


Toluene vapor poisoning

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 11.10.2024

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Toluene is a hydrocarbon, a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. This solvent is highly volatile and toxic. Poisoning with such a substance is dangerous because it has a pathological effect on all mucous membranes, internal organs. The lungs, liver, kidneys, CNS are most affected.

Causes of the toluene poisoning

Toluene poisoning can occur for a variety of reasons, most commonly related to improper handling of this chemical. Here are some of the most common causes of toluene poisoning:

  1. Industrial Processes: Workers employed in facilities that manufacture, use, or transport toluene may be at risk of poisoning due to improper equipment operation, accidents, or failure to follow safety rules.
  2. Misusein the home: People may accidentally or improperly use products containing toluene, such as adhesives, paints, solvents, varnishes, or cleaners. Improper use of these products can lead to inhalation of toluene vapors and poisoning.
  3. Digestive system: In rare cases, toluene may be ingested through consumption of contaminated food or water.
  4. Targeted criminal use: Toluene can be used for criminal purposes to harm others, such as by adding it to drinks or food.
  5. Medical treatment needed: Toluene can sometimes be misused as a drug that causes psychoactive effects. People may intentionally inhale toluene vapors in order to induce euphoria or an altered state of consciousness.

Toluene poisoning is usually caused by mishandling or accidental contact with the substance, and prevention of such cases usually involves following safety rules and providing appropriate chemical safety training.

Symptoms of the toluene poisoning

Symptoms of toxin exposure to the body:

  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Irritation of the nasal cavity.
  • Severe coughing and sneezing.
  • Tears.
  • Seizures.

If the substance is ingested, it is manifested by sharp abdominal pain, increased salivation and bloody vomiting, weakness, fainting, impaired coordination of movements.

If you let the painful symptoms go on their own, then in 2-3 days the victim has urinary disorders, jaundice develops, kidneys and liver suffer. The person complains of constant pain, bronchitis and pneumonia may develop.

Treatment of the toluene poisoning

Treatment begins by ensuring that the victim has access to fresh air. It is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids and take an absorbent. Further treatment is handled by medics, and it directly depends on the degree of damage to the body. With timely and correctly rendered assistance, the risk of complications is minimal.

Toluene poisoning can have serious consequences and requires specialized medical intervention. This is what such treatment may look like:

  1. Immediate first aid measures: If toluene poisoning is suspected, provide immediate access to fresh air, move the victim to fresh air and maintain breathing and circulation. If the victim is unconscious or not breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be initiated.
  2. Respiratory support: It is important that the casualty has access to oxygen. If breathing or blood oxygenation is impaired, it may be necessary to connect to a ventilator.
  3. Medical evaluation and stabilization: The victim will be medically evaluated to determine the severity of the poisoning and to stabilize their condition. This may include clinical examination, measurement of blood oxygen levels, laboratory tests and monitoring of vital signs.
  4. Detoxification: If toluene has been inhaled or ingested, detoxification therapy using chelator drugs may be required to bind the toxin and remove it from the body.
  5. Treatment of complications: Toluene poisoning can cause various complications such as respiratory problems, cardiovascular disorders, damage to the central nervous system and others. Treatment is aimed at eliminating these complications and maintaining vital functions of the body.
  6. Medical observation and rehabilitation: The victim will be observed in a medical facility to monitor his/her condition and provide rehabilitation measures if necessary.

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