Kidney inflammation
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diseases, which are a varied inflammation of the kidneys - a fairly common phenomenon in urological practice. Among them there is a number of pathological conditions, called nephritis. The process of inflammation can be local or limited in nature with different variants of the flow, which directly depend on the type and amount of bacterial flora in the kidneys and urinary tract.
Causes of the inflammation of the kidneys
Nephritis is a serious enough and unpleasant disease that develops within a short time after getting the infectious agent into the urinary tract, with bacterial involvement of the calyceal system of the kidneys, renal tubules, glomeruli and circulatory system.
Nephritis can develop as a separate pathological process, or be connected as a complicated course of some major diseases (urolithiasis and frequent attacks of renal colic, acute renal failure, gynecological disorders of infectious etiology, inflammation in the male reproductive system).
The most likely causes of the inflammatory reaction in the kidneys can be:
- frequent and prolonged hypothermia, temperature stresses, weakening of the body's immune system;
- prolonged inactivity, stagnation of blood;
- presence of bad habits, such as smoking and excessive use of alcohol;
- too active playing sports;
- irrational and irregular meals, the use of stale foods, as well as the use of a large number of spicy spices and salt in the preparation of dishes;
- overflowing the bladder, frequent attempts to "suffer";
- prolonged use of antibiotics in inadequate quantities.
Also, the presence of renal inflammation can contribute to the presence of diabetes mellitus or various chronic inflammatory conditions in the body.
Symptoms of the inflammation of the kidneys
The most common manifestations of inflammatory lesions of the kidney are:
- lumbar pain, sometimes on the one hand;
- disorders of urinary function;
- a syndrome of the general intoxication of an organism;
- clouding of urine.
Symptoms may differ depending on the stage and variant of the course of the disease.
The first signs of inflammation of the kidneys
One of the primary signs of inflammation of the kidneys can be pulling or pressing up pains in the lumbar zone. Often this pain is confused with the manifestation of sciatica or lumbago. Identify the nature of pain through percussion.
Along with pain, there is an increase in symptoms of ubiquitous intoxication of the body: temperature jumps, chills, urination disorders, nausea, weakness, dizziness. There may be swelling of the face, or ubiquitous swelling of the body, appetite disappears. Sometimes there is a sharp increase in blood pressure, headache, excessive sweating.
Unfortunately, often this development of the disease is taken for signs of common cold or the symptoms of respiratory infection, without addressing the doctor and trying to cure the disease on their own. In a domestic environment, symptoms can be eliminated, but untreated inflammation remains. In the future, clinical symptoms can manifest themselves with renewed vigor, the course of the disease can be complicated by other pathological processes, it will become much more difficult to treat such a condition.
Temperature with inflammation of the kidneys
As is known, the normal temperature of the human body is 36.6 ° C. This temperature is most comfortable for the course of vital reactions and the maintenance of normal blood biochemistry. In most cases, hyperthermia is an attempt by the body to protect itself from any undesirable processes occurring in it. They can be the introduction of foreign bacteria or viruses, the development of inflammatory changes, the impact of external factors.
In the pathology of infectious genesis in the urinary and kidneys, excess body temperature can be noted, from subfebrile to higher levels, depending on the stage and severity of the process.
With a chronic form of nephritis, the temperature is often subfebrile (within 37-37.5 ° C). The acute course of the inflammatory lesion of the kidneys gives itself a feverish state with a rapid jump in body temperature to 39 ° C. Fever may be accompanied by increased sweating, a feeling of chills, dizziness, intense headache.
Where does it hurt?
Inflammation of the kidney is called the generalized term nephritis (from the Greek nefros - kidney, and -it - inflammation), and usually has several variants of the course of the disease:
- acute diffuse nature of inflammation of the kidneys;
- a chronic variant of inflammation of the kidneys;
- focal distribution of inflammation in the kidneys.
The formation of inflammation in the kidneys is a very serious pathological condition, characterized by unbearable pain sensations and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease.
The most common acute and chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, pionephrosis (purulent focus in kidney tissue), tuberculosis kidney disease can be classified as jade species.
Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory reaction in the calyx and the parenchyma of the renal organs.
Glomerulonephritis is a bilateral renin inflammation caused by a disorder in the structure and function of the glomerulus (the glomerulus of the kidneys through which the filtration of fluid from the bloodstream must pass).
Pionephrosis - the final purulent-destructive degree of specific and nonspecific pyelonephritis.
Tuberculous kidney disease is an infectious inflammatory process in the kidney tissues, triggered by a specific pathogen: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch's stick).
All kinds of nephritis are serious enough and require compulsory specialized treatment.
Acute inflammation of the kidneys
Acute inflammation of the kidneys is an intensive infectious-toxic inflammatory reaction in the kidneys, namely in the vascular system of the glomeruli. Pathology extends to the parenchyma of the organ and to the entire glomerular-tubular zone.
The etiological factor in the development of acute nephritis can be considered the penetration and toxic effects of hemolytic streptococcus on sensitive renal tissue. Acute inflammation of the kidneys often occurs as a result of primary or secondary streptococcal infection (eg, angina, influenza, seasonal colds). But sometimes infectious agents that penetrate the urinary system during pneumonia, cystitis, and other pathological processes can also be pathogens.
Acute nephritis strikes most often young people or children.
Patients complain of swelling of the body, decreased urination. Edema develops within a short time and is characterized by pronounced manifestations. Along with this, the amount of excreted urine decreases, which acquires a reddish-brown hue and becomes cloudy.
Increased blood pressure provokes problems with the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, cardialgia, signs of heart failure.
The body temperature also rises, chills, fever, pain in the lumbar region.
Chronic inflammation of the kidneys
The chronic course of nephritis most often appears due to the untreated acute stage of nephritis, for example, in the treatment of general symptoms, attention was not paid to destroying the infectious agent in the kidneys and restoring the functionality of the organ.
The chronic variant of inflammation of the kidneys is accompanied by complaints about general deterioration of state of health, loss of appetite, prolonging lumbar pain, especially with hypothermia, constant subfebrile body temperature, swelling, increasing by evening. There is increased sweating, especially at night. The complexion becomes earthy, and the skin is dry. There is a constant high blood pressure, expressed hypertrophy of the left half of the heart on ultrasound. In urine there is a large amount of protein, red blood cells, cholesterol, nitrogen.
Chronic nephritis has the property of periodically exacerbating. In such cases, there is a clinical picture of the acute stage of inflammation. To treat chronic nephritis is best at the stage when the pathogen is activated, and the clinical symptoms manifest themselves in full. Treatment of chronic form is more prolonged and complex.
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Purulent inflammation of the kidneys
Purulent inflammation of the kidneys is a disease of the kidneys associated with the appearance of local or confluent purulent foci of the external renal layer. Development can be combined with the presence of urolithiasis, in which a mechanical disturbance appears in the body for the timely release of urine. Pyogenic bacteria, transferred from any pathological process in the body, fall into the kidney tissues. As a result, some purulent areas are formed, eventually merging into a significant purulent formation.
The infectious agent can penetrate into the organ with blood flow and with a previously healthy kidney, and can also act as a worsening of the condition with untreated acute nephritis.
Clinical symptoms of purulent renal inflammation are accompanied by sharp severe lumbar pains, a rapid rise in body temperature, a sudden deterioration in overall well-being. When feeling, you can determine the appearance of acute pain in the middle part of the back, a test of Pasternatsky's syndrome at the site of the projection of the diseased kidney is strictly positive. Urinalysis determines increased leukocytosis, pyuria, proteinuria.
Unfortunately, treatment of this disease, as a rule, operative.
Inflammation of the right kidney
Inflammation in the right kidney in its clinical manifestations and in the nature of pain are similar to those of acute appendicitis, enterocolitis or cholecystitis, especially calculous. Differentiate these pathological conditions can the doctor on the basis of the results of analyzes and examinations of the patient.
Inflammation of the right kidney usually occurs as an independent pathological condition:
- right-sided pyelonephritis (inflammation of the bowl-and-pelvis system), is identified by the presence of pressing pain from the right kidney;
- right-sided nephroptosis (due to omission of the right kidney).
It has been scientifically proven that the inflammatory process begins to develop more rapidly in the kidney on the right side. This is due to certain features of the anatomy and physiology of the right kidney, due to which theoretically there is a probability of stagnant phenomena.
Treatment of both left and right kidneys is the same depending on the clinical signs characteristic of the disease. The general well-being of the patient and his age are also taken into account.
Inflammation of the left kidney
Inflammation in the left kidney should be identified with clinical symptoms of diseases of the spleen, inflammation of the large intestine,
Inflammation of the left kidney can act as one of the variants of pyelonephritis, left-side nephroptosis, exacerbation of urolithiasis.
Especially frequent manifestations of inflammatory disease of the left kidney: pain in the left and lower back, especially when pressing and tapping; a sharp jump in body temperature, a febrile condition, and urinary disorders.
If you are concerned only with pain in the area of the projection of the left kidney, you should contact a specialist to refute or confirm the presence of an inflammatory reaction in the left kidney.
The kidney on the left side is much less infrequent than the right, or it joins the process of bilateral inflammatory reaction of the urinary system. This pathological condition is difficult to treat and it takes a lot of time and effort to achieve a positive result.
Although there are cases of a single left-sided inflammation, which are diagnosed by the necessary analyzes and examinations.
Inflammation of the renal pelvis
Inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney (pyelitis) is provoked by microbes caught in it with a flow of blood, lymph or through the urinary tract. With blood, the infectious agent enters the pelvis during the spread of common infectious attacks (acute respiratory disease, tonsillitis, influenza, etc.), or in the presence of chronic pathologies in the body (inflammation of the genital organs, respiratory system, etc.). Also, an infection can provoke a stone in the kidney, pyeloectasia.
Infectious agents in the development of pyelitis can become staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, or their symbiosis.
Pielit appears with one, less often from two sides. Usually there is an increase in body temperature up to 40 C, pain under the ribs and in the lumbar region, pyuria.
The disease develops very quickly, the general picture is supplemented by fever with increased sweating, the feeling of heat is replaced by chills, there are bright signs of general intoxication of the body. In urine there is a significant leukocytosis, albuminuria.
With adequate treatment, the prognosis for acute inflammation of the renal pelvis is favorable.
Inflammation of the kidneys in men
Men suffer from inflammation of the kidneys not less often than women. They are associated with frequent urological pathologies (prostate adenoma, urethritis, prostatitis, etc.), with some bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, too spicy and salty foods).
Male kidneys are located higher than women, so inflammation of the kidneys in men has its own characteristic clinical symptoms, which determine the presence of the disease. This is a frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by cutting pains, aches in joints and muscles, a feeling of heaviness in the external genitalia, a strain of smooth muscles. Often, the disease can be triggered by an adenoma of the prostate, in which the movement of urine is disturbed and the ascending inflammation process develops.
In male nephritis, pronounced hyperthermia (up to 39 C), a sharp or paroxysmal pain syndrome in the lumbar region is observed. Possible gastrointestinal disorders, fever, sweat glands work in a strengthened mode.
Often, men can go to the urologist for an adenoma, but after laboratory tests it turns out that all the symptoms are caused by kidney inflammation.
Inflammation of the kidneys in children
Inflammation of the kidneys in children is characterized by a latent, latent initial period, it can only be diagnosed by ultrasound and a general analysis of urine and blood. Provoke the emergence of pathology of acute respiratory infections, flu, colds.
With jade, the child quickly becomes tired, there is lethargy, soreness, poor sleep and appetite. During the period of activation of the process, manifestations become more pronounced: the earthiness of the skin, aching pain in the lumbar region, dizziness. Urination is frequent, with a cloudy discharge.
Children are most often affected by children's nephritis, since the urethra is shorter in the female body than in men, so it is easier for the infectious agent to reach the kidneys.
The risk of the development of the inflammatory process in children often depends on the hereditary factor, when one of the parents has this pathology, or the mother was ill with nephritis during the period of gestation. The incidence of children also depends on age: children are more often ill to three years, less often - up to seven years.
Children, who have had inflammation of the kidneys, must be put on dispensary records.
Inflammation of the kidneys during pregnancy
Inflammation of the kidneys during pregnancy can lead to serious trouble during childbirth and childbirth.
Often inflammation of the kidneys develops as a result of cystitis or other ascending infection. Provocative factors may be urological and gynecological diseases.
Inflammatory process in the kidneys, which appeared the first time during pregnancy, is called gestational pyelonephritis. It can affect up to 10% of pregnant women. Nephrite negatively affects the period of bearing of the child, it can cause gestosis (spasms in the vascular system of the mother and fetus) or spontaneous termination of pregnancy. The development of renal failure during pregnancy can have extremely adverse effects, both for the mother and the baby.
The development of nephrosis in pregnant women disrupts the hormonal background, the immune system falls, the urinary tract is squeezed by the uterus (especially with multiple pregnancies or large fetuses), chronic cystitis, diabetes mellitus.
Consequences of inflammation of the kidneys
Qualified and, most importantly, timely treatment of acute inflammatory process in the kidneys contribute to the complete cure of the patient.
Absence of treatment of the disease provokes the development of a chronic form of jade, or leads to suppuration of the pathological focus, which manifests itself in the form of pyonephritis, apostematous pyelonephritis, abscess or renal carbuncle. Purulent complications extremely worsen the patient's condition.
It should be noted that chronic inflammation of the kidneys almost never passes without a trace. Even with the seeming fading of the process, the slightest provoking factor can lead to a relapse of the disease.
The most serious effects of nephritis can only come about after a few years, manifested in the form of increasing renal failure. The essence of the complication is that a prolonged presence of inflammation can cause a gradual necrosis of the kidney tissue. The affected organ functions more and more harder and harder, and, in the end, refuses to work at all, eventually dying completely, which is manifested by the wrinkling of the affected kidney.
Also possible complications of an incomplete acute inflammatory process may be the development of xanthogranulomatous or emphysematous pyelonephritis.
That is why it is so important to contact a doctor in a timely manner, not to engage in self-treatment and to strictly adhere to all prescribed medications during the full course of treatment, without interrupting it in half the way.
Diagnostics of the inflammation of the kidneys
The main diagnostic symptom for inflammation of the kidney is a violation of urinary function. Often an infectious agent enters the kidneys from the underlying organs: the bladder or ureters.
Diagnosis of nephritis is carried out on the basis of an objective history, clinical manifestations of the disease, patient complaints.
Very important are the data of laboratory research methods:
- the general analysis of a blood - parameters of inflammatory process are present (the raised maintenance of leucocytes, accelerated ESR);
- general analysis of urine - typical of leukocyturia, erythrocyturia, cylindruria;
- ultrasound examination of the kidneys - an increase in the size of the kidneys, compaction of the cup and loch wall, the presence of calculous formations;
- method of tomography - identification of an abscess or renal carbuncle;
- sample according to Zimnitsky - determination of the concentration ability of the kidneys;
- method of excretory urography - radiography of renal function using contrast medium.
Also, bacterial cultures of urine can be assigned to a nutrient medium, the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics, and biochemical studies.
How to identify inflammation of the kidneys?
Many ask a question, whether it is possible to independently determine the presence of inflammation of the kidneys?
First, pay attention to the presence of clinical symptoms of the disease. If there is a sharp rise in body temperature to 39-40 C, there is weakness, headache, severe sweating, lumbar and subcostal pains of noisy character, disturbances in urination - you can suspect the onset of pyelonephritis.
You should also look at your own urine, collecting it (preferably in the morning) in a transparent jar. It is necessary to pay attention to the color and the smell: if the urine is dirty brown (the color of "meat slops"), with a sharp ammonia smell, with visible turbidity, sediment or light flakes, you should sound an alarm.
If you notice and determine the first manifestations of the disease you can do, then self-treatment is strongly not recommended because of the high risk of aggravating the inflammation process. At the first suspicions nevertheless necessarily address to the qualified urologist-doctor who will appoint or nominate necessary therapy.
Analyzes for inflammation of the kidneys
In acute and chronic inflammation of the kidneys, the most revealing are a general blood test, a biochemical blood test, and a general urinalysis.
A general blood test will show the unconditional presence of any inflammatory process in the body. This will be expressed in a high content of leukocytes, an increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, and a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left. The level of the total protein in the blood decreases (less than 65 g / l), the amount of albumins decreases (less than 50%), the index of gamma and alpha globulins increases. In the period of acute inflammation, there may be signs of anemia. The level of cholesterol in the blood rises (more than 6.7 mmol / l).
The method of biochemical blood analysis will demonstrate pronounced hypergammaglobulinemia, increased transaminases, and in case of a complicated course of the disease, signs of a deficiency of renal function may develop - exceeding the values of creatinine and urea in the blood.
About the characteristics of indicators of urine analysis, we'll talk separately.
Urinalysis for inflammation of the kidneys
First of all, pay attention to the appearance of urine, color, odor, the presence of turbidity and flakes.
The study of the analysis of urine with inflammation of the kidneys allows to determine the depth of the process and the degree of organ damage.
Evaluation of the urine reaction in nephritis without signs of insufficiency should be unchanged, from 6.2 to 6.6. With urine acid diathesis, the indices are already less than 6.0, and with phosphaturia 7.0 or more.
Concentration capacity of the kidneys is determined by the relative density of urine and normally ranges from 1.016 to 1.026. The lowered density speaks about infringements of functionality of kidneys.
In uncomplicated nephritis, the level of protein in the urine should not exceed 1 g / l. A higher protein content may indicate the involvement of renal glomeruli in the pathological process.
A clear indicator of pyelonephritis can be the detection in the urine of cellular leukocyte cylinders, hyaline cylinders, erythrocytes.
With the activation of renal inflammation, urine may contain epithelial particles of the kidney pelvis.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the inflammation of the kidneys
If there is an acute inflammation of the kidneys, the patient is subject to mandatory hospitalization. Jade with uncomplicated course can be treated with a conservative method using antimicrobial, detoxifying, vitamin preparations. Duration of therapy is usually from 2 to 3 weeks, to the apparent normalization of the patient's urine test.
In the presence of complications, the nature and duration of treatment may change until the application of surgical methods.
First aid for inflammation of the kidneys
A patient with an acute form of inflammation of the kidneys should always call for an ambulance: self-medication is dangerous, and independently taken medications can distort the clinical picture and complicate further diagnosis.
Before the arrival of doctors, the patient should be laid on his back, his head slightly lifted, and his legs bend at the knees. This position facilitates the patient's condition.
Helping a patient with inflammation of the kidneys is to eliminate the disruption of normal outflow of fluid by placing a catheter in the ureter.
Further, antibacterial therapy, immunostimulating and detoxifying will be prescribed. If there are no complications, the doctor may prescribe such drugs as ampicillin, nalidixic acid or nitroxoline, or representatives of the nitrofuran series: furadonin, furagin, lidaprim or bactrim. In the absence of the effect of taking antibiotics within 2-3 days, a decision can be made about the surgical intervention.
How to relieve kidney inflammation?
If an inflammation in the kidneys is found, you should consult a doctor and take the prescribed course of antibiotic therapy to eliminate the causative agent of this disease. To remove inflammation of the kidneys yourself is a big and unjustified risk for your health. However, for fans of alternative medicine, we give several alternative ways to relieve inflammation of the kidneys:
- tea from wild rose berries;
- compote of dried apples (2 glasses a day);
- to eat pumpkin in any form;
- tea from the leaves of cranberries (a tablespoon for half a cup of boiling water, two or three times a day);
- tea from inflorescences cornflower (a tablespoon inflorescence is brewed by two glasses of boiling water, the reception is broken three times before eating);
- field horsetail (a tablespoon for a glass of boiled water, to drink during the day);
- grass bearberry (drink instead of tea);
- leaves of birch (100 g of fresh leaves or 50 g dried dried in two glasses of boiling water, take half a cup 3 times a day before meals);
- root of althea (brew and drink like tea);
- root of nettle (a tablespoon for a glass of boiling water, a glass 3 times a day);
- fruits and stems of juniper (drink instead of tea).
With the help of such infusions get rid of edema and soften the inflammation in the kidney tissues.
The main point of the prevention of kidney inflammation is the timely treatment of any inflammatory processes in the body, do not ignore the manifestations of urolithiasis, prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
Pregnant women should be particularly vigilant and periodically undergo examinations, take urine tests, especially with multiple pregnancies or with a large fetus.
It is also necessary to adhere to the general preventive measures: to avoid lack of sleep, fatigue, hypothermia, to increase the stress-resistance of the organism. High-quality and high-grade food is welcomed, refusal of salty and spicy food, alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, smoking.
It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene in order to avoid infection of the external genitalia and ureter.
In the presence of urolithiasis for the prevention of inflammation, it is necessary to refrain from active sports, long driving on a bad road, vibration.
Of course, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to fight it.
Basically, in acute stage of nephritis after 30-60 days the patient completely recovers.
On the possibility of developing a chronic form of the disease says consistently high blood pressure (more than 3 months) and persistent hematuria and swelling. Statistics say that more than 10% of acute inflammation of the kidneys takes a chronic course.
Patients who underwent acute jade therapy and discharged from the hospital can be admitted to the workplace under proper working conditions. It is not acceptable to work constantly on the street, with the possibility of blotting and overcooling, prolonged shaking and vibration. Obligatory follow-up after the treatment of constant monitoring of the doctor, the periodic delivery of tests.
In the event of complications in the form of renal failure, atrophy of the kidney with attachment of a septic infection can lead to very serious consequences until the death: the patient dies from protracted anuria and general sepsis.
An important role is played by the earliest diagnosis and qualified treatment of acute inflammation of the kidneys, which significantly optimizes the prognosis of this serious disease.
It is not superfluous to recall that we have one health, and they should not be sprayed. Listen to your body, if you suspect a disease, contact your doctor. Inflammation of the kidneys is an unpleasant diagnosis, however, it is possible and necessary to fight the disease.