


Dyspepsia: Diagnosis

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diagnosis of dyspepsia is based on anamnestic data, which allows you to understand the nature and diet; assessment of clinical signs of the disease, the results of macro- and microscopic examination of stool. At the same time, the data of X-ray and endoscopic methods are not very informative. To a certain extent, the definition of enzymes in duodeno-enonal contents and feces can help, and in far-reaching cases - tests on the absorption of various substances and the study of parietal digestion.

Differentiate alimentary dyspepsia follows from diseases that occur with the syndrome of impaired digestion (atrophic gastritis, chronic enteritis, chronic pancreatitis with exocrine insufficiency, etc.). The association of the disease with nutritional errors and the exclusion of functional and morphological changes in other digestive organs, as well as the elimination of intestinal dyspepsia after normalization of nutrition, help to correctly diagnose.

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