Itching in the intimate area
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Nowadays, one of the most common complaints of patients with which specialists in the field of gynecology, urology have to face is itching in the intimate zone. This is a very delicate problem, however, it requires close attention from the doctor and the patient himself.
Causes of the intimate itching
It is observed in inflammatory, infectious, allergic reactions. Itching can also provoke psychological problems, for example, the need for intimacy. This also includes hormonal disorders, immune failures. This picture can be observed after viral, colds, antibiotic therapy, hormone therapy or chemotherapy, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies, poor diet.
Often the cause is adolescence, when hormonal imbalance develops. Some venereal diseases, immunodeficiency, cancer can also be accompanied by severe itching. Sometimes itching is one of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
It is almost impossible to say exactly what causes itching in the intimate zone, without examining the patient and collecting anamnesis. Tentatively: irritation, allergic reaction, mechanical irritation of the skin.
Risk factors
The risk group includes people who are at an age or life period that is accompanied by hormonal disorders or changes: adolescence, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause. Risk factors also include insufficient immunity, various inflammatory, infectious, viral, autoimmune, allergic pathologies. Improper nutrition, vitamin deficiency, antibiotic therapy, dysbacteriosis, concomitant pathologies, chronic diseases exacerbate the situation.
If there is itching in the intimate zone, it is not always a symptom of disease. It is quite acceptable failure of the functional state, a temporary reaction to the impact of unfavorable factors, on the transferred therapy, surgical interventions.
However, it is sometimes associated with the development of gynecologic or urologic disease, a general systemic disease that affects the whole body.
Itching and discharge in the intimate area
Often there is itching and heavy discharge in the intimate area. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the more effective the treatment will be, and the higher the likelihood of recovery. It is possible to accurately name the cause only after a preliminary examination and analysis. Most often a swab of secretions is taken. A microscopic and cytologic examination is performed to determine the etiology of discharge and itching.
Itching in the intimate area with white discharge
Quite often, after a cold, or any other disease in which antibiotic therapy was carried out, white discharge appears. Many of them are accompanied by burning and itching in the intimate zone. This is mainly due to the fact that the antibiotic leads to the development of dysbacteriosis (antibiotics contribute to the destruction of not only pathogenic, but also normal microflora).
Itching in the intimate area and cottage cheese discharge
Such a nonspecific manifestation, such as curdy discharge, accompanied by itching in the intimate area, can be a sign of many diseases of gynecological or urological profile. It is possible to say exactly only based on the results of tests and gynecological (urological examination).
It can be assumed that these symptoms indicate the presence of thrush. It occurs due to the fact that the normal state of mucous membranes is disturbed, there is dysbacteriosis (violation of the quantitative indicators, ratio, and qualitative characteristics of the normal microflora of the urinary tract and urogenital tract). Against the background of dysbacteriosis there is a sharp decrease in representatives of normal microflora. At the same time, there is a sharp increase in the number of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms, there are functional and then structural pathologies, specific and nonspecific manifestations. Occurs when the place of representatives of normal microflora is occupied by representatives of fungal microflora (fungi of the genus Candida, respectively, candidiasis develops).
Yellow discharge and itching in the intimate area
Yellow discharge can be a sign of bacterial infection. They cause irritation, so over time there is also itching in the intimate zone. Without analyzing the microflora, bacteriological examination, it is impossible to say exactly what microorganism caused the development of such a condition. But according to the clinical picture of pathology, you can approximately assume the etiology of the described symptomatology. Such a phenomenon can be observed if a high level of microflora brought in from another biotope is found in the urogenital system. For example, with an increase in the number of Escherichia coli, enterococci. A sharp increase in the number of streptococci, staphylococci in the urogenital tract can also lead to the appearance of the described complaints.
It should be understood that almost always microflora disorders, bacterial infection develop against the background of reduced immunity, or its imbalance. Sometimes against the background of hormonal disorders, but still, the decisive role is given to the immune system. Therefore, to maintain the normal functioning of the reproductive system, and eliminate complaints, it is necessary to maintain a high level of immunity.
Itching in the intimate area and brown discharge
Brown-colored discharge is a bad sign. Especially if they are accompanied by itching in the intimate area. Sometimes such complaints arise in the postoperative period or after a difficult childbirth with complications. Tumors, polyps, multiple cysts can be accompanied by similar complaints. The exact cause can only be assumed, so you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, and undergo diagnostics. Usually requires ultrasound of the small pelvis. But the doctor may prescribe other studies: hysteroscopy, colposcopy, MRI, CT.
Itching in the intimate area and bloody discharge
If there is bloody discharge, itching in the intimate area, you should be examined as soon as possible. This is a symptom of a serious disease that requires urgent treatment, and possibly even surgical treatment. Usually conditions accompanied by blood discharge (if it is not menstruation) require emergency care. Uterine bleeding may occur, which is usually accompanied by heavy bleeding, multiple pathologies. Such complaints may indicate, for example, the development of benign or malignant tumors, polyps, cysts, spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, uterine bleeding, rupture of mucous membranes, organ prolapse. In the absence of treatment, such conditions often end in death. It is especially dangerous in pregnancy. It can be fatal not only for the mother, but also for the fetus.
Itching in the intimate area without discharge
If you feel strong or moderate itching in the intimate area, but without discharge, then, we can assume the development of an allergic process, autoimmune reaction, irritation caused by underwear (for example, synthetic fabric). It is often observed in people who wear thongs, bikinis, or simply silk underwear.
Such phenomena can develop against the background of pregnancy, especially in the early stages, after sexual intercourse, or vice versa, after prolonged abstinence. Often itching occurs during long journeys, trips, especially if there is no opportunity to take a shower, freshen up. Can be observed before or after menstruation. A similar picture develops against the background of treatment with antibiotics, taking antiviral drugs, or other means that disrupt the normal microflora. Itching can be observed in summer at sea, when the body is affected by salt water, hot air, sunlight, sand. Itching often accompanies not only natural tanning, received in the sun, but also artificial, produced in a solarium. Such itching is especially intensified at night. If the mucous membranes moisturize, apply intimate hygiene cream, or even ordinary children's cream, itching is somewhat reduced, but by evening, as a rule, again intensifies.
Accompanying manifestations are severe peeling of the skin around, dryness, irritation. Sometimes there is redness, and even swelling of the skin in the intimate zone. In winter, itching without discharge can appear from hypothermia, after a sauna, after swimming in the pool, especially if the water is heavily chlorinated.
It should also be taken into account that such a picture can be observed after waxing, depilation, intimate haircuts, and other procedures affecting the intimate area. If there is no discharge, you can use aftershave cream or any other soothing cream.
Itching and burning in the intimate area
Itching combined with burning is often a sign of an inflammatory process in the intimate zone. If such signs appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a sign of a disease that requires treatment. From cosmetic means, cream helps.
Itching and odor in the intimate area
Usually, the appearance of odor in the intimate area indicates the development of unfavorable microflora. Itching indicates the development of irritation, and to know for sure, you need to check. A similar picture can be observed in men. In any case, special therapy is required, which will be aimed at reducing itching, removing the main pathological processes. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, in accordance with the results of the examination. In addition, you can try various external means: ointments, anti-inflammatory and anti-itching agents, gels and creams for intimate hygiene. Both traditional medications and folk medicine remedies can be of good help.
Itching in the intimate area and fish odor
If there is a fish odor, you can immediately suspect a fungal infection. If an inflammatory process occurs, it is accompanied by itching in the intimate zone. First of all, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Immediately require microbiological screening, which will help to determine the composition of the microflora of the urogenital tract. Quite informative will be bacteriological seeding, microscopic and cytologic examination of a smear from the mucous membrane. Perhaps other studies are required, for example, ultrasound. Based on the results, the appropriate treatment is prescribed.
Itching in the intimate area without odor
The appearance of itching in the intimate area, with or without odor, indicates the need to visit a doctor. Most often the cause is an inflammatory process. Even if the itching is caused by normal irritation. For example, a hard bed, or silk underwear that rubs, subsequently, there will still be inflammation and an infectious process. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the cause at an early stage, eliminate it, and carry out treatment.
Treatment is mainly symptomatic first, then etiologic. That is, first of all, it is necessary to provide help, relieve itching as one of the leading symptoms. And only after this is already recommended to proceed to diagnosis, during which it is necessary to identify the cause of pathology. Then and begins etiologic therapy, which will be aimed at eliminating the cause. As a rule, having eliminated the cause of pathology, the symptoms disappear, and recovery comes quite quickly.
Itching and flaking in the intimate area
In order to eliminate itching and peeling, it is necessary, first of all, to apply special means aimed at relieving itching in the intimate zone. These are various ointments, creams and gels designed for intimate hygiene. Also apply anti-allergic agents that allow you to reduce the level of histamine in the blood. Accordingly, the level of irritation, redness, itching will also decrease. After the itching is slightly reduced, it is necessary to remove redness, eliminate inflammation (if there is any). Further treatment is selected by the doctor, based on the results of the examination, as well as the results of laboratory tests. Eliminate itching and peeling in the intimate area will allow special moisturizing creams, ointments. Special means that soothe irritated skin, relieve inflammation, irritation have a positive effect.
Itching and rashes in the intimate area
If you do not know how to get rid of itching, and even more so rashes, which are observed in the intimate zone, and lasts for several days, you need to consult a doctor. A gynecologist (urologist), dermatovenerologist will be able to help. Diagnosis and determination of the exact causes that caused this itching will be required. The rash is examined for etiology. In the intimate zone, a swab is made, its microscopic examination is carried out. Only by eliminating the causes of pathology, you can get rid of itching and its consequences. In this case, various local and systemic means aimed at treating itching will help.
Itching and acne in the intimate area
If itching only causes serious discomfort, then pimples in the intimate zone should be a cause for serious concern. It can be a sign of disease, or indicate a violation of microflora, immunity. Basically, to relieve itching, local remedies are used, which allow to soothe the mucous membranes, normalize the microflora. What exactly to use - depends on the doctor's prescription. He is based on the results of diagnosis. Usually an ordinary smear is enough to determine the cause. If you start treatment in the early stages of pathology, it will also be not difficult. The most effective are topical ointments, creams or suppositories that contain antipruritic and anti-inflammatory components. For example, pimafucin, fluconazole, camistad, miramistin, nystatin and other means.
Blisters, ulcers in the intimate area and itching
If the body is covered with blisters, as well as bothersome severe itching and ulcers in the intimate area, you need to visit a dermatologist, as well as a dermatovenerologist. There may be many reasons, it is possible to say exactly only after a comprehensive examination is carried out and a diagnosis is made.
In general terms, the cause may be a disorder of the microflora, as well as gonococcal, chlamydial infection, trichomonosis, fungus. Sometimes such symptomatology indicates the development of infection of the kidneys and urinary tract. But to differentiate these conditions is quite simple. In order to determine renal inflammation, it is enough to take a urine and blood test. The main sign is protein in the urine. With gynecological pathologies, the level of protein does not increase.
Itching in the intimate area in women
In women, itching affecting the intimate zone can also be a sign of gynecological diseases, endocrine disorders. Often occurs during pregnancy, because at this time the body is in a state of adaptation, significantly increases the load on the kidneys, liver, other organs, develops intoxication of the body.
Sometimes observed in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. In women, such a picture is also observed against the background of menopause4, hormonal changes, especially in adolescence, during pregnancy, toxicosis, after childbirth. A similar picture is observed in hypertension, autoimmune pathologies, allergic reactions. In more severe cases, this clinical picture may indicate the development of malignant tumors and severe diseases of the reproductive organs and urinary tract, including kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephritis, renal tuberculosis).
Itching and redness in the intimate area
These manifestations require diagnosis due to the proximity of the reproductive organs. This is often a violation of the function of the urinary system, a manifestation of gynecological diseases. This is observed, for example, during menstruation, as a result of improper toiletting of the external genitalia. Requires a mandatory smear for microflora for diagnosis.
Itching and dryness in the intimate area
Dryness indicates a metabolic disorder. In combination with itching in the intimate area, dryness is often a symptom of gynecological disease or disturbance of the urogenital microflora. This can be a sign of a banal lack of water in the body, and a harbinger of pathology. In the first case, it is enough to make up for the lack of fluid in the body by ensuring abundant drinking. In the second case, treatment is required.
Dryness is a reason to talk about elevated blood glucose levels, the development of diabetes mellitus and non-diabetes mellitus, disruption of intestinal microflora. It can be one of the signs of a temporary increase in blood glucose, developing against the background of pregnancy. It is often observed in elderly women (in them it may be a sign of degenerative processes, inflammation, development of infection, infertility, reduced libido, fading reproductive function, and may also indicate a violation of the concentration capacity of the kidneys arising due to the development of chronic kidney disease).
Itching and pain in the intimate area
If there is itching, and moreover, pain in the intimate zone, lower abdomen, you can assume a gynecological or urological disease. Also, a similar picture may be the result of a violation of the hormonal background, often develops as a result of insufficient production of vasopressin (hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which contributes to vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, including in the mucous membranes). The normal ratio of estrogen (in women), testosterone (in men) is also disturbed.
Itching and swelling in the intimate area
There is a fairly large variety of causes that can lead to the development of itching and swelling of mucous membranes. In the intimate zone, mainly infectious-inflammatory processes develop. Often there is autoinfection and infection from external sources. With autoinfection, the infection penetrates into the urogenital tract from other biotopes of the human body. In external source infection, the infection enters the body from outside. The danger lies in the possibility of ascending infection, in which from the external genitalia the infection rises upwards, colonizing the mucous membranes, urinary tract, ureters, and finally penetrates into the kidneys, where the main focus of infection subsequently develops.
Itching in the intimate area and anus
In most cases, such complaints arise against the background of thrush, fungus. Usually it is associated with a previous violation of microflora, in which the number of normal microflora sharply decreases, and the number of pathogenic flora increases. Dysbacteriosis develops, the first symptoms appear. As the disease progresses, itching, pain, inflammation from the intimate zone spread to the anus. There are a number of factors that predispose to the development of dysbacteriosis.
Thus, the risk group includes people who have recently undergone acute diseases of infectious genesis, as well as people with a history of chronic diseases. This also includes people who have undergone antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy. This is due to the fact that they have a sharp decrease in immunity, which entails various disorders of the microbiocenosis.
The above factors cause a decrease in colonization resistance, disturbance of microbiocenosis, which contributes to the development of inflammatory and infectious processes.
Itching and cracking in the intimate area
First of all, a crack in the intimate zone with the subsequent development of severe itching can be a sign of a sharp lack of vitamins, and may also indicate the development of metabolic disorders. But cases of traumatization of genitals by mechanical means are not excluded - from rubbing and irritation by hard underwear to cases of hard sexual intercourse, or violent actions.
Itching in the intimate area at night
Often there are cases in which itching in the intimate area, intensifying at night, indicates the development of invasive diseases (worm infestations, giardiasis). In order to confirm or deny the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a scraping. Bacteriological, microscopic examination may be required. Also, signs of worm infestation can be detected and in the usual clinical blood test. On the development of worms and other parasitic infections, indicates an increased level of eosinophils. Usually the elimination of worms requires the use of antiparasitic and antihelminthic drugs.
Itching in the intimate area when urinating
Of course, without appropriate laboratory and instrumental tests, it is impossible to make a diagnosis. But almost always, pain and itching that develops during urination indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urogenital system. This is often a sign of cystitis. Confirm the diagnosis can be confirmed by laboratory tests, for example, blood tests, urine tests, bacteriological examination.
If the inflammatory-infectious process is confirmed, antibiotic therapy is required. The choice of a particular antibiotic depends on a number of factors, including the type of bacteria found in the urine and their number, is determined by the individual characteristics of the body, the state of its immune system, local and systemic immunity.
You can also use universal antibiotics, which are prescribed to treat many infections - broad-spectrum antibiotics. Also used uroseptic, which are used to treat diseases of the urogenital tract. They have a targeted effect on those pathogens that contribute to the development of diseases of the urinary system. When using some drugs may require additional drugs, for example, probiotics, aimed at normalizing the normal microflora. This is due to the fact that antibiotics, along with pathogenic microflora, can kill at the same time and part of the normal microflora. Hepatoprotectors may also be required, as some antibiotics can have a toxic effect on the liver.
Itching in the intimate area at menopause
Climax is associated primarily with a decrease in the level of sex hormones. This entails various disorders in the immune system, physiology and psyche. Many women are noted that during the transition they develop itching in the intimate zone, which is due to changes in hormonal background. It is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist and gynecologist.
Itching in the intimate area before and after menstruation
Quite often at an appointment with a gynecologist, women complain of itching in the intimate zone, which occurs both before and after periods. This may be due to natural physiological cycles, during which the hormonal background is disturbed, an imbalance of hormones develops. It can be part of premenstrual syndrome, and even a sign of a lack of sex hormones, a lack of progesterone.
Itching in the intimate area during menstruation
At the same time, there are often several causes of such pathology. In most cases, it is associated with hormonal disorders. Nevertheless, there are also cases of microflora disorders, a decrease in local immunity, and even banal non-observance of hygiene rules. Sometimes it is associated with mental changes, are nervous reactions.
Delayed periods and itching in the intimate area
The first thing to think about is pregnancy. Yes, indeed, in pregnancy often appears itching in the intimate area. In combination with delayed periods, it may well indicate fertilization. But this is far from the only reason. For example, after childbirth, against the background of breastfeeding, as a result of hormonal disorders, some diseases, after surgery, and even in the menopause, there may be a delay and itching at the same time.
In order to find out the true cause, and to determine what to do about it, you need to consult a doctor (gynecologist). The doctor will conduct an examination, diagnose the problem, and choose the best treatment. The earlier the treatment is started, the more effective it will be.
Itching in the intimate area during pregnancy
During pregnancy, many women complain of itching. Sometimes it spreads to the whole body, abdomen. It causes a lot of discomfort. First of all, it becomes the cause of nervous disorders. Usually it is associated with changes occurring in the body: changes in the hormonal background, a decrease in the immune system, dysbacteriosis. Also, the level of autoimmune antibodies increases, there is a release of a large amount of histamine, which can also lead to severe itching. On how to eliminate this condition, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who leads the pregnancy.
Itching in the intimate area before and after childbirth
It may be related to biochemical processes occurring in the body. Itching in the intimate area before delivery may indicate that the baby is ready for birth, and there are corresponding secretions in the body. After childbirth can be a consequence of damage, microtraumas, or healing of wounds, recovery processes. Sometimes indicates and pathological processes. Therefore, it is necessary to tell the doctor about the presence of such a problem.
Itching in the intimate area in men
To answer the question of why there is itching in the intimate zone, a man needs to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. Without making a diagnosis and identifying the cause, it is impossible to answer this question. In most cases, this cause is overwork, excessive stress. The cause may be insufficient physical fitness, low muscle activity, hypodynamia, worries, systematic sleep deprivation and neuropsychic or physical fatigue, hormonal failures.
However, it can also be a disruption of the normal functioning of certain organs and systems. First of all, this applies to the digestive reproductive system, kidney and liver function, endocrine and immune systems. In any case, it is worth seeing a doctor and being examined.
Itching in the intimate area of a child
Often (but not always) indicates the presence of inflammation in the urinary tract. Inflammation is almost always accompanied by the development of a bacterial infection. In girls, the infection develops much faster than in boys, so it is necessary to pay special attention to this. The severity of the pathological process depends on the quantitative indicators of microorganisms, and on how strongly pronounced itching is in the child. Sometimes in the intimate zone there is also redness, irritation, which only intensifies the complaints. In any case, mandatory consultation with a doctor is required, as it is necessary to accurately determine the source of infection. The greatest danger is that it can be infectious-inflammatory processes in the kidneys - nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, and other kidney pathologies.
Treatment depends on the cause of the complaint. Additional tests will be required, in particular, bacteriological examination of urine, urine sediment, clinical blood tests. Sometimes immunogram, allergy tests are required.
Diagnostics of the intimate itching
Diagnosis consists in determining the exact cause of itching. To do this, such methods as inspection, interviewing the patient, collecting anamnesis are used. The main are laboratory methods. It may also require instrumental methods that will trace the features of pathological changes in the body, identify the focus of inflammation and infection.
The main analysis is a scraping of mucous membranes, as well as a smear from the walls of the genital organs. Vaginal and urogenital secretions are examined. Usually after taking the material for research, carry out its microscopic and cytological examination. If a bacterial infection is suspected, bacteriologic examination is performed.
One of the main methods is a bacteriological culture, microbiological screening, allowing to determine the composition of microflora, identify pathological microflora. After taking the material, sowing is done on a nutrient medium. Then place the Petri dish in the thermostat in optimal conditions, incubate the culture for 3 to 5 days. If necessary, resuspension on selective nutrient media and isolation of pure culture is performed. The pure culture is identified.
In addition, biochemical and serological tests are performed, which ultimately make it possible to determine the exact quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the identified microorganism. Virological and immunological studies are important.
Quite often, an additional antibiotic sensitivity test of the isolated microorganism is performed. The essence is to determine the name and dosage of the antibiotic that is most effective against the identified microorganism. Appoint and the usual clinical studies of blood, urine and feces. Additional tests, which are prescribed when indicated, can be immunograms, virological studies, rheumoprobes.
Instrumental diagnostics
The following methods may be used:
- rheography, which allows you to study the functional state of the kidneys, urodynamics;
- Ultrasound, X-ray examination of the urinary tract, abdominal and pelvic organs;
- computerized or magnetic resonance imaging.
In case of combined pathology of digestive tract organs, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, irigoscopy, gastroduodenoscopy, endoscopy, and other methods are used.
Differential diagnosis
The essence of differential diagnosis is to differentiate the signs of one disease from the signs of another disease. Doctors assume that itching can be a sign of many diseases and syndromes. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental methods, patient examination are used.
Treatment of the intimate itching
Treatment is imperative. Before a definite diagnosis is made, it is advisable to carry out symptomatic treatment. And only after the diagnosis is finalized, you can move on to etiological treatment. That is, first of all, it is necessary to provide relief, relieve itching. Then you can proceed to diagnosis, in the course of which you must necessarily identify the cause of itching. And only after that, you can proceed to etiologic therapy, which will be aimed at eliminating this cause. As a rule, having eliminated the cause of pathology, the symptoms disappear by themselves.
In any case, if any itching does not go away for a long time, you need to go to the doctor, and he will tell you what to do. In the intimate zone to eliminate itching is much more difficult than on the skin, because we are dealing with thin and sensitive mucous membranes. Nevertheless, the pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of means that can be used to treat these areas. Various medications are prescribed, including ointments, gels and creams with antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic action.
In difficult cases, if the place of itching scratched, it got into the infection, it is necessary to use antibiotics. If necessary, prescribe immunostimulants, antiviral agents (if so indicated). Also use folk and homeopathic remedies, phytopreparations.
Complications and consequences
The most unpleasant consequence is the discomfort caused by constant itching. But in addition to this, there are also serious health and physical complications. For example, itching can constantly progress, covering more and more areas. The risk of irritation, inflammatory reaction and allergies increases.
The condition is annoying, long-term current, prevents sleeping at night, causes discomfort in society. Therefore, quite often itching is accompanied by the development of neuroses and psychosis (this applies to any itching, but if it occurs in the intimate zone, the severity of the consequences increases significantly). Especially hard to experience this condition people who have a tendency to hypersensitivity and irritability, a high level of anxiety. Itching entails insomnia, which leads to exhaustion of the nervous system, neuropsychic overstrain.
The danger also lies in the fact that a person scratches those places that are prone to itching, which may further entail an inflammatory and purulent-infectious process.
The basis of prevention is, first of all, a nutritious diet, a balance of vitamins and mineral components, a normal drinking regime. It is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations by a gynecologist, urologist. Should periodically undergo consultations with an immunologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, take tests for viruses, hidden infection. It is especially important to timely identify fungus and take measures to treat it. It is important to prevent dysbacteriosis, immune disorders. In addition, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, observe the daily regimen. In no case should not be hypothermic, minimize the impact of stress on the body.
If you have itching in the intimate zone - you need to see a doctor. In most cases, with proper and timely treatment, the prognosis will be favorable. If nothing is done - the situation may worsen, develop inflammatory, infectious process, other complications.