, patients are prescribed:
- Laparoscopy - the most popular form of surgery for obstruction of the fallopian tubes. A special equipment is used, which can be inserted through the vagina, through the anus or through incisions on the walls of the abdomen. Depending on the volume of the operation, the number of notches can vary.
- Laparotomy - the dissection of the anterior wall of the abdomen is carried out, which makes it possible to obtain a large enough space for manipulation. Please note that this method of treatment leaves a scar behind it. Recovery after surgery lasts quite a long time.
- Reconstructive surgery - special synthetic materials are used. Thanks to this method, tube gaps are artificially expanded.
Treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes by laser
To treat obstruction of the fallopian tubes with a laser, the introduction of a fiber into the tube is used. Then it is connected to the occlusion and affects it. To get positive results, before this, the uterus is exposed to laser radiation for 1-3 minutes. This method helps to reduce inflammation and improve repair processes.
In order to be able to conceive and not treat obstruction of the fallopian tubes in the future, any gynecological manipulation and termination of pregnancy should be carried out with the help of an experienced doctor. It is very important to ensure that there are no inflammations in the process. Before the intervention, a special treatment is often prescribed to improve the general condition of the body.
If you do not have a permanent sexual partner, use only condoms for protection. Abortions are the cause of adhesions, so think a hundred times before deciding on this.
In 40% of cases after surgery, the obstruction of the fallopian tubes passes. But here it is worth considering how serious the disease is in the patient. If irreversible changes in the epithelium took place, then the prognosis would be disappointing.
At approach of pregnancy, it is necessary to observe it at the doctor. To prevent negative consequences, pregnant women are prescribed hormonal drugs. Planning should begin immediately before the restoration itself, because in the future the spikes may again appear.