

Exercises for back pain

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Exercises for back pain are increasingly in demand nowadays. The demand for them not only does not decrease, but also gradually increases. This is due to many reasons. People lead mostly sedentary lifestyles. Hypodynamia, or reduced motor activity, has become an almost faithful companion of our lives. This is facilitated by the rapid development of civilization: computers, cars. Elevators, automation of production and farms.

Exercises for back pain in the lower back area

Back pain can occur for a variety of reasons. It should be remembered that any pain indicates the development of an inflammatory process, or traumatic injury. Therefore, it is not recommended to independently start performing exercises for back pain, especially in the lumbar region. This is due to the fact that the situation can only aggravate, intensifying the inflammatory process, or intensifying the consequences of trauma. It is necessary to make sure that in the near future you have not received any trauma in the back, lumbar region. If there was no trauma, most likely it is an inflammatory process. Do not exclude and pinched nerve.

As a rule, in such a situation, it is recommended to eliminate inflammation and pinching with the help of massage or manual techniques, and only after that you can proceed to physical exercises that will help stabilize the process, prevent further damage, accelerate recovery processes.

For back pain, discomfort in the lower back, the following exercises can be recommended:

  • squats;
  • deep downward bends (try to keep your arms down to the floor as low as possible);
  • intense backbends;
  • alternate bending to the left and right sides;
  • circular movements of the lower back;
  • jumping (up, down, sideways).

It is recommended to perform various types of bends: from a standing position, from a sitting position. If you are sitting, you should try to bend as low as possible, touching the floor with your chest and, if possible, with your forehead.

Exercises for back muscle pain

Performing physical exercises regularly, daily, is an important condition for good health, maintaining a high vital tonus, endurance of the body. It is necessary to develop the body in a complex, and to move such exercises that will have an effect on all major muscle groups, not just on individual muscles. For example, if you have back muscle pain, exercises should be selected in such a way that the training process included not only the back itself, but all other muscles. This will eliminate overtraining, avoid fatigue and asymmetrical development of the muscular framework. In addition, at the moment when other exercises are performed, the muscles of the back rest, which avoids contractures, sprains and overwork.

It is recommended to start training with joint exercises, which will help warm up all the muscles and joints of the body. At first glance, it may seem that this exercise does not belong to exercises for the back. But it is not. Do not forget that the main joint of our body is the spine. It consists of a large number of vertebrae, connected to each other by articular surfaces. By providing a warm-up of the spine, a warm-up of the entire back is provided, its intense relaxation, the removal of painful sensations. Joint gymnastics are designed in such a way that they take into account physiology. Therefore, by performing joint gymnastics, you prepare your calves to perform more complex exercises, warm up muscles, ligaments, stimulate blood and lymph circulation.

Joint exercises are described in quite a bit of detail in the usual textbooks or reference books on physical therapy, as well as yoga.

After the joint exercises are done, you can move on to strength training. In case of pain in the back area, it is recommended to perform such exercises as:

  • bar;
  • push-ups;
  • bridge;
  • backbends;
  • bends forward.

An obligatory condition for improving the condition with back muscle pain, is to perform exercises that involve various kinds of circular movements, rotations.

After performing the exercises, it is necessary to warm up. It is recommended to finish the practice with breathing exercises. It is explained by the fact that one of the causes of pain in the back area may be excessive muscle tension. By relaxing the muscles, we relieve tension, spasm, respectively, pain sensations are sharply reduced. Also pain can be caused by hypoxia, or lack of oxygen. With insufficient oxygen in the blood, at the same time, the level of carbon dioxide increases, hypercapnia occurs. These processes together cause muscle spasm, disrupt metabolic processes in cells and tissues, preventing the entry of nutrients. And the elimination of metabolic products. By normalizing breathing, and accordingly, and blood circulation and metabolic processes, pain and spasms are eliminated.

The block of breathing exercises is quite detailed in various Eastern practices: health-improving qigong, tai chi, hatha yoga. In the system of hatha yoga there is a whole section devoted to correct breathing: pranayama.

Exercises for upper back pain

The localization of pain in back inflammation or injury can be different. From the localization of pain sensations, first of all, depends on the set of physical exercises that should be included in the practice. If the pathological process is localized in the upper back, the exercises for pain described below will help.

  1. Smooth rhythmic warm-up of the neck, upper chest, collarbone area. To do this, slowly lower your head down, trying to press your chin to the sternum as much as possible. You can help yourself with your hands, pressing (slightly) the back of your head or neck. In order for this exercise to be convenient to perform, it is recommended to sit in a sitting position, cross your legs at the knees. It is recommended to rest your hands lightly on your knees without straining. When tilting the head forward, we try to slightly round the back, divide the shoulder blades. It is not necessary to tense up. The more relaxed we are, the easier it will be to perform the exercise, and the more effective it will be. Return to the initial, flat position and rest.
  2. Turn your head back. It is recommended to sit in the same posture as described in the previous exercise. Only the head is tilted back. It is recommended to stretch the front surface of the neck as much as possible. Make sure that the spine remains straight.

For a greater effect, it is recommended to alternate the above exercises. To begin with, you should perform 10-15 exercises in one approach, after which the number of exercises can be gradually increased. The exercises should be performed at a slow pace. The slower it is performed, the more effective it will be.

After performing these exercises, the "Boat" exercise is recommended. There is a simplified version of this exercise, and there is a more complicated one. You should start with a simple one, gradually moving to a more complex version.

To begin with, you should lie flat on the floor, on your stomach. The arms and legs should be stretched out, relaxed. Gradually move your hands forward, clasp your ears, and raise your upper back, along with your head and ears. We lift until we feel a slight discomfort in the lumbar region. After that we freeze, and begin to monitor our condition. All attention should be directed to the painful area. Hold for as long as you can. Then slowly lower down, rest. You should perform this exercise at least 5-10 times, gradually increasing the duration of stay in an elevated position.

The second variant - after getting into the position described above, hold for a few seconds, and then start lifting your legs up (straight). At the same time tense the buttocks, but not the lower back. Hold for a while in this position, after which we begin to sway smoothly, like a "boat on the waves". On count 1 - try to lower the legs as low as possible, on count 2 - level off, on count 3 - lower the chest with the arms as low as possible.

Exercises for back pain in the thoracic region

Thoracic pain can occur for a variety of reasons, so it is not recommended to start exercising right away. There may be contraindications. It is recommended to visit a doctor for a consultation first. Heart disease should be ruled out (for example, chest pain can be a precursor to a heart attack, or a symptom of angina pectoris). Pneumonia, lung and abdominal diseases should also be ruled out. Sometimes pain occurs in connection with inflammation of muscles, nerves. The cause can also be a pinched nerve, which is also a kind of inflammatory process. In the pinched nerve metabolic processes, trophics are disturbed, which leads to inflammation and pain. In this case, it is advisable to eliminate the pinching, relieve the inflammatory process with the help of special drug therapy, and only then you can start physical activity.

In case of back pain in the thoracic region, exercises should be aimed at relaxing tense areas and toning relaxed, atonic areas. In this case, the most justified method of treatment will be the use of various means of adaptive physical training, therapeutic physical training.

Exercises such as these may be recommended:

  • bending forward with the chest relaxed as much as possible;
  • springy downward bends;
  • alternating downward and upward bends;
  • circular movements in the shoulders;
  • circular chest movements;
  • rotating movements of the head;
  • lifting the head and chest from the supine position as high as possible;
  • the boat exercise;
  • the plank exercise;
  • "Star" exercise;
  • push-ups from the floor;
  • push-ups against the wall;
  • pull-ups
  • push-ups
  • the bridge exercise.

After practicing, it is recommended to relax. There are special relaxing, meditative exercises. One can resort to relaxation in the pose "Shavasana" widely used in yoga and yoga therapy. You can also just lie down, and lie down for about 30-40 minutes, consciously tracking the painful areas, directing attention to certain parts of the body, and consciously relaxing them. Special breathing practices can be used, either lying down or sitting up. It is recommended to accompany the relaxation practice with pleasant music, incense.

Back exercises for protrusions and pain

Protrusion is a fairly common spinal condition that is especially common in the elderly. Protrusion is a gradual erosion, wear and tear of the vertebrae, depletion of the intervertebral layer, which can cause acute pain. With chronic protrusion, pain can result from the displacement of one or more vertebrae. Often a vertebra, displaced, leads to displacement of other vertebrae, pinching of muscles, nerves, intervertebral discs (this is how intervertebral hernias occur).

In case of protrusions, exercises should be performed with special care and only after prior consultation with a doctor. It is better to perform special therapeutic exercises selected by a doctor of physical therapy. You can also turn to a yoga therapist, who will make a selection of exercises for the spine. In yoga quite a lot of attention is paid to work with the spine, because it is considered as the main rod that supports the vertical position of a person, and also acts as the main channel through which the vital energy flows. Of course, such attention is paid to the spine because it is the framework that provides reliable protection for the spinal cord.

There is a special section of yoga - yoga for the spine, as well as homeopathic yoga. These sections are entirely devoted to working with the spine. Special breathing exercises are performed, which allow to realize and more subtly feel the zone of damage, to eliminate pathological phenomena through self-control and monitoring of one's condition. Special exercises are also used, which help to restore the natural flexibility and mobility of the spine, and also teach the ability to control and feel the intervertebral muscles. These are the delicate muscles that hold the intervertebral discs, vertebrae, and allow them to move. Most of the problems arise from the fact that in today's dynamic living conditions, in the constant hustle and hurry, a person has stopped feeling, sensing. He has lost touch with the muscles of the spine, does not know how to control them, and sometimes does not feel them at all. By restoring the natural connection given to us by nature, the ability to control these muscle groups, we can significantly improve our condition and relieve pain.

In case of protrusions and pain, back exercises of a general strengthening, general developmental nature are also recommended. Special attention should be paid to the paravertebral muscles located along the spine. They support the spine, give him a certain position, peculiarly regulate the movements of the spine. It is necessary to strengthen all parts of the spine, all the muscles of the back.

Exercises for neck and back pain

If a person feels pain in the back and neck, there may be many reasons - from a trivial sprain or tightness of a muscle to a serious traumatic injury, and even a destructive disease. Before you start doing any exercises for back and neck pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand, because physical activity can not only bring benefits, but can also cause serious complications. There are some diseases in which physical activity is strictly contraindicated. Also, pain can occur in connection with inflammation. In this case, it is necessary to first remove inflammation, and only after that is shown dosed load. It should be borne in mind that any load should be strictly dosed, because increased, excessive load, on the contrary, has a traumatizing effect, and can only aggravate the situation. Some injuries, mechanical injuries, require the opposite, immobilization and bed rest. Exercises in such a case are required only at the rehabilitation stage.

If physical activity is not contraindicated, the exercise regimen described below can be recommended.

First, we'll start by working the neck thoroughly:

  • - perform circular movements of the head (10 times in each direction);
  • bring the head to the shoulder, trying to lower it as low as possible, stretching the lateral muscles of the neck (left, right, 10-15 times each);
  • lower the head as low as possible to the chest, trying to press the chin to the sternum (10-15 times);
  • tilt your head back as far as possible;
  • perform semicircular head movements (from left to right, then from right to left), rotating the head along the front surface of the body;
  • perform semicircular head movements similar to the previous exercise, rotating the head along the back surface of the body.

You can then move on to working on the lumbar region (back).

The first exercise consists of sitting down slightly. The legs should be slightly bent at the knees. In order to make it easier to perform the exercise, imagine that your coccyx has an extension in the form of a tail. This makes it easier to perform the exercise. It is necessary to take a deep breath and then lift the "tail" together with the cobra and gluteal muscles, trying to maximally bend the lower back.

As you exhale, "press the tail", trying to lower it as low as possible. The lower back should be as straight as possible, the pelvis should be pulled forward.

In order to check the correctness of this exercise, you can perform it against the wall. In this case, on the inhalation you should maximally bend your lower back, leaving your shoulders and buttocks pressed against the wall. As you exhale, try to align the pelvis, shoulders and back in one line, so that there is no space between the wall and the body (even a hand should not squeeze through).

It is necessary to carefully follow the breath, control the inhalation and exhalation. Hands can be placed forward, across the thighs. The legs should be slightly bent throughout the exercise.

This exercise promotes toning and relaxation of the muscle tone of the lumbar and pelvic area. By improving blood flow, stimulation of lymphatic circulation, receptors, the condition is significantly relieved, pain sensations are relieved. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

The second exercise - it is necessary to stand up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hands should be placed on the shoulder joints. This will ensure easy fixation of the spine, preventing damage. Then fixes the upper spine, and make pelvic movements left-right, gradually increasing the amplitude. The upper spine, the body should be in a stationary state. To make the exercise easier, imagine that a person is standing near you, and you need to move him with your hip.

The third exercise is a twirler for the lower back

Stay in the same starting position as in the previous exercise: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on shoulders, fix the upper spine. Try to perform the largest possible circular movements of the pelvis, hips. First in one direction, then in the other, about 5-10 times. At the same time it is necessary to relax all the time, try to feel how the spine moves. It is also important to remember that the upper part of the body should not move.

After performing these exercises, it is recommended to lie down in a comfortable position, relax as much as possible. Try to breathe deeply, relax the painful areas.

Effective exercises for back pain

There are many effective exercises for back pain. They can be performed strictly following the algorithm and recommendations. You can slightly change, depending on how you feel. As exercises can be any arbitrary movements that relieve the condition and relieve pain.

The simplest and best known exercise is "Cat". This exercise is familiar to almost all of us from the very early childhood.

In order to perform the "Cat" exercise, it is recommended to get on all fours. Legs are on the knees, hands are flat under the shoulder joints. We try to align the body in such a way that there is an even angle between the pelvis and the body, as well as between the arms and the chest. The back is straight.

Then take the deepest possible breath and arch your back as you inhale. Imagine mentally how a cat arches its back in case of danger. Round your shoulder blades, keep your head between your shoulders. Look down at your knees. Take care not to tense your feet. The whole body should be as relaxed as possible. Stay in this position for as long as it feels good and comfortable.

After that, exhale and begin to smoothly move out of this position. Raise your head upwards, bend your back in the lumbar region so that the bend in the lumbar region is noticeable. Remember how a cat bends its back. Stay in this position for a while. After that you can return to the starting position with a straight back.

This exercise helps to relax the muscles along the spine, significantly increases mobility in all parts of the spine, eliminates contractures and pain.

There are several complicated variants of this exercise. So, having made the largest possible deflection in the lumbar region, you can rotate your back, make circular movements. First, the movements are performed in one direction. Then - in the opposite direction.

You can also perform the described exercises, then return to the starting position with a flat back. Then smoothly extend one leg, lift it up so that it is parallel to the floor at the same level with your back, body. Straighten and raise your legs alternately. Then move the leg aside. To complicate this exercise even more, it is recommended to lower yourself onto your forearms.

Another exercise: sit on a hard surface, on your heels. Try to relax as much as possible, straighten your back. The shoulder blades should be even, converge. Slowly bring your arms back, raise them to the level of your shoulder blades. Make a grip between the shoulder blades, or take in a lock. Try to press your palms tightly together, but do not tense your arms. The chest, arms, collarbone area should be relaxed. Sit in this position as long as you want. Try to relax as much as possible. You can cover your eyes, turn on pleasant relaxing music. It is recommended to spend from 2-3 minutes to 30-40 minutes performing this exercise. This will relax not only the muscles of the back, but also the muscles of the spine and chest. Pain goes away quite quickly, especially if you direct your attention to the painful area, and try to consciously, by an effort of will to relax the muscles in the back, along the spine and between the vertebrae. This exercise is very fast and effective in eliminating posture disorders, including scoliotic posture.

In order to get out of the pose, it is enough to gently lower your hands down, smoothly transfer them to your knees, and sit for a while with closed eyes, observing the sensations in the body.

After that, gently lean backwards, resting on your outstretched arms from behind. At first, sit with a straight back, without tilting your head. Then, when you feel comfortable, try to bend your back and tilt your head back. Make sure that your muscles do not tense up. Sit in this position for as long as you feel comfortable. To get out of this position, press your chin against your rib cage, round your back slightly, then bring your arms back and sit with a straight back. Breathe, relax.

Then slowly lower yourself down. With your legs slightly apart, try to lie on the floor as low as possible, so that your chest is on the floor and your abdomen is between your legs. Try to pull your arms forward, stretching your spine as much as possible. Lower your head as well, placing it on the floor (with your forehead leaning against the floor). Try to relax as much as possible. After that you can slowly lift your head up, then - straighten your chest. You should, as if "turn around", straightening vertebra after vertebra, gradually aligning your back.

This exercise relieves pain, eliminates inflammation, increases mobility of the spine, and improves blood supply to the vertebrae. It has a positive effect on the lumbar region. Tones the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle.

Exercises to strengthen back muscles for back pain

To strengthen the muscles of the back, including for pain, there is a whole complex of exercises. It is recommended to perform them in the sequence below.

Start practicing with breathing exercises, which will help you get into the right rhythm and tune into the practice. They will relax tense areas, relieve spasm and excessive tension, which may be the cause of pain. Many practitioners note that relief is felt immediately, already at the stage of performing breathing exercises.

The simplest and most effective exercise that is easiest to master is rhythmic breathing. All living things on the planet, including our body, obey a certain rhythm. We have a rhythm of the heart, we have a certain rhythm of breathing. Even our brain processes information with a certain rhythm, which determines our consciousness. There is rhythm in movements, in reproduction and division of cells and tissues of our body. Often pain occurs if the rhythm is disturbed: the rhythm of blood movement (accordingly, the blood supply to the spine, back is disturbed, the supply of oxygen, nutrients is disturbed, the outflow of processed products is impeded). Pain also occurs when the motor rhythm is disturbed.

It is possible to restore the natural state by rhythmic breathing. In order to choose the optimal rhythm, it is necessary to measure the rhythm of the heart. Then, knowing your rhythm, it is recommended to inhale for 5 beats, then - to make a breath delay for 5 beats, after that - to exhale for 5 beats, and a delay for the same 5 beats. This is one complete cycle of rhythmic breathing. Then everything is repeated again using the same rhythm. If you don't know the rhythm of your heart, you can simply perform the above sequence for 5 seconds, or counting to 5. The main thing is to keep the same rhythm. You should breathe rhythmic breathing for at least 5 minutes, after which the training time should gradually increase, up to 30-40 minutes.

After rhythmic breathing, the body is sufficiently warmed up and prepared to move on to the main exercises designed to strengthen the back muscles. If you have pain, you should perform the exercises as slowly and carefully as possible.

In the main part, the following exercises are recommended:

  • Push-ups from the floor and from the wall
  • plank
  • Wood
  • Star
  • Barrel
  • Forward bends
  • Backbends
  • Side bends
  • Circular rotations of the back, lower back
  • Squats.

After completing the main block of physical exercises, it is recommended to perform relaxation (meditation, relaxation practices). This will help to relieve tension, relaxation, equalize the tone of the back muscles. Also meditation will help to remove clamps, seals, will help to eliminate spasms and hypertonus, as a result of which the threshold of pain sensations will be significantly reduced.

Morning exercises for the spine if you have back pain

If your back hurts, morning exercises for the spine are recommended. So, they will contribute to relieving tension, toning the muscles of the back. Also with the help of morning exercises you can activate muscles, ligaments, tendons, adjust them for further work during the day. Gymnastics performed in bed is recommended as an effective means of waking up quickly and efficiently. It also trains the intervertebral muscles, puts displaced vertebrae in place, eliminates clamps and misalignments.

There's a whole set of exercises for the spine.

Let's consider the simplest exercises. It is recommended to perform them in the morning, lying in bed.

As soon as you wake up, stretch slowly and measuredly. Try to stretch your spine as much as possible by stretching your arms upwards. Stay like this for a while, then try to lie flat. Keep the lower part of your body, arms, and shoulder blades tightly pressed against the bed.

Lift both legs up, straight above you. Lie like this for a while. Repeat the exercise with your legs down.

Get out of bed. Slowly reach up, trying to breathe in as deeply as possible. Climb up on your toes. Try to stretch your spine as much as possible.

Make a slight backward bend. Stay in the bend for as long as you feel comfortable. Slowly lower yourself into a bend and try to hug your shins with your elbows. Stay in this position for as long as you feel comfortable.

If flexibility allows, perform the Bridge.

After that, sit in any comfortable position with your legs crossed, close your eyes. Breathe slowly, deeply. Feel your body, your spine. Observe the changes taking place, realize them.

Fitball exercises for back pain

For back pain, simple exercises on a fitball can help. A fitball is a large ball that is now widely used in fitness, aerobics, and even medicine. In case of back pain, it can act as a support that promotes deep relaxation of the back muscles, resulting in the departure of excessive tension, spasm is relieved, respectively, pain sensations disappear.

Let's take a look at the most effective fitball exercises recommended for back pain.

The first thing to master is to perform exercises at different paces. At first, you should perform the exercises slowly, in a measured manner. Then the tempo gradually increases, goes to medium, after which the exercises should be performed quickly. After that, we move in the opposite direction: we slightly reduce the pace, move to a medium speed of exercises, slow down, up to a slow, smooth, barely noticeable movement.

It is also necessary to master the initial positions - sitting on the fitball, lying on your back, lying on your stomach. It is necessary to reach such a state in which, lying on the fitball, you will feel comfortable and relaxed. You need to be able to maintain a sense of balance and equilibrium, even during oscillations and movements of the fitball. Muscles should not tense up.

List of exercises:

  1. It is necessary to sit down on your heels, with the fitball pressed with your knees. The back is as relaxed as possible. Perform several smooth forward movements (jumps, transitions). The fitball should not roll away.
  2. It is necessary to lie on your back. Legs are straight. Fitball is clamped between the knees. Slowly lift it up, then smoothly lower your legs together with the fitball. You can work in pairs, passing the raised fitball to each other.
  3. Roll the fitness ball smoothly with your feet from left to right, then from right to left. After that, place your feet flat on the fitness ball and try to relax your lower back as much as possible.
  4. It is necessary to lie on your back. Smoothly raise your pelvis and roll the fitness ball under it. Stay in this position, maximally relaxing the pelvis and lumbar region. The optimal time to perform this exercise - from 5 minutes. Gradually the time of performance can be increased. If you feel that you are well relaxed, you can gently rock from one position to another.
  5. Lie on your back and try to relax as much as possible. Place your bent legs on the fitness ball. Feel the relaxation of your lower back and spine.

Back pain exercises by Dikul

Today, Dikul's gymnastics are becoming increasingly popular. Initially, Dikul was a circus performer. Gradually, he became interested in the practical application of the exercises known to him for health-improving purposes. Today, Dikul exercises are used for back pain even in physical therapy.

But most often with back pain apply Dikul exercises for the lower back, because they are the most effective. Let us consider the main exercises.

  • Exercise 1.

It is necessary to sit down on your heels. Reach up, straighten your back, try to relax it as much as possible. Then slightly lower yourself down. Pull your arms forward, stretching your back and spine behind them. Stretch your back slowly so that you can feel the stretching of the muscles along your spine. Perform the exercise at least five times, gradually increasing the number of exercises to 25-30 times.

  • Exercise 2.

You need to assume the starting position lying on your back. It is important to keep your back as close to the floor as possible, there should be no space between the floor and your lower back. Bend your legs at the knees, but keep your thighs, heels and calves tightly pressed against each other. The hands should be crossed in a lock and should be placed on the back of the head. After that, raise your arms and head. The rest of the body remains in the same motionless position. Repeat 5-10 times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions.

  • Exercise 3.

Stand so that your head, spine and lower back are at the same level. Then make the maximum bend in the lower back, maximally flexing the back (it should be rounded at the shoulder blades). The legs should be in a wide stance.

  • Exercise 4.

Stand up straight. Perform rotational movements with your lower back. Try to perform the exercise with maximum amplitude: do maximum forward bend, maximum side deviation, maximum backward bend. It is recommended to start with 5 turns to one side, then 5 turns to the other side. Gradually increase the number of turns.

Exercises for drivers for back pain

Due to the fact that drivers are often in the same position and there is quite a lot of strain on their backs, they often experience back pain. There are special exercises for back pain for drivers. Performing them will help to quickly relieve pain when it occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. Regular performance of individual exercises, their complexes, will help to control and prevent painful sensations.

In case of acute pain, which caught the driver on the road, it is recommended to stop and, without getting out of the car, perform breathing exercises, for example, from the system, hatha yoga, qigong. Breathing exercises will quickly relieve spasm, relax overstretched muscles. The main thing is awareness during breathing. It is enough even just to breathe in as deeply as possible, and make the deepest exhalation, controlling the passage of air, feeling the flow of oxygen, listening to the sensations that arise in the process of breathing. Perform deep breathing for 5-10 minutes, after which sit with your eyes closed for 5-6 minutes, listening to the sensations, trying to relax the painful area as much as possible.

If there is an opportunity to get out of the car, and on a free area of the territory to perform physical exercises, you can recommend such an express complex.

  • Circular movements of the lower back (5-10 times to each side);
  • Maximum forward bends;
  • Maximum backward flexion;
  • Squats (10-15 times);
  • Side bends (5-10 times each);
  • Jumping in place (30-50 times);
  • Exercise "Star" 2-3 minutes;
  • Exercise "Barrel" 2-3 minutes;
  • Exercise "Plank" 5 min;
  • Push-ups from the floor or from a wall (a tree, if in nature) - 5-10 times;
  • Slow walking in a circle, or running in place - 2-5 min.

It is also recommended to regularly perform special sets of exercises for back pain at home. For drivers, exercises and their complexes from the hatha yoga system are suitable, for example:

  • Surya Namaskar
  • The Eye of Renaissance
  • Sphinx
  • Spinal gymnastics

Well-proven exercises on Dikul, author's joint gymnastics "Spheres" (author - Ovcharenko Sergei Valentinovich), a system of exercises on Bubnovsky, health complexes qigong, Tai Chi.


There may also be contraindications to gymnastics and any physical exercises. The main contraindication is an inflammatory process in the back muscles, spine. It is also not recommended to perform exercises in the event that you have poor health, general malaise. For example, it is not recommended to exercise if you are worried about a cold, bacterial or viral disease, exacerbated any chronic condition. Elevated body temperature is an absolute contraindication to any physical activity. Prohibit training can be a cardiologist, if you have serious heart problems, impaired blood circulation. With some diseases of the kidneys, liver, training is also better to postpone. Strictly contraindicated any training with angina, tonsillitis, because these diseases can give complications to the heart, kidneys and liver.

In the postoperative, postpartum period, you should perform any exercises extremely cautiously, and after prior consultation with a doctor.

Exercises for back pain are contraindicated in serious degenerative diseases of the spine, congenital pathology of the spine, deformations of the musculoskeletal system. Protrusions, vertebral hernias in most cases are contraindications. It should also be borne in mind that in such a disease as osteoporosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand, because in this disease the bones become so fragile and brittle that at any moment, from the slightest trauma can occur a fracture, which will only worsen the condition.

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