


Inguinal epidermophytosis

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Inguinal epidermophytia (synonym: tinea cruris) is a subacute or chronic disease with a lesion of the skin of the hips, pubic and inguinal areas. Mostly adults are sick, more often men.

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Causes of the inguinal epidermophytes

The causative agent of this fungal infection is  Epidermophyton floccosum, less often -  Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagraphytes.

Infection of the inguinal region occurs in patients with foot dermatophyte, as well as through household items used by the patient (oilcloth, bast, linen). Risk factors are a hot humid climate, tight trousers, obesity, prolonged treatment with corticosteroids for external use.


Symptoms of the inguinal epidermophytes

The process is usually localized in the inguinal folds, but can also occur in other areas of the skin (bugular, under the mammary glands). The disease is characterized by acute inflammatory symmetrical eruptions, prone to peripheral growth. Foci of lesion are round spots of red-brown color, polycyclic outlines. The focal zone of the hearth, covered with vesicles, pustules, erosions, scales and crusts, in the form of a continuous cushion, will stand above the surrounding skin. The process is usually accompanied by severe itching, sometimes painful.

Inguinal epidermophytosis proceeds chronically, exacerbated by the action of irritating factors (eg, sweating) during the hot season.


What do need to examine?

How to examine?

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of inguinal epidermophytosis should be carried out with rubromycosis. Eczema, psoriasis and a number of other dermatoses.

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Who to contact?

Treatment of the inguinal epidermophytes

In the acute period, lotions from 0.25% silver citrate solution, 1% resorcinol solution, hypo-sensitizing, antihistamines are prescribed.

Of the local antimycotics, zalain, lamizil, clotrimazole, pizoral, etc. Are used. In case of ineffectiveness of external agents, lamizil is prescribed (250 mg / day for 14 days), itraconazole (200 mg / day for 7 days).

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