
Vision deteriorates much faster with active use of gadgets

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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20 May 2022, 09:00

Many people notice that with the advent of a large number of gadgets, vision begins to rapidly deteriorate. Specialists have identified a number of reasons why this happens.

  • Both laptops and smartphones are undesirable to use in the dark. To reduce the strain on your eyes, you should at least switch your gadget to night mode or manually reduce the contrast and brightness to the lowest possible value. You can also activate the "dark theme" design, and on a laptop or computer in advance install a program that corrects the screen glow depending on the ambient light.
  • It is important to keep the distance between the screen and your eyes. You should not "rest" your nose on the screen: 30 cm is considered a safe distance. In some cases, for comfortable reading from such a distance it is necessary to slightly increase the font, adjust the size of icons. The size of the screen is also important. A diagonal size of 6.5-6.6 inches is considered the most comfortable.
  • You can't stare at a gadget screen for hours at a time without taking a break. Of course, many of us like to read, watch movies and shows, communicate on social networks. However, this does not mean that the eyes do not need to rest from the strain. It is important to understand that rest should be understood as not transferring your gaze from computer to TV or from smartphone to tablet. It is desirable to stare out the window for a long time, perform visual exercises, take a walk.
  • The screen of your gadget should be perfectly clean. Dust, fingerprints and other unaesthetic "marks" are, at first glance, unnoticeable. But our visual organs react negatively to them, as they try to filter the visual information coming to them. As a result, the strain on the eyes increases many times over.
  • Additional dynamic load is said about if a person looks at the screen of a smartphone or tablet while in a moving vehicle or just walking down the street. In this situation, the eyes try to focus on the image, which literally "walks around". Because of this constant and intense load, the eyes get tired extremely quickly. Experts warn: you should not use the gadget while driving.

In fact, it is possible to protect your eyes from the negative impact of screens, and it is not difficult. It is only necessary to heed the recommendations of ophthalmologists. Organs of vision are quite fragile structures, but not all of us fully understand what harm to vision can be caused by a familiar phone or tablet. If you ignore the advice of specialists, you may soon have irreparable problems with your eyesight.

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