Inflammatory diseases of the nasal septum: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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These diseases include its abscess and perichondritis. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these diseases occur again as complications of fracture and posttraumatic hematoma of the septum of the nose, septum operations and, less often, as complications of sycosis, furuncle, eczema and other inflammatory diseases of the vestibule of the nose.
The abscess of the septum of the nose arises from the ingress of pyogenic microorganisms into the hematoma region, followed by the onset of purulent inflammation. The clinical course is characterized by an increase in body temperature, severe head and local pain, swelling in the nose and eyes. Endoscopically determined fluctuating swelling in the region of the nasal septum from one or both sides, often covered with an easily repulsive fibrinous coating. In the presence of perforation in the area of the abscess cavity, a yellowish-greenish, often creamy liquid in the form of a droplet is released through it.
Surgical treatment: opening an abscess, rinsing its cavity with 10% sodium chloride solution (20-30 ml), then with an antibiotic solution. Drainage with sterile rubber strips or insertion of a thin polystyrene tube into the cavity of the abscess for systematic washing of the abscess cavity for 2-3 days, loose front tamponade of the nose, sling-like bandage. Per os - broad-spectrum antibiotics, analgesics.
Perichondritis of the septum develops as a complication of its abscess or erysipelas, maxillary osteomyelitis, acute general infection diseases. As a rule, perichondritis is accompanied by an abscess of the septum of the nose and in aggressive flow can lead to melting of the cartilage of the septum of the nose and the formation of its extensive perforation. Treatment is determined by the pathoanatomical picture: opening of the abscess, removal of necrotic sequestering cartilage of the septum of the nose, drainage of the cavity, etc. On the background of massive antibiotic therapy.
Complications. Osteomyelitis of the nasal bones, orbital infection, intracranial complications.
The prognosis is determined by the virulence of the pathogen, the prevalence of the inflammatory process, and the presence of complications.
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