


Koreal runny nose

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The measles runny nose is included in the classic measles syndrome of "rinoocular catarrh," which is a prodromal sign of this infectious disease.


Characterized by the appearance of signs of catarrhal runny nose, which is preceded by the appearance of whitish spots on the lower nasal conchaes, on the surface of which there is an odoriform peeling of the epithelium (pathognomonic for measles by the symptom of Velsky-Filatov-Koplik.) Sharp edema of the mucous membrane and interstitial tissue causes obstruction of the nasal passages that can not be cured by vasoconstrictive First, serous, then abundant purulent discharge from the nose testifies to the activation of the saprophytic banal microbiota. The arthritic period of the common cold (2-3 days) is replaced by a period of erosion and even ulceration that can spread beyond the nasal cavity, to the upper lip, nasopharynx, mouth cavity (enanthema), pharynx, larynx. The skin remains pigmented spots.


Complications of measles runny are divided into local and emerging at a distance. Local forms include otitis and otomastoiditis, sinusitis. Complications arising at a distance include laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. The danger of measles laryngitis is the occurrence of obstruction of the larynx and asphyxia. Late complications, as many authors admit, include ozona and various degrees of atrophic rhinitis, caused by neurotrophic damage to the nasal mucosa by measles toxin.

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The diagnosis is based on the symptoms described above and the clinical picture of measles infection (a characteristic measles rash), as well as on epidemiological data. Consider the combination of enanthema with conjunctivitis.

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Treatment of measles is divided into general and local. General treatment provides appropriate benefits, prescribed by the pediatrician. Local treatment includes the care of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and nose (drinking, rinsing the mouth after eating boiled water). With accumulation of thickened mucus in the nasal cavity, pus - the introduction of proteolytic enzymes into it, a careful mechanical toilet. Also instilled into the conjunctival sac and into the nasal cavity 10-20% solution of sulfacyl-sodium 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. In case of agonizing cough caused by catarrh of the larynx and trachea, children of early age are prescribed pertussin (1 teaspoon or a dessert spoon 3 times a day), older children and adults - non-narcotic antitussives (glauvent, libexin, tusuprex, etc.).


The prognosis for measles is usually favorable, however, recovery is slow. Within 2-8 weeks or more, the convalescents may have an asthenic syndrome - a symptom complex characterized by irritability, physical weakness, increased mental fatigue and an unstable mood; may be the initial manifestation of all mental illnesses. Postponed infection contributes to exacerbation of chronic diseases, sometimes there are endocrine diseases. Deaths are rare in older children with measles complicated by encephalitis.

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