Itching after intercourse
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Quite often patients come to an andrologist, urologist or gynecologist with such a problem as itching after sexual intercourse. Such a symptom can be associated with different provoking factors: some of them can be eliminated quite easily, while others may require complex and prolonged treatment. Of course, sexual intercourse should not cause any negative sensations, and if such still occurred, it is necessary without any embarrassment and shame to seek medical help. The root cause of itching should be established by a specialist, he will also choose the optimal scheme of treatment measures. [1]
Doctors note that representatives of the weaker sex itching after sexual intercourse bothers more often than men. This trend is easily explained: bacterial representatives in the vagina are conditionally pathogenic organisms. If the balance between beneficial and pathogenic flora is disturbed, then there are diseases, one of the symptoms of which is itching. Most often this problem is found in women who have passed the 40-year mark.
Men more often turn to doctors with complaints of itching in the area of the head, or in the area between the perineum and the anus.
The first place among the causes of genital itching is occupied by genital dysbacteriosis and candidiasis.
The second place is occupied by sexually transmitted infections - we are talking about more than 10 pathologies of various origins (viral, microbial, parasitic lesions). Such infections are characterized by a fairly rapid spread among certain segments of the population, with infection rates increasing rapidly over the past decade. More often than others, adolescents and young people are ill. According to statistics, at least one sexually transmitted infection affects every tenth person in the world, including children and the elderly. In addition to itching, sexually transmitted infections cause a number of other symptoms and complications, including pelvic inflammatory processes and infertility.
Causes of the itching after intercourse
In female patients, itching after sexual intercourse is often provoked by all sorts of diseases - for example, pathologies of infectious nature. And in some cases, itching is not caused by sexual intercourse at all. In most cases, the "culprit" is a fungal infection called candidiasis, or thrush. In addition to itching in such situations, there is a discharge that resembles a curd-like mass. Candidiasis is caused by fungi that are normally present in almost any organism. However, under the influence of certain conditions, fungal infection begins to develop intensely - for example, quite often this happens after antibiotic therapy, or against the background of prolonged use of oral contraceptives, as well as with poor diet or changing climatic conditions. Molluscum contagiosum can be detected in any person, regardless of whether he is sexually active or not. Although sexual intercourse with a partner suffering from candidiasis significantly increases the chances of developing the disease. Often, thrush is diagnosed in both partners.
Itching after unprotected intercourse is often caused by trichomoniasis. This pathology refers to non-viral infectious lesions, as it is caused by vaginal trichomonads - a single-celled parasitic microorganism. Trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to itching after sexual intercourse, pathology can be accompanied by burning and the appearance of yellowish-greenish discharge.
The same symptomatology with itching starts to bother in case of vaginitis - an inflammatory process in the vagina. Such a problem can occur with microbiological imbalance, which often develops under the influence of detergents and other chemicals, cosmetics and contraceptives.
Unpleasant itching is accompanied by the period of menopause in women. This is due to a significant decrease in estrogen production and, as a consequence, atrophic processes inside the vaginal mucosa. The walls of the vagina become drier, and during sexual intercourse there is additional friction and irritation of the mucous tissue. As a result, the patient experiences extremely unpleasant itching or even burning.
In many cases, itching is caused by an allergic reaction. Sometimes it is due to individual hypersensitivity to the sperm composition or to a barrier contraceptive. To understand exactly what allergy occurs, it is necessary to try different variants of sexual contact - for example, with and without a condom. By the way, many people have an intolerance to latex - the main component of the condom. Allergies can also be caused by lubricants, or intimate gels - special lubricants that facilitate friction.
There are many reasons for the appearance of itching after sexual intercourse. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to all symptoms and do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Timely referral to a doctor helps to solve the health problem faster and more effectively.
Risk factors
Such a malfunction, such as itching after sexual intercourse, imposes a serious imprint on the well-being and emotional and psychological state of the patient. Often it becomes an obstacle to a normal and regular sexual life. Unfortunately, most people even in this situation do not hurry to visit the doctor, expecting that the problem will eventually disappear on its own. However, more often it turns out the other way around: the pathology worsens, acquiring a chronic course, or complicated by other health problems. These are just some of the disorders in which itching after sexual intercourse is noted:
- inflammatory reactions (vaginitis, colpitis, balanoposthitis, trichomoniasis, etc.);
- fungal infection;
- gonorrhea;
- microtraumatization of mucous tissues during medical manipulation or sexual contact;
- individual reaction to detergents, pads, underwear, tampons, etc;
- poor intimate hygiene.
The first important risk factor is infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. Some of these diseases are difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. Early detection of such pathologies increases the effectiveness of therapy.
The second most common factor is allergy, which often occurs against the background of the use of intimate gels, barrier contraceptives or personal hygiene products. An additional triggering agent is the frequent sprays, which negatively affect the quality of the natural vaginal microflora.
Finally, itching after sexual intercourse in many patients is a consequence of hormonal changes that occur against the background of constant stress, ovarian diseases, pregnancy, menopause, puberty and so on. The situation is aggravated in the presence of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary sphere - cystitis, adnexitis, etc.
The mechanism of itching after sexual intercourse is well researched. Human skin is covered with a large number of receptors equipped with nerve endings. This or that external or internal influence on these endings causes a feeling of discomfort, which is regarded by the brain as itching. If such discomfort occurs in a strictly defined area of the body and does not disappear after a thorough hygienic procedure, it becomes a clear reason to visit a doctor.
Different pathogenetic factors are known to act as provoking agents in the mechanism of pruritus. For ease of classification, they are divided into two categories:
- the root cause of the primary itch;
- the root cause of the secondary itching.
Primary pruritus is due to insufficient hygiene, it often occurs as a result of regular irritation of tissues by vaginal and urethral discharge, urinary fluid. In some patients, the problem is explained by incontinence or periodic leakage of urine. Additional scratching of the problem area aggravates the condition, and sometimes contributes to the development of microbial infection.
Secondary itching can be a consequence of autonomic dysfunctions, allergic processes, fungal and other infections and inflammatory processes, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes.
There is no direct relationship between the complexity of the pathology and the intensity of itching after intercourse. Itching sensations in some cases precede other symptoms of the disease, which explains the need to see a doctor as early as possible.
Happens so-called psychogenic itching, which is a kind of reaction to stress, but this option experts consider as an exception.
Symptoms of the itching after intercourse
In medical practice, itching after sexual intercourse can occur in a variety of pathologies. Since the violation is characterized by a rather delicate nature, not all patients decide to immediately consult doctors. Nevertheless, it is not worth delaying unnecessarily to visit a doctor - especially if pathological first signs appear:
- Itching and burning or even pain associated with sexual intercourse;
- discomfort in the groin, sacrum, anal sphincter;
- unpleasant sensations during urine production or ejaculation (especially recurrent symptoms, with an intense increase in their severity);
- increased urination;
- The appearance of bad odor, discharge from the vagina or urethra;
- swelling, itching and redness of the external genitalia;
- elevated temperature readings.
If the symptoms do not appear once, but regularly and constantly, or even with an increasing trend, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Accompanying clinical signs in various pathologies are such symptoms:
- In thrush - discharge like cottage cheese, vaginal discomfort, soreness during sexual intercourse, sometimes urinary disorders.
- In chlamydia - yellow-green or transparent discharge, pain when excreting urine, the presence of blood in the discharge after sexual intercourse, elevated body temperature, pain in the pelvic area.
- With HPV - the appearance of growths (condylomas), accompanied by itching and pain.
- In gonorrhea - thick yellowish-whiteish foul-smelling discharge, painful urination.
- In herpes - genital rashes in the form of vesicles with clear fluid inside, the formation of ulcers and crusts after the rupture of the vesicle.
- At menopause - hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances.
You should always report any painful signs to your doctor. This will make the difficult process of diagnosis much easier.
Itching after sexual intercourse in women
According to statistics, itching in the vagina after sexual intercourse more often bothers women than men. And this problem should not be ignored by a doctor, because the causes of this violation are not trivial at all:
- fungal, microbial, parasitic infection;
- allergic process;
- skin irritation from external and internal factors.
In order to understand how to eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to analyze each of the possible causes. So, the most frequent fungal genital lesion in women is candidiasis. Fungus of the genus Candida lives on the mucous membranes of almost all people, but its activity is manifested only against the background of an increase in the number of pathogens compared to the beneficial flora. Provoke the development of candidiasis such factors as taking hormones or antibiotics, weakening of immune defense due to stress or hypothermia. With increased multiplication of fungi changes, first of all, the quantitative composition of the vaginal microflora, which directly affects the start of the inflammatory response. With sexual intercourse there is an additional mechanical impact on the mucosa, which accelerates the appearance of itching and other unpleasant sensations.
The basic signs of candidiasis are itching and white discharge with a sour odor. The burning in the genital area increases after sexual intercourse, but can be present at any other time, including at night.
Itching of the labia after sexual intercourse can be caused by all sorts of infectious lesions. Thus, such diseases as microbial vaginosis and trichomoniasis are quite common. With these pathologies, in addition to itching, there are often vaginal discharge, which is characterized by a greenish-yellowish tint and stinky odor. The infection will not disappear on its own, it can not be overcome by any folk remedies, so the only correct solution in this situation is to consult a doctor.
A third common cause of "itchy" problems in women is allergy - for example, to latex, from which barrier contraceptives are made. Often itching and redness of the genitals are associated with the use of intimate soaps, creams, gel and other products that perform the function of lubrication during sexual intercourse. Such a problem is easily solved: it is enough to change the contraceptive option, use a different soap or lubricant and so on. In addition, it is recommended to take an anti-allergic drug for several days - for example, Eden or Elcet.
Itching after intercourse in men
When unpleasant itching sensations appear in the area of the male genitalia after sexual intercourse, several causes can be suspected. Not all of them require treatment, but among them there are some that pose a serious health problem.
The most common causes may be as follows:
- insufficient, improper observance of intimate hygiene rules;
- mechanical trauma, microtrauma to the penis;
- fungal lesions (candidiasis);
- trichomoniasis, gonorrhea;
- Inflammation of the glans and inner foreskin of the penis (balanoposthitis);
- allergic reaction.
Any of the above factors can provoke penile itching after intercourse.
Violation of hygiene of the organ leads to the accumulation of urinary fluid and lubricant particles in the preputial sac. As a result, a fertile environment for the growth and development of pathogens is formed. To avoid this, it is necessary to wash the genitals daily with suitable hypoallergenic detergents. In addition, it is preferable to wear underwear of natural composition in order to avoid irritation of tissues.
A man can traumatize the frenulum by overly active sexual intercourse. Such an injury is manifested by both severe burning and painful sensations.
Not only women, but also men can fall ill with candidiasis, or the famous thrush. The male "variant" of the disease is accompanied by both itching and redness of the penis. Additional symptoms are a sour flavor and cottage cheese-like plaque in the area of mucous tissue and in the folds. By the way, the initial symptomatology of trichomoniasis sometimes resembles thrush. If this stage is ignored and do not consult a doctor, then the clinical manifestations become more diverse - for example, small wounds and ulcerative lesions begin to form. In such a situation, self-treatment is out of the question: you should immediately go to a specialist.
Another serious pathology is gonorrhea. In this disease, itching is inconstant, wavy, can periodically increase or disappear altogether. It is important to note: if in the absence of treatment, the symptoms of gonorrhea disappeared, it does not mean that a person has recovered. The infection continues to remain in the body and can manifest itself at any time.
A common male problem - balanoposthitis - is accompanied not only by itching, but also by swelling and redness of the head. Unpleasant sensations are present during sexual contact, and after it, and even at any other time. In the absence of treatment measures can develop unpleasant consequences in the form of scarring of inflamed tissues, narrowing of the foreskin and so on.
An equally common painful condition is allergies. Itching occurs after using a condom, artificial lubricant or some hygiene products. Even underwear with synthetic composition can cause allergic process.
Complications and consequences
Our body and, in particular, the genitals, are inhabited by microflora - normal, pathogenic and opportunistic. Pathogenic microorganisms include those that unambiguously cause disease: chlamydia, gonococci, viruses. To the opportunistic flora include bacteria that can be present for a long time, without causing any painful manifestations. However, with a combination of certain conditions that are favorable for the development of such microbes, their active growth and reproduction (with all the associated pathological signs) begins. Such conditions are often created after colds and hypothermia, after antibiotic therapy and severe stress, etc.
Conditionally pathogenic flora in acceptable amounts does not pose a danger to the body. However, a sharp bacterial growth, leading to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms - in particular, itching after sexual intercourse - is a good reason to start treatment. In the absence of appropriate therapy, extremely unpleasant complications often develop.
If the itching is caused by Gardnerella, the pathogen can ascend to the uterus and fallopian tubes, which can subsequently lead to infertility. If this disease develops in a pregnant woman, there are great risks of infection of the placenta. Often there are uterine bleeding, and the baby born has a low weight, or he is diagnosed with pneumonia. All of these consequences can be easily avoided, provided that the treatment is timely.
Mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas are small bacteria that settle on the genital mucosa. They can provoke both inflammatory processes in the genitals and infertility or spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).
If untreated, Candida fungus infection can transform into complicated candidiasis - such a disease will recur several times a year, and the use of popular antifungal agents will not be effective. In such a situation, it is necessary to select treatment individually, sometimes in several stages.
Chlamydia often becomes the "culprit" of reproductive dysfunction, development of ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy. Even if it is possible to save the pregnancy, doctors can not guarantee that the newborn baby will be viable. Often in such children are found lesions of the organs of vision, nasopharynx, lungs.
HPV and herpes simplex virus type II pose an even greater threat to the patient's health. These infections have been shown to be causative factors in the development of cervical or prostate cancer.
The prolonged course of balanoposthitis, a frequent cause of itching after intercourse in men, threatens serious complications such as decreased libido and urethritis. Among the most serious consequences are phimosis and malignant tumor of the genital organ. Timely treatment measures will protect against the development of such dangerous complications of the disease.
Diagnostics of the itching after intercourse
It is better not to postpone solving the issue of itching after sexual intercourse, and immediately contact doctors. Timely diagnosis will help to determine the initial cause of the problem and will help to effectively eliminate it, to achieve recovery.
Diagnosing itching can present some difficulties, so the problem should be approached comprehensively, using all possible diagnostic methods.
The first stage of diagnostics is to collect anamnesis, i.e. Information that will help the doctor to orient in the situation and suspect a particular disease. The doctor will listen to the patient's complaints, put a few leading questions - for example, about sexual life and partners, about living conditions and peculiarities of hygiene and nutrition. This will be followed by a visual inspection of the problem area, and if necessary, additional (laboratory and instrumental) tests will be prescribed.
Most often, already during the interview it is possible to identify the main signs of the disease. Patients complain not only of itching after sexual intercourse, but also of peculiar burning sensations, dry mucous membranes, painful urination and/or sexual intercourse, the appearance of discharge of different color and consistency, with different odor.
When examining women in the gynecological chair, the doctor may pay attention to the redness and swelling of the mucous tissue of the uterine cervix and vagina. This indicates the presence of an inflammatory reaction.
An important role is played by laboratory diagnostics. Most often the patient needs to pass such tests:
- swab for microflora;
- hormonal status study;
- urinalysis;
- PCR for the presence of an infectious agent.
A smear for microflora is included in the list of mandatory tests for suspected diseases of the genitourinary system. This analysis can be taken at any time, excluding the days of menstrual bleeding. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the diagnosis: a few days before the procedure should avoid sexual intercourse, menses, use intimate lubricants, creams, tampons, vaginal suppositories and pills. For a smear in women, three sites are involved:
- vagina;
- the cervix;
- the urethra.
The amount of mucus, epithelium, leukocytes is assessed, the presence and number of pathogenic microorganisms is determined. If the leukocyte count is increased, the doctor assumes the presence of an inflammatory reaction. If pathogenic bacteria are detected, an infectious process is suspected, requiring additional research.
The study of hormonal status is carried out when there are suspicions of imbalance. If the imbalance is confirmed, the doctor prescribes drug correction with hormonal preparations.
PCR is a microbiological diagnostic procedure that detects antibodies produced in response to the presence of pathogen antigens. The method helps to identify the infectious agent, which in the future will directly affect the choice of treatment tactics.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is performed with such diseases and conditions:
- Bacterial vaginosis is a frequent cause of vaginal itching, which is the result of an imbalance between the microbial flora. Vaginosis is usually accompanied by itching and unpleasant discharge (grayish-white, greenish, sometimes frothy).
- Pubic lice are mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse, causing severe itching of the genitals and pubic area. Close examination reveals the lice themselves or their eggs (in the form of whitish-yellow oval elements).
- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) - these include chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, and so on. These pathologies are additionally accompanied by such signs as the appearance of growths (bumps, blisters), vaginal or urethral discharge, pain when emitting urine.
- Vulvar cancer is a relatively rare pathology that affects the external genital area. Other suspicious symptoms of cancer are bleeding of the vagina, clitoris, and painful sensations in the vulvar area.
In addition, differentiation is performed with balanoposthitis, cystitis, candidiasis, hormonal transformations, allergic processes, etc.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the itching after intercourse
If the patient finds himself itching after sexual intercourse, then this symptom should not be ignored. The problem will not disappear on its own, but the transition to a chronic form or the development of complications will not wait long. In such a situation, treatment will be more complicated and prolonged.
The optimal therapy scheme is selected by the doctor individually for each patient. For example, in the presence of microtraumas of the genitals, anti-inflammatory therapy with the use of systemic and local drugs is usually prescribed.
With a confirmed venereal infection, a set of measures is performed to inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, eliminate them from the body. Approximately the same algorithm of actions is observed in inflammatory processes of the genitourinary sphere.
In most cases, a comprehensive approach to solving the problem is used. The initial cause of itching after sexual intercourse must be addressed, as well as symptomatic therapy aimed at alleviating well-being, reducing fever, optimizing blood flow, etc.
If an allergic process is diagnosed, antihistamine medication is mandatory, regardless of whether the cause of the allergy has been identified. If the provoking factor (allergen) has been identified, it is important to eliminate it and not to return to contact with it in the future.
Self-treatment should not be practiced in any case. For most patients, such actions result in the development of adverse effects.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine a single universal treatment scheme that would eliminate itching of any etiology. The patient should realize that itching after sexual intercourse is not a disease in general, but only a pathological sign indicating the presence of another, underlying disease, which should be diagnosed and treated.
The following doctor's recommendations can be used to reduce the intensity of itching:
- adjust the diet, with the exclusion of fatty, salty and spicy foods, fried dishes, cocoa, alcoholic beverages, coffee - that is, potentially allergenic products;
- avoid overheating of the groin and pelvic area (exclude bath, sauna, use of other warming procedures);
- practicing good intimate hygiene;
- follow all the advice and prescriptions of the attending physician.
If the patient seeks medical help for itching after sexual intercourse, then in case of an infectious cause of the problem, he will be prescribed medications that affect the microorganism - the causative agent of the disease. For example, when it comes to candidiasis, the treatment usually includes:
- preparations (oral and vaginal) with clotrimazole;
- Sitting baths, washings and spritzing with baking soda, chamomile;
- drugs that strengthen the immune system (tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, Immunal, etc.).
The following remedies are appropriate for chlamydia:
- Immunomodulators (Cycloferon 200 mg every day for ten days, Amixin 250 mg per day);
- enzyme preparations (Vobenzyme 3 tablets three times a day for 4 weeks, Flogenzyme 2 tablets 3 times a day for 4 weeks);
- vitamin preparations (tocopherol 300 IU per day for 7-10 days, vitamin C 1 g per day for 2 weeks);
- Hepatoprotective agents (Carsil 1 tablet three times a day for 4 weeks;
- Probiotic agents that restore microflora (Enterol 1 pc. Twice a day);
- Antibiotics (Doxacillin 100 mg 2 times a day for 2 weeks, Sumamed 250 mg daily for 12 days).
In gonorrhea, this regimen of treatment is appropriate:
- Ceftriaxone 250 mg (or Gentamicin 2 g) as an intravenous injection;
- Sumamed 2 g (you can use similar means Azitrox, Azicide, etc.);
- Cefixime 400 mg or Ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally.
If gonorrhea is diagnosed for the first time, one of the above antibiotics is administered once.
In genital herpes, drugs with antiviral activity are prescribed:
- Acyclovir - 3-5 times a day;
- Famacyclovir - 3 times a day;
- Valacyclovir - 2 times a day.
Herpes therapy is performed in stages. At first, the main goal is to slow down the growth of the virus. Then the treatment is aimed at reducing the risk of recurrence of the infectious disease. The duration of the treatment course and dosages of drugs are determined individually. At the same time, preventive treatment of the partner is carried out - for example, Valacyclovir is used once a day.
Possible side symptoms during treatment:
- when taking antivirals - tachycardia, anemia, headache, tremor, drowsiness, nausea, increased levels of creatinine and urea in the blood;
- when taking antibiotics - allergic reactions, stomatitis, glossitis, diarrhea, dizziness, increased sweating, increased blood creatinine level;
- when taking antifungal drugs - allergies, sleep disturbances, appetite, headaches, tremors, tachycardia, dyspepsia and dry mouth.
Herbal treatment
Itching after sexual intercourse is a common symptom of many diseases of the genitourinary sphere, both in women and men. Contrary to the unequivocal opinion of doctors about the harm of self-medication, some patients prefer to treat themselves, using folk methods. Many patients believe that folk recipes are time-tested, almost do not cause adverse symptoms, effective and affordable.
Of course, the use of herbal remedies can be useful. But you should consult your doctor beforehand: perhaps the use of herbs can really enhance the effect of traditional medicines and speed up recovery.
So, against the background of conservative therapy is useful to take inside infusions of such plants:
- common hop cones;
- soybeans;
- clover flowers;
- plantain leaves;
- licorice rhizome;
- St. John's wort.
To prepare a potion take 10 g of any of the above raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for an hour and a half. Then the infusion is filtered through a gauze cloth and take 1 tbsp. L. Half an hour before meals three times a day.
With a pronounced itching drink decoction based on blackberries or blueberries (during the day, as a tea), or tea from rose hips without additives (it can also be used as a spritz).
In addition to the use of herbs it is necessary to pay special attention to nutrition, include in the daily menu greens, vegetables, berries, fruits and fermented milk products. It is important to drink clean water during the day, exclude sweets, spicy and flour dishes.
Many patients are helped to get rid of itching by spritzing or washing the genitals with decoctions or herbal infusions. The prepared remedy should be cooled to body temperature, carefully filtered. When performing sprintzing should not be allowed to excessively strong pressure to prevent damage to the mucosa and aggravation of the painful process.
Specialists advise to carry out the procedure twice a day, in the morning and at night, and after improvement of health to practice only evening lavage (spritzing). The duration of such therapy is usually a week and a half.
Sitting baths with the addition of herbal infusions based on chamomile, calendula, celandine are especially popular. Women prefer to spritz with a baking soda solution: 2 tsp. Of baking soda dissolved in 200 ml of warm boiled water. Sodic spritzing is repeated daily for 4-5 days (no more).
For spritzings and genital washes use such herbal infusions:
- 10 g of an equivalent collection of flowers of chamomile and goosefoot pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour, carefully filtered;
- 2 tbsp. Equal mixture of plantain leaves and chamomile flowers pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist until warm, filtered;
- prepare a mixture of 3 parts thyme, 5 parts oak bark, 5 parts chamomile color and 1 part of sage, pour 1 tbsp. Of the mixture with a liter of boiling water, insist for an hour under a lid, filtered and used as directed.
Good reviews have been obtained from the use of the following remedies:
- 15 g of ground oak bark is steamed in 500 ml of boiling water, insist, filtered and used for diapering and spritzing;
- prepare an equivalent mixture of St. John's wort and juniper leaf, brew 1 tbsp. Of raw materials in 250 ml of boiling water, insist for half an hour, filtered and used for diapering and spritzing daily at night.
In addition, make daily evening warm sitting baths on such recipes:
- Needles and pine buds (without twigs) pour boiling water in the ratio of 50 g / 5 liters, boil for 15 minutes, remove from the fire and insist for an hour, filtered and used as directed;
50 g of celandine poured 5 liters of water, boiled over low heat for an hour, filtered and cooled to a warm state, used for baths.
In order to avoid such a problem as itching after intercourse, it is necessary to pay attention to such important recommendations:
- Use barrier methods of protection, regardless of the type of sexual contact (vaginal, oral or anal);
- carefully select condoms, test for allergies;
- avoid casual sex;
- Do not overuse the sprays, do not do this procedure immediately after sexual intercourse;
- avoid hypothermia and overheating of the body;
- to strengthen immune defenses;
- avoid stress and other psycho-emotional disorders;
- lead an active lifestyle, excluding the development of stagnation in the pelvic area;
- avoid using tight underwear made with synthetic materials;
- avoid self-medication, do not use medications chaotically and uncontrollably;
- treat any illnesses in a timely manner;
- comply with all hygiene rules and regulations;
- Practice preventive visits to a gynecologist (andrologist, urologist) once every 6-12 months.
If you adhere to all the above rules, the problem of itching is unlikely to affect your body.
The quality of prognosis, first of all, depends on how timely the patient went to the doctor and underwent an examination. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor may prescribe a number of additional tests: they should not be ignored, otherwise the treatment may turn out to be incorrect, incomplete, and therefore ineffective.
In almost all cases, a smear is required to assess the composition of the microflora. This study helps to clearly identify the pathogenic microorganism in question (if the infectious origin of itching is suspected). After identifying the causative agent, the specialist will select an antibacterial (antifungal) means and make an individual therapy scheme, which should be strictly adhered to. If this is not done, the disease may become chronic.
In case of non-infectious origin of pruritus, the patient can be referred for consultation to specialized specialists. It is obligatory to listen to the doctor's advice on the correction of diet, work and rest, physical activity. All these recommendations are not just "empty" words, but the key to a quick cure and preservation of health for many years.
The possibility of complete cure depends entirely on the timeliness and quality of elimination of the underlying factor - in particular, on the prognosis of the underlying disease that provoked itching after sexual intercourse.