Eye exercises for children
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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The organs of vision are very vulnerable during childhood, as they are constantly and intensively developing. In addition, the eyes are regularly subjected to a great deal of strain: reading, watching TV, prolonged stay in front of a computer monitor, as well as infectious diseases, injuries and so on. So how to protect the child from probable visual impairment? For this purpose, experts offer special eye exercises for children: they are performed both to prevent diseases and to treat them.
Before starting practical eye exercises, children should definitely visit an ophthalmologist and make a diagnosis. This is necessary to determine the type of disorder. The doctor also has the right to prescribe certain exercises, taking into account not only indications, but also contraindications. You can not practice eye exercises in the following cases:
- within six months after surgical interventions on the organs of vision;
- for retinal detachment;
- for severe degrees of myopia;
- with elevated intraocular pressure.
Eye exercises are indicated:
- to stabilize the nervous system;
- to increase brain activity;
- to relieve the pressure on the optic nerve;
- to prevent vision impairment.
The need for calisthenics is particularly urgent:
- in the initial stages of accommodative disorders;
- after prolonged eye strain, after optic nerve overload;
- with regular computer use;
- when there is a genetic predisposition to visual impairment.
Exercises for the eyes, as well as gymnastics for any other parts of the body, should be performed regularly, in compliance with all recommendations and for a long time. If the exercises are carried out chaotically, periodically take breaks, it is not worth counting on any positive results.
Eye exercises for children are designed to train, improve the tone of the eye muscles. Any interruption - even for one or two days - can bring all the efforts spent earlier to naught.
Eye exercises for children are recommended to be repeated daily - you can do them in the morning or in the middle of the day. Each session should last at least six or eight minutes if it is a schoolchild, and about 2 minutes if it is a preschool child.
If the child goes to school or works long hours at the computer, the exercises should be performed before and after the visual load, optimally - three times a day.
Description of the exercise
Basic eye exercises for preschool and school-age children are performed in a comfortable position: the child can sit on a chair or on a mat. The main thing is that the spinal column should be straightened, as it is important to maintain posture during gymnastics. The complex consists of five basic exercises:
- After a deep and slow inhalation, the gaze is directed to the interbrow area, lingering on this area for three to four seconds. Return to the initial position is also done with a slow inhalation, after which the eyes are closed. Every day, the duration of gaze retention should be increased by a few seconds, up to a minute or more.
- On the background of a deep inhalation, look at the tip of the nose, hold for a few seconds and on exhalation return to the starting position. Close the eyelids for a few seconds.
- With an inhalation, slowly turn the eyes to the right as far as possible. Without delay, exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the left side as well. After a few days, the number of approaches is increased.
- Against the background of the inhalation, look at the upper-right corner and return to the starting position without delay. With the next inhalation look at the lower-left corner and return to the starting position. Then repeat the exercises, looking in the upper-left and lower-right corners. Over time, the number of approaches increase. After each cycle, close the eyes for a few seconds.
- With an inhalation direct the gaze downward, then slowly raise the eyes, moving clockwise to the highest point (conventionally - 12 h). Then with an exhalation follow clockwise to the "mark" of 6 hours. Close the eyes for a few seconds and then repeat the exercise counterclockwise.
Eye exercises for strabismus in children
Strabismus exercises help stabilize the function of the eye muscles. As a result, it becomes easier for the eyeball to assume the correct position relative to the medial axis. There are no single exercises to get rid of strabismus: eye exercises are divided into several complexes, depending on the form of strabismus.
- In convergent strabismus (pupils "look" at the bridge of the nose) helps exercise, for which it is necessary to prepare a cardboard mask, like a carnival mask. Make it yourself: the holes for the eyes should be small, about 1 cm. Such a mask is worn by the child at any strain of vision - for example, when watching TV. Exercises consist in making certain movements with the eyeballs. These can be numbers, letters, which the baby should as if "draw" in the air. The head and neck should not move.
- In divergent strabismus, the young patient stands upright, with a straight back, fists extended in front of him with straightened index fingers. The child looks at the finger and gradually moves it to the tip of his own nose, then returns to the starting position. Then, after a break of a few seconds, the exercise is repeated, but with the other hand. In addition, children with divergent strabismus are recommended when reading or watching TV for the first 15 minutes to look, covering the healthy eye. In this way it is possible to stabilize the visual tone and reduce muscle tension.
Eye exercises for astigmatism in children
Exercises for astigmatism should be practiced regularly, preferably in the morning, in a sufficiently bright room. Before practicing, it is necessary to remove glasses or lenses, if any.
The exercises for children are as follows:
- The child rotates the eyes first to one side, then to the other, then up and down, right and left. In the end, he/she brings the eyes to the bridge of the nose. It is advisable to repeat this eye exercise three times a day, without hurrying.
- The child raises the eyes extremely upward, as if stretching the muscles, then fixes this position for about ten seconds. Repeats the exercise by moving the eyes downward, to the left and right, as well as in a diagonal direction.
- The patient is placed near a window and asked to shift his/her gaze from a near object to a distant one. Then a finger of the hand is placed 35 cm from the eyes, which should be stared at for a few seconds and then switched to a farther object.
- The young patient stretches his hand in front of him and looks at the fingertips, slowly brings the hand to the nose and withdraws it again, continuing to look at the fingers without interruption.
- Several times a day you need to blink often-frequently, then - close your eyelids for ten seconds.
Eye exercises for farsightedness in children
What eye exercises are suitable for farsightedness?
- Sit as comfortably as possible so that the muscles are relaxed. The gaze is directed straight in front of you. Then the head should be turned to the right, simultaneously transferring the gaze and return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated up to ten times to the left and right.
- The child sits on a chair with his/her right hand raised to eye level. The right hand "draws" a virtual circle (clockwise), simultaneously moving the gaze. Repeat the exercise 7-8 times.
Children who can read fluently should try to absorb text in the smallest possible font - a little visual stress is necessary to restore vision.
Eye exercises for amblyopia in children
The "lazy eye" syndrome, although it requires constant ophthalmologic observation, is not hopeless. Treatment of the syndrome is performed by several methods, including a special set of exercises for the eyes. For example, such exercises can help:
- Any simple figure, such as a circle or square, is drawn on paper. The patient's healthy eye is covered. Using only the "lazy" eye, the patient must draw the same figure next to it.
- The child is seated five meters away from a table lamp or floor lamp, and any drawing is placed near the lamp. The child should look at the light for a couple of seconds and then at the drawing.
- They take two different pictures and place them in such a way that when looking at one of them, the second picture can be seen from the side. The child focuses his/her gaze on one or the other picture in turn.
Such exercises are effective at the early stage of amblyopia development. In more severe cases, the use of hardware methods or even surgical intervention is required.
Avetisov eye exercises for children
The exercises developed by Professor Avetisov provide for several effects on the organs of vision at once. These include improvement of accommodation, strengthening of the oculomotor muscles, elimination of tension and fatigue.
Avetisov exercises are performed slowly, starting with 3-4 approaches, with a gradual increase to 10-12 approaches. Gymnastics includes three complexes:
- The first complex is aimed at improving blood flow and accelerating fluid circulation in the eyeball. Exercises are performed in a sitting position:
- clamp their eyes shut for a couple of seconds, then sharply open their eyelids, repeat several times;
- blink frequently for 15 seconds, then close their eyes for the same amount of time, repeat several times;
- with the eyes closed, gently massage the eyelids with your fingers for about one minute;
- three fingers of the hand lightly press on the eyeball for a couple of seconds, repeat several times.
- The second complex guarantees gradual strengthening of the oculomotor muscles. The head should not move during the exercises:
- initial position - the back is straight, the child looks straight ahead, slowly raising the eyes upward and just as slowly lowering them;
- in the same position looking left and right;
- moves his eyes diagonally one way and another;
- rotates his eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.
- The third complex improves and strengthens accommodation. The exercises are performed in a standing position:
- Extend the hand in front of you, placing the thumb about thirty centimeters from your own nose, look at it for a couple of seconds, then look away, and so several times;
- as in the first exercise, look at the extended thumb, slowly bringing it closer to the tip of the nose, until the effect of "doubling" occurs.
Eye exercises for children according to this method are suitable only for prevention, or for correction of minor visual impairments. The exercises should be practiced regularly, because only in this case can we talk about the effectiveness of treatment.
Eye convergence exercises for children
Convergence weakness is diagnosed in about 15% of children. The disorder consists of a reduced ability of the eyes to hold convergence.
The complex of exercises aimed at correcting such a violation consists of three stages:
- Correction of functional visual defects:
- close their eyes tightly, relax, move their open eyes in and out of the clock hand;
- quickly move their eyes horizontally and vertically;
- Clench their eyes hard and open them quickly;
- look at the right shoulder, concentrate, blink several times and repeat with the left side;
- cover their eyes with the palms of their hands, relax;
- blinking intensely for half a minute;
- looking far and close, alternating several times.
- Prevention and relief of muscle spasms:
- sit upright, hands placed on the back of the head, inhale, elbows apart, and palms pressed firmly to the head; exhale - return to the starting position;
- raise the shoulders upwards as high as possible, then lower and relax, several times;
- strongly straighten the back, trying to connect the shoulder blades, return to the starting position, relax, repeat again;
- clench and unclench the back of the chair with their hands;
- slowly crane their necks to one side or the other;
- slowly shake their head to one shoulder and the other;
- Clench their eyes hard and open them sharply (repeat several times);
- massage closed eyelids with fingertips for ½-1 minute;
- rotate their eyes, looking vertically and horizontally, without turning their head;
- close their eyes on the inhale and open them on the exhale.
- Strengthening the eye muscles:
- holding a pencil in their hand, looking at its tip, making movements in different directions;
- stand with their backs to the wall and quickly move their gaze from one corner of the room to another;
- keeping their hands on their waist, turn sharply to the left and right, moving their gaze in the direction of movement;
- look at the source of bright light for a couple of seconds and then cover their eyes with their palms;
- Clamp their eyes tightly shut and open them sharply, then blink rapidly for fifteen seconds;
- lightly massage the eyelids in a circular motion with your fingertips.
Exercises for relieving eye fatigue for children
Exercises that relieve fatigue are recommended to be repeated daily!
- The child stands in the middle of the room, puts the arms down along the torso. Raises the shoulders as much as possible, holds them, moves them back to the back as much as possible and returns to the starting position. Performs intensive shoulder movements in a circle, repeats at least ten times.
- The child performs the exercise as in step 1, but in the opposite direction. Repeats at least ten times.
- Bring the chin close to the chest, relaxing the neck muscles. Then raises the head and moves it as far back as possible. Repeats the exercise up to 8-10 times.
- The child sits down, brings the chin close to the chest, then gradually turns the head to the left, to the back, and returns to the starting position. Repeats the movements up to 8-10 times to the left side, then the same number of times to the right side.
- The child sits, keeps the head straight, turns the neck to the left as much as possible, returns to the starting position. Repeats the exercise, but to the right side. Does 6-8 repetitions.
Eye exercises for children
Eye exercises for children under four years of age are conducted in the form of a game. Each exercise takes about 2 minutes and should be repeated at least three times a day.
- The child should close his or her eyes and open them on the count of three. The goal is maximum relaxation after maximum eyelid muscle tension.
- The baby should blink his or her eyes frequently, like the wings of a butterfly. Then rest for up to ten seconds. The aim is to improve microcirculation.
- The exercise, which is accompanied by the observance of the rhythm, is a so-called verse-song, of which there are quite a few. Children like such exercises very much, they do them easily and gladly. For example:
The airplane is flying, it's flying,
Up goes up and down goes down,
We have a wing on the left,
There's one on the right, too,
Down below is the sea, deep,
Above are the birds, high up,
Shake your head
And we're flying home.
During the eye exercise, the child looks up and down, right and left without turning the head. Between movements, close your eyes for 1-2 seconds. Help your baby by your example.
Eye exercises for children in rhymes
One to the left, one to the right,
Third one up, fourth one down.
It's like drawing a circle straight,
It's like a sketch of the sun.
We're going to look farther, closer,
To exercise your eyes,
After that, down as low as you can go,
Then up where you can't reach.
Our eyes need a rest:
We'll give them a massage.
And now we're better off
Watch the scenery outside the window.
Eye exercises
Repeat every hour.
Don't be lazy to execute,
To improve your eyesight.
We looked to the right, to the left
And they ran it in a circle,
Blinking, blinking, blinking,
It's gotten better - check it out!
Can you see your nose?
Can you see your forehead?
Draw the sun with your eyes,
Now close your eyes.
Take a deep, deep breath,
And on the exhale, blink.
Good workout
And healthy!
We're running down the street
And look around.
Both backwards and forwards,
Right, left, turn.
There are two clogs on his feet,
And there are clouds in the sky.
The wind rustles the leaves
And circling the street.
I closed my eyes - it's dark,
When I opened it, it was already light.
Blinked, winked,
Squinted and fell asleep.
And left and right,
Far and near,
We looked at the palms of our hands
And low on the legs,
Turned around, looked around,
They shook their heads,
Our eyes are rolling
And closed like they did in the beginning.
The changes occurring in the body
Vision problems in children can be solved if they are detected in time and all preventive and therapeutic measures are applied. After all, the eyes are a rather sensitive and fragile system of a child's organism, which is regularly subjected to severe overload.
To keep the eye muscles working properly, you should perform a number of exercises to relax and strengthen them. Relaxation improves vision in general, and training helps the eyes to look at objects at different distances better.
Eye exercises for children have proven themselves, especially in the early stages of diseases and as a preventive measure. Specialists have developed, tested and tried in practice several therapeutic complexes aimed at eliminating various ophthalmologic disorders. Exercises can be performed not only in specialized institutions, but also in ordinary home conditions.