Green discharge in women
Last reviewed: 20.07.2024

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Vaginal discharge - transparent mucus without unpleasant odor, not causing discomfort, has every healthy woman. They moisturize the mucous membrane of the vagina and provide it with protection from a small invasion of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. With a massive invasion is more difficult to cope with, infection can occur. Then the discharge changes color and can become green, which will indicate the development of an infectious-inflammatory process.
According to the World Health Organization, more than one million infections from unprotected sex occur every day, and most of them are asymptomatic for quite some time.
Green discharge is usually caused by curable STIs such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. In addition, co-infection is more often detected - other specific and nonspecific pathogens are attached.
The reason for the majority, more than 60%, of visits to the gynecologist are a variety of inflammatory processes. Of these, about one third are caused by non-specific pathogens.
Causes of the green discharge
Any discharge other than transparent is not normal. Therefore, a change in their color is already a reason to consult a doctor, because the causes may be very unpleasant diseases that will not go away by themselves.
- These are venereal diseases - chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. They are contracted through sexual contact, and contact and household infections are extremely rare. The insidiousness of these infections lies in the fact that they can be asymptomatic for a long time, the carrier can spread the infection among their sexual partners.
- Infection of the vaginal mucosa can be caused by opportunistic microbes - streptococci, staphylococci, gardnerella, Escherichia coli, other anaerobes that make up the intestinal microflora.
As a result of infection, allergic reactions, injuries, hormonal failures and metabolic disorders develop inflammatory processes, one of the manifestations of which is green discharge in women:
- Colpitis or inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, specific (caused by sexually transmitted infections) or nonspecific (caused by opportunistic flora), allergic, traumatic, hormonal;
- Endometritis or inflammation of the endometrium, specific or nonspecific;
- vulvovaginitis or inflammation of the mucosa of the labia majora and vagina, specific or nonspecific;
- Bartholinitis - inflammation of the glands located at the entrance to the vagina;
- Gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis - dysbacteriosis of the vagina, when against the background of a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, opportunistic flora multiplies freely.
Risk factors
Inflammatory diseases of specific origin occur due to infection, hence the main risk factor in this case is unprotected sex. But it's not the only one. All of the following factors are also important.
Nonspecific inflammation develops against the background of violations of the vaginal biocenosis and ascending infection with opportunistic intestinal flora, infection from outside with viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic infection, to which contribute:
- complicated natural childbirth;
- injuries to the uterus, vagina, labia, received accidentally or as a result of gynecological manipulations (abortion, diagnostic scraping, cesarean section, hysteroscopy, installation of intrauterine contraceptive device, etc.);
- inappropriate sprays;
- too frequent or improper use of sanitary tampons, daily pads;
- abuse of spermicidal agents;
- allergic reactions;
- failure to observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
- vaginal prolapse;
- atrophy of the vaginal and/or cervical mucosa;
- unbalanced diet, in particular, limiting the consumption of lactic acid products;
- violation of antibiotics, hormonal medications and contraceptives;
- constant wearing of synthetic tight underwear, thongs;
- decrease in the protective properties of the vaginal mucosa;
- diseases of the immune, endocrine, nervous, genitourinary, digestive system;
- chronic AMCs;
- unfavorable environmental conditions.
Green discharge in women is an indication of unfavorable conditions in the sexual sphere. Such a diagnostic sign is notorious for the presence of leukocytes in the vaginal mucus, which is characteristic of bacterial infection. The darker the color, the more white blood cells, respectively, the immune system responds to bacterial invasion. An increased number of leukocytes in the urethra and vagina - an indicator of the inflammatory process of a specific (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia) or nonspecific (E. Coli, staphylococcus, worms, etc.) character. Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process in the patient develops colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis, adnexitis, inflammation of the pelvic organs, gardnerellosis, etc., which causes the appearance of green discharge.
The pathogenesis of the appearance of the symptom is as follows:
- Infection through sexual contact, trauma, lack of hygiene standards or a trigger to the development of non-infectious inflammation (allergies, hormonal disruption, medication, etc.).
- Development of pathogenic or opportunistic microflora on the background of infection or violation of normal vaginal biocenosis.
- Immune system response - increased mucus, leukocytosis, lymphocytosis as an attempt to self-eliminate pathogens.
- Change in the composition and, accordingly, the color of the discharge from the vagina.
Symptoms of the green discharge
The first signs are detected visually - a woman notices unusually dark spots on the laundry. Sometimes they simply solidify with a greenish-gray crust. As a rule, at the same time povalet unpleasant odor, itching and swelling of the labia. And immediately begs the question: what do green discharge in women mean?
Answer: colored discharge is a direct indication of the presence of pathology, a symptom of bacterial infection. What kind - by their appearance can only be assumed. This requires laboratory diagnosis. And most often detected mixed infection. Therefore, the appearance of green discharge should be taken as a signal of the need to visit the gynecological office and undergo examination.
Green odorless discharge in women is not a reason to relax. The presence of odor is not necessary. At least in non-prevalent cases, for example, in trichomonad colpitis, when only the mucous membrane of the vagina is affected. Or an allergic lesion.
In advanced cases, the copious discharge usually starts to smell bad. Especially since over time to the original infection is joined by another, usually fungal (candidiasis), and the discharge becomes thick, green, curdy, with a sour or sweet odor. Candida fungi, the most aggressive of which is Candida albicans, live in symbiosis with man on his skin and mucous membranes, their number is under the control of beneficial bacteria that suppress reproduction. But as soon as the microbiological balance of the genital mucosa is disturbed due to bacterial invasion, candida immediately begin to actively "reclaim the territory" for themselves.
Green smelling discharge in women can be a symptom of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis (putrid odor) or gardnerellosis (fishy smell). In addition to colored discharge and odor is usually felt:
- burning, itching that gets worse after going to the bathroom;
- pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
- painful coitus.
Visually, some of the symptoms can be detected:
- redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the labia and vagina;
- pus and bloody streaks in the discharge;
- intermenstrual bleeding;
- whitish plaque at the entrance to the vagina, easily removed with a tampon;
- A noticeable bulge on the labia (bartholinitis);
- dryness of the vaginal mucosa and violation of its integrity.
Green discharge in women after sexual intercourse is also a sign of pathology, even if in the absence of contact everything passes. Sexual intercourse in this case acts as a provocation - the symptom appears, and in a calm state - disappears. Normally, after sexual intercourse, the volume of discharge increases, because in the process of coitus vaginal glands are activated, producing mucus for lubrication. Therefore, normal discharge after intercourse - abundant, mucous or more liquid and watery, because if sex was unprotected, the seminal fluid, once in the genital tract, under the influence of the vaginal environment liquefies. Sometimes they remain whitish or yellowish veins of ejaculate, this is normal. All other colors should already be alarmed, although brownish - this is the color of clotted blood and does not always indicate the presence of pathology. During sex, you can get minor injuries, sexual contacts in the ovulatory period can also be accompanied by a slight bloody discharge.
Mucous abundant discharge in women whitish or with a light yellow tint can mark the beginning of sexual life or change of sexual partner, because the body needs to adapt to the composition of newly arrived microorganisms. For the period of adaptation is characterized by a quantitative and qualitative change in the discharge, its color and consistency, but not to green. Basically, during this period there is no discomfort, itching, burning, although not always - sometimes there are allergic reactions to the microflora of the partner, especially to male sperm. True, we are not talking about green discharge.
If sexual intercourse was protected by a condom or the method of interrupted intercourse was practiced, the discharge looks like a creamy, whitish secretion consisting of spent vaginal and condom lubricant.
Light brown or bloody discharge in women can appear at the beginning of taking hormonal contraceptives. But gray and green colors should not be present.
The color of discharge in general is a subjective concept, still greenish tint - out of the norm. As they do not call them: light green, white-green, white-green, gray-green, yellow-green discharge in women speak of bacterial invasion. Its nature can be recognized by the results of laboratory tests and in no other way.
Vaginal discharge contains products of bacteria/parasites that irritate the vaginal walls. This is why there are almost always complaints of itching and green discharge in women. According to such signs it is impossible to diagnose, these are nonspecific symptoms characteristic of many pathologies. Sometimes there can be green discharge in women without itching. This is not a positive sign, just every patient has a different threshold of sensitivity, the irritating effect may manifest itself later. External genitals and the vaginal wall are equipped with many nerve endings, irritation of which is designed to increase sexual sensation. In the case of bacterial insemination, pathological discharge should eventually cause itching unless the nerve endings have completely atrophied.
Note that girls before adolescence (up to 10-12 years) should not have vaginal discharge. Their appearance, especially colored and odorous, indicates a malfunction in the genitourinary system or in the GI organs located directly above it.
Vaginal discharge appears about a year before the first menstruation, it has a liquid mucous consistency and color from whitish to light yellow, as well as a faint sour smell. To cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia discharge should not. When a regular menstrual cycle is established, the change of properties and qualities of vaginal discharge becomes cyclical. Thick, mucous, abundant discharge in women is normally characteristic of the period of ovulation (a couple of days in the middle of the cycle), the subsequent increase in the level of progesterone can closer to the beginning of menses also make them whitish (slightly yellowish) and sticky. There should not be any radical changes in color or irritation.
Green discharge from the nipples in women is characterized more often for cystic mastopathy, ectasia of the milk ducts, can sorovodzhidzhdit and other pathologies of the mammary gland. Droplets of greenish secretion are released from the nipples on the eve of menses. With a light pressure on the breast the amount of discharge increases. Accompanying symptoms are: pulling pains in the breasts, swelling, thickening. One breast or both breasts may be affected.
Green discharge in women after childbirth also indicates the presence of an inflammatory process of bacterial origin. Normal postpartum discharge (lochia) is observed for three to six weeks (up to eight weeks is acceptable) after childbirth. There should be a pronounced tendency to lighten and thin the discharge. At first, the lochia are comparable to heavy menstruation containing clots. With each day, a quantitative decrease in the lochia is noticeable. Gradually, their qualitative composition changes, they become similar to egg white with bloody streaks, passing to the fourth week in the "smear" discharge, by the end of the sixth to eighth week after childbirth vaginal discharge becomes normal, as before pregnancy. No shades of green should not be normal.
Green discharge in women before menstruation should also be alarming. Even if everything is normal during other periods of the menstrual cycle. Such a symptom signals the presence of a sterile form of bacterial infection. Menstruation in this case is a provoking factor, and the cessation of green discharge after it and the absence of symptoms of irritation should not reassure, because the infection has not passed, but simply "lurked".
The same can be said about discharge in the expectant mother. Green discharge in women during pregnancy is not normal. This is how a hitherto dormant infection can manifest itself. It is also possible to become infected during pregnancy. It is imperative to notify the pregnancy doctor about the detected symptom. Some infections lead to pregnancy complications and are transmitted from mother to newborn, so there is a danger for both. It should not be neglected.
Green discharge in women at any period of life is not normal. It is necessary to go to the gynecological office without delay, as soon as this symptom was noticed. If nothing else bothers you, you can make a routine appointment for the next doctor's appointment.
The presence of the following symptoms is a reason to see a doctor urgently:
- Pulling or sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
- soreness, itching, swelling of the labia;
- of elevated temperature;
- abundant discharge with an unpleasant odor and traces of pus, blood;
You should not try to cope with discomfort on your own. Only qualified help can guarantee the most favorable outcome.
Complications and consequences
Green discharge in women is the most dangerous, because in the vast majority of cases it is of infectious origin. Expecting that everything "will go away", a woman can wait for complications in the form of ascending inflammation in the uterine cavity (endometritis → infertility), fallopian tubes (obstruction → infertility), ovaries (hormonal disorders → infertility). The consequence of untreated inflammation can be a purulent abscess (formation of adhesions → infertility). It can not only complicate treatment, but also lead to a life-threatening condition - sepsis. Malignant neoplasms develop most often in women with untreated chronic genital inflammation.
In addition to the complications described above, STDs can cause miscarriage, premature labor and/or stillbirth, and low birth weight. There is a risk of intrauterine developmental delay if infected during pregnancy. Ignoring colored discharge may result in infection of the fetus during passage through an infected reproductive tract. Children born to mothers with STIs often suffer from chlamydial or gonococcal conjunctivitis, chlamydia pneumonia, and newborn girls from lower genital tract gonorrhea.
Other complications of inflammation include combined infection with other bacteria, parasites, fungi, which complicates diagnosis, contributes to an intense decrease in cellular immunity, the spread of pathogens throughout the body, joints and vessels, the formation of fibrous granulomas and the development of scar tissue changes.
Diagnostics of the green discharge
During the initial gynecological examination and after interviewing the patient, the doctor can already assume which pathologies he will have to work with. Depending on this, a series of examinations will be ordered.
The infectious agent can be identified (confirmed) by laboratory tests:
- Clinical tests to assess the general condition of the patient. In our case it is a detailed and biochemical analysis of blood, urine. Such indicators as erythrocyte sedimentation rate and leukocytosis can determine the presence of inflammation. By abnormalities in the biochemistry can suggest diseases of the endocrine system, liver, general urinalysis - urinary tract.
- Bacteriological analysis of a scraping of the mucosal wall, which allows you to identify most of the pathogens, the vital activity of which leads to the appearance of green discharge from the vagina.
- If microscopy is ineffective, a PCR test may be ordered, for example, if gonorrhea is suspected, since microscopic examination with Gram staining is often not informative in women.
- Serologic tests for antibodies to the suspected pathogen.
- Chronic gonorrhea is diagnosed by pyrogenal provocation.
- The diagnostic test of choice for trichomoniasis is the nucleic acid amplification test (MANK), culture, microscopy of wet specimens, or immunochromatographic rapid assay may be performed; for chlamydia, the PCR test is most effective.
- In certain clinical manifestations - tuberculosis test and Wasserman reaction.
The main instrumental diagnosis in this case:
- colposcopy;
- hysteroscopy;
- ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, including ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy to check the patency of the fallopian tubes;
- CT or MRI scan to clarify the diagnosis.
Consultation with subspecialists may be required.
Differential diagnosis is carried out according to the results of examinations by excluding unconfirmed pathologies.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the green discharge
Diseases manifested by such a symptom as green discharge can be treated only under the supervision of a specialist. To get rid of bacteria, fungi or parasites, and more often - from several types of pathogenic flora with the help of improvised means or herbal collections will not work. They are not able to cope with colonies of pathogens. Attempted self-treatment may end up with the spread of infection and other serious complications.
Treatment should be medical, as the goal is to eliminate the pathogens. It is necessary to achieve clinical recovery of the patient, to exclude any complications, and to prevent the infection of others and the spread of infection during treatment.
Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection. Its causative agent is a gram-negative aerobe gonococcus, accordingly, antibiotics are used. The drug and the regimen is chosen by the doctor depending on the form of the disease and the presence of co-infections. Gonococci are sensitive to ceftriaxone, an injectable antibiotic. Also in the treatment scheme include macrolides, in particular, azithromycin. Often in the same patient, in addition to gonococci, there are other STI pathogens, such as chlamydia, sensitive to azithromycin. The tetracycline group of antibiotics is also used.
In the case of sexually transmitted diseases, both partners must be treated, and sexual intercourse must be stopped until recovery. After the course of treatment, tests must be taken, and depending on the diagnosis, the tests must be repeated, e.g. After gonorrhea treatment after three months.
Ceftriaxone - belongs to the group of III generation cephalosporins, has prolonged action. For the treatment of gonorrhea, it is recommended to administer it intramuscularly once a day in a dose of 250 mg, for which 3.5 ml of 1% lidocaine solution or 3.6 ml of sterile water for injection are added to the vial (1 g) and the contents are dissolved. After preparation, 1 mL of the solution contains approximately 250 mg of ceftriaxone. The injection is given deep into the buttock. The drug after injection penetrates well into tissues and physiological fluids, has 100% bioavailability. The bactericidal concentration persists for 24 hours.
Ceftriaxone is administered to pregnant women only in cases when the benefit of use significantly exceeds the risk, since the placental barrier for the drug is permeable. Breastfeeding mothers are recommended to interrupt breastfeeding if it is necessary to be treated with ceftriaxone.
The most common side effects of the drug are changes in blood composition: increased eosinophil count, decreased leukocyte and platelet count; digestive system - liquid stools and increased liver enzymes; as well as skin reactions in the form of rashes, there are cases of severe skin reactions. Also in case of hypersensitivity to β-lactam antibiotics anaphylactic shock may develop.
Azithromycin is a macrolide, a semi-synthetic derivative of erythromycin. It is taken orally. Doses and regimen are prescribed by a doctor depending on the form of release, diagnosis and severity of the disease. The drug has the ability to exhibit the highest concentration in infected tissues, has a prolonged action (half-life from physiological fluids 35-50 hours, from tissues - many times more). The level of therapeutic content in tissues is maintained for about a week after the last administration of azithromycin. The drug has a bacteriostatic effect, when increasing the dose it is possible to achieve a bactericidal effect.
Regarding teratogenic effect during pregnancy - no teratogenic effect was detected during use. However, no special controlled trials have been conducted. So it is recommended to use with caution when the risk of use is much lower than the benefit. Breastfeeding mothers are recommended to interrupt feeding for the duration of treatment, although the probability of undesirable effects for the infant is negligible.
Often developing side effects from the use of azithromycin are reversible and do not reach the level of life-threatening. The most common side effects are diarrhea, rashes and itching of the skin, as well as changes in the blood picture. Although there are reports of anaphylaxis in very rare cases.
Very active against chlamydia. It is also used to treat gonorrhea in pregnant patients.
Trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection for the treatment of which the drugs of choice are metronidazole or tinidazole. The first drug is taken for a week at 500mg twice a day; the second - once a day in a dosage of 2g per reception. The drug and treatment regimen is determined by the doctor. Pregnant women are usually treated with metronidazole. Tinidazole is considered unsafe in this case. The most frequent side effects of taking it are leukopenia and candidal superinfection. The drugs are incompatible with alcohol, if ignored even from a small dose, severe intoxication with nausea, vomiting, spiking hyperthermia and hypertension, dizziness, respiratory dysfunction, weakness to trembling in the extremities, disorientation in space can develop.
In general, when treating with any medication it is necessary to refrain from drinking, because you can reduce the therapeutic effect and get serious side effects (even if this is not warned in the instructions).
The therapy regimen may include both oral medications and local forms - intravaginal suppositories for green discharge in women. Local drugs alone can not do, they are good for relieving symptoms for a while, but trichomonads, gonococci, chlamydia affect not only the walls of the vagina, so you need systemic therapy. In case of non-specific inflammations, local treatment may be enough, the doctor decides on this issue.
In complex therapy are used:
- suppositories clotrimazole, vaginal tablets candide B6 - indications: candidal colpitis, vulvovaginitis, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginitis (susceptible to yeast-like, mold fungi, Trichomonas vaginalis, some strains of staphylococci, streptococci, corynebacteria, gardnerella, etc.);
- suppositories betadine with povidone iodine - active against fungi, bacteria, viruses and some protozoa, contribute to the preservation of vaginal microflora;
- Polizhinax - intravaginal capsules containing antimycotic nystatin and antibiotic neomycin; prescribed for nonspecific colpitis as part of complex therapy.
Topical preparations quickly relieve symptoms such as discharge, irritation and itching, but have no systemic effect. They are inserted deep into the vagina before going to bed (sometimes twice a day). Contraindicated for women sensitive to the components of suppositories. Pregnant women are prescribed for strict indications, nursing - on condition of interruption of breastfeeding. Candles with povidone iodine are contraindicated in women with thyroid disease.
Medicinal herbs, their mixes in the form of decoctions and infusions are used as adjunctive therapeutic agents locally (baths, washings, spritzing) and internally. With gynecological inflammation is recommended to drink cranberry juice, tea from dried or fresh blackberries, decoction of stalks and leaves of cherries. Topically use sea buckthorn oil - put into the vagina soaked tampons (you can also use pharmacy suppositories with sea buckthorn (rectal)). In trichomonad colpitis, you can use tampons soaked in onion juice and water in a ratio of 1:1 with the addition of 2-3 drops of glycerin.
When infected with STIs, co-infection is almost always present, so each patient is prescribed an individual course of complex therapy.
Acute infections usually clear up quickly in one course of treatment, i.e. Seven to ten days. If the disease has spread or become chronic, it will require long-term treatment and repeated testing of the discharge.
The treatment regimen also involves:
- Antimycotics - drugs that prevent the development of fungal flora, in particular - candidal superinfection. These are diflucan, mycosist - oral medications, inhibitors of styrene synthesis in the fungal cell; polyzhinax - combined intravaginal capsules that have a bactericidal and fungicidal effect. Effective in the treatment of nonspecific colpitis and vulvovaginitis.
- Probiotics are medicines that support or restore normal biocenosis in the gastrointestinal tract and vagina. Linex, containing bifido- and lactobacilli; Bifikol - bifidobacteria and Escherichia coli; bifiform, bifilong, baktisubtil, etc. The medication is prescribed by a doctor. Adults usually require repeated administration of probiotics in solid doses.
- Immunomodulators, allowing to restore immune status, disturbed due to infection and against the background of complex antibacterial and antiparasitic therapy. Not only tablets (amixin, methyluracil, anaferon), but also tinctures of echinacea, ginseng, vitamin and mineral complexes are used as immune-supporting drugs.
Surgical treatment for green discharge from the vagina (so sometimes manifests acute inflammation of the pelvic organs) is rarely used in cases of purulent inflammation in order to prevent the development of an abscess. Basically, patients with this symptom are prescribed conservative therapy.
In the complex therapy of gynecological pathologies, an important place is occupied by physiotherapeutic treatment. It can be divided into three types of techniques:
- hardware - when the patient is affected by artificially created factors: the directional action of electrical, magnetic, radiant energy causes a biological response in the affected organs, catalyzing recovery;
- use of natural factors (water, mud, salt...), natural (in sanatorium conditions) and artificially created in special medical centers;
- methods that do not require equipment and special conditions: gynecological massage, acupuncture points, yoga.
In our case, physiotherapy is an auxiliary method of treatment, helping to significantly accelerate the process of recovery and rehabilitation, because it is the physiological effect provides blood flow to the affected organs, contributing to the delivery of drugs during active therapy and restoring their normal function in the rehabilitation period. The effects of physiotherapeutic treatment can hardly be overestimated, they include pain relief, strengthening of vaginal and pelvic floor muscles, preparation for childbirth, postpartum rehabilitation.
In inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, physiotherapy treatment is recommended to be applied immediately. Specific directions will help to choose the attending physician. The purpose of physiotherapy is:
- prevention of exacerbation of the inflammatory process;
- pain relief and softening of adhesions;
- immunomodulatory effects;
- detoxification;
- elimination of disorders of other organs and systems arising against the background of the inflammatory process and prevention of their recurrence.
Various methods are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital sphere. For example, intrathecal delivery of drugs and enzymes using electrophoresis, magneto-electrophoresis, laser technology. When softening adhesions, electrotherapy with pulsed currents, phonophoresis of therapeutic mud is used. Rehabilitation methods are various baths (balneotherapy), electro- and magnetotherapy, phototherapy, ultrasound therapy, therapeutic muds, wraps, etc.
For optimal effect, physiotherapeutic effects are prescribed courses of 10-15 procedures, it has an accumulative effect, so positive changes often come after the end of the course of treatment.
Physiotherapy treatment does not have side effects like medications. However, it has a number of contraindications. It is not prescribed for diagnosed malignant neoplasms, bleeding, decompensation of any system of the body.
Since the main causes of green discharge from the vagina are sexual infections and violation of the vaginal microflora (vaginosis), then to prevent them, it is enough to observe a number of simple recommendations:
- barrier contraception (condom), especially if the partner is not constant;
- Use neutral soap for intimate hygiene and wash with the water flowing toward the anus;
- Do not abuse hygienic tampons, change them often, the same applies to pads, with preference given to unscented and breathable products;
- wear loose, natural underwear;
- take care of your immune system - eat a full diet, do not overeat and keep your weight in the norm, take more walks in the fresh air, give your body a feasible physical activity;
- Take an interest in your intimate health and visit a gynecologist periodically (once a year);
- in the appearance of atypical discharge, do not delay, contact a doctor.
Green discharge in women is a symptom of treatable pathologies. The prognosis for life is favorable, for reproductive function - much depends on the speed of contacting a doctor. Acute inflammation is treated quickly and without consequences. The most common complication of neglected inflammatory processes of any origin is infertility.