Tumors of the pharynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021
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To tumor-like formation2 include pathological processes and conditions, which are characterized by some signs of prostate tumors - growth, a tendency to relapse after removal. Unlike true benign tumors, they are not prone to malignancy. The etiology of these neoplasms, as a rule, is known (trauma, chronic inflammatory process).
Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia is an excess growth of flat epithelium with penetration into the stroma. Germination of the epithelium is caused by increased reactivity of the regenerating epithelium in chronic inflammation and ulcerative processes.
These tumor-like changes in the epithelium in the nasopharynx are rare. They are more likely to develop in males over 50 years of age.
With the back of the rhinoscopy and finger research, a dense, without clear boundaries, formation in the nasopharynx arch. The diagnosis can be established only on the basis of the results of histological examination.
Oncocytic metaplasia and hyperplasia (oncocytosis) is a proliferative process in the glandular epithelium. Proliferation captures all glands or most of them. The nodular nature of proliferation of oncocytes makes it difficult to conduct differential diagnosis with oxyphilic adenoma. Like pseudo-zverteliomatous hyperplasia, such epithelial changes are rare; they are localized on the upper and lateral walls of the nasopharynx.
Benign lymphoid hyperplasia (adenoids) is an education consisting of a type of laryngitis in the bathroom of the lymphadenoid tissue. The disease is mainly found in children, it is a hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils. The disease has a characteristic clinical picture in which some of the signs are similar to the symptoms of other tumor-like formations and true tumors of this localization (violation of nasal breathing, loss of hearing on one or both ears).
Cyst in the nasopharynx is extremely rare. The clinical picture and appearance are characterized by a rounded, elastic formation with a smooth surface. Diagnosis of cysts is not particularly difficult. When puncturing the cyst, you can get a liquid, usually amber. Treatment is surgical.
Thornwald's disease is a congenital tumor-like formation of the nasopharynx, which is a bag of duplicate mucosa open to the top. Sometimes the hole leading to the bag closes, and then the clinical symptoms look like a cyst.
Symptoms: difficulty nasal breathing, hearing loss, nasal.
With posterior rhinoscopy, fibroscopy in the nasopharynx is defined by a rounded form, covered with an unmodified mucosa, localized on the posterior wall, elastic in the finger examination. With the help of anterior rhinofibroscopy, it is possible to detect, at the upper border of the formation, the entrance to its cavity.
Disease in children should be differentiated with zagloneal abscess, goner, benign tumor of this localization. The final diagnosis is based on the histological examination.
Treatment is surgical.
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